The American Revolution (scriptural style)

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The American revolution: written in scriptural, or, ancient historical style (1802)
by Richard Snowden
1590099The American revolution: written in scriptural, or, ancient historical style1802Richard Snowden







  • ' HONI SOTT qjJl MAL Y* PEKSE.'*


Baltimore :

Printed by W- PE'CHIN, i\«. lo, Second-street




1 HE EaflJndia Company fhip their Tea to America, charged with a Duty for the pur- pofe of raifmg a Revenue.

Chap, IL page 19. The Tea arrives on the coafL of America, and is deftroyed at Bofton — The port of Boflon is (hut up.

Chap, III. page 24. Dr. Franklin pre^ fents the Petition of Congrefs to the Parlia- ment of Great Britain.


Chap, IV. page 29. General Ga^-^ . fends a party to deftroy the Military Storei at Concord— The firil: commencement of UodiJities at Lexington.

Chap, V. page 35. Freili troops arrive from Great Eritaia— The battle on Bunker's Hill.

Chap, VI. page 40. General Gage re- turns to England-— fucceeded by General


Howe — The Americans fit out Privateers — The burning of Falmouth by the Britifh.

Chap. VII. page 44. Colonels Allen and Arnold furpriTe Ticonderoga. Subfe- quent operations in Canada.

Chap. VIII. page 52. St. John's taken —Col. Allen captured and fent to England- Montgomery llain.


Chap, IX. page 59. Tranfa£i:Ions in Vir- ginia during the ^idminiftration of Earl Dun- more.

¥'- Chap.- X. page 64. The embarrafs- nents of the King's Troops in Boflon — They

evacuate the towm and remove to Halifax

hi Nova- Scotia. ,

Chap, XI. page 70. FreOi Troops are fent by Congrefs to Canada — A large force L^rives from Great Britain-— The war in that province afiumes a new force.

Chap. XII. page yy. The Canadians complain of the conduct of the Army — The naval engagement in Lake Champlain.

Chap. XIII. page 86. The Parliament of Great Britain hire foldiers from Germany, for the purpofe of fubjugating the Colonies — Unfuccefsful expedition againft South Caro- lina — Commodore Parker wounded.


Chap, XIV. page go. Sir William Howe leaves Halifax, and is foon followed by his brother Admiral Howe, with a land force — Independence is declared — The battle on Long-Illand.

Chap, XV. page 99. The Commifli- cners declare their power for fettling the dif- putes fubfifting between Great Britain and the Colonies.

Chap, XVI. page 105. The American officers conclude to evacuate New-York— The battle at the White-Plains — Fort Wafh- ington taken.

Chap, XVII. page 117^' Fort Lee eva- cuated by the Americans — The IVIilitia defert in great numbers — General Wafhington re«  treats, through the Jerfeys. "

Chap, XVIII. page 118. General Howe fends forth a Proclamation — many take the benefit thereof, and make tl^jeif peace.

Chap, XIX. page 121.. The American ar- my retreat over the Dela'ware- — General Lee captured— The Hefiians taken at Trenton— The battle of Sanpink Bridge.

Chap, XX. page 128. The Expedition at Princeton- — The Americans recover great part. of the Jerfeys.


Chap, XXL page 133. The Rritifli ar- my retreats to Brunfvvick — Skirniifhes with fniall parties.

  • Chap. XXII. page 138. Governor

Tryon's Expedition to Dan bury —Deflroys

the American (lores — His party attacked by

Arnold, Woofler and Silliman — General

Wooller flain.

Chap, XXIII. page 143. Manc^uvres of General Howe fruitrated— The Britiili ar- my go on board their fnips — They land at the Head of Elk.

Chap, XXIV. page 149. Battle of Bran- dywine near Chadu's Ford — Succefsful on the part of the Britiili.

Chap, XXV. pa^e 156. General Howe marches in Philadelphia — The batde of Ger- mantown— the Delaware Frigate captured.

Chap. IJiYl, page i6y Operations a- gainfl Fort MilHin, on Pviud-Iiland — and Red- Bank — The former finally evacuated by the A-inericans.

Chat), XXVII. page 168. Fort on Red- Bank— The HefTians under Count Donop are defeated — Finally evacuated on the approach of Lord Corn wal lis with a large force — -Count Donop dies of his wounds.


Chap. XXVIII. page 174. The Ileffi- ans retreat through the Jerfeys, and plunder '\ the mhabitants.

Chap. XllH. page lyg. The Ameri- can armies go into winter quarters — Sir Guy Carlton is fucceeded by General Burgoyne— The Militia, under General Herkimer, fall into an ambufcade of Indians and Tories, led by John Johnfon and St. Leger, ^^'ho were upon an expedition againft Fort Schuyler.

Chap, XXX. page 186. St. Leger at- tempts to terrify the Garrifon in Fort Schuyler (formeriy^tanwix) isunfucceisful-— Col. Wil- iet and Lieutenant Stockwel undertake to go to the camp at Still- Water — General Schuyler fends a detachment under Arnold — The In- dians retreat with precipitation (occafioned by a ftratagem of Arnold) and the Britiih follow their example.

Chap. XXXI. page 192. General Bur- goyne advances, fends a detacjiment to fieze the {lores at. Bennington; they are repulfed with vigor, and a great part of the detach- ment cut off.

'Chap. XXXII. page 199. The Britifh army encamp on the heights and plains of Saratoga; and the American army at the Still- Water — a fmart engagement enfues, wherein


the Americans are fuccefsFul. General Clin- ton makes a diverfion to relieve Burgoyne and attacks Fort Montgomery.

Chap, I^TY^IW, page 206. TheBritifh army diflreiTed and nearly furrounded — their provifion begins to grow fcarce — endeavor to extricate themfelves, but are repulfed with confiderable lofs. Intrepidity of General Arnold. General Frazier flain.

C/jap. XXXIV page 211. The army commanded by General Burgoyne, after fe- veral fruitiefs endeavours to efcape, finally capitulate.

Chap. XXXV. page 217. Sir William Flowe prepares to embark 'for England; is fuccceded in command by Sir Henry Clinton. Unfuccefsful expedition of the Marquis la Fayette.

Cbap. XXXVI. page 224. The light- infantry land in the night, near Gloucefler, on the Jerfey Shore; and proceed to Haddon- field. The militia, commanded by Col. Ellis, have notice of their coming — ^they nar- rowly efcape.

Chap, XXXVII. page 228. The news of the army under General Burgoyne, arrives in England: in confequence of which, the French Court acknowledges the Independence


of the United States; and Dr. Franklin, Si. las Deane, and Arthur Lee, Eiqrs. are treat- ed with, as Conimiiiioners. Lord North's conciliatory bill pades both houfes of Parlia- ment; is fent to America, and rejeded by Congrefs.

Chap, XXXVIIL page 234. The French equip a fleet, for the purpoie of blocking up the Englidi in the Delaware. Sir Henry Clinton, being timely informed of their inten- tions, efcapes to New York : the land-forces marches through the Jerfeys. Battle of Mon- mouth.

Chap, XXXIX. page 244. The French fleet arrive at the Delaware, and purfue the Britiih ileiL, Their defiga fruftrated — difa- bled by a fcorm— rendezvous at Boiton. Ac- tion on Rhode Illand. -

Chap. XL. page 247. Major General Grey, with a party of the BritiOi, furprife and put to dQ?xh with their bayonets, nearly a whole regiment of Arnerican dragoons, commanded by Col. Baylor, at Old Tapaan.

Chap, XLL page 250. The Britifn for- ces are fuccefsful under General Prevofl, and Col. Campbell, and ellablilh themfelves in Savannah.

Chap. XLIL page 253. General Wayne's


fuccefsful expedition at Stoney Point — the fort, after being in pofleflion of the Ameri- cans a few days, is evacuated, and re-pofled by the Britifh.

Chap» XLIII. page 257. Spain declares war againfl Great Britain. Proceedings of the Britifh in Carolina.

Chap, XLIV. page 262, Major Lee furprifes the Britifh garrifon at Pov/les Hook. Unfuccefsful expedition againfl Penobfcot.

Cbap. XLV. page 26^* Southern expe- ditions — General PrevoR marches towards Charlefiiovvn, &c-

Cbap. XL VI. page 273. General Pre- voft before Charleftown — Sundry propofi- tions rejected by the Britifh : who being in- formed of the approach of the Americans, filed off towards the lHands near the fea.

Cbap. XLYU.page2yy, Count DTf- taing arrives on the coafl:. Uniuccesful ex- pedition of the French and Americans againfl Savannah.

Chap, XLVIII. page 2 8 5. Subfequent operations to the : outhward. General Clin- ton befieges Charledown. ' General Lincoln capitulates, t\C,


Chap, XLIX. page 292. Subfequent operations in South Carolina.

Chap. h. page 296. The battle of Cam- den, fuccefsfui on the part of the Britiih.

Chap, LI. page 301. Major Fergufou of the J 1st, Regiment, an active partifan, fti- mulates the difaffected to take up arms in fup- port of the Britifh government-— a great num- ber of this defcription embodies, and alter an obftinate refi (lance arc defeated — Fergufon is flain, and the refidue made prifoners.

Chap, LII. page 306, General Arnold's treachery difcovered. Andre taken and ex- ecuted.

Chap, LIII. page 314. General Green is appoinied to the command of the Southern array, in the rogm of Ceneral Gates.; ^. -^Suc- cefsful expedition of Lieutenant ^pl. Wafli- ington, kc.

Chap, lAV, page 321. General Green divides hh force.. Ihe o.ivifion under Gene- ral Motg^Ti goes to the Weflern extremity oi South Caioiiiia; defeats Tarleton at the Cowpens.

Chap. LV. page r^i->, A reinforcemeni; from Virginia, rfirnkia^e^ General Green to make a Hand againd Cornw^dlis — Is defeatedj, and retires to Speedwell iron-works.


Chap. LVI. page 335. General Green, with the Americaii Southern army, encamp within a mile of Camden. Lord Rawdon, with nine hundred men, are in Camden— They make a fally upon the American army, and gain the victory.

Chap. LVII. page 342. Cornwallis Is ftrengthened by the royal forces, under Phil- lips and Arnold — Traverfes the country— Is teebly oppofed by the'Aniericans.

Chap. LVIII. page 349. General Wafh- ington puts the American army in motion j and in conjunction with the French forces, marches to York-town. Count, de Graile arrives with the French fleet, at the Chefa- peake. The Britifli under Cornwallis, are clofely invefled, and finally capitulate.

Chap* LIX. pags 3.55. The news of the capture of Cornwallis, arrives in England-— Debates in Parhament.

Chap, LX. page 357. The Independence of the thirteen United States, acknowledged in Europe. Peace is declared.


^HE AMERICAN WAR— A POEM, By the same Author.


^ttiericait MtMution.

C H A P. L

T/je East-India Company ship iheir Tea io America^ charged with a Duty^ /or the pur^ pose of raising a Revenue.


N the thirteenth year of ihc reign of George the king, whose dominions extended from the iiland of Britain to the uttermofl parts of the earth!

2. The same year the king made a decree to tax the people of the provinces in the laud of Columbia, for they had paid no tri-i


i^ American Revolutic?:,

bute to the Idng, neither they nor their fore* fathers.

3. Neverthelefs, they gave the king every year a free-will offering (not as tributaries) for they were freemen, and were never ia bondage to any;

4. Neither were they seditious to the in- tereft of Caesar, they loved the liing, and meddled not with thofe who were given to change : his enemies were their enemies, and they fought the battles of the idng.

5. And the decree went forth from "^"^'hite-hall (the palace,) and it was sealed with the king's signet.

6. And the governors of the provinces v/ere commanded to make the thing known to the people.

7. Now ^hen the people of the pro- vinces had seen the writing of the decree, gtnd knew that it was sealed v.'ith the king's dgnet, they were sorely grieved, and there wa? a very great murmuring, the sound

American Revolution^ 15

thereof wa? like the ruihing of mighty waters!

8. And there were st that time a com- pany of merchants in the tov/n of Lud,* that ancient city, who had a navy of fhips that went once in three years to a far country to trafEc with the merchants of the Eail for the India?! weed. .

9. And the merchants sold the weed to the people of the kingdom of Britain at a cer- tain price, and it brought rauch v/ealth into the treasury of the king.

10.: Notwithftanding it was no better thnn the herbage of the fiehl, or the "hysop which groweth in the garden of the husbandman; yet the people loved to have it so.

II. Nov/ llie v.'onicn of \\ic land put th.^ weed into rinz earthen vessels, and they pu-: water into the vessels, and they poured oiu drink ciieriii'^^s thereof into cuds of enamel

  • Lonvlcn arieletilly called Liui,?.-rter a ki?.,q of &'\t


iG American Revohuion^

work; and It was their morning and evening


12. And the merchants who trafficked in the Indian weed, spake before the king and


12. Thou O King I hafl made a decree, tiiat the people of the provinces in the land of Columbia, fnall pay tribute to the king in like manner as v/e do here \n Britain,

14, Be it known unto thee O King! that our ilore-houses are filled with the Indian we£d,~by the gains thereof the flrength of thy kingdom is greatly increased.

35. Nevertheless the people of this thy realm of Britain, are not able to consume the one h'dlf of that which now is in our dorc' houses^ before the Hiips will arrive from the country of the Eaft; so the merchants will suffer I0SS3 and the revenue of the king will fail :

16. How if it please the king, let the fliips of the merchants be laden therewith, and let

American Revolution, m

them be sent to the land, of Columbia, to the people of the provinces, that they may buy thereof, and pay a tribute to the king over and above the price of the merchants.

17. For lo! thy fcrvants hr^ve heard they inhabit a fat land i a land of corn and wine^ that bringeth forth fruit \i\ its season, and where all the fruits of the forefl ^o grow!

lo. And moreover it hath been told thy servants, that they drink out of vessels of gold and vessels of silver! which is not seemly for any lo do except it be the servants of the king, whom he hath set over the realm, and dignined with great honor,

19. And the sayings of the merchantg pleased the king and his nobles; and he commanded that it should be even so as the merchants had desired.

20. Then v/ereall the (lore-houses set open, - and the Indian v/eed w^as bi*ought forth ia chefts mad^3 of the fuvtrec, and ^C?.^. chefts

B %

l8 American Revclidion.

were lined with broad flieets of lead, to pre- serve the weed from the waters.

11. And the cheds were put upon car- riages that were part of wood, 2A\d. part of iron, and horses were put to the carriages, (now there were do such carriages m the days of Solomoiiv)

22. And they went by i\\Q way cf the ftreet of the city, until thou corned to the tower of Lud, which looketh towards the liver^ v/here was a fair haven for diips.

23. Now when the fliips had taken in their lading, the mariners spread their sails to the Tvind, and unloosed their rudder-bands, and launched out into the great deep; and after they had set a compass, they fleered a fhrait course to the land of Columbia, that lieth to the wcftward of Britain, twenty-four thou- •sand furlongs.

American Revolution. ig


The Tea arrives on the ccafz of America ^ and is destroyed ai Boston. "Ihc port of Boston is shut up*

i^ll^D it Ctime to pass, "^'Tia^^ it was known to the people of the provinces, what had done in the iiland of Britain, and that the merchant flilps had sailed.

<L, They were greatly moved at the report thereof \ and the moving of the people was like the moving of the tall cedars, when the south wind bloweth upon them!

3. And the people arose^ as the sand of the sea for multitude, to oppose the decree of the king; and the number that conspired against receiving the '^'tt^^ was more than forty thousand men!

4. And when the jfhips had arrived on x^i'Z coall of Columbia, and the mariners were gone down into the fides of the fnips; lo! se- venteen llou-lil;e niea from the proving of the East,[1] disguised themselves like barba- rians,[2]. and went into the ships; and It was about the fourth watch of the night :

5. And they cad the Indian weed into the waters of the river, and it was all swallowed up of the waters!

6. Now when the morning was come, there was no small stir amongst the soldiers; and they made diligent search for the con- spirators; but they had hid themselves, and the thing was not known.

7. And letters were sent into every pro- vince, exhorting the people, far and near, to choose deputies from amongst the people that they might take counsel concerning this thing : and it was so.

8. And it came to pass when the deputies had gathered themselves together, that they also chose other deputies, men of wisdom, cut of every province. And they all met at one place; and these were called the great San- hedrim[3] of the people.

9. And the rest of the provinces, although they destroyed not the Indian weed, as the provinces of the East had done, yet they suffered not the mariners to unlade the ships.

10. Now when the captains of the ships saw that the people abhorred the decree of the king, they forbore to unlade the ships, lest a tumult should be made.

11. And when they had refreshed them- selves, they departed from the coast of Co- lumbia, and sailed to the island of Britain.

13. And when tidings came to the king of Britain, how that the people of the provinces had refused to obey the decree that he had made, and had destroyed the Indian weed.

13. He was exceeding wrath, and the form of his visage was changed; and he hastily galled his nobles, his counsellors, and his Wise men, that they might advise together touching this matter.

14. And a certain lord[4] who stood near the king, who was chief counsellor in the realm of Britain, spake before the king and said,

15. Inasmuch, O king! as the people of the provinces refuse to obey the decree thou haft made; if it seem good unto the king to hearken to the counsel of his servant, then let the king make another decree;

16. And let the writing of the decree be sent to the governor of the king's garrison, in the town of Boston, which lieth nigh un- to Salem, in the province of the East:

17. And if it please the king, let the go- vernor, and the captain of the king's shiips be commanded, that they take away from the town, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water; the shiips and the merchandize : and instead of plenty let there be a famine, and instead of peace, a sword!

