Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/35

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  In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
035:001 Praise be to God, Initiator of the heavens and the Earth; maker of the Angels as messengers with wings in two's, and three's, and four's. He increases in the creation as He wishes. God is able to do all things. Alhamdu lillahi fatiri alssamawati waal-ardi jaAAili almala-ikati rusulan olee ajnihatin mathna wathulatha warubaAAa yazeedu fee alkhalqi ma yashao inna Allaha AAala kulli shay-in qadeerun
035:002 Whatever mercy God opens for the people, none can stop it. And what He holds back none can send it other than He. And He is the Noble, the Wise. Ma yaftahi Allahu lilnnasi min rahmatin fala mumsika laha wama yumsik fala mursila lahu min baAAdihi wahuwa alAAazeezu alhakeemu
035:003 O people, remember God's blessing upon you. Is there any creator other than God who provides for you from the heaven and the Earth? There is no god besides Him, so why do you deviate? Ya ayyuha alnnasu othkuroo niAAmata Allahi AAalaykum hal min khaliqin ghayru Allahi yarzuqukum mina alssama-i waal-ardi la ilaha illa huwa faanna tu/fakoona
035:004 And if they deny you, then also messengers before you have been denied. And to God will all matters be returned. Wa-in yukaththibooka faqad kuththibat rusulun min qablika wa-ila Allahi turjaAAu al-omooru
035:005 O people, God's promise is the truth; therefore, do not be overwhelmed by this worldly life, and do not let arrogance overwhelm you from God. Ya ayyuha alnnasu inna waAAda Allahi haqqun fala taghurrannakumu alhayatu alddunya wala yaghurrannakum biAllahi algharooru
035:006 The devil is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his faction to be the dwellers of Hell. Inna alshshaytana lakum AAaduwwun faittakhithoohu AAaduwwan innama yadAAoo hizbahu liyakoonoo min as-habi alssaAAeeri
035:007 Those who reject will have a painful retribution, and those who believe and do good works they will have a forgiveness and a great reward. Allatheena kafaroo lahum AAathabun shadeedun waallatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati lahum maghfiratun waajrun kabeerun


035:008 The one whose evil work is adorned and he sees it as being good. God thus misguides whom he wills, and He guides whom He wills. So do not let yourself grieve over them. God is fully aware of what they are doing. Afaman zuyyina lahu soo-o AAamalihi faraahu hasanan fa-inna Allaha yudillu man yashao wayahdee man yashao fala tathhab nafsuka AAalayhim hasaratin inna Allaha AAaleemun bima yasnaAAoona
035:009 And God is the One who sends the winds so it stirs up a cloud, then We drive it to a town that is dead, and We revive with it the land after it had died. Such is the resurrection. WaAllahu allathee arsala alrriyaha fatutheeru sahaban fasuqnahu ila baladin mayyitin faahyayna bihi al-arda baAAda mawtiha kathalika alnnushooru
035:010 Whosoever is seeking pride, then know that to God belongs all Pride. To Him ascend the good words, and they are exalted by the good deeds. And as for those who scheme evil, they will have a painful retribution, and their scheming will fail. Man kana yureedu alAAizzata falillahi alAAizzatu jameeAAan ilayhi yasAAadu alkalimu alttayyibu waalAAamalu alssalihu yarfaAAuhu waallatheena yamkuroona alssayyi-ati lahum AAathabun shadeedun wamakru ola-ika huwa yabooru
035:011 And God created you from dust, then from a seed, then He made you into pairs. And no female becomes pregnant, nor gives birth, without His knowledge. Nor does anyone have his life extended, or his life is shortened, except in a record. This is easy for God. WaAllahu khalaqakum min turabin thumma min nutfatin thumma jaAAalakum azwajan wama tahmilu min ontha wala tadaAAu illa biAAilmihi wama yuAAammaru min muAAammarin wala yunqasu min AAumurihi illa fee kitabin inna thalika AAala Allahi yaseerun
035:012 Nor are the two seas the same. One is fresh and palatable, good to drink, while the other is salty and bitter. And from each of them you eat tender meat, and you extract jewellery to wear. And you see the ships sailing through them, seeking His provisions; and perhaps you may be appreciative. Wama yastawee albahrani hatha AAathbun furatun sa-ighun sharabuhu wahatha milhun ojajun wamin kullin ta/kuloona lahman tariyyan watastakhrijoona hilyatan talbasoonaha watara alfulka feehi mawakhira litabtaghoo min fadlihi walaAAallakum tashkuroona
035:013 He merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night. And He has committed the sun and the moon, each runs for a predetermined period. Such is God your Lord; to Him is the sovereignty. And as for those whom you call on besides Him, they do not possess a seed's shell. Yooliju allayla fee alnnahari wayooliju alnnahara fee allayli wasakhkhara alshshamsa waalqamara kullun yajree li-ajalin musamman thalikumu Allahu rabbukum lahu almulku waallatheena tadAAoona min doonihi ma yamlikoona min qitmeerin
035:014 If you call on them, they cannot hear you. And even if they hear you, they cannot respond to you. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will reject your idolatry. And none can inform you like an Expert. In tadAAoohum la yasmaAAoo duAAaakum walaw samiAAoo ma istajaboo lakum wayawma alqiyamati yakfuroona bishirkikum wala yunabbi-oka mithlu khabeerin


