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Latest comment: 9 years ago by Beleg Tâl in topic Merge with Blaise Pascal/Works
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Information about this edition
Edition: 1958 by E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.; ISBN 0525470182
Source: Project Gutenberg
Contributor(s): Spangineer
Level of progress: Copy/pasted from Gutenberg; fixed formatting


From the PG file:



Passages erased by Pascal are enclosed in square brackets, thus []. Words, added or corrected by the editor of the text, are similarly denoted, but are in italics.

It has been seen fit to transfer Fragment 514 of the French edition to the Notes. All subsequent Fragments have accordingly been renumbered.



Transcribers' note

Text in greek transliterated and enclosed in '+' signs in the following places: Pensées 70, 631 Footnote 231

Numbered anchors changed to letter anchors for the four footnotes in the introduction.

All the notes at the end of the text were numbered and appropriate anchors inserted in the text.

Note No. 54 on page 28 has the wrong line number and is positioned two notes after where it should be. Corrected the position.

"judgment" was consistently used throughout the text.

Page |Pensée |Details
     |       |
  9  |    32 |"beauty whch consists" - Typo for "which". Corrected.
     |       |
 37  |   121 |"that is infinite" - Added a period at the end of the
     |       |sentence.
     |       |
 46  |   154 |Mismatched brackets in original text.
     |       |
 75  |   260 |"youself" - corrected to "yourself".
     |       |
 86  |   301 |"It is because they have more reason?" - As in image.
     |       |
129  |   463 |"feel ull of feelings" - Typo corrected to "feel full of
     |       |feelings".
     |       |
133  |   479 |"the worst that can can happen" - deleted one "can".
     |       |
134  |   484 |Supplied missing period at the end.
     |       |
158  |   570 |"those whose whose only good" - deleted one "whose"
     |       |
162  |   587 |"they come with wisdom and with signs." - Typo corrected
     |       |to "they come with wisdom and with signs."
     |       |
165  |   598 |"Jesus Christ caused His wn to be slain." - Typo
     |       |corrected to "Jesus Christ caused His own to be slain."
     |       |
170  |   612 |"Salutare taum expectabo, Domine." - As in image.
     |       |
181  |   641 |"but it they have" - Typo corrected to "but if they
     |       |have".
     |       |
282  |       |Endnote 210. - "P. 158, l. 13. _Saint John_.--xii, 39."
     |       |-Corrected to ""P. 159, l. 13. _Saint John_.--xii, 39."
     |       |
286  |       |Endnote 331. "_Though ye believe not_, ect.--John x, 38."
     |       |-Corrected to "_Though ye believe not_, etc.--John x, 38."

Merge with Blaise Pascal/Works


Since this document is a transcription from Blaise Pascal, I feel it would be most sensible to have this one be a redirect to the other; does anyone disagree? —Beleg Tâl (talk) 15:45, 17 March 2015 (UTC)Reply