18. And when the lord had done speaking, there was a great shout among the people; his counsel was as the counsel of Ahithopel in the days of David king of Israel! and he was set over the whole realm, and was next unto the king.

19. And the counsel pleased the king and his servants; and the king made a decree, and sent it to the governor by one of the tall ships of Britain.

20. And when the governor of the town had received the king's letters, he set a watch in the gate thereof : and the captain of the king's ship cast anchor in the river and no ship could pass that way.

21. Now it came to pass, when the peo- ple of the provinces had heard that their brethren in the town were in a great strait, they sent to speak comfortable words un- to them, and gave them goodly gifts.

22. And the great council of the province. even the great Sanhedrim of the people

wrote a petition to the king, wherein they be- sought him, not to cast off his people, for they were his own inheritance; but that he would look towards them as in times past.

23. And the petition was given to Benjamin[5] to give to the king : now this Benjamin was a wise man, and his name was much set by amongst the people; he exceeded ail the ancients in wisdom and knowledge.

24. He taught the people the hidden mys- teries of nature, which had lain hid from the foundation of the world, and which our fathers knew not!


Dr. Franklin presents the Petition of Congress to the Parliament of Great Britain

AND when Benjamin came into the great Council of the kingdom, the eyes of all the people were fastened upon him!

2. The princes refrained talking, and the nobles held their peace! they were (truck dumb at the wisdom of his words, and they laid their hands upon their mouths!

3. Twice they essayed to speak, yea thrice; but were confounded! for they could not re- sist the wisdom of his sayings; for an excel- lent spirit was in him.

4. Howbeit, they had determined before hand, that the petition of the people of the provinces should not be regarded, for the chief counscllor of the kingdom favoured it not.

5. Now there were many in the kingdom at that time, who were fed by the king, and were maintained by his bounty.

6. These men were like the locusts of Egypt, they devoured every goodly thing, yea, they were like the wolves of the evening hunting for their prey.

7. Now these men watched the words of the chief counsellor, whatsoever he said, they said; they were like the passive clay in the hands of the potter.

8. And the petition was rejected by the king and the great council of the kingdom, for it was determined to make war upon the people of the provinces, that they might be brought under the yoke.

9. And soldiers were sent from the land of Hibernia, and from places beyond the sea, and Thomas[6] was appointed governor in the province of the East.

10. He was also captain of the host of the men of Britain that were in the town of Bos- ton, and he strengthened himself in the town, and caused battlements to be built.

11. Now while these things were doing in the land of Columbia, there were certain men in the city of Lud, the chief city of the king- dom of Britain

rent of opposition, for the god of this world had blinded the eyes of the great council of the kingdom; and there were of them, who burned incense at the altar of Mammon, and followed after filthy lucre.

17. And Benjamin seeing that the time of his departure from the kingdom of Britain was at hand, hs took leave of his friends and went into a ship that was going to the land of Columbia, the place of his nativity.

18. And it came to pass, when the ship had arrived, and it was known to the people of the provinces that Benjamin their brother was returned from the island of Britain, that there was a great rejoicing throughout the whole land.

19. And he came to Philadelphia, which by interpretation fignifieth the city of Love; it was the chief city of the provinces; and the wife men of the city led him to the great San- hedrim of the people, and he sat in a chief seat.

20. And Benjamin arose upon his feet, and he rehearsed to the Sanhedrim all that he had heard and seen in the illand of Britain, and in the great council of the kingdom : and moreover he told them that the chief counsel- lor favoured them not.

21. Now when Benjamin had done speaking in the Sanhedrim, and the council had con- sulted upon the words that fell from his mouthy they took courage, and they set at naught the big swelling words of the lord of the realm of Britain.


General Gage fends a tarty to defiroy the MilU tary Stores at Concord, The frfi Commence^ ment of Hofiilities at Lexington.

ixND it came to pass, that Thomas, cap* tain of the hoft of the king of Britain, prii^


QQ Americaji Revolution,

vately sent a chosen band of men, about the eleventh hour ol the night, to a place called in the Italian tongue, Concordia,* to deftroy the ftore-houses of the people, and the im- plements for war.

2. Yet notwithflanding it was the night sea- son, when the soldiers set out, and the go- vernor kept a ftrid watch, yet the people of the province had notice thereof,

3. And there aflembled together of people of the province, three score and ten persons, and the foldiers of the king of Britain, were eight hundred valiant men.

4. And when the soldiers saw that the peo- ple of the province were colltcled together, they fliouted with a great fhout, and as they ihouted they fliut at the people of the pro- vince, and it was said that some of the peo- ple were llain.

5. And it came to pass, that Jo/j^i^j cap-

  • Concord.

f Major Butler.

A7nerican Revolution, g I

tain of a company of the province, when he heard the fliouting of the men of war, that he armed himself and ran, and about four hun- dred men followed after him to the battle :

6. And they overtook the soldiers of the king of Britain, at a place called in the ver- nacular tongue, Lexington; pnd they fought with them there; and the soldiers fled by the highway of the country; and John and the men who were with him, followed hard af- ter them, warring as they went, until thou comefl to the Mountain* that looketh to- wards the town :

7. And the men of Britain were very wea- ry and chafed in their minds; and it v/as about the going down of the sun when they ascended the mountain 5 and they reded there that night.

8. And on the morrow they pafled over the river and went into the town j and the num- ber of the flain of the men of Britain were

  • Bunker's- hill.

g2 » American Revolution,

three score and five persons; and their fell of the people of the provinces two score and ten men.

9. And it came to pass when it was known throughout the land of Columbia, that some of the people of the provinces were flain by the soldiers of the king of Britain;

20. That the leaders of the people cried out, saying; What part have we in George ^ or what inheritance in the house of Bruns- wick? lo! he hath cafe us off as aliens to his house, and dealeth with us as with enemies.

, I J . Then the people ftrengthened them- selves greatly, and encouraged one another to fight manfully for their country, ihcir wives and their little ones*

12. And the people accuftomed themselves to the exercises of war j and inftead of the voice of melody and the songs of gladness, the sound of the trumpet and the ihguting of the warriors were heard*

American Revolution. gj

13. Yet, notwithftandlng, the great coun- cil cf the provinces, even the great Sanhe- drim of the people, again besought tl-e king of Britain, that he would grant them peace, and call back his army from their borders :

14. But he was deaf to all their cries, and the lord, the chief counsellor of Britain, when he was told, that some of the servants of the king had been flain by the people in the land ol Columbia;

15. That he was exceedlns^ly wrath, and he said, Lo! these men want only to gain time to ftrengthen themselves for the battle --they cry peace, peace, and war is in their


16. But let the king now send over another army greater than the firft, and let the ableft captains of the boil of Britain be sent over to the Iccud of Columbia, that they may make an end at once.

17. And moreover he said. Is not the con- federacy of the rebelUous provinces, as tho'

34 'jimerican Revcluiion.

a man m^ue a rope with tht sand that is on the sea Ihore, which when it is broken will never unite again?

i3. And another lord* said on this wise, are not the people of the provinces like unto the wild roe upon the mountains, that ileeth before the hunters? one man of the army of Britain will chase an hundred, will put ten thousand to flight.

19. And it was so, that the king hearken- ed to the voice of CaQ chief counsellor, and he ordered the captains of the hofl to muiler an army to go to the land of Colun^bia, to subdue the people of the provinces.

20. And the captains haflened to obey the king's command, inasmuch as the lord of Britain was urgent for the business to be doncp and [he soldiers were put into the fnips, with all instruments for war.

21. An^ when the ships were ready, and had taken m their lading, they hoisted up

Lord Sandwic':,

'.merican Revoh-ioK, o/-

their anchors, and loosed their scils to the v/ind, and steered their course westward for the land of Columbia.


Fresh troops arrive from Great Britain. The haiile on Bunker's HilL

-riND it came to pass, after that the army of rhe king of Britain had gotten fafe to land, that the people of the provinces consulted to- gether concerning the war*

2. Now there was a mountain* on a neck of land, that overlooked the town, and the people of the provinces desired to have it for a place of defence, and essayed to take pos- session thereof by subtility.

3* And they went up to the top of the mountain, and they toiled hard all night, and

  • Bunker's KM.

oQ American Revohuion,

placed battlements on the mountain; and lo! when the sun was risen upon the earth, the captains of the host of Britain looked, and be- hold they saw the people of the provinces on the top of the mountain; and they were astonished out of measure!

4. And about the twelfth hour of the, day, Thomas, the captain of the host of Britain, sent an army to drive the people from off the mountain; and the number of men that he sentjwas about three thousand.

5. And the three thousand men passed over the mountain, and there was but a small space between the two armies : and the peo- ple of the provinces encamped on the moun- tain.

6. And they put the battle in array, army against army; and the battle waxed hot, and there fell of the men of Britain, one thou- sand and fifty-four. And there were slain of the people of the provinces, one hundred and thirty-nine.

American P^evolutlonn 37

7. Yet, notwithstanding the army of the king of Britain gained the top of the mountain, and they built a strong hold there, and placed a garrison of soldiers in the midst thereof,

8. Howbeit, it was a sore battle; and the captain of the host of the people of the provin- ces, w^hose sur-name was Warren was slain; and the people mourned for him many days.

9. And on the same day, the host of the king of Britain burned a town* with fire, that appertained to the province, and the peo- ple of the town lost all their possessions.

10. After these things, the princes of the provinces, even the great Sanhedrim of the people sent another petition to the king, en- treating him after the former manner, but they could not prevail.

11. Then the people of the provinces de- spaired of being reconciled to the king, inas- much as he harkned to the voice of the chief

  • Charleaon.


q8 American Revolution.

counsellor their enemy : then they exhorted one another to be of good courage.

12. And the great Sanhedrim of the peo- ple, consulted together where they should iind a man that would be able to go out be- fore the host of Columbia, and order the battle for them.

13. And they chose George^ whos sur- name was Washington^ he was from the south country, and had a goodly inheritance on Mount Vernon, and flocks and herds in. a- bundance.

14. He was a manor war from his youth, was beloved of the people, and his bowels yearned towards them in the day of their ca- lamity 1 he was also one of the princes of the provinces, and sat in the Sanhedrim of the people, who bore the burthen in the heat of the day.

15. And there were other captains appoint- ed under him; and the names of the captains were these, JrUmas, Cbarlcsy Philips Israel^

American Revolution,


Horatio, Seth^ Richard, David, William, Jo* seph, John whose sur-name was Thomas, and John and Nathaniel, These were all mighty men of valour, but George was chief captain.

1 6. And the chief captain of the host of the people of the provinces, took his way to the army that was encamped nigh unto the host of the king of Britain.

17. And as he passed along the highway of the country, the chief men of the provinces came out to do him honor.

1 8. And lo! when he arrived at the camp, he found them, as sheep having no shepherd, every man doing that which was right in his own eyes.

29. And he appointed unto every man his work; and the people served him wil- lingly, and with a ready mind 5 for whatso- ever he did pleased the people.


4Q American Revoluthn.


General Gage returns to England; succeeded by General Howe, The Americans fit out Privateers* The burning of Falmouth by the Brlish,

IN OW it came to pafs towards the end of the year, that Tlmnas^ the chief captain of die hoft of the king, was commanded to return to the iiland of Britain, to give an account to the king, touching the affairs of the pro- vinces.

2. And J^7///t2;72 was appointed chief cap- tain in his (lead. Now Willi ajn hd.d a bro- ther* who was a lord, and a valiant man; he went out againfl: the fervants of the king of Gaul; for the king of Gaul was formerly at war with the people of the provinces, and with the k*ng of i3riLain.

3. And the people of the provinces loved the brother of William : they fought by his

^' Lord Tow c—\^ ho fell in Canada hi the French

American Revolution, 4 %

fjde agalnd the fervants of the king of Gaul j and he was flain in battle.

4. And the people fet up a ftatue of hewn ftone, and faflnoned it with the tools of the cunning workman, after the manner of thofe days; and it flood for a memorial of his va- liant ads.

5. And there was yet another brother, who was a chief captain in the king's navy j he was also a lord of the realm of Britain.

6. And he fent the fhips of the navy to lie in wait for the merchants fiiips that failed out of the rivers of Columbia, and the navy of the king of Britain, was fpread over the face of the great deep.

7. Now failing became dangerous, by rea- fon of the fliips of the king of Britain, inas- much as they took the mariners captives, and carried the fnips of Columbia to their own. coafls.

8^ Thefe fliips were armed with engines, D %

4 2 American Revolution,

fuch as were not known in the days of old : iire and balls iflued out of their mouths; and the men who had the charge thereof, could Ihoot the balls to an hair's breadth! They were the invention of Satan, and as it is written in the book of John^ the fweet finger of Albion.

9. Then the people of the provinces com- muned togethe- concerning this thing; and the great Sanhedrim of the people fent to the men • ho were occupied at the burning fiery furnace, that they fhould make engines like unto the engines that were in the fhips of the navy of the king of Britain.

1 o. And the men heated the furnace feven times hotter than it was wont to be heated, and they caft the iron into the furnace, and lo! it became an engine to dedroy men!

II. And the captains of the flips of the land yf Columbia, took the engines into the

  • Miltoa's Paradife Lofl,

American Revolution. ^^o

fliips, and made all fpeed to war with the fea captains of the ifiand of Britain.

12. And a captain* of one of ths fhips that the Snhedrim fent out, found a fiiip that v;as going to the army which was en- camped in the town; and the fiiip was iadeu with all implements for war, to ftrengthen the hofl of the king of Britain.

13. And the mariners were made captives, and the fliip was taken into a haven that be- longed to the people of the provinces : and when they were unloading the fhip, lo! they found great flore of the deftroying engines; fome of them were of brals, and fome of iron:: and the people rejoiced greatly,

14. And the other captains did even as the former captain had done; and they tof k cap- tive many of the fhips of the king of Britain^ with the mariners thereof, and the ftrength ^ Columbia was encreafed thereby^

. 1 /I men can Revolution*

15. Novv the fervants of the knug of Bri- tain wereforely vexed, inarmuch as they flood in need of thofe thhigs that were found in the ibips, which the captains of the provinc- es had taken.

16. And they were filled with wrath, and lulled after revenge; for they were chaffed in theh' minds as a bear robbed of her whelps. And it came copafs, that a fea captain of the navy of the king of Britain, burned a town* that lay nigh unto the fea coafl.


Colonels Allen and Arnold fur pr if e Ticondero^a» Subfequeiit cperaiions in Canada*

iN OW there was a ftrong hold, called in the French tongue, Ticonderoga; and there ■was a garrifon of foldiers in the hold, who '^ere the fcrvams of the king of Britain ) and

  • Falaaoaih*

American Revolution, At::


the people of the provinces defired to have it for a poiTeiTioR,

2. And they fent Ethan "^ and Benedid^^ two lion-like men, towards the hold; and there followed after them two hundred and feveaty men, | whofe dwellings were in the mountain?, and they were all valiant men.

3. And it was about the third watch of the night when Ethan and Benedid came againU: the hold. Now there was a river § betwixt them and the ilron^ hold.

4. And about the cock-crowing, the two captains, Ethan and Be?iedicl took with them four fcore and three men. and paiTed over the river; and they gat into the hold before the governor thereof had arifen from his couch, for hij eyes were yet heavy with fleep,

5. And when the governor opened his eyes, lo! he faw Ethan and Bencdid had gotten in- to the hold y and he demanded of them by

  • Col. Ethan Allzr. | General Arnoli,

X 'Green ^!our.»?.in Bays. ] Li-^ke Ghampl lin.

^j5 jimerkan Revolution.


what authority they did thefe things, and who gave them that authority,

6. Then Ethan raifed his voice aloud and faid, Our authority is from the Great jehovaJj and the princes of the provinces, even the great Sanhedrim of the people, whofe ier- vants we are.

7. Then the governor's heart melted with- in him, when he heard the voice of Ethan / and he delivered up the ftrong hold with the garrifon thereof, to the two captains, Ethan and Benedi^i; and the garrifon were made captives.

8. /'ind it came to pafs that when the great Sanhedrim of the people were told of the va- liant adls of Ethan and Benedi6l, they rejoic- ed in fecret at the zeal of the two captains.

9. But, innfmuch as they defired to make a covenant of peace with the king of the ifland of Britain, they made a decree that the fpoil that was found in the hold, fbould be convey-

American Revolution, ^ 7

ed to a place of fafety, that It might be ready at a future day when called for.

10. And the heart of Benedi& was lifted xip, and he caft in his mind, how he fhould get pofleffion of the whole province that lay Northward from the hold : (now the inhabi- tants of the land were called Canadians) and he wrote letters to the great Sandhedrim, touching the matter; and the princes of the provinces, even the great Sandhedrim of the people barkened to the voice of Benedid.

11. Now Guy* who was governor of the province, and fervant to the king of Britain, when he heard that the flrong hold was taken by Ethan and Benedid, he thought to have gone againft it and to have gotten pofTeiTion thereof for the king his mafter.

12. But the men of war who were with the governor were few in number, and he effayed to perfuade the Canadians and the barbari- anst of the wildernefs, to fight under the ban-

  • sir Gkw Carleton. f Indians.

