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The purpose of this template is to evaluate Wikisource translations. It takes two variables: completeness and quality. Completeness may be a percentage from 0% to 100%, while Quality should be a rating with one of the following values:

draft: Draft. This text is a draft translation from the original language. It needs corrections and revisions to make it ready for proofreading.
proof-both: To be proofread. This text needs to be proofread by a native or advanced speaker of the original language and by a native or advanced English speaker.
proof-eng: To be validated. The text was proofread by a native or advanced speaker of the original language. A second proofread by a native or advanced English speaker is desired.
proof-orig: To be validated. The text was proofread by a native or advanced English speaker. A second proofread by a native or advanced speaker of the original language is desired.
validated: Validated. The text was proofread by a native or advanced English speaker, and also by a native or advanced speaker of the original language. If you have suggestions for improving the translation, please state them on the talk page.

See also