035:015 O people, you are the poor when it comes to God, while God is the Rich, the Praiseworthy. Ya ayyuha alnnasu antumu alfuqarao ila Allahi waAllahu huwa alghaniyyu alhameedu
035:016 If He wishes, He could do away with you and He would bring a new creation. In yasha/ yuthhibkum waya/ti bikhalqin jadeedin
035:017 And this is not too difficult for God. Wama thalika AAala Allahi biAAazeezin
035:018 And none can carry the load of another, and even if it calls on another to bear part of its load, no other can carry any part of it, even if they were related. You will only be able to warn those who fear their Lord while unseen, and they hold the contact-method. And whoever contributes, is contributing for himself. And to God is the final destiny. Wala taziru waziratun wizra okhra wa-in tadAAu muthqalatun ila himliha la yuhmal minhu shay-on walaw kana tha qurba innama tunthiru allatheena yakhshawna rabbahum bialghaybi waaqamoo alssalata waman tazakka fa-innama yatazakka linafsihi wa-ila Allahi almaseeru
035:019 The blind and the seer are not equal. Wama yastawee al-aAAma waalbaseeru
035:020 Nor are the darkness and the light. Wala alththulumatu wala alnnooru
035:021 Nor are the shade and the heat. Wala alththillu wala alharooru
035:022 Nor equal are the living and the dead; God causes whomever He wills to hear. And you cannot make those who are in the graves hear. Wama yastawee al-ahyao wala al-amwatu inna Allaha yusmiAAu man yashao wama anta bimusmiAAin man fee alquboori
035:023 You are but a warner. In anta illa natheerun
035:024 We have sent you with the truth, a bearer of good news, and a warner. There is not a nation but a warner came to it. Inna arsalnaka bialhaqqi basheeran wanatheeran wa-in min ommatin illa khala feeha natheerun
035:025 And if they deny you, then those before them have also denied. Their messengers went to them with proofs, and the Psalms, and the enlightening Scripture. Wa-in yukaththibooka faqad kaththaba allatheena min qablihim jaat-hum rusuluhum bialbayyinati wabialzzuburi wabialkitabi almuneeri
035:026 But then I seized those who rejected; how terrible was My retribution! Thumma akhathtu allatheena kafaroo fakayfa kana nakeeri


035:027 Do you not see that God sends down water from the sky, thus We produce with it fruits of various colors? And of the mountains are peaks that are white, red, or some other color and intense black. Alam tara anna Allaha anzala mina alssama-i maan faakhrajna bihi thamaratin mukhtalifan alwanuha wamina aljibali judadun beedun wahumrun mukhtalifun alwanuha wagharabeebu soodun
035:028 And from the people, and the animals, and the livestock, are various colors. As such, only the knowledgeable among God's servants reverence Him. God is Noble, Forgiving. Wamina alnnasi waalddawabbi waal-anAAami mukhtalifun alwanuhu kathalika innama yakhsha Allaha min AAibadihi alAAulamao inna Allaha AAazeezun ghafoorun
035:029 Surely, those who recite God's Scripture, and hold the contact-method, and spend secretly and openly from what We have provided them, they are seeking a trade that can never lose. Inna allatheena yatloona kitaba Allahi waaqamoo alssalata waanfaqoo mimma razaqnahum sirran waAAalaniyatan yarjoona tijaratan lan taboora
035:030 He will give them their recompense, and He will increase them from His blessings. He is Forgiving, Appreciative. Liyuwaffiyahum ojoorahum wayazeedahum min fadlihi innahu ghafoorun shakoorun
035:031 And what We inspired to you from the Scripture, it is the truth, authenticating what is present. God is Expert of His servants, Seer. Waallathee awhayna ilayka mina alkitabi huwa alhaqqu musaddiqan lima bayna yadayhi inna Allaha biAAibadihi lakhabeerun baseerun
035:032 Then We inherited the Scripture to those whom We selected from Our servants. Subsequently, some of them wronged their souls, and others upheld it partly, while others were eager to work righteousness in accordance with God's will; this is the greatest triumph. Thumma awrathna alkitaba allatheena istafayna min AAibadina faminhum thalimun linafsihi waminhum muqtasidun waminhum sabiqun bialkhayrati bi-ithni Allahi thalika huwa alfadlu alkabeeru
035:033 They will enter the gardens of Eden, where they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments in it will be of silk. Jannatu AAadnin yadkhuloonaha yuhallawna feeha min asawira min thahabin walu/lu-an walibasuhum feeha hareerun
035:034 And they will Say: "Praise be to God who took away our sorrow. Our Lord is Forgiving, Appreciative." Waqaloo alhamdu lillahi allathee athhaba AAanna alhazana inna rabbana laghafoorun shakoorun
035:035 "The One who admitted us into the abode of eternal bliss, out of His grace. In it, no boredom touches us, nor does any fatigue." Allathee ahallana dara almuqamati min fadlihi la yamassuna feeha nasabun wala yamassuna feeha lughoobun
035:036 As for those who have rejected, for them is the fire of Hell, where they do not terminate and die, nor is its retribution ever reduced for them. It is such that We requite every rejecter. Waallatheena kafaroo lahum naru jahannama la yuqda AAalayhim fayamootoo wala yukhaffafu AAanhum min AAathabiha kathalika najzee kulla kafoorin
035:037 And they will scream in it: "Our Lord, let us out, and we will work righteousness instead of the works we used to do." Did We not give you a long life so that he who would remember would take heed, and a warner came to you? Therefore, taste, for the transgressors will have no supporter. Wahum yastarikhoona feeha rabbana akhrijna naAAmal salihan ghayra allathee kunna naAAmalu awa lam nuAAammirkum ma yatathakkaru feehi man tathakkara wajaakumu alnnatheeru fathooqoo fama lilththalimeena min naseerin