^8 American Revoluiion.

ners of the king of Britain, but he could not prevail.

13. And when the Sanhedrim of the pro- vinces were told that Guy the king's governor, was minded to go againfl: the hold that Ethan and Benedicl had taken, they were troubled in their minds;

14. And they faid, Lo! if we fuffer the governor to eftabUfh himfelf in the hold, the king of Britain will bring againfl us from the North borders, the barbarians of the wilder- nefs and the Canadians, and we fhall be en- vironed round about by the armies of the king, and v/e fhall of a certainty fall before the hod of the king of Britain.

15. Eul let us quit ourfelves like men, and let an army be fent Northv/ard to oppofe the king's governor, and let the captain of the hofl bt commanded to fpeak comfortably to the Ca- nadians \ peradventure they will be a ftrength to the hoit of the people of the provinces, and fight under the banners of Columbia.

Amei'ican Revolution* j^g

1 6. And Philip* and Montgomery were ap- pointed chief captains of the army that was fent to cppofe the king's governor; and they took their way towards the flrong hold, and the hod of the people of the provinces follow- ed after them.

17. And when the hod of the people had entered the borders of the province, Philip delivered an oration unto the inhabitants of the land, even to the Canadians; and the words that he fpake were on this wife, that the people of the provinces were not come to opprefs, but to deliver them from their op- preflbrs.

18. And the natives {l:ewed them no fmall kindnefs, they brought of the firft fruits of the land to refrefli the army of the people of the provinces, and many other fuch things did they do.

19. Now there was another flrong hold

  • General Philip Schuyler.

^O A77ierican Revolution.

that was garrifoned by the foldlers of the king of Britain, and it was called St. John's after the fuperftition of that country; and they efTayed to gain poiTeflion thereof.

20. The hold was very ftrong, and the chief captains of the hod held a council toge- ther, and the greater part advifed to depart thence to a certain illand, called in the French, tongue, The Ille aux Noix, to the South of the hold about ninety-fix furlongs,

21. Now Philip was taken fick, by reafon whereof he could not go out before the hofl: as at other times j and he departed thence, and journeyed onwards until he came to the hold that Ethan and Benedid hdid taken } and he fojourned there for a feafon.

22. And Montgomery^ the chief captain, re«  turned back again to the hold, for it grieved him that he had left it, left the foldiers in the garrifon fhould think that he had turned his back upon them through fear; and he call a bank againft the hold, and placed the de-

A m eric a n Revo lid io n, gi

ftroying engines on the bank which he had cafl up,

23. But he could not prevail, inafmuch as the black duft*^ which they put into their en- gines, began to fail. Now the duft was made of nitre and brimftonej and without it, the engines could do nothing.

24. Now there was yet another holdf that was garrifoned by fonie of the foldiers of the king of Britain, and it was about forty and eight furlongs from the place where the hoG: of the people of the provinces were encamp- ed.

25. And Monigcrnery, the chit f captani, fent a captain with a band of men to take poileiTion thereof; but he abode there ftill.

26. And the captain, and the men who were fent with him, did as they were ccm- manded \ and they prevailed againd the hold

  • Gun-Fov/aer. f Crown Point.

j^2 American Revohuion.

and took \ty and found much fpoii therein; and amongfl the fpoil there was found large quantities of the black dufl for the deflroying engines.

I* CLj, And the fpoil and tho, captives were

brought to the camp, and hUntgomery , the chief captain, when he faw the black dufl, commanded that the deflroying engines ihouid be fet to work, and the noife thereof was like the noife of mighty thunders!


St. John's taken — CoL Allen captured and sent to England-— Montgomery Jlaln,

X\ OW when it was told Guy^ the king's governor, that the garrifon were in a great flrait, he gathered together about eight hun- dred men, and he haflened to deliver the gar- rifon from faUing a prey to the hoft of Co- lumbia.

2. And it was ioy that as he was paiTing

American Revolution. r,o

the river, a certain captain, with three hun- dred men, fervants to the Sanhedrim of the provinces, lay in ambufh, and they arofe up^ and fell upon the men who were w^ith thego- veinor, -^nd drove them back again : and che men who lay in ambulli, had their habita- tions in the mountains.

3. Now v^^hen the captain of the garrifon knew that the governor had been foiled in battle, his fpirit funk within him, and he delivered up the hold to Montgomery^ the chief captain, and the foldiers of the garrifon were all m-^de captives.

4. And it was about this time, that Ethan was fent with about four fcore men, to do a certain thing ^ and as he was returning, on his way to the camp, the governor came out again il him;

5. And Ethan and the men who were with him, fought with the governor, but could not prevail 5 and he w^as taken captive, with

E 3

g^ American Revolution >

three fcore and eight perfons j and there were flain of the men of Ethan^ fifteen; and the refidue made their efcape : and Ethan was fent bound to the iiland of Britain.

6. And it came to pafs, that Montgomery^ the chief captain of the hod, journeyed on- wards to a town,* wherein were fome fol- diers, who were fervants to the king of Bri- tain.

7. Now when the captain of the foldiers was told that Montgomery ^ the chief captain, was coming againfl: the town, he put his fol- diers into the king's fhips, which had cad an- chor in the river : and the men who had fled into the (hips, hafliened down the river, hoping to efcape that way.

8. But a captain, whofe fur-name was Eaji- cn^ and fervant to the Sanhedrim of the peo- ple, v/ithftood the fhips, an,d overcame them,

and took the people captives, and got much fpoil out of the fhips.

  • Montreal.

American Revolution,


9. And it came to pafs, that George, chief captain of all the armies of Col umblieL, being mindful of his brethren who were wa1"ring with the king's governor, and fearinglefl: the men who were with the captain, Montgomery^ were too few; he fent Benedid and a thoufand men with him to ilrengthen the hod.

10. And Be?2edici took his way through the wildernefs, and the thoufand men followed after him. Now the way was difficult to pafs, it was a land of pits and fnares, the foot of the way -faring man had not trod therein, neither were the flocks of the fons of men feen in the way : it was a covert for the beafts of prey, and far from the dwellings of man!

11. And three hundred and forty of the men returned back again, and the refidue followed after Benedlcl: and it came to pafs, that the bread failed in their veiTels, they were ^araifiieJ with hunger, and their tongues clave to the roof of their mouths; yet the %irit of a man was in them, and it fuilained


5 American Revolution,

them! they prelTed forwards until they came to the ii^abited parts of the province, and the natives miniftered to their neceflities.

12. And it came to pafs that the watch- man on the wall of the city,* looked, and behold he faw a multitude of armed men coming out of the wildernefs; and he cried aloud, and faid, Lo! I fee a company coming from the wIMernefs, and the banners of the great Sanhedrim are amongft them!

13. And Montgomery^ the chief captain, and Benedid^ befieged the town round about; and they cafl a bank againft it; and they planted the deftroying engines on the bank that they had cad up; and they efiayed to batter the town, but could not prevail, for it v/as built upon a rock.

14. And Montgomery^ the chief captain, being minded to take the town by force, fent a meflenger to the governor thereof, warning hini to deliver up the town v/ith the garrifon^

"■ OucbEc,

American Revoluiion,


that the blood of the inhabitants might not be fpilt.

15. But the governor hearkened not unto the voice of Monigo?nery^ but fliot at the mes- senger from the wali, and the messenger re- turned.

1 5. Then the chief captain, Montgomery^ divided the hoft into four bands, and he ap- pointed a captain to each band, and it came to pafs in the morning, about the time of the cock-crowing, the four bands moved towards the town; now it was the chi^f town of the province,

17. And, as the chief captain and his ar- mour-bearer* had paffed the firft barrier, and were about to enter the fecond, lo! a ball from the deflroying engines felled them both to the earth.

18. And Benedict was wounded, and they carried him from the field of battle; but the men behaved valiantly 5 neverthelefs they

  • John MTherfon.

58 American Revolution,

could not prevail agaiiift the governor and the men who were with him; and the governor took captive of the people of the provinces three hundred men, and the ilain and wound- ed were four fcore,

19. And when the governor faw the chief

captain fall to the earth, his foul was moved

within him — his repen tings were kindled—

he took the bleeding warrior by the hand,

and the tear of humanity dropt from his eye- lids! — he endeavored to raife him from the

earth, but in vain! — the vital fpirit was fled,

and the fhadowsof the evening were flretch-

ed over him!

20j They laid his body upon the bier— • they bore him to the tomb — to the houfe ap- pointed for all the living! — He received the lad office of love from Guy^ the generous foe of Columbia!

2 1 . The princes of the provinces will be- wail the lofs of their brother! and thy name O Guy! fhallbehadin everlafling reniem-

American Revolution^


brance! The fcribes of Columbia fhall record thy worth, and tranfmlt thy virtues topofler- ity!

2 2. The captives thou didfl take with thy fword, were fent to their dwellings in peace! their wants were lupplied by thy bounty, and the fick were relieved by thy care! The blefs- ings of thepoor came upon thee! and the heart of the captives leaped for joy!


Transadions in Virginia during the Adminifvra* Hon of Earl Dunmore *

/\ N D there was yet war in the land of Columbia; for the armies of the kins; of Bri- tain were encamped in the flrong holds there- of.

2. -And there was a certain governor, cal- led Dunmore; he had jurifdidion over a pro- vince of the Soutn, called Virginia, which

6o American Revolution*

by interpretation fignifieth the Hate of a vir- gin, and in honor to a queen of the ifland of Britain, whofe name was Elizabeth^ and fhe was never betrothed to any.

3. Now Dtinmore, the governor, was given up to vain delufions and a reprobate mind; in that he manifefted the fruits of wrath, en- vv and many other hurtful lufts; and all who do fuch things are in a (late of reprobation. Moreover, he thought to rule the people with a rod of iron.

4. And, notwithftanding, his hands were w^eak, for he had no foldiers under him; yet he was defirous to do fcmething to pleafe the king his mafter, and gain a little honor to himlelf; for verily the man was ambitious.

5. And he entered into a league with feme mariners who belonged to the navy of Britain, and be covenanted with them, that they fhould help to take away the black duft out of the (lore houfes of the province.

6. Then, when the people of the province had notice thereof, they armed themfelves,

American Revolution. gi

and fet a watch; and the governor waxed very wroth, inafmuch as the people were not willing to come under the yoke : and being exceedingly mad againll them, he fpake bitter words againft them, yet the people cared for none of thofe things.

7. And it came to pafs, that the people of the provinces were told that the governor had fent letters to the king's fervants in the ifland of Britain, concerning them, and that there were words in the letters that ought not to have been there; words of fophiftry, tending to ftrife. And the people were grieved there- at.

8- Now Dunmorfy the governor, walked not in the ways of Guy; but in the ways of Sanballat and Tobias^ the Jews enemy, who hindered Nehsmiah from building up the walls of Jerufalem, and he made the breach wider between the king and the people of the pro- vinces. .

5 2 American Revolution,

9. Moreover he fet up the banners of the king, his mafter, and flirred up the Ethi- opians to rebel : now the Ethiopians were bond flaves to the people of the province.

10. It was not for thee, Dunmcre, it was not for thee, to break the bonds of the Ethi- opians! was it ever known fince the days of cur forefathers, that any man could bring a clean thing out of an unclean? I trow not.

11. Neverthelefs, In the fullnefs of tlme^ when the people of the provinces are delivered from the oppreffions of the king of the ifland of Britain, furely they will render to every man jufticeand right?

12. For have not the princes of the provin- ces, even the great Sanhedrim of the people declared, that freedom is the birth-right of every man that cometh into the world, and that no prince, ruler nor governor, hath pow- er to take it away?

13. They will never forget the rock from

American Revolution^ 63

whence they were hewn, nor the hole of the pit from whence they were dug : the words of their mouths muft not fall to the ground, for where the word of a prince is, there is power.

14. Then will the goings forth of the rulers be, as a morning without clouds, their ways will be eftabliflied in peace 1 if they break eve- ry yoke, and let the oppreflfed go free! Then will Columbia be the praife of the whole earth, and light and truth pervade the whole land 1

15. And the reft of the a<Sl:s oi Dimmor:^ and all that he did, and how he burned the chief city of the province with fire; are they not written in the book of Ramfay the fcribe?

6 1 Ammcan RevoluHcn.


The emharraJfmenU of the Kings's Troops in Bojion — They evacuate the town^ and remove 1Q Halifax in Nova-Scoiia,

JN O W the hoft, of the king of Britain, lay encamped ia the town of Boflon, in the province of the Eafl : and the army of the people of the provinces, environed the town round about.

2. And the hod within the town were in a great (Irait; their bread was nigh fpent, and their fuel began to fail : and the (hips of the ifland of Britain had not arrived to minifter to their neceffities, and they were ready to periih, for it was winter.

3. Howbeit, 'they pulled down the houfes, in the town, that v/ere made of wood, and they kindled a fire therewith; then they gat heat: and at laft, the fhips arrived, and there was great joy in the town.

4. Now there were certain men in the hod

American Revohtion. 6^

of Columbia, who were like the heath in the defert, they knev/ not whence good came» Thefe men fpake againft the chief captain, in- afmuch as he did not force his way into the town where the army of the men of Britain w^ere encamped.

5. Neverthelefs, he bore with thefe men, and anfvvered them not again; he trode in thefootfteps oi Fabius^ who went out againfl the Carthagenians, and by his wifdom faved the Roman pec^le from falling a prey to their enemies.

6. His wants were many, but he kept the door of his lips, left peradventure, the ene- mies of Columbia (hould hear thereof : the cogitations of his heart were deep and ponder- ous.

7. Now the deftroying engines in the army of Columbia, were idle, for the black duft- begaa to fail : but it came to pafs, that the

F z

66 J^merlcan Revolution,

princes of the provinces, even the great San- hedrim of the people, fent fwift fliips to the land of Ethiopia, and they bought the black duft of the merchants of Ethiopia.

8. And George, chief captain of the armies of C lumbia, confulted with the principal men of the hofl, and fpake unto them, fay- ing, Shall we go up againfl the town, where the army of the king of Britain is encamped, or fhall we forbear?

9. Now, when they had confulted together, they fpake unto the chief captain, and anfwer- ed him after this manner; faying, We think it not expedient for the hofl of the people of the provinces to go againd: the town; never- thelefs, we think it advifable that the army occupy the high places* that look towards the river.

ic. And it came to pafs, that the chief cap- rain ordered the men who had the charge of tb<? deftroying engines, to fet them to work j

  • Pi)rQheIler heights.

American Revolution. 67

and it was fo, that the engines difcharged their thunders upon the town.

1 1 . And when the engines were at work, lo! the people of the provinces gat pofTefTion of the high places, and flrengthened themfelves on the top thereof, and it became a place of defence.

r 2. Now when the chief captain of the navy of the king of Britain, faw that the people of the provinces were encamped ori the high places, he was aflonifhed; and he fent to the chief captain of the hoft of Britain, and, faid. If thou fuftcr the army of the people of the provinces to occupy the high places, the king's fhips will be in danger.

13. Then was the chief captain of the army of the king of Britain troubled j and he pre- pared himfelf to go out and fight with the hod of the people of the provinces, and to drive them from the high places. And the people of the provinces, even the hod of Co* lumbiap they alfo prepared fgr the battle,

68 American Revolution.

14. Bat it came to pafs, that there was a great florm; and the rains defcended, and the floods came and beat upon the hoft, and the men of Britain were difcomfited.

15. And the fear of G^cr^d", captain of all the armies of Columbia, fell upon them, even upon the chief captain, and the army of Bri- tain; and they fled into the /hips of the king of Britain.

16. Now there were two fedls fpread over all the land of Columbia; the name of the one fe£l was whigs, and the name of the other fe£t was tories.

1 7. And it came to pafs, that the fed of the whigs, prevailed and grew flronger and flronger, and the fedl of the tories grew weaker and weaker.

18. Now the tories were counted as the olF- fcouring of all things; and they were fain to hide themfelves in the clifts of the rocks, and in the thick forefts of Columbia; and the foles of their htt found no reft, becaufe of their enemies j neverthelefs, there were fome

American Revolution* 6g

^^-orthy men amongft them, who followed not after filthy lucre, nor that which maketh for itrife.

19. And when the army of the king of Britain was fleeing into the iliips, there were fome of the fed of tories who fled with them, and they left much of their (tuff behind in the town, and it became a prey to the hod of the people of the provinces.

20. And it was fo, that when the army of the king of Britain had gotten into the fliips, they fet fail for the country, called in the La- tin tongue, Nova-Scotia, which being inter- preted, is New Scotland. And the fliips caft anchor in the river, before the chief town of the province, and the name of the town was Halifax,

21. And it came to pass, that the chief cap- tain of the hofl: of the people of the provinces, entered into the town* that had been occupied by the army of the king of Britain, and the

  • Boflon.

70 American Revolution.

people came out to do him honor: and the fame of George^ the chief captain, went out into all lands!


Fresh troops are sent by Congress to Canada — a a large force arrives from Great Britain-^ The war in that province assumes a new face*


O W it came to pafs, that the princes of the provinces, even the great Sanhedrim of the people, being mindful of Bsnedidt and the men- who were with him, and fearing left peradventure, they would fall into the hands of Giiy^ the king's governor;

2. That they fent aband of men, to flrength- en the hoft that was with Denedid; and fent large money to the foldiers: and the number of the men that were fent, was three thou- sand : and they were all valiant men-

3. Now it happened, about that time, that

American Revolution* ^ i

a certain woman, who had a loathfome dif- eafe,* and whofe uncleannefs was vifible, inafmuch as her ikin was fpotted by the mere force thereof.

