Scenes and Hymns of Life, with Other Religious Poems/On a Remembered Picture of Christ

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An Ecce Homo, by Leonardo da Vinci.

I met that image on a mirthful day
    Of youth; and, sinking with a still'd surprise,
    The pride of life, before those holy eyes,
In my quick heart died thoughtfully away,
Abash'd to mute confession of a sway,
    Awful, tho' meek; and now, that from the strings
    Of my soul's lyre, the tempest's mighty wings
Have struck forth tones which then awaken'd lay;
Now, that around the deep life of my mind,
Affections, deathless as itself, have twined,
    Oft does the pale bright vision still float by;
But more divinely sweet, and speaking now
Of One whose pity, throned on that sad brow,
    Sounded all depths of love, grief, death, humanity!