035:038 God knows unseen of the heavens and the Earth. He is knowledgeable of what is even inside the chests. Inna Allaha AAalimu ghaybi alssamawati waal-ardi innahu AAaleemun bithati alssudoori
035:039 He is the One who made you successors on the Earth. Subsequently, whoever disbelieves, then to him is his disbelief. And the disbelief of the disbelievers only increases their Lord's abhorrence towards them. The disbelief of the disbelievers only increases their loss. Huwa allathee jaAAalakum khala-ifa fee al-ardi faman kafara faAAalayhi kufruhu wala yazeedu alkafireena kufruhum AAinda rabbihim illa maqtan wala yazeedu alkafireena kufruhum illa khasaran
035:040 Say: "Do you see the partners whom you have called on besides God? Show me what they have created on Earth. Or do they possess any partnership in the heavens? Or have We given them a scripture wherein they are taking knowledge from it? Indeed, what the transgressors promise one another is no more than arrogance." Qul araaytum shurakaakumu allatheena tadAAoona min dooni Allahi aroonee matha khalaqoo mina al-ardi am lahum shirkun fee alssamawati am ataynahum kitaban fahum AAala bayyinatin minhu bal in yaAAidu alththalimoona baAAduhum baAAdan illa ghurooran
035:041 God is the One who holds the heavens and the Earth, lest they cease to exist. And they would certainly cease to exist if anyone else were to hold them after Him. He is Compassionate, Forgiving. Inna Allaha yumsiku alssamawati waal-arda an tazoola wala-in zalata in amsakahuma min ahadin min baAAdihi innahu kana haleeman ghafooran
035:042 And they swore by God in their strongest oaths, that if a warner came to them, they would be the most guided of all nations, but when a warner came to them, it only increased their aversion! Waaqsamoo biAllahi jahda aymanihim la-in jaahum natheerun layakoonunna ahda min ihda al-omami falamma jaahum natheerun ma zadahum illa nufooran
035:043 Arrogance on Earth, and evil scheming. And the evil schemes only backfire on those who scheme them. Were they expecting anything different from the ways used on the people of the past? You will not find any change in God's way, and you will not find any bypass to His way. Istikbaran fee al-ardi wamakra alssayyi-i wala yaheequ almakru alssayyi-o illa bi-ahlihi fahal yanthuroona illa sunnata al-awwaleena falan tajida lisunnati Allahi tabdeelan walan tajida lisunnati Allahi tahweelan
035:044 Did they not roam the Earth and note how was the consequence for those who were before them? And they were even more powerful than they in strength. But nothing can deter God be it in the heavens, or in the Earth. He is Knowledgeable, Omnipotent. Awa lam yaseeroo fee al-ardi fayanthuroo kayfa kana AAaqibatu allatheena min qablihim wakanoo ashadda minhum quwwatan wama kana Allahu liyuAAjizahu min shay-in fee alssamawati wala fee al-ardi innahu kana AAaleeman qadeeran
035:045 And if God were to punish the people for what they have earned, He would not leave a single creature standing. But He delays them to a predetermined time. Then, when their time comes, then God is Seer of His servants. Walaw yu-akhithu Allahu alnnasa bima kasaboo ma taraka AAala thahriha min dabbatin walakin yu-akhkhiruhum ila ajalin musamman fa-itha jaa ajaluhum fa-inna Allaha kana biAAibadihi baseeran