4. She went out of the town, and came into the camp of the people of the provin- ces, and It was fo, that when any of the peo- ple came near unto the woman, then the difeafe faflenedupon them, and they became miclean; and the number of them who had the leproly of uncleannefs, were more than two thoufand men.

, 5. And when tidings came to the chief counfellor of Britain, that Guy, the king's governor, was fliut up in the town, and that the people of the provinces had gotten pof- fefTion of the flrong holds, he was greatly moved, and remained aflonirned for the fpace of one hour.

6. And after he had confulted with the wife men of the king, he advifed that more

  • Small Pox.

M2 American Revolution.

foldiers fhould be fent into the province, to the kings governor, that they might drive out from the province, the hofl of Colum- bia, and recover the ftrong holds.

7. Furthermore, the chief counfeilor was minded to fend a mighty army into the pro- vince, that they might be ready to unite with Wfliiam, the chief captain, to invade the whole land of Columbia.

8. Now, when the captains of the hofl: of Columbia, who were in the king's pro- vince, heard of thefe things, they confulted together, and the greater part of the men of war advifed to depart thence.

9. And it was fo, that when Guy, the go- vernor, knew of a certainty, that the army, of the people of the provinces, were about to depart, he gathered together an army,

10. And the governor, and che hofl: of the kingdom of Britain, purfued after the army of the people of the provinces, and lo! whea he came to the camp, he found no man there,

American RevoIiUion» ^g

fave a few fick folk, for thy had made all hafte to depart, and had left behind them fome of the deftroying engines and other implements for war.

1 1 . And it came to pafs, that a mighty hofl, from the ifland of: Britain, came in the tall fhips of the king, and they gat fafe to land, and the governor was informed there- of; Now the number of the men was thir- teen thoufand.

12. And when tfte army of the people of the provinces had notice of thefe things, they were difcomfited : neverthelefs, they were minded to take a flrong hold that was nigh unto a place called the Three Rivers.

13. And the chief captain divided the hofi: into four bands, and appointed a captain to each band, and the chief captain, whofe name was T/jo??ifon^* v/as told that there were fome foldiers of the king of Britain, encamp-

  • General Thomfon.

74 American Revolutmu

cd about twenty-four furlongs from that place,

14. And it came to pafs, as they were on their way to go againfl; the men, another mefTenger came, and told the chief captain, that it was not a true report that he had heard, for there were no foldiers encamped as had been faid.

15. Then the chief captain turned to go againfl the hold, but the night was far fpent, for it was intended that they ihould get into the hold at unawares, while the foldiers were yet heavy with lleep. And it came topafs, that the chief captain went to and fro in the wil- 4ernefs, and loft his way, and the fun arofe.

' 16. And when Thom/on, the chief captain, could not be found, Arthur* went out before the hoft, and became chief captain. And when he faw the army of Britain was coming out againft him, he gave command that the hoft of the people of the provinces fhould de- part thence, left perad venture, the fervants

  • Gener»lSt. Clajr,

American P^evoluficn, n^

of the king of Britain, fhould environ them round about.^

17. And they fled by the fame way that they had taken : and when the men of Bri- tain faw the way that the people of the provin- ces were returning, they haftened to the river, to a certain point of land, called in the French tongae, Du lac.

18. Now the people of the provinces had left their boats at the point, when they pafied over the river, and the foldiers of the king were minded to get the boats from the peo- ple of the provinces, and prevent their re- turn.

19. But a certain captain, who had charge thereof, when he faw the men of Britain, he efcaped with the boats down the river, to a place called in the vernacular tongue. Sorrel : now this place was occupied by the people of the provinces, and it was a place of defence,

so. And it came to pafs, as Arthur was

7-5 American Revolution.

going before the hofl of Columbia, he gat a wound in his foot; and he was maimed fo that he could not hold on his way, nor go out before the hoft as at other times.

21. Now the men of the hoft, loved Arthur, and v;ould fain have borne him on their fhould- ers, but he forbade them, and encouraged them to hold on their way.

2 2. And Arthur fat dovv^n under the thick branches of a tree; and there were certain other men with him, who were fo weary, that they were fain to abide with him.

23. And when they had refted themfelves, and were refrefhed, they arofe up and de- parted thence, left peradventure, they might fall into the hands of the men of Britain; and it was in the night when they departed from that place.

24. Then they journeyed onwards : how- heit, they v/ere faint, for they had taken no food for two days and tv/o nights. And on the morning of the third day, fome of the

Aiuerican Revolution* 77

inhabitants mlniftered to their neceffities : and they held on their way until they came to the ftrong hold, where the hod of the peo- ple of the provinces had gotten before them, and they rejoiced together.

25. And the chief captain, Thomfon^ who had loll his way in the wildernefs, and alfo a few men who had followed after him, were taken captives at a certain houfe in the pro- vince, to which they had fled for refuge.


The Canadians complain of the conduSl of the arm^ — The naval engagement on Lake Champiain,

And the army that followed after Guy^ was (trengthened by the foldiers who came from the ifland of Britain, and it became a mighty hoft; and they made all fpeed to fol- low after the people of the provinces*

2 8 A^nerican Revolution,

£. And Guy divided the hofl into three bands; for he purpofed in his heart to envi- ron the army of Columbia round about; but John,* having notice thereof, decamped from that place, and efcaped to the ftrong hold that Ethan and Benedid had taken.

3. And it came to pafs, that as the hoft of the people of the provinces were on their way to the hold, the inhabitants of the land, even the Canadians, came out to expoilulate with the people, and faid unto them.

4. Hear now, ye fons of Columbia, and attend to the words of our mouths! Suifer us a little, that we may fpeak; that we may make known to you the bitternefs of our fouls.

5. What thing is this now that ye are doing! will ye leave us a prey to our enemies? For lo! when you were hungry, we fed you; and when you were thirfty, we gave you drink! and fliall we not be judged for thefe

  • General Sullivan,

American Revolution. "jg

thin^-^s by Guy? will not he count us as ali- ens, and as enemies to the king of Britain?

6. So we (hall be taken in an evil net, and our flocks and our herds will become a prey, and our wives and our little ones will be cut off from the fruits of the earth! and we fhall have none inheritance amongfi: our brethren.

7. And when the captains of the hod of Columbia, heard thefe things, thy were trou- bled for the inhabitants of the land.

8. But they fpake and faid unto them, Ir IS not for man to know the hidden things of futurity, nor for the fons of men to tell what will come to pafs! if it had been fo, then this thing would not have happened unto us,

9. But is it not known unto you, that Guy is purfuing after us with a mighty hoft from the ifland of Britain, and that we are in jeo- pardy every hour? neverthelefs, if you will cad in your lots with us, and go with us to our own borders, then ye Ihall eat the good of the land, and verily ye fhall be free.

8o American RevohUion.

10. Then the Inhabitants of the land, even the Canadians, furthermore anfwered, and faid, It feemeth not good unto us to harken unto 5^ou in this matter; for our wives and our children are too tender to bear the jour- ney : and moreover, is this not the land of our nativity, and do we not dwell amongfl: our own people? nay verily, but we will flay here, and lo 1 if we perifh, we perifh!

11. And the captains of the hofl of Co- lumbia, feeing that they could not prevail, they ceafed importuning the people, and jur- neyed on their way, and Guy, and the hoft of the men of Britain, followed hard after them; and they were at their wits end, Ne- verthelefs, they efeaped to the hold called Crown-Point, where they fojourned for a time,

12. Now yobn, was chief captain of the hofl: of the people of the provinces, in that quarter; and as Guy was purfuing after the hoft, it came to pafs, that at any time, when the foldiers of the king of Britain, came nigh

American Revolution. 8l

unto John^ he turned himfelf about and fought with them, and flayed them from breaking in upon the hoft \ and the govern- or v/as vexed, inafmuch as he had purpofed in his heart to make them all captives.

13. And John called a council of his cap- tains and the chief men in the hofl, and they communed together-, and the greater part ad- vifed to depart thence to the (trong hold,* that Eihari and BenediSl had taken,

14. Now it forely grieved the people of the provinces, that the holl of Columbia failed to eilablifh themfelves in the province, inafmuch, as they feared that the army of the king of Britain would annoy the other pro- vinces from thence.

15. And it came to pafs, that the princes of the provinces, even the great Sanhedrim of the people, fent Horatio^ \ a chief cap- tain, and twelve thoufand men of the peo- ple of the provinces followed after him j and

  • Ticonderoga. f General Gates,

o5 American Revolution.

they journeyed towards the ftrong bold, to ft rang then their brethren.

1 6. Now the hold was nigh unto a great lake,* and they built fiiips on the borders thereof: and when they were afloat on the waters, they put valiant men into the fhips, and the deftroying engines were put therein, and Benedid was made chief captain thereof,

17. And Benedi^ was minded to take the fnips to a certain rockf that v/as on the bor- ders of the lake : and he fpread his fails to the wind, and the Ihips moved upon the face of the waters : and the men of war who were with him, were impatient for the battle.

18. Now, when Gz/y was told that the peo- ple of the provinces had built foips, and armed them with the deftroying engines. He, alfo in like manner, armed fome of the fhips of the king of Britain. And a man whofe fur- name was Pringle^ was made chief captain.

19. And when all things were in readinefs,

  • Champlain, f The Split Rock.

American Revolution^ ^2


they fet fall; and went out to look for Ben- edl6l. Now the flilps of the king of Britain were flronger than the fhips that were with Benedid; and moreover, the number of them was greater,

20. And it came to pafs, when the (hips of the king ol Britain were drawing nigh un- to the navy of Benedict, that the men of war fliouted, and the fliouting of the warriors was heard afar off.

21. And Befiedid, the chief captain of the navy of Columbia, and Pringle, the chief captain of the flilps of the king of Britain, thirilcd for the battle, and the roaring of the deflroying engines was heard, and the battle laded until the time of the offering the evening facrifice : and two of the fhips that were with Bemdicl, fell a prey unto the men of Britain.

22. And It came to pafs, while it was yet night, that Bengdid efcaped with the remnant of the fhips : and when the fun arofe, the f hief capta^iu of the Ibips of the king of Bri-

84 American Revolution.

tain, thought to have ended the warfare with Benedl6l; and lo! he looked, and behold the Ihips were departed from thence.

23. Then the mariners hoifled up the an- chors of the fhips, and loofened the fails to the wind, and made all fpeed to purfue after Benedict and the men who were with him ia the fhips.

24. And when the wind fprang up, the fhips moved fwiftly upon the face of the waters, and overtook Benedict in the fhips: Never- thelefs, fome of thofe who v/ere the foremofi:, efcaped to the hold that Ethan and Benedi6l had taken.

25. But BenedlB feeing that the remnant of the fliips could not efcape from falling to the men of Britain, he cad out fear, and pre- pared to fight with Frif)gley the captain of the fhips, if perad venture he could by any means get his men out of the fhips to land.

26. And the battle waxed hot, and conti- nued for the fpacc of two hours, and Beni"

American Revolution^ §^

diB ran the fiiips to the land, and the fhips were as walls and bulv/arks againfl the bails of the deflroying engines, and the men gat fafe to land.

27. And Benediei fearing, left the fbips fliould fall into the hands of the fervants of the king of Britain, he burned them with fire.

28. Now the banner of the great Sanhe- drim was in the fhip that Benedid was in; and he caft in his mind that he fhould get a blot if the banner fhould fall into the hands of the enemy, therefore he tarried in the fhip until the fire was kindled; and Benedict gat great honor amongft the armed men, and his fame was fpread afar off.

29. Thus ended the battle between the two ^captains; and the winter was nigh at hand, and the foldiers of the king of Britain were fain to depart into their winter habitations.


86 American Revolution*


The FarlLvnent of Great Britain hire foldiert Jroin Germany ^ for the p urpofe of fubjugating the Colonies — Unfucceisfid expedition againd South Carolina — Conmcdore Parker vjounded.

j^N O W the chief counfellor of Britain was flill wroth with the people of the provinces, and he counfelled the king of Britain to hire foldicrs of the German princes, whofe domi«. 2iions were on the borders of the river, that ancient river, the river Rhine.

2. And the king hearkened to the words of the chief counfellor notwithftanding, there were certain chief men in the council who fpake againft the thing, yet they could not prevail, and the wifdom cf their words was, fet at naught, and their counfel was as water fpilt upon a rock,

3. And the king fent to the princes, and covenanted with them for fixteen thoufend men, to flrengthcn the hofl that was warring

American Revolution. 87

with the people of the provinces, In the land of Columbia.

4. They were a people of a (Irange language, and went agaiaft the people of the provinces in the fimpllcity of iheir hearts, for their lead- ers caufed them to err, and fpread a net for their feet.

5. And moreover, the great council of the kingdom made a decree, That at any time, when the mariners of the fhips of Columbia fliould be taken captives by the fervants of the king, that they fhould be put into the kings Tnips, and be made to fight againfl their brethren, the people of the provinces; and die (hips of Columbia fiiould be for a fpoil to the fervants of the king.

6. And furthermore, it was decreed in the council, That the people of the provinces fliould be treated as enemies, and aliens to the kingdom of Britain.

7. Now it came to pafs, about this time, that two captains of Britain went out againfl

83 American Revolution*,

a flrong hold that was in a province of the South; and the name of the fir ft was Peter * and the name of the other captain was Henry , f now Feter was a fea- captain, and he had a navy of fnips; and Henry was a chief captain of tht hoft of ih-i men of Britain.

8. And the name of the captain of the men of v/ar, that were in the (Irong hold was Moultrie; he was a valiant man, and the men who Vv^ere in the hold vtith the captain, were all valiant men.

9. And it came to pafs, that when the two captains, Feter and Henry^ came againft the hold y it was agreed between them, that Henry Ihould take the foldiers that were un- der him, and get to a certain ifland nigh un- to the hold, that he might get into the hold on the other fide.

10. And the deftroying engines began to utter their thunders, and the battle waxed hot, and the Ihouting of the warriors was

" Sir Peter Parker. | Sir Kenry Clinten.

American Revolution. 89

heard from afar, and there v/as a terrible clalhing of arms!

II. Andi Henry y when he faw that there were valiant men in the hold, he forbore to go forth : and the battle .'continued for the fpace of ten hours, and the llain and wound- ed in the (hips were more than tv/o hundred men. And it cams to pafs that a ball fronx the deflroying engines fmote Peter on the hinder parts, and maimed him.

1 2. And the llain an<] wounded in the hold, were one fcore £,nd twelve perfons. And the captain of the men of war who w^ere in the hold, gat great honor, and the fortrefs* was called by his name, to commemorate his vali- ant a£ls.

13. And the mariners that were in the fhips were commanded by Peter^ while it was yet night, to flip the cables, and efcapc down the river; for the fhips were much damaged by the deflroying engines,

  • Fort Moukrie.

H 2

go American Revolution,

14. And when Henry had put his fotdiers into the Ihips, they failed from thence, and efcaped to the haven where the navy of the king of Britain was anchored.


Sir William Howe leaves Halifax ^ and is foon followed by his brother^ admiral lord Howe^ with a land force — hidcpendence is declared^^ The battle on Leng-IfJand.

xIlND it came to pafs, about this time, that William^ the chief captain of all the ar- mies of the king of Britain, put his men into the fhips and departed from the country of Nova-Scotia, for he was weary with tarrying at that place;

2. And he came to a certain haven, called In the vernacular tongue Sandy Hook. And It came to pafs, that his brother (who was a chief captain in the navy of the king of Bri- tain) followed after him with the fliips of the

American Revohition. gi

king : now the foldiers that were hired of the German princes were in the fhips, and a vafl flore of all the implements for war.

3. And they cad anchor nigh unto a certain liland,* and the inhabitants thereof rejoiced with feeming great joy : and there was about two hundred men on the ifland, who gave up their names to fight under the banners of the king of Britain.

4. And the governor of that province and certain men with him, went in an armed fhip to meet William^ the chief captain, and they were comforted with each other j " For as iron fharpeneth iron, fo doth the countenance of a man his friend.*'

5. And when the princes of the provinces, even the great Sanhedrim of the people, knew of a certainty that the king of Britain had hired flrangers to come againfl the people of the provinces, and were told what had been done againfl them in the great council of the

kingdom j

  • Staten Ifland.


Q2 American Re'vduiion,

6j Then they confulted together concerning all things that appertained to the provinc- es^ and they made a decree,* and it was fealed with the fignets of the princes of the provinces.

7. And the writing of the decree was fpread abroad into all lands; and when the hod of Columbia heard thereof, they fhouted with a great (hout.

8. And it was written therein, That the people of the provinces (hould no more ferve the king of Britain; but they Ihould be a peculiar people unto themfeves, and that their law-givers fhould be from amongft their own people. And the bonds betwixt the king and the people were broken, fo the people of the. provinces revolted that day, and ferved the king of Britain no more,

9. Now the number of the foldiers of the king of Britain, who were warring with the people of the provinces, were fifty and five thoufand fighting men^- prepared with all the inftruments for war.

