Royal Naval Biography/Butcher, Samuel

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2178738Royal Naval Biography — Butcher, SamuelJohn Marshall

[Post-Captain of 1802.]

This officer served as a Midshipman under Earl Howe in the memorable battle of June 1st, 1794; and was soon after promoted to the rank of Lieutenant for his good conduct on that occasion. He subsequently distinguished himself by cutting an enemy’s ship out of a harbour in the West Indies, at noon day, although she was lashed to the shore, and protected by large batteries in every direction. For this and other services on the same station he was made a Commander, and appointed to the Guachapin of 16 guns, in which vessel he captured el Teresa, a Spanish letter of marque, mounting eighteen brass 32 and 12-pounders, with a complement of 120 men, after a smart action, on the 16th Aug. 1800. His post commission bears date April 29, 1802.

Captain Butcher commanded the Antelope of 50 guns, on the Baltic station, in 1813; and obtained great credit for his steady courage and unwearied exertions whilst lying aground in the West Scheldt, exposed to a heavy cross fire from the batteries of Flushing and Cadsand, on the 1st, 2d, and 3d Mar. 1814[1]. In the ensuing summer he escorted a large fleet of transports and merchantmen to the coast of America, from whence he returned at the commencement of 1815.

  1. See Naval Chronicle, Vol. 31, p. 193.