Statute Law Revision Act 1875

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The Statute Law Revision Act 1875

Source: The Public General Statutes passed in the thirty-eight & thirty-ninth years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1875. Queen's Printer. East Harding Street, London. 1875. Pages 593 et seq.

1237442The Statute Law Revision Act 1875

An Act for further promoting the Revision of the Statute Law by repealing certain Enactments which have ceased to be in force or have become unnecessary. [11th August 1875.]

WHEREAS, with a view to the revision of the Statute Law, and particularly to the preparation of the Revised Edition of the Statutes now in progress, it is expedient that certain enactments (mentioned in the schedule to this Act) which may be regarded as spent, or have ceased to be in force otherwise than by express and specific repeal by Parliament, or have, by lapse of time and change of circumstances, become unnecessary, should be expressly and specifically repealed:

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Enactments in schedule repealed

1. The enactments described in the schedule to this Act are hereby repealed, subject to the exceptions and qualifications in the schedule mentioned:


Provided that where any enactment not comprised in the schedule has been repealed, confirmed, revived, or perpetuated by any enactment hereby repealed, such repeal, confirmation, revivor, or perpetuation shall not be affected by the repeal effected by this Act:

and the repeal by this Act of any enactment shall not affect any enactment in which such enactment has been applied, incorporated, or referred to;

nor shall such repeal of any enactment affect any right to any hereditary revenues of the Crown, or affect any charges thereupon, or prevent any such enactment from being put in force for the collection of any such revenues, or otherwise in relation thereto;

and this Act shall not affect the validity, invalidity, effect, or consequences of anything already done or suffered,-or any existing status or capacity,-or any right or title already acquired or accrued, or any remedy or proceeding in respect thereof,-or any release or discharge of or from any debt, penalty, claim, or demand,-or any indemnity,-or the proof of any past act or thing;

nor shall this Act affect any principle or rule or law or equity, or established jursidiction, form or course of pleading, practice, or procedure, or existing usage, franchise, liberty, custom, privilege, restriction, exemption, office, appointment, payment, allowance, or emolument, notwithstanding that the same respectively may have been in any manner affirmed, recognised, or derived by, in, or from any enactment hereby repealed;

nor shall this Act revive or restore any jurisdiction, office, duty, drawback, fee, payment, franchise, liberty, custom, right, title, privilege, restriction, exemption, usage, practice, procedure, or other matter or thing not now existing or in force;

and this Act shall not extend to repeal any enactment so far as the same may be in force in any part of Her Majesty's Dominions out of the United Kingdom, except where otherwise expressed in the said schedule.

26 G. 3. c. 84. repealed.

2. The Act of the twenty-sixth year of King George the Third (chapter eighty-four), intituled "An Act to empower the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Archbishop of York, for the time being, to consecrate to the Office of a Bishop, Persons being Subjects or Citizens of Countries out of His Majesty's Dominions," is hereby repealed, and shall be deemed repealed as from the passing of The Colonial Clergy Act, 1874, and the savings herein-before contained shall not apply to the repeal contained in this section.

9 Geo. 4. c. 58. s. 25. (repealed by Statute Law Revision Act, 1873,) revived.

3. Section twenty-five of the Act of the ninth year of King George the Fourth, chapter fifty-eight, repealed by The Statute Law Revision Act, 1873, is hereby revived as from the repeal thereof, and all proceedings taken thereunder since such repeal shall be as valid and effectual as if the said section had not been repealed.

Short title.

4. This Act may be cited as The Statute Law Revision Act, 1875.

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