  • Declaration of Independence,

American Re'vohiiicn. Q'3

10. And it came to pafs, that the hod cF the king of Britain landed on a certain neck of land, called Long-Ifland, after the fimiii- tude of the form thereof. Now a captain of the people of the provinces whofe name was John.^ was encamped en the iiland, and a band of men were with him 5 and the name of the place were they were encamped was called Flat-Buih, and it was a place of defence,

1 1 . Moreover, the people of the provinces occupied the high places, and the army of the king of Britain fought to gain pofTefTion thereof, and they were divided into three com- panies.

12. And while it was yet night, the hoft of the king of Britain went forth; and Hen- ry.f a chief captain of the men of Britain, was minded to get round the mountain where the people of the provinces were encamped, and come upon them unawares.

13. And as they were on their way, lo!

  • General Sullivai?. f Sir Henr^ Clinton.

04 ' American Revolution^

fome of the chief men of the army of Colum- bia were taken captive; and at the dawning of the day, Henry gat up to the high place, and the people fled before the army of the men of Britain.

14. And a certain captain who was a lord* and who fought under the banners of the great Sanhedrim, came up to the help of the people, and fifteen hundred men followed after him.

15. Now there was a hill about fixteen furlongs from the main camp of the people of the provinces; and this lord and the fifteen hundred men that were with him, gat upon the hill; and the men of Britain were encamp- ed oppofite to the hill.

16. And on the morning of the fame day, the HefTians, who were the foldiers that the king of Britain had hired of the German princes; and alfo the foldiers of the king of Britain, moved towards thz hoflof the peo-

  • Lord Stcilins:,

American Revclutm*


plcof the provinces andiliouted for the battle: and the name of the captain over the HefTians was De Heijier; and Grant was captain over the men of Britain.

17. And the battle waxed hot, and the men behaved themfelves valiantly; but it came to pafs, that Henry came with an army, and the people of the provinces were taken in an evil net; for the armies of the king envi- roned them round about, and they were chaf- fed to & fro as a patridge upon the mountains.

18. Hovvbeitj they fought with the men of Britain for the fpace of fix hours, and the battle was before and behind, and it was a fore conflid; and the number of the flaia and the wounded, and thofe who were taken captive, exceeded one thoufand men: and the refidue made their efcape.

19. And the llain of the men of Britain^ were about four hundred and fifty perfons.

20. Now George^ the chief captain of all the armies of Columbia, while the people of the


American Revolution^

provinces were warring with the hofl of Bri- tain, pafled over to the iflan J, and the refidue of the hofl followed after him.

21. And after he had gathered the hofl: to- gether, he put his army in array and defired the battle, for he was encamped in a ftrong place; but William^ the chief captain of the hofl of Britain, knov/ing that George was a valiant man, and prudent in all matters rela- th>g to the war, he declined to go forth.

22. Neverthelefs, he was minded to cafl up a bank for a place of defence, and to annoy the people of the provinces who were occupied in the ilrong hold.

23. And George perceiving that the chief captain of the hofl of Britain behaved himfelf wifely; then he called a council of his chief men, and when they had confulted together, the greater part of the council advifed that the army of the people of the provinces (hould depart from off the ifland.

24. And when it was night, the hoft mov-

^American Revolution. 07

€d towards the river, and the foldiers gat in- to the boats thac were prepared to carry thera ever the water. Mow while the people were ino"ing towards the river, the foldiers cad in in their minds what this fhould mean, and thought they were going againfl the hofl of Britain. For the chief captains had kept the 4£foor of their Hps concerning this thing, led peradventure the enemy fiiould hear thereof and purfue after them.

25. And it came to pafs, that while the people of the provinces were waiting to be ferried over the river, lo! the North Eaft wind fprang up, fo that the boats could not pafs :

26. But about the eleventh hour of the night the wind ceafed, and there was a calm; and afterward the South wind arcfe, and then the people paffed over, and gat fafc to the other fide.

«;. Howbeit, the dawning of the day ap^-


g8 American Revolution.

peared before all the people had pafTed oven ^nd about the fixth hour, there was a thick nii{l over the whole ifland, that hid the people of the provinces from their enemies. And there was a great deliverance wrought that day.

28. And nojnasy* a chief captain, and one of the princes of the provinces, was in the rear guard of the hod when they paffed the river; and he brought the men who were with him fafe to land,

29. And when the people of the provinces had all gotten fafe over to the other fide, the mifl: cleared away. And the hoft of Britain were aflonifhed out of meafure, when they fav/ that the people of the provinces were fled!

  • General MiffliHo

American Revolution. 99


The commijjtonen declare their power for setiling ih% disputes subsisting between Great Britain and the Colonies*

iSl O W when the hofl of the people of the provinces had gotten fafe over the river, the chief captain of the navy of the king of Bri*. tain, deputed John* whom he had taken captive on the ifiand, to go with a meflage to the great Sanhedrim.

2. And the words that he put in his mouth, were on this wife : " That, inafmuch, as the king of Britain, in his princely wifdom, had appointed him and his brother his depu- ties, to communicate his royal will and plea^ fure, concerning the people of the provinces.

3. "It therefore, behoveth the Sanhe- drim, to fend fome of their wife men to con- fult about the affairs of the provinces, before the fword of his wrath is unfheathed/'

  • General Sullivan.

TOO American RevGlulion,

4. Then John took his way to the Sande- drim, and rehcarfed all thofe words in the cars of the princes of the provinces.

5. And after three days, the great Sanhe- drim fcnt an anfwcr by y^bn unco the king's deputy; fignifying unto him, that they would do as he defired.

6. And at »a convenient time, they fent three of the princes of the provinces : name- ly, Benjamin^ yohn and Edward;* who v.-ent forth to commune with the king's de- puty; and they went over to a certain iiland, and the deputy communed with them there.

7. Now the princes of the provinces, were fwift to hear, and flow to fpeak; and when any v/ords fell from the mouth of th* chief csptain, they treafured them up in their minds, that they might make a true reporS thereof, to the great Sanhediim.

8; And it came to pafs, that when th;

  • Dr. Franklin, John AJams and Edward Ilutlcdg^*.

'American Revolution^ loi

chief captain, even the king's deputy had done fpeaking; the princes of the provinces departed, and returned to their own place; and reported all the words of the king's de- puty, in the ears of all the people.

9. And the deputies of the great Sanhe- drim moreover fpake, and faid, We think it not expedient at this time, to hearken to the voics of the king's deputy; inafmuch, as he hath no power nor authority to do thofe things which the people of the provinces re- quire.

10. For verily, he fpake words which were not convenient to be heard; and the interpretation thereof is on this wdfe :

11. That if the people of the provinces, will obey the king's commandments in afk things, then they fhall be received into his royal favor; and the fceptre of his mercy ihall be extended towards them : their trans- greffions fhall be wiped from his remembrance

I « 

102 American Revolution.

forever i ^nd the iniquity of their rebeilion {hail not rife up againft thein!

12. X-Tow, ahhough the princes of the provinces expected nothing from the commu- nication v/ich the king's deputy; nevenhe- lefs, for the fake of fome weak brethren, they confenred thereto. '• Then I faid in my heart. Surely they that expect nothing, ihall never be diiappointed."

1 3. And the war raged with great violence in the land of Columbia; and many houfcs in the borders thereof were left defolate, Treat and fair, v;ithout an inhabitant; th.e fields were unoccupied, and the flocks and llie herds were cut off from their paflure!

14. The Vv'idovrs and the fatheriefs were 'tTiultipIied! and the fword devoured the young men! it was a day of deep diflrefs! fear and difmay covered the faces of the huf- bandmen i and the joy of harvefl was turn- ed into mournbg!

A?nericd:i Revolution. 103

15. Young children allied for bread, and no man break it unto thern — they faid to their mothers, When will our father return— when fliall we fee the face of our father? — They looked through the Lit'cice — they faw not him whom their fouls de fired 1

16. Alas! he will never return! — the eye that hath feen him fhail fee him no more!— he is gone down to the (tones of the pit — he fell by the hand of the enemy — the fword of the warrior pierced him through — the forrows of death encompafled him round about!

1 7. Tell it not in Lud! publiih it not in the flreets thereof, left the daughters of Albion rejoice! lefl the daughters ct Britain triumph!

1 8. Let not thy foul be cad down for thefe thing?, O man! To die is the common lot of humanity, the great birth-right of the fons of Adam!

1 9. Therefore, if while thou art ffruggling through the ocean of this world, rough Ptorixis

104 American Revolution.

and contrary blafts alarm thy fears, yet re- member the voyage is fhort, and the danger will foon be over!

20. And, although the clouds may gather blacknefs, and thou mayefl be envelloped in the thick mifls of confufion; yet be affured, that if thy feet keep in the high way of virtue, brighter fcenes will yet cheer thy fight, and more ferene profpeds will delight, and ani- mate thy loul.

21. And is it not written in the book of Solomon^ nearly on this wife? That the path of the juft man, like the luminous orb which eulighteneth our hemifphere, fhines with in- creaung refulgency, fplendor and brightnefs, until it arrive to the meridian altitude of a glorious perfeft day!

\. ATiiaicuJi Revolution^ 105


The Ariisrican officers conclude to evacuate I^ew* Tork—'Tbe battle at the Whiie^Plains—Fort Wash:ngton taken,

IN OW thehofl encamped In the chief city* of the province; and the chief men of the hofi: confuhed together; and the council decreed, That if peradventure the army of the king of Britain, fliould come againft the city, that the hod of the people of the provinces fhould depart thence, to another place.

2. Neverthelefs, they (Irengthened them- felves in the town; and cad up places of de- fence, that they might annoy the army of the king of Britain from thence.

3. Nov^^ the city was built upon an ifland, and tv/elve thoufand men encamped on the North of the iHand, and four thoufand re- mained in the city, and the refidue of the hod occupied thg interm.ediate fpace.

  • Nc>Y Yo.k.

lo5 American Revolution.

4. And William^ chief captain of the hofl of Britain, having gotten all things in readi- nefs, he prepared to take the city : and lo 1 when he had gotten about three fcore men to land, fome of the people of the provinces U'ho were encamped behind a bank that they had call up, were afraid, and fled before the tatTi of Britain.

5. And George^ the chief captain, was forely grieved when he faw that the people fled before their enemies; inafmuch, as the men of Britain would triumph : and he faid within himfelf, Lo! now we fhall be a re- proach and a bye word amongfl: all nations!

5. But it came to pafs, on the next day, that the men who had fled before the men of Britain, being fmitten in their own minds with fliame, came and offered themfelves to go forth againd the army of Britain.

7; And it came to pafs, that fome of the army of Britain came out againfl the men who had offered themfelves, and the captain

American Revolution* 107

of the men of Britain who came out, was LeJIie; and the names of the captains of the people who had offered themfelves, were Knowlton and Leitch*

8. And the men behaved themfelves vali- antly, and drove the enemy from the field of battle : notwithftanding, KnowltGn^ the cap- tain, was flain, and the other captain was wounded; and the men gat great honor, and their tranfgrefTions were blotted out forever, from the remembrance of the chief captain.

9. Now when the army of Britain had got- ten into the city, and had taken pofTelTion thereof; it came to pafs, after a few days, that a fire was kindled in the city, which burned with great violence : and the number of the houfes that were confumed by the fire, ' was about one thoufand.

10. And it was fo, that after the hoft of the people of the provinces had departed out of the city; they journeyed forwards, and

jo3 A^ncrican Revolution,

pitched their camp in the North end of the


1 1 . Then William though: to encompafs the hoft of the people of the provinces round about; and he fent a large company, who took their way through a certain place called Hell- Gate; and they landed on Frogs-Neclc.

12. And it came to pafs, that a chief cap- tain who had revohed from the king of Bri- tain, returned from the province of the South, afcer he had been warring with Peter and henry^ and the fur-name of the captain was Lee; he was a mighty man of valor, and well Skilled in war.

\7^, Now the chief men of the hofl of the people of the provinces communed together; and the greajtr part of the council was for abiding on the ifland, but the captain who had revolted from the king of Britain, thought it not prudent to abide there.

14. He had the tongue of the learned, anil

American Revolution.


he difputed with the captains of the hofl, and the words that he fpake, were words of wifdom that could not be gainfayed; and the chief men hearkened to the words of his mouth.

15. Now there was a ftrong hold*' on the ifland that was occupied by the people of the provinces; and it was called after the name of the chief captain; and Nathaniel^ advifed that it fhould be kept for a place of defence; but the other captain j; was not confenting thereto.

16. And it came to pafs after fix days, that the hod of Britain departed from Frogs-Neck, and as they were journeying on their way, many of them were llain by the people § of the provinces, who fliot at them from behind a wall.

17. And the refidue of the army of the king of Britain alfo moved forwards, about

  • Fort Wafliington.

t General Greene. % General Lee, 5 ^ee's divhlon,



Jmencan Revolution,

fixtcen furlongs to the North of a certain place, called New-Rochdale, and took the Jiighway towards the White-Plains.

1 8. Then George, the chief captain of the hofl of the people of the provinces, put the army into array, and the hod of Columbia extended from a certain place called in the ver- nacular tongue Eaft-Chefter, nigh unto thq "White Plains.

19. And it came to pafs, that fome of the hofl of the king of Britain, and fome of the people of the provinces, joined battle, and many of the people fell down Hain that day : and it was io, that while the men of war ■were fighting, the people of the province V mored their ftores, and ail their fluff from off the field of battle.

ao. And the chief captain of the people of the provinces, being well fkilled in all matters relating to war; placed the hod of Colum- bia in fuch H manner, as fnewed that he was ^vorthy of being chief Captain, and he defi=

American Revolution* % \ i

red the battle; but IVilHam, captain of the hoO: of Britain delayed to go forth, and turn- ed his back upon the people of the provinces.

21. Then the army of the people of the provinces paiTed over the river* that cometh out of the North country; and they came into the province of Jerfey, nigh unto a ilrong hold, called after the name of the cap- tain,! who had revolted from the king of Bri- tain.

2 2. Now after the hofl of the people of the provinces had left the ifland, on which the chief city of the province was built; William^ the chief captain of the armies of Britain, went againft the ftrong hold,| that was on the ifland : now there were three thoufand fighting men in the hold; and the name of the chief captain in the hold was Magaw.

23, And the army of the king of Britain carne againft the hold, in four companies, the firfl company came to the North of the

  • Ncrdi Uiver f Fort Lee + Fori Waihington,

112 American Revolution.

hold, and they were foldiers who were hired of the German princes, and their chief cap- tain was named Kniphaufen ^ and another company came up againfl the Eafl fide thereof, and the name of the captain was Mathews^ and he was helped by a certain Lord* of the realm of Britain.

24. And the third company had a captain whofe name was Sterling; and Piercy, who was alfo a lord of Britain was captain of the fourth company. Now as the firft company was going againfl the hold, fomc of the peo- ple of the province were in a thick forefl, and as the foldiers were on their way to the hold, they were fliot at by the people who were in the fored, and they v/ere fore galled there- by.

25. Notwithdanding the army of the king of Britain prelTed upon the garrifon on every fide, and the people that v/ere in the hold ■were hard befet } and after communing toge-

  • Cornwallis.

American Revolution*


ther for fome time the hold was given up to the fervaPxts of the king of Britain. And the men of the garrifon were all made captives*

26. And the number of the captives was two thoufand and feven hundred 5 and the ilaia and wounded of the men of Britain were about twelve hundred perfons.

.-< .<..<.< .^

f«04.<S-<t0i'$^> >•> ►">"—


Fort Lee evacuated by the Americans — The MU litia defert in great numbers— -General Wajh*

irigton retreats through the Jerfeys.

/x"ND it came to pafs, that after the hod of Britain had taken the ftrong hold with the garrifon thereof, they were like men refrefli- ed with new wine.

2, And a Lord"^ of the kingdom of Britain who v.'as a chief captain m the hod, he v/as

5 Cornwallij.

K a

114 American Revolution.

alfo governor of the tower o^ Liid^ and had vafl pofTefllons in the iHand of Britain; he went forth againft another (Irong hold* that was in the border of the province of Jerfey

3. Now the men who were In the hold, when they were told, that the governor of the tower of Liid was coming againd them, they prefently departed, and moved to ano- ther place. And they left all the deflroying engines that were therein, for a fpoil to the hod of Britain \ for verily they were in haile to be gone.

4. Now there were many in the hod of Columbia, who were not ufed to the fatigues of war, they faid within themfelves, Lo! now we fhall one day fall by the hands of the men of Britain.

5. And feeing that times and feafons are not in our power, it is therefore better for us to efcape, for we know not what to mor«  row may bring forth.

  • Fort Lcc»

American Revolution. 115

6. They went away* in companies; they were not obeJient to the voice of the chief captain: the poifon of their example fpread itfclf through the holl, and the fear of the men of Britain prevailed in the hearts of ma- ny, who had boafted of what great things they virould do in the hour of trial!

7. While they were at home in their cotta- ges, they had heard of the fame of the warri- or; it was their mediation by day when their hands were in their labor, and in the nio-ht feafon when deep fleep falleth upon man, the vifions of their heads upon their beds, were of camps and inftruments of v/ar!

■ 8. The phantom of imagination prefented to their view, whole armies overthrown by their fingle arm! The pleafing viiion iollowed them to the field; it haunted them in their occupations; they cad away with indigna-- tion, the hoe and the mattock, and graibed the arms of the warrior!

