Talk:Meyer v. C.I.R. Docket Nos. 6667-78, 10169-78. (1986)

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Edition: Meyer v. C.I.R. Docket Nos. 6667-78, 10169-78. (1986)
Source: United States Tax Court
Contributor(s): Smee
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Notes: T.C. Memo. 1986-328, 51 T.C.M. (CCH) 1634, T.C.M. (P-H) P 86,328, 1986 PH TC Memo 86,328. United States Tax Court. ERICH MEYER and ILSE M. MEYER, Petitioners v. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Respondent DONALD F. COX, Petitioner

v. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Respondent. Docket Nos. 6667-78, 10169-78. Filed July 30, 1986.

Proofreaders: Smee

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