Royal Naval Biography/Mitford, Robert

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2260822Royal Naval Biography — Mitford, RobertJohn Marshall

[Post-Captain of 1813.]

Was made lieutenant in Jan. 1802; commander Feb. 16, 1807; and post-captain Mar. 31, 1813. He commanded the Espoir brig, of 18 guns, at the capture of the islands of Ischia and Procida, in 1809[1]; and on the 4th April, 1810, his boats assisted at the destruction of two settees, laden with oil, near the town of Castiglione[2]: a few days afterwards, they also helped to destroy two sloops, with cargoes, in the bay of Naples.

On the 26th of the same month, the Espoir arrived off Terrecino, in company with the Spartan and Success frigates, commanded by Captains Jahleel Brenton, and John Ayscough. Four square-rigged vessels and several feluccas being discovered there at anchor under a castle, the boats of the squadron were immediately detached to attack them, and Captain Mitford, “with great energy and judgment,” ran in and sounded under the various batteries. Shortly afterwards the Spartan and her consorts brought up, and commenced a brisk cannonade; while the boats, under the orders of Lieutenants William Augustus Baumgardt, and George Rose Sartorious, in the face of a heavy fire, gallantly boarded a ship mounting 6 guns, which was obstinately defended by her crew; they also obtained possession of three barks, and brought off their four prizes with no greater loss than one man killed and two seamen wounded.

Captain Mitford subsequently commanded the Minstrel 24, on the Mediterranean station.

Agents.– Messrs. Chard.