J See Ramfaj'^ page 304, .>?v

1 16 American Revolution*

9. But when the blaft of war alTailed their ears, when they faw the crimfon fluid fpouting from the wounded warrior, their fouls fickened at the fight! — they fighed in fecret for the occupation of the Ihepherd, and the bleating of the flieep was as mufic in their ears 1

10. And it came to pafs, that therefidue of the hod fled to New- Ark, in the province of Jerfey, and the chief captain communed mthyo/fj)b* there.

1 1. And he faid unto him, If we go to the back parts of Pennfylvania, will the inhab- itants help us in that province?

12. Now this was a province that was giv- en by one of the kings of the iiland of Bri- tain, unto a man whofe fur-name was Pen?!, and it was called Pennfylvania, which being interpreted, is Penn's woody country.

13. He was a worthy many and an excel- lent law-giver 5 moreover he was a profefTor

  • - Colonel Reed.

American Revolniion* nj

of that light which John fpake of in the book of che Gofpel, unto which if a man take heed as unto a fure guide, it will lead him out of all error into all truth, and finally con- duct him to the feats of immarceflible life! where new fources of joy v/ill be opened with- out end!

14. And y^^^Z> anfwered the chief captain and faid, Know thou of a truth that if the lower parts of the province fabmit to the king of Britain, then the back parts thereof will do fo in like manner.

15. Then George^ the chief captain, further- more fpake and faid; We will journey on- wards to the province of Virginia, to the county of Augufta; and lo! if we are driven from thence, wc will pafs over the mountains of Alleghany.

I;^3 American Revolution,


General Uoive fends forth a PrccIamatiGn^?nnn'J take ike benefit thereof^ and make their leace.

OW when the captain of the hod of Bricain knev/ of a certainty, tl^.at the people of the provinces were Icatrered away froin George^ the chief captain, he was lifted up in his mind and faid within himfclf,

2. Lo! now thefe people will alTuredly re- turn back again, and ferve the king of Bri- tain; our warfare is nearly accompli/lied; the hands of the mighty hang down; fear hath overtaken the warriors; they W'ill rife no more; they are as the reed that groweth by the fide of the rivers, which boweth down to the earth at every blail!

3. Boaft not O mighty man! The people whom thou fcorneft are afihded, but not forfaken; they will return in an hour when thou lookefl not for them; they will come upon thee unawares, and lay thy glory in the dufl.

American Revolution. lig

4. And it came to pafs, that the chief cap- tarn and his brother, who were the king's de-- puties, fent letters into every province, vi^arning the people to return, and ferve the king of Britain as in days pad,

5. Moreover it was written in the letters^ That if within three fcore days, any of the people prefented their.felves before the chief captain of the hoil, or the king's governors, and figned a certain writhig, then they would do well, and (hould partake of the king's mercy, and their offences fhculd be remem- bered to them no more.

6. And the great Sanhedrim were com- manded to alTemtle no more together; but to return and make then* peace w^hile the door of mercy was yet open.

7. And there were many who harkcned tc the w^ords that were written in the letters of the king's deputies, and they partook of the

offered mercy, and figned their names to the written paper.

120 American Revolution^

8. Now many of thofe who figned their names to the paper, had appeared very zea- lous agalnfl the king of Britain, and had ftir- ed up the people to oppofe the decree of the king; and moreover they vilified the name of the chief counfelior of the kingdom.

9. They were unliable in all their ways : their zeal was as the dew of the morning, which foon pafTeth away!

I o. Now the feci of the tories were better than thefe men, for verily they held fail their integrity, and were of one mind and not cafily turned.

1 1 . Thus did many of the people forfakc the chief captain, who had toiled for their cafe, who had left a fair inheritance on Mount Vernon, and needed not that any man fliould miniller to his neceffities.

12. In the day of profperity they were lifted up above meafure, and were amongfl: thofe, who were foremoft to oppofe the fervants of the king of Britain )

^ American Revolution, I2i

13. But v/hen the evil day came to try the foundations of men, lo! their hearts failed them! and like the grafs upon the houfe top, they foon withered away!

14. Nevcrthelefs there were fome who maintained their integrity, and were as the firong oaks in the forefts of Columbia, that feareth not the windy florm and tempeft.

15. They followed after the chief captain: the words of his mouth were as a law in their hearts; and the hour of adverflty endeared them to each other.


The American army retreat over the Delaware"^ General Lee captured — The Heffians taken at Trenton — The battle of Sanpink Bridge.

J\ N D it was fo, that as George^ the chief captain, was paffing through the province of


i2^ American Rtvolution,

Jerfey, that the hoft of the king of Britain fol- Jowed hard after him.

2, Now there was a river,* which divided the province of Pennfylvania; it was a migh* ty ftream, and extended from beyond the Blue mountains of Columbia, even to the Atlantic fea,

3 It was a fair haven for the fhips of the jnerchants, who did bufmefs on great waters, they fent the wares of Columbia to the North, and to the South, to the Eafl, and to the "Weft, and trafficked with the merchants afar off.

4. And Georgey the chief captain, and the men who followed after him, pafled over the river and they were chafed in their minds, as a bear robbed of her young,

5. Now the men of Britain rejoiced with exceeding great joy, inafmuchas they thought ihe army of the people of the provinces would come againft them no more.

  • Dela^Yalx; River,

AniTican Rruchuion* i^q

6. And it came to pafs about this time, that Lee, the captain, who had revolted from the king of Britain, v/as taken captive by fome of the foldiers of the king of Britain.

7. And when the people of the provinces heard thereof, they were difcomfited, for he was a mighty man of valor, andfearednot, nei- ther regarded he the face of any man; and the people thought he fecretly inclined to go back to the king his mafler.

8. Now the hofl of Britain occupied the towns in the province of Jerfey, and they walked to and fro therein, and there were none to make them afraid.

9. And certain fons of Belial, in the hoil: of Britain, went forth from the camp to the cottages of the hufbandmen : and they faw the daughters of the land, that they were fair, and withal of a beautiful countenance,

10. They were^ot reflrained by the law of the chief captain, they did thofe things which are not feemly to be mentioned, nor fliall the

•tji^ American Rcvoluiion^

pen of the fcrlbe record their cruel a£ts, left the tears of the violated virgin fhould be mul- tiplied when fhe remembers the day of her humiliation!

11. Now in this time of deep diftrefs, when the hofi: of the king of Britain appeared ready to overrun the v/holc land, the great Sanhe- drim of the people cxpoftulated with their brethren.

12. And Thomas ^^ one of the princes of the provinces, and a citizen of no mean city,! flrengthened the feeble knees of the warriors; he fpake to them in the language of love, and the moving of his lips raifed their fpirits.

.X3. Now Thomas v^as beloved of the peo- ple; the words of his mouth were as fliow- crs of rain on the parched ground in the midfl of fummer; they were refreflied; they were animated; they fliouted for the battle.

14. And there was a town J in the province of Jerfey, on the borders of the river, and it

^ General M.(Filn. f Philadelphia. \ Trenton.

American Revohitton* 1 25

was occupied by the Heflians who were hired of the German princes and the river was be- tween them and the people of the provinces,

15. And the w^aters of theriver were frozen, and there was abundance of ice, and George ^ the chief captain of the army of Columbia^, caft in his mind, how he fhould circumvent the men of Britain, and by what device he fhould bring down the towering hopes of the enemy.

1 6. And it was fo, that after he had coun- felled with the chief men who were about him, he divided the army of Columbia into two bands, and they pailed over the river while it was yet night.

17. And the firft company was command- ed by John * and Nathaniel t commanded the other company; and the two captains with their companies came againft the town where the Hcffians were encamped : and after they

  • General GreeRC. -j- General SullivaiJ,

L 2

126 American Revolution,

had made an affault, the Heffians fled. Ne- verthelefs nine hundred were taken captives, and the refidue made their eicape.

1 8. And George^ the chief captahi, entered into the town," and took pofTeffion thereof; and there was great joy throughout all the land of Columbia; becaufe the army of the aliens were overthrown and made captives, and the joy of the people exceeded the joy of Carved.

19. And it came to pafs, after thefe things, that the people of the province of Jerfey, and from the other provinces round about, flocked to the banners of the great Sanhedrim, even the wild pigeons of Columbia flocked to the ftubble of the hufbandman.

20. Now the army of Britain encamped on one fide of the town, and the hod of the peo- ple of the provinces encamped on the other fide thereof; and there was a brook"^ of "vi^ater between the two armies,

f Sanpink Creek.

American Revolution,


21. And there was a high place call up over the brook for way faring men, who pafled that way : it was built up with hewn ftone, and th^" inhabitants of the land called it a bridge, the name thereof was Sanpink.

22. And the people of the provinces plant- ed fome of the deflroying engines on the bank of the brook, and the foldiers of Bri- tain went forth to drive them from thence.

23J But it came to pafs that the defcroying engines gaped upon them with their mouths, and vomited out their thunders; and the foldiers of Britain were fmitten to the earth, fo that they could no more rife; and the refi- due made their efcape; inafmuch as they could not perform their enterprifc.

l*£3 American Revolution*


The Expedition at Trinceton -^The Americans recover great part of the Jerfeys.

Jl\ N D the two armies encamped nigh unto each other, and the brook was between them. And the hoft of the men of Britain, when they had kindled their fires, fet a watch, and betook themfelves to reft.

2. But George^ chief captain of the hoft of the people of the provinces, fuffered not his eyes to fleep; and he gathered the captains of the hoft together j

3. And he communed with them on this wife, and faid, Know ye not that the rear guard of the hoft of Britain lieth encamped at Princeton? let us therefore depart while it is yet night, that we come upon them while iheir eyes are yet heavy with fleep.

4. Furthermore, he fpake and faid^ Let every man of the hoft be ready with his wea-*

American Revolution* 129

pons of war in his hand?, and let the deflroying engines go out of the camp, and let cer- tain men flay behind to kindle the fires, thaC the men of Britain may be deceived thereby.

5. And it was fo, that when all things were ready, the hoft of Coluaibia moved forwards; and the men who were left behind, kindled up the fires in the front of the camp; and the watchmen in the hod of Britain, verily thought that the people of the provinces were taking their refl in ileep.

6. Now as the hofl of the people of the provinces drew nigh unto the town, they were efpied by fome of the foldiers of the king of Britain, who were journeying towards their brethren that were encamped at the bridge of Sanpiiik.

7. And when they perceived that the peo- ple of the provinces v/ere journeying for- v/ards, they let in a jealoufy that evil was in- tended againft their brethren in the town: therefore they fent a mefTenger with tidings thereof*

130 Arfierican Revolution.

g. Nov/ it was about the dawning of the day, when George^ the chief captain, drew nigh unto the town; and when the foldiers v/ho were the fervants of the king of Britain, faw the people of the provinces, they rufhed out of the tov/n to meet the armed men 5

9. And the centre of the hod of Columbia could not withftand the impetuofity of the foldiers of Britain, but gave way and were confufcd.

10. And v/hcn the chief captain faw the men giving place to the foldiers of Bri- tain, he haflened forwards, and placed him- felf between the hoft of the people of the pro- vinces, and the foldiers of the king of Bri- tain y

11. And George^ the chief captain, encou- raged the men to fight valiantly that day, for their country, their v/ives and their children : then the people turned about, and the men of Britain were fain to flee from before the people of the provinces.

American Revolution* 131

1 1. And many of the people of the province of Jerfey were in the battle, and behaved themfelves valiantly : and George^ the chief captain, was in great jeopardy 5 neverthelefs, he received no harm.

13. And the men of Britain fled to a cer- tain building, where children were taught af- ter the perfcd manner of the law cf their fa- thers : moreover they were taught to fpeak in foreign tongues! and to cut curious figures on paper! and there were alfo fome ftar- gazers amongft them! Now the building was called a college.

1 4. And the balls of the deftroying engines fmote againfl: the walls thereof; and the fear o^George^ the chief captain, fell upon the men of Britain, and they came forth, and deliver- ed themfelves up to be captives to the people of the provinces.

15. Now the flain of the men of Britain were about three fcore perfons; and three hundred ip.ea were taken captive.

132 American Revolution,

16. And there fell of the people of the provinces, three captains and fome others. Moreover a chief captain whofe name was Mercer^ was llain 5

17. He was a worthy man, and came from the land of Calidonia, to fojourn with the people of the provinces; and he fought under the banners of the great Sanhedrim.

1 3. N^ow the army of Britain, on the morning of the fame day, prepared to af- fault the camp of the people of the provinces, for they will not that the people were departed.

19. And lo! when they drev^r nigh unto the camp, there was no man there! and they were amazed beyond meafure! Now they had heard the noife of the deftroying en- gines; and they faid, It thundered j not- vithftanding it was winter.

20. And while they were mufing concerning thefe things, beheld a mefienger came running along the highway of the country, and he had tidings in his mouthy

American Revolutions 123

21. And he reported all the things which George^ the chief captain, had done j and how that the fervants of the king were gone into captivity 5 and fome were flain in the battle I

22. Now when the hofl of the king of Britain, heard thefe things, the people were fore amazed, and they gaped on the meiTen- ger with their mouths, for they will not what' they did, for they were aftonifhed out of meafure!


The British army retreat to Brunswick — Sklr* mishes with small parties,

/i-ND it came to pafs, that the hod of the king of Britain, fled to a certain town* in the province of Jerfey, which was nigh unto the fea-coafl, and they cared not to go forth far into the country, left the people of the pro-

  • New- Brunswick.



American Revolution,

vinces fhould get between them and the flilps of the king of Britain.

2. Neverthelefs, a certain captain, with his fifty went out of the camp, and were made captives by the people of the provinces. They came from the river Rhine, and were called Waldickers.

3. Now, as fome of the men of Britain were foraging in the province of Jerfey, a certain captain of the people of the provin- ces came upon them, and the men of Brit- ain fled : howbeit, nine of them were flain.

4. And the captain, whofe fur-name was Dickinson^ and the men who followed after him gat much fpoil : for the men of Britain had left their carriages and their horfes, la- den with abundance of food and cloathing!

5. For they had robbed the threfhing floors of the hufbandmen, and had taken vafl: flores

of fwine's flefli, and flocks and herds in a- bundance!

American Revolution, 1^5

6. Now It was common in thofe days for the people of Columbia, old and young, to eat fwine's fiefh, yea the mothers would give it to their children, and it was reported that fome eat it even on the Sabbath day!

7. Thus the fountain of life became cor- rupted, and the inhabitants were difeafed through the abundant ufe thereof. Never- thelefs, the flefh was lawful to be eaten ia like manner as the llefli of other fed beads.

8. Moreover, many of ths people of the land drank of the Rrong waters* of Barba- does, that burned like fire, and refufed the the fweet waters of the brook that were de- figned for the univerfal beverage of all na- tions.

9. And the days of the years of man's life were fhortened, and thoufandswere cut off in the morning of their days!

10. And it came to pafs, that fome of the

  • Rum.

1q5 American Revolution*

people of the provinces, who had fell away t© the men of Britain, came forth from the hod to plunder their brethren in the province of Jerfey;

11. But a captain, whofe fur-name was Ntlfon. fell upon them and tool: captive fifty nsrfons v^ith their captain.

12. Thefe were the people* v;ho traverfed the bye paths in the wildernefs of Jerfey; they hid themfelves in the thick forcfls! they couched down until it was night; then they arofe out of their clofc places, and like the wolves of the evening, they prowled for their prey 1

13. Thus were the calamities of the war encreafed! parents were bereaved of their children.?.nd children of their parents! the ancients refufed to be comforted, becaufe the ilaff of their age, the beginning of their ilrength, was fallen!

14. Trembling took hold on the virgins

  • Pvefagees.

American Revolution^ 107

when they heard the alarm of war, the thun< der of the captains and the (houtings!

15. They remembered the days that were pad, when they fat under the thick fliade of theforeft, and hearkened to the voice of their beloved!

16. When their hands took hold of the diltaff, and their delight was in the wool and the flax, the voice of lamentation was afar off, and as for trouble, they had only heard there- of!

17. But lo! it came fuddenly upon them I as a mighty dream! it overwhelmed them! the beloved of their fouls was taken captive or ilain by the hands of the enemy! they were flrucken through with forrow, becaufe the hope of their expectation was cut oft!

18. Thefe are thy works, O! thou deflroy- er of man! thou delighted to dride over the field that is covered with the blood of the jilain; and the lad groans of the dying warri-

138 American Revolution*

or, are more grateful to thine ear/ than the mufic of the fliepherds, or the fongs of the enraptured feraph!


Governor Tryon's Expedition to D anbury — Df- /iroys the American Jiores — His party attacked by Arnold, Woojler and Silliman — General Woojler Jlahu

-lN OW when the winter was far fpent, and the feafon of the year advanced when armies go forth to battle, WiUiain, the chief captain ofthehofl of Britain, fcnt a certain captain,* with five hundred men, to deftroy fome fiores that were at a certain place called Peek's Hill.

2. i\nd there were fome of the people of the provinces on the hill to guard the (lores; md when they faw the men of Britain coming

  • Col. Bird.

American Revolution, ign

againft them, they dedroyed the ilores and fled.

3. And It grieved G^c?r^^, the chief captain, v^hen he was told that the flores were deflroy- ed, inafmuch as he had cautioned thofe who had the charge thereof to remove them to fecure places.

4. And another company of the people of Britain, went forth againft a town, the name thereof, was Danbury; and the number of the men was about two thoufand : and Try on ^ one of the king's governors was their cap- tain.

5. And they palTed along the high-way of the country, eight fccre furlongs; and no man faid ought unto them. And the few men who were in the town to defend it, iied.

