Talk:Baldwin Dictionary Definition of Pragmatic (1) and (2) Pragmatism

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Information about this edition
Edition: Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, Volume 2 (1902), ed. James Mark Baldwin
Source: Internet Archive (see table below)
Contributor(s): The Tetrast
Level of progress: progress description and icon
Notes: See below
Proofreaders: The Tetrast, nobody else yet.

Note: Peirce later (1906) called his Baldwin definition "mistaken" regarding what he had said and meant to say in his 1878 paper "How to Make Our Ideas Clear":

[...] I did not, therefore, mean to say that acts, which are more strictly singular than anything, could constitute the purport, or adequate proper interpretation, of any symbol. I compared action to the finale of the symphony of thought, belief being a demi-cadence. Nobody conceives that the few bars at the end of a musical movement are the purpose of the movement. They may be called its upshot. But the figure obviously would not bear detailed application. I only mention it to show that the suspicion I myself expressed (Baldwin's Dictionary Article, Pragmatism) [see 3] after a too hasty rereading of the forgotten magazine paper, that it expressed a stoic, that is, a nominalistic, materialistic, and utterly philistine state of thought, was quite mistaken.

See Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce v. 5, paragraph 402, note 3 (written in 1906).

To view volumes of Baldwin's Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology at online archives:
Save Vol. I
Vol. II
Vol. III (bibliog.)  
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Book pdf, DjVu, &
.txt file
All 3 volumes (but some hard to read)
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accessible outside USA.[1])
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.txt file
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Vol. III,
part II
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Classics in the History of Psychology html Letter/

A-O from Vols. I & II, transcribing


  1. See official Google Inside Google Book Search blog post "From the mail bag: Public domain books and downloads", November 9, 2006, 11:19 AM, posted by Ryan Sands, Google Book Search Support Team, Eprint.