Scenes and Hymns of Life, with Other Religious Poems/The Song of Miriam

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For other versions of this work, see Female Characters of Scripture. III. The Song of Miriam.



A song for Israel's God!—Spear, crest, and helm,
    Lay by the billows of the old Red Sea,
When Miriam's voice o'er that sepulchral realm
    Sent on the blast a hymn of jubilee;
With her lit eye, and long hair floating free,
    Queen-like she stood, and glorious was the strain,
E'en as instinct with the tempestuous glee
    Of the dark waters, tossing o'er the slain.

A song for God's own victory!—O, thy lays,
    Bright Poesy! were holy in their birth:—
How hath it died, thy seraph note of praise,
    In the bewildering melodies of earth!
Return from troubling bitter founts—return,
Back to the life-springs of thy native urn!