6. And they burned the houfes of all thofe who adhered to the great Sanhedrim. How- beit they fpared the houfes of the fc£l of the lories, and burned not their habitations.

1,10 American Revolution,

7. And moreover, they deftroyed eight hundred barrels of fwine's flefli, and theflefh of oxen; and of fine flour, eight hundred barrels, and two thoufand bufliels of corn;

and tents for the foidiers, one thoufand feven hundred.

8. Now while the governor and the two thoufand -men, were bufily employed in the town, three chief captains, David * Benedicl and Siltimariy collected fome hundreds of the people of the provinces together.

9. And the men haflened after the three captains, and they journeyed about twelve fcore furlongs; and they were very weary; notwithfl:andIng, they fell upon the men of Britain who were with the governor.

iQ. Moreover Benedid took five hundred men and they moved fwiftly on their way, and gat before the governor, and laid impe- diments in the way of the men of Britain.

II. Now there were nigh at hand, a ledge

  • General Woofter.

American Revolution. 1^1

of rocks, It was a high place, and the gover- nor and his company gat upon the rocks and they fhot at Benedid from thence; and the beafl: on which Benedicl fat was killed; and he was in great jeopardy, being entangled with the furniture of the beafl.

12. And when a foldier who was with the frovernor, faw that Benedicl was in an evil cafe, he ran and thought to have pierced him with an indrument, and llain him therewith 5

13. But BenediSI perceiving the intent of the foldier, fhot at him, and (lev/ him there, and then made his efcape.

14. And it came to pafs, after this, that tht governor journeyed onwards; and the people of the provinces followed after him until the men of Bricain gat into the fnips that waited for them at an appointed place.

15. Now there were ilain and taken cap- tive of the men who followed afteg- the go- vernor, between two and three hundred per- fons.

1^2 American Revolution^,

1 6. And there fell of the people of the pro- vinces, about twenty men, and about forty- were wounded. And a certain dodor was Hain, whofe name was A^water,

17. David was alfo amongfl: the llain, and the princes of the provinces made a decree, that a monument fhould be fet up as a memo- rial of the valiant acls that he had done.

18. Moreover the great Sanhedrim honor- ed Be7iedid with great honor; and gave him a horfe, decked out for the war,

19. Furthermore, the great »Sanhedrini honored a certain captain whofe fur-name was Meigs^ and gave him a fword of curious workmanfhip, inafmuch as he went forth and burned the fhlps of the king of Britain, and took captive, four fcore and ten per- fons; and the number of the fhips that he burned, was twelve befides two fmall ones.

America?! Revohiilon^



Manoeuvres of General Howe fruftrated — The Britijh Army go on hoard their Jhips — They land at the Head of Elk,

iN O W the hoft of the people of the provin- ces pitched their camp at Middle Brook, in the province of Jerfey, and flrengthened themfelves there.

2. And William^ chief captain of the hofl of the king of Britain, came forth out of the town where he had fojourned during the win- ter; and the van guard of the hofl: of Britain extended to a certain houfe* where the judges of the land were ufed to adminifler to the people.

3. Howbeit, they foon returned to the place from whence they came, inafmuch as they were informed that the people of the province of Jerfey, were united with George, the chief

  • Somerfet Court-houfe.


American Revoiuikn»

captain, and were come out againft them, ^ven a very great multitude.

4. For the hufbandmen had left the care of their flocks to the lads of their houfhold; and they thirfted after revenge, inafmuch as the men of the hod of Britain had deceived them.

5. For it was fo, that when the army of Britain was purfuing after the hofl of Colum- bia, that William, the chief captain, fpake fmooth v/ords unto them, and gave them a paper wherein it was written, that all thofe who demeaned themfelves peaceably fhould not come to any harm either in their perfons or pofTeflions, and this paper was called a pro*. tedion.

6. Ncverthelefs the foldiers regarded not the written paper, but did as they Hfted, and they fpoiled the people; and when any of the inhabitants of the provinces complained thereof to William, the chief captain, he turned a deaf ear to the cries of the people.

American Revolution* 14^

J. And, If at any time he rebuked the fol- diers for thefe things, his reproofs were like the reproofs of Eli to his Tons, faying, Why do ye fuch things, for I hear of all your evil doings with this people; nay, verily, but you do wrong, and it is not a good report that I hear concerning you. Thus reafoned he with the men of war, but he retrained them not.

8. And the hoft of Britain again came forth, and IVilliam trulling in the men of war, put his army in array : but George^ the chief cap- tain of Columbia, thought it would not be expedient to go forth to the battle : fo the hoif of the people of the provinces remained in the camp, and went not out.

9. Now when William faw that the people were not inclined to come forth, he turned himfelf about, and made as though he fled from the people. Then, fomc of the people who were with George followed after the hoft

of Britain.


1-^6 Amcrica7i Revolution,

10. And William^ thinking he had gained his purpofe. fuddenly turned himfelf about : jiow George^ the chief captain of the armies of Columbia, alfo moved forwards; and the Tefidue of the holl followed after him to Quib- ble Town, in the province of Jerfey.

11. And when he perceived it was only a cunning decree of William^ the chief captain of the hoft of Britain, he delayed to go forth to the battle; but ftrengthened himfelf in that place.

12. So the devices of the crafty were laid wade, fo that they could not peform their enterprife.

13. Now when the chief captain of the hoft of Britain, knew of a certainty that it would be attended with great jeopardy, and the lofs of many of the lives of the fervants of the king of Britain, fhould they force their way^. through the province of Jerfey,

14. Therefore, feeing thefe things were fo, he put his foldiers into the tall fliips of the

American RevohUion, 1^7

kinr^ of Britain, and the number of the men vjho were put into the fliips, were fixteen thoufand perfons.

15. Now George, the chief captain, and the principal men of the hod, mufed in their minds what this fhould mean, and fome faid one thing, and fome another. And there were divers opinions, for the dark clouds of uncertainty overfhadowed the devices of Wil* Ham, the chief captain.

16. And after much conjedure, and twen- ty days were palled, after that the hod of Bri- tain had gone into the fnips, lo! it was re- ported to the chief captain of the people of the provinces, that the men of Britain were land- ed at a certain place called the Head of Elkj, in the province of Maryland.

17. Then the hod of the people of the provinces hadened forwards to meet the army of Britain. Now there were but about eight thoufand fighting men that v/ere able to go out to war with Gorge, the chief captain.

i48 American Revolution.

18. And there were with William, captain of the hofl of Britain, fixtcen thoufand valiant men, prepared with all inftruments for war.

19. Now /^F/7//^/« thought within himfelf, that ii he fufFered the foldiers to fpoil the in- habitants in hke manner as the}^ had done in the province of Jerfey, he fhould get to him- felf a blot, and his name would be had in ex- ecration of ail the people.

20. He therefore fent forth written papers to the inhabitants of the land; and it was written therein, that if at any time, any of tby foldiers of the army of Britain, behaved theinfeives unfeemly to any of the people, upon notice thereof to the chief captain, they iliouid be punifhed.

21. Neverthelefs, the foldiers did as they were wont to do in the province of Jerfey, and the people defpifed William in their hearts; inafmach as he being chief captain, could have reftrciined the foldiers from doing thofe things.

American Revolution* ■ i^g

11. i\nd the army of the king ofBritam moved forwards towards the chief city of the province of Pennfylvania; and they took with them the deflroying engines, but they left their tents and great part of their (luff with their Ihips.

23. And George^ the chief captain, and the hofl of the people of the provinces pitched their camp nigh unto a certain ford,* where there was a brook of water.

24. And the hoft of Britain pitched their camp on the other fide of the brook, and both armies prepared for the battle.


Battle of Brandy wir.e Jisar Chadd^s Ford — Sue* cessful on the part of the British.

X^ND about the dawning of the day the army of the king of Britain, moved towards

  • Cliadd's Ford,

N 3

150 A7nerican Revolution*

the hofl of the people of the provinces, in two companies :

2. The firft company followed after the captain whofe fur-name was ConiwaUh^ and he was governor of the tower of Lud : and the other company remained by the brook with the captain of the German foldiers, whofe name was Kniphausen,

3. And the firfl company went along the fide of the brook, until they came where it di- vided into two fir cams; and when it was mid-day, they pafled over.

4. And the other company drew up in bat- tle array, and appeared as though they in- tended to pafs over the brook at a certain place, called in the vernacular tongue, Chadd's Ford.

5. And when the firft company had pafTed over the brook, they moved forwards on the other fide thereof.

6. Now the heft of the people of the pro- tinces were takea at unawares, and the men

Americdn Revolution^ j^l

of war were difcomfited. And they fled be- fore the hoit of Britain.

7. Now George^ the chief captain, had been told that Cormvallis^ the governor of the tow- er of Lud, was gone back again to unite with Kniphausen the other captain, and he believed the report, that it was even fo. Thus were the people of the provinces taken in an evil net, and were fain to turn their backs upon their enemies.

8. And there w^ere flain and wounded of the men of Britain, about fix hundred per- fons : and the flain and thofe who were mifs«  ing of the hofl of the people of the provinces, were about twelve hundred men.

9. Now there were of the wounded in the hod of the people of the provinces, two chief captains, the name of the firfl was Fayette^ he was a nobleman from the kingdom of Gaul, and had left the land of his nativity to fight under the banners of the great Sanhedrim.

10. And the name of the other captain wat


American Revolution,

IVcod/crd; howbeit their wounds were not unto death.

11. And there was yet another nobleman from the kingdom of Poland; and his name was Fcla/7;i : he was a mighty man of war.

12. Heconfpired againft the king his mafter, and took him captive from amidft the armed men who were his guards, and out of his

chief city where he dwelt,

13. He was like the fierce panther, that abideih in the forefts of Colum.bia! he feared not the face of man, neither regarded he the threatnings of the enemy i the ways of the warrior were open before him, and he flrew- ed the fields with heaps of ilain!

14. And 'it came to pafs after that thehoft of the people of the provinces had fled from the army of Britain, ihdit William, the chief cap- tain thereof, efiayed to get round the hoft of the people of the provinces on the right hand thereof.

15. But George^ the chid captain, perccir-

American Revolution^ igi

ing that he was fo minded, prevented him. Thus the devices of the crafty were fruftrated, fo that they could not perform the things they had devifed.

16. Now the army of the king of Britain and the hofl of the people of the provinces were nigh unto the houfc* of a certain publi- can, in the province of Pennfylvania.

17. And the two chief captains put the bat- tle in arrny, army againft army 5 and the men of war ihouted for the battle.

18. And when the expe£i:ations of the peo- ple was at the height, lo! a mighty (torm arofe, and the rain defcended and beat upon the holl! andtheblcickdufl was fpoiled bytherain.

19. Then George j the chief captain of the hoft of the people of the provinces, decamp- ed, and departed thence to a certain place^ and the hott of Britain followed after him.

20. And when Geo-ge had gotten as far as

  • The Warren Tavern,


American Revolution.

the fign of the Whife-Horfe, on the highway that leadelh to the chief city of the province, he drew up the hoft of the people of the pro- vinces, and offered the men of Britain battle.

21. But ii^7/7j;?2 declined to go forth that day, and he turned and went to a certaia place,* where the (lores of the king, his mafter were \Jt : fo the army of Britain went to fecure the (lores.

2 2. And it was fo, that the people of the provinces v/ere in an evil cafe; for there were in the holl a thoufand men who went bare- footed; for their (hoes were worn and gone.

23. And the bov/els of the chief captain yearned towards the people, even as the bow- els of a father for his fon whom he loveth.

24. And afcer thefe things it came to pafs, that the hod of Columbia journeyed onwards to a place of fafety; and the highways to the city were left unoccupied by the people of the provinces.

  • Reading.

American Revolution* i^^

25. Now about this time, a company of thefoldiers of the hoft of Britain, fet out privately in the night, and came upon fome of the people of the provinces while they were taking their reft in ileep;

26. -And it was paft the hour 6f midnight \7hen they fell upon the people of the provin- ces; and they flew about three hundred men 5 and there fell of the men of Britain, about eight perfons. Now, the fur-name of the captain of the men of Britain was Grey,* t

27. Now the princes of the provinces, even the great Sanhedrim, knowing of a certain- ty that the army of Britain were minded to get into the city, departed thence, left per- adventure they Ihould fall into the hands of their enemies.

  • General Grey. \ Paoll MafTacre.

1^6 American Revolution.


Genera! Howe marches into Philadelphia — The Battle of Germantown — The Delaware Fri* gate captured

xaND it was fo, that the greater part of the hoft of the king of Britain, encamped in a town, in the province of Pennfylvania, the name thereof was Germantown.

2. And William^ the chief captain of the hofi:, took his way to the chief city, and the refidue of the hod followed after him.

3. The city was founded by Penn, after the form of ancient Babylon; the ftreets thereof were fair and comely to behold! her merchants lived like princes! and her honor- able men were many in number!

4. The boufes of the chief men of the city Were lined with cedar, and thebeam?^ and raf* ters were of fir, for the cedar and the fir treea

American Revolution*


were in great abundance in the forefts of Co- lumbia; and there was no need to fend to Tyre and Sidon for workmen to hew the timber, for the men of Columbia were well fkilled in all fuch matters.

5. Now the merchants fent every year, great (lore of the boards of the ct Jar and of the fir tree to the countries afar off, and the merchants fold them at a certain price, and the wealth of other nations came into the land of Columbia as a flowing flream.

6. And it was fo, that as William^ the chief captain, entered into the city, many of the inhabitants came out to do him honor.

7. Now the great Sanhedrim had deputed Benja?nin to go and m^ake affinity with Louis ^ the king of Gaul, that he might fend and help the people of the provinces againfl their mighty adverfaries, the men of Britain.

8. For the king of Gaul and Giorge^ the king of Britain, were often at w^r with eack


I '8 American Revoluikn.

other. And when Benjamin was told that William had taken the chief city of the pro- vinces, he anfwered and faid j

9. Say not ye in your hearts that William hath taken the city, but rather fay that the city hath taken William; for is he not hem- med in by the hod of the people of the pro- vinces on one fide, and by the waters of the river on the other fide?

10. Now Benja?7iin appeared as though he regarded not thefe things; and it wasfo, that all the people heard him g;^a.lly, and he was highly e (teemed in the kingdom of Gaul, and was called a philofopher, which by interpret tation fignificth a lover of wifdom.

1 1. And it came to pafs, after that William^ the chief captain of the hod of Brhain, had gotten into the city, that George, the chief captain of the hofi: of Columbia, drew nigh unto the men of Britain who were encamped at Germantown.

12. And Wi!Iia?n flrengthened himfelf in

American Revoluim, 155

the city, aud placed the deflroying engines oa the banks of the river, left, peradventure, the armed ihips of Colambia iliould come and drive him from thence,

13. And it was (o that while the fervants of the king of Britain were doing thefe things, one of the armed fliips of Columbia came againd the town, and the name of the fhip"*. was called after the name of the river.

14. And the dedroying engines that were in the fliip, difcharged ffieir thunders upon the town : but it crane to pafs, that when the tide went down, the fhip ran upon the ground; and the mariners fj^ho were therein, feeing that all hope of eicaping >|as gone, delivered themfelves up to the men of Britain.

15. And the fnip became a prey to the fer- vants of the king of Britain, and the mari- ners were made captives.

16. Now while the men of Britain were

  • Dele ware Frigate.

l(5o American Revolution^

bufied In the city, George^ the chief captaia of the hofl of the people of the provinces, called the chief men of the hofl together j

,^ 1 7. And when they had communed amogft themfelves, the greater partadvifed, that the hofl: iliould move' forwards and affault the m^^n of Britain, who were encamped in the town.

iO. Now the hofc of Columbia had been flrengthcned by the inhabitants from the pro- vince of Virgiirla, and from Peek's Hill 5 and the number of men who came to the help of their breiheren, were two thoufand and five hundred.

19. And when the ehief captain had order- ed the battle, the hofl -moved forwards in fe- veral companies : and the fun vi^as jufl rifen upon the earth when the army of the people of the provinces affaulted the men of Britain.

20. And when the people of the provin- ces fell upon the men of Britain, who were on the borders of tire town, they fled into the

American Revolution, ibi

town, and the people of the provinces pur- fued afcer them.

21. /ind a certain captain of the army of Britain, whofe fur-name was Musgrove^ feeing that the fervants of the king of Britain v;ere fleeing before their enemies, he took about three hundred men, and entered into the (Irong houfe of Benjamin* (now the houfe was built up with hewn flone, and it was very fircng.)

2 2. And it was fo, that the people of the provinces halted when they came to the houfe of Benjamin^ and they warred with the fer- vants of the king of Britain who were in the houfe.

23. Now while they were bufied about thefe things, Nal/janielj; affaulted the army of Britain on the right, and the battle wax- ed hot, and there were many who fell down iid.ia that day 1

  • Benjamia Chew, Efc. f General Greene,

O 2

l62 jimerkan Revolution.

^24. And another captain whofe name was

Matthews^ took captive of the hod of Britain,

three fcore and ten perfons. Howbeit they

were loofened from their captivity, and the

^^nianner of their enlargement was on this wife;

25. Eor lo! a great mid arofe, and the fun was darkened, and the men appeared at a di fiance as trees walking ^ and Mattkezvs win: not to which company he was captain : and it came to pafs, that the army of Britain environed him round about, and all his com- pany, and the men he had taken captives.

26. Now there were many valiant ads done that day : neverthelefs the hod: of the people of the provinces fled before the fervants of the king of Britain,

27. And Ccrnwallis^ a lord, and a chief captain in the army of Britain, and feveral -ken with him, purfued after the people of the provinces, on fwift horfes.

28. Nov/ the flain and wounded of people ©f theproviacesj and thgfe who were takencap-

American Revolution, xQo

tives, were about fix hundred men: and there were Ilain, wounded and taken captive of the men of Britain, about five hundred perfons.

29. And there were two captains of the ar- my of Britain, Train; the name of the firft cap- tain was Agnsw^ and the name of the other was Bird.

30. And there was ah'b flain a captain of the people of the provinces, v/hofe fur-name was Nash^ and his armor-bearer* fell with him.


Operations against Fort Mifflin^ on Mud-Island — and Red-Bank — The former finally evacu* ated by the Americans,

X '^ OW there was a (Irong hold that was built on an ifland in the river \ it was occupied by the people of the provinces, and it was

  • Aiddecamp vViiherfpoon.

164 American Revolution*

called after the name of TIjo?nas,^ one of the pnnces oi the provinces.

2. There wds alfo another firong holdf about four furlongs from the former, and it was built on a portion of ground that apper- tained unto james , he was an honorable man, and he had feveral fons and daughters; and his fons were men of renown and beloved of the people; they dwelt in the province of Jer- fey, and the hold was nigh unto the river.

3. Now the people of the provinces had laid impediments in the way of the tlips of the king of Britain, fo that they could not gQt to the city; and the hoft of Britain were fore troubled becaufe of ihefe things.

4. And the vidtuals and all the implements for war that were wanted in the hofl, they brought in carriages- to the city, and the charge thereof was great, and the arrival of the carriages uncertain.

5. Then the chief captain of the navy of

  • Fort^lifflin; en MiicMfland f?i.ed Bank.

American Revolution, l6g

Britain, and JVilliam, chief captaia of the hod of the king, caft in their minds how they fnould gain the flrong hold that was on the ifland.

6. And they toiled hard for many days, and they (hot into the hold, and the dellroying engines beat down the buildings that were on the iiland; and the men v/ho were therein were fore galled by the men of Britain and the deitroying engines. Neverthelefs, the garrifon maintained their integrity.

7. And after many days watching, and fore conflicts, both from the water and alfo front the land, and when many valiant men were flain, the chief captain of the navy of the king of Britain, was told there was a w^ay round the hinder part of the ifland where a ihip might pafs, fo as to come nigh unto the hold.

8. And when the chief captain heardthere- of, he lightened a fhip, fo that fhe ikould not draw much depth of water j and valiant men

IqQ A?nerlcan Rcvohdlon.

were put therein; and the ililp moved along on the face of the water, and came agamO: the hinder part of the hold.

9. And when the garrifon faw the flJp, and the armed men ready with the inftruments of war, all hopes of refulance vaniflied j for their dedroying engines were rendered ufe- lefs, and the means of defence were deftrcyed.

1 o. Nov/ it came to pafs, when it was night, that the men v;ho were in the hold, efcaped to the province of Jerfey, to the flrong hold that was built on the portion of ground that belonged to James,

11. And the captain U'ho was over the men in the hold, gat great honor; his fur-name was Smith; moreover the great Sanhedeim gave him a fword of fme carved work, the work of the hand of the cunning workman!

12. Now there were feveral fnips that Vv^ere armed v^ith the dedroying engines, and they annoyed the navy of Britain, and the captain of the fnips alio gat great honor j his fur-

American Revolution. xGy

name was Hazk'woody cind he alfo received a fword.

13. Now the implements that were put into the river to keep the fhips of the king from coming to the city, were flrong and many;

14. They were made of the large fir-trees of Columbia, and they Vv'ere put one upv3n another, and large pieces of barbed iron ^;rere faftened thereto; and when they were faihi- cned together, they were let down into the waters of the river.

15. And the machines with the barbed Iron pointed towards the fhips, and lo! when the fl^ips came upon the points of the barbed iron, they were marred, and the waters of the river ruflied into the (Hpc, and they v/cre filled with the waters of the river.

l68 American Revolution*

CHAP, xxvir.

Fort on Red Bank — T/je Hessians under Count Donop are defeated— -Finally evacuated on the approach of Lord Cornwallis iviih a large ferce — Count Donop dies of his wounds*

jfi-ND when the fervants of the king of Britain had gotten pofTeffion of the ftrong hold on the illand, the (hips of the king of Britain moved along upon the face of the water, and came to the city; and there was great rejoicing becaufe of this thing.

2. And it came to pafs, that after the hold was taken, and before the navy of the king of Britain had cafl anchor before the city, that IVilUam the captain of the hoft, fent a certain captain and two thoufand men to take the {irong hold in the province of Jerfey, that wa; bailt on fhe portion of ground that appertained to the inheritance of James,

3. And the name of the captain whom he

American Revolution. igg

fent, was Donop^ he was from the German country j and the men who went with him, were the foldiers who were hired of the Ger- man princes, and they went by the name of HefTians. in the land of Columbia,

4. And Donop^ the captain, paiTed over the river, and the two thoufand men followed af- ter him, and they landed in the province of Jerfey.

5. They took the highway that leadeth from the houfe of William the publican, to the field of Haddon;* and as they pafled along the v/ay, fome of the men turned afide and went to the houfe of Jacobs that flood near the way fide.

6. Now Teier was drefling the fleece of 'Jacob's fheep, and Gideon was at the houfe of Jacobs and they were all taken captive : and it came to pafs, that as Gideon drew nigh unto Donop the captain, he fmote Gideon with the

  • Haddonfield.


270 American Revohukn,

ftafF that was in his hand, upon the head ) but Jacob and Peter were not fmitten.

7. Then the captain aad the men journeyed forwards; and the fun was going down when they entered the field of Haddon^ and they abode there that night.

8. And on the morning of the next day, about the time of the cock-crowing, the men of war departed from the field of Haddon^ and palTed along the highway through the province of Jerfey, towards the flrong hold.*

9. And as they came to the borders of Jo- seph, whofe houfe flood by the way fide, lo! Joseph came out to fee the armed men; but he wift not that they were fo nigh at hand.

10. And when he would fain have efcaped and gone into his houfe, one of the armed men called to him in an unknovv-n tongue; bur he underftood him not \ and the man fmote Joseph with a fword fehat he had in his

  • Red Bank.

American Revohction, ly i

[ band, and the zeal of Jcsep/j was kindled againll the man.

I { . Now when the men drew nigh unto the hold, Donoj) the captain fent a meflenger to demand that it iliouid be given up, and ail that was therein;

12. But the captain in the ftrong hold, whofe fur-name was Greene,* hearkened not to the voice of Don op the captain, but prepar- ed himfelf to refid the enemy with all his might.

13. Then was the wrath of Donop, captain of the Heffians kindled, againfl the people of the provinces, was his wrath kindled! and he gave command that every man fliould be ready with his weapons of war in his hand ^

14. And he rulhed forwards as a horfe in- to the battle, or as a bird to the fnare of the fowler, and knew not that it was for his life j and his men followed after him,

  • Col. Gs'eene.

172 American Revolution.

15. Now there was a vacant place that had been occupied as a place of defence; and when the captain of the garrifon knew of a certainty that the Heilians were coming againfl: the hold, he left it for a ftation more inward.

16. And it was fo, that when the Heflians had gotten into the vacant place, they fhout- ed with a great fliout, fuppofmg their war- fare was accompHihed.

17. But lo! the men in the hold flood ready, every man with his weapon of war in his hand; and v/hen the enemies of the peo- ple of the provinces, even the HeiTians, came near unto the battlements, the deiloying engines were let loole, and they cad out their thunders.

18. And the Heflians fell dov/n flain in great multitudes ^ and Donop the captain, was taken captive, and was fore v/ounded, and died of his wounds.

19. Now there were flain of the Heflians about four hundred perfons, and the battle

American Revolutiotii


continued about half an hour, and the refidue made their efcape and fled,

20. Now the bellowings of the deflroying engines were heard afar off, and the iliouting of the men of war, refounded from fhore to fhore, and from province to province!

21. The flocks and the her<^s were driven from the paflures! they fought the thick fhade of the foreft! the hair of their flefli flood up at the found of the battle of the warriors!

22. The knees of the ancients fmote toge- ther! the terrors of death encompafled them round about! they eat their bread in fear, and their drink was mingled with their tears!

23. And the captain in the hold gat great honor, and the princes of the provinces, even the great Sanhedrim, gave him a fword of curious v/orkman(hip.

24. So the (Irong hold remained in the hands of the people of the provinces : aever-

P 2

174 American Revolution,

thelefs, CornwaUis came with a great army not many days after and when the garrifon heard thereof, they deflroyed the hold and departed.

C H A P. XXVill.

The Hessians retreat through the Jerseys and plunder the Inhabitants,

IN OW after that Donop the captain was ilain, the reiidue of the hod turned back again; and as they pailed along through the provmce of Jerfey, they fpoiled the mhabi- tants thereof.

2. And every thing that was pleafant to the eye, they took away! they were like greedy dogs that never had enough! they fpared not, neither did they pity!

3' Defolation and deft:ru«SlIon marked the paths of their feet! and thofe who had fared

American Revolution, inn

delicately every day, were glad of a morfel of bread!

4. Neverthelefs, they were gamers in the end, inafmiich as they learned more true wis- dom in the hour of adverfity, than had been known while they were ba&ing in the fun- fhine of profperity!

5. They were taught that the cup of felici- ty, without fome mixture of the wormwood and the gall, was by no means a draught for mortal man!

6. Moreover their hearts expanded with benevolence towards the children of misfor- tune, they fought them out in their folitary cottages, they informed themfelves of their varied wants, and with a liberal hand chafed away the caufe of their woe!

7. The bleffings of the poor came upon them, and the tear of gratitude abundantly repaid their liberality! They moreover reap- ed the rich harvefl of felf- approving thoughts!

176 American Revolution.

and couid fay with propriety, I have not alto- gether lived in vain!

8. The golden wedge of Ophir, and the diamond of Golconda, loft for a time their magic influence! Thepleafures of fenfuality were abforbed in the boundlefs profpe^l of in- eftimable treafures 1 treafures of eternal du- ration!

9. But alas! when the day of peace return- ed, pleafure tempted them with her golden wings! file fpread abroad her allurements, and many who had once feeii the vanity of earthly riches, were caught in her fnares, and loft fight of fubftantial felicity in the pur- fuit of fnadows 1

10. Let the children of poverty comfort themfelves, inafmuch as they are removed far from the fnares of the diffipated fons of vo- luptuoufnefs, whofe tents are furrounded by the harbingers of the king of terrors! who rideth on the pale horfe 1 and whofe name is death I

American Revolution^ I77

11. Harken, therefore ye children to the inltrudion of the digcd., and let the hoary head teach you wifdom; like beacons on the iliorc of the fea, they point to the unv/ary travel- ler, and lliew him the rocks and quickfands that abound in the turbulent ocean of life!

12. Thecounfel they give, is the fruit of experience. Do thou therefore regard it as the oracle of truth! they fpeak of what they have feen, and are quahfied by wifdom to fleer thy bark with fafety into the defired port 1

13. In the morning of thy days, in iht prime of thy life, when thou art releafed from the guardian (hip of thine elders, when thy fa- ther hath paid the great debt of nature, and his bones are covered with the clods of the valley, and thou art about to launch forth in- to the bufy fcenes of hfe,

14. Then is the hour of danger! then will that arch foe to man's happinefs, whofe name is felf-fufficiency, endeavour to perfuade

l^S American RevohuioJi,

thee that thou art wifer than the ancients, who have trodden the path before thee!

15. He will tell thee, thine own underflanding is fufficient to condud thee with fafety to the ultimate end for which thou waft cre- ated!

16. But hearken thou not to his delufive words, for thoufands have bf en led aflray by his counfel!

17. Let wifdom have place in thine heart, let her have the diredlion of all thy adtions; and let caution take thee by the hand! then fhalt thou be led with fafety through all the apartments of human blifs on earth, and the hope of thine expeclatlon ihali not peri(h!

18. Thou fnalt defcend with fortitude the declivity of life 1 a pleafmg ferenity fnall play around thine heart at that important moment when a new Hate of exiftence lliail open be- fore thee! then (hall thine eyes behold with tranfport, the reward of thy virtue! (lamped with the feal of eternal truth!

A?nerica7i Revolution, l^g


The British and American Armies go into winter quarters — Sir Guy Carlton is succeeded by General Burgoyiie — The Militia^ under Gene- ral Herkimer^ fall into an ambuscade of Indi* ans and Tories^ led by >Ar "John Johnson and St, Leger^ who were upon an expedition against Fort Schuyler,

iSl O W It came to pafs, after the ftrong holds on the river were delboyed, and the fliipsof the king of Britain had call anchor before the city, that the men of war went into their winter encampments.

2. The foldiers of the king of Britain occupied the houfes in the ciry they feared not the driving fnow nor beatin:r rain! inafmuch as they were clad in warm cloathing, that was made of the flee ces of fhe^p, which fed in fat paflures of the iiland of Albion!

iSo American Revolution^

3. But It was not fo with the valiant men of Columbia, who fought the battles of the great Sanhedrim! they were poorly clad, and many of them walked barefooted to the place* of their encampment; and the frozen earth \\as flained with the blood of the men of war!

4. Amongd the trees of the foreft, they pitched their tents! t the fierce bowlings of the winter (torm chafed away their repofe! they were like unto a (hip in a troubled fea! they were toffed in their minds as a leaf dri- ven to and fro by contending currents!

5. Neverthelefs, the fpirit of oppofition remained firm within them! the words of the great Sanhedrim were as a law written in their inward parts! they had tafled of the waters of flrife, and the thoughts of fubmis- fion were driven far away, even as the chaff is driven from the threfhing floor of the hus- bandman!

  • Valley Forge, f Huts,

American Revolution, x8l

6. But William, chief captain of the ar- mies of Britain, fared fumptuoufly every day, he delighted himfelf with vain fports and fliev7S! and was occupied in thofe things that were not feemly for a warrior! he loved plea- fure, and became vain in his imaginations!

7. He lightly efteemed the glory of Bri- tain! he feemed to account it as a thing of nought! yea, he caufed his nation to be evil fpoken of!

8. Even the feci of the tories, they defpis- ed him! he caufed many of them to turn afide and walk in the footfleps of the great Sanhedrim!

9. Now it came to pafs, while William was walling the treafure of the king his mas- ter, in the purfuit of the vain imaginations of his own heart, that tidings came from the province of the North.*

  • Canada,

182 American Revoluikn.

10. Now John, a valiant man, from the ifland of Britain, was made chief captain over the men of war, in the room of Guy; how- beit Guy held his peace, and murmured net at the appointment of Jobn,

11. And there was a flrong hold* in the province, which was occupied by the fervants of the great Sanhedrim it was nigh unto a riv,r,t and John deiired to have the hold for a place of defence,

12. And Jo/m fent two valiant men | againfl the hold to take it. And the barbarians of the wildernefs, and fome of the foldiers of Britain, and of the fe6l of the torits followed after the men whom John had lent : the name of the firfl was Johnfon^ and the name of the fecond 5/. Lcger,

13. Now there were fome of the reople of the provinces gathered together, und«^r bierki^ mer, a captain and fervant to the great San-

  • Fort Schuyler i Mohawk River. % Sir John

Jobiifon and St. Leger.

American Revolution. l3c|

bedrini, and the number of men who were thus gathered, were about eight hundred per- foas.

14. And when Johnf.n heard thereof, he

went forth to lie in wait for the people.

And about fcven hundred barbarians and a

number of the fe6t of the tories followed af- ter hiai.

15. They hid themfelves in the wildernefs! they couched down as a lion, and as a young hon they watched for their prey! yea, ihey thiriled for the blood of their enemies, even as the way-faring man thirfteth for the brooks ol water, when he is faint with heat.

16. And the people who were with HerkL mer journeyed forwards in the fimpliciry of their hearts, for they will not that there were hers in wait!

17. And it came to pafs, as they journey- ed forwards, that the hers in wait arofe out of their fecret places, and fell upon the peo- ple who were with Herkimer^ and flew leven

184 American Revolution*

fcore perfons of the people of the provin ces

18. And there fell of the chief warriors of the barbarians, three fcore and ten men, who were well fkilled m drawing the bow, and could (hoot an arrow to an hair's breadth and not mifs!

19. And the battle waxed hot, and Herki-' mer the captain, was flain; and the widows and fatherlefs were multiplied in the land!

20. The ftrife of the warriors was cruel! they rafhed upon each other as the dreams from the mountains! their countenances were dark and gloomy as the clouds from the South in the heat of fummer, when the earth is parched with heat!

21. So fierce* was their warfare, that the barbarians were aftoniilied with fear! and jealoufy took hold on their minds!

22. And they faid to their young men, Lo I

  • The militia antl tories were fo clofely engaged,

that they ilabbed each other with iheir knives.

American Revolution* jg^

now we fhall be cut oiT by thefc people — they are confederated together, notvvithllanding their feeming animofity.

23. And they commanded them to fall up- on all the white people (for fo they called the people of the provinces and the fe(5l of the to- nes) and there were as many of the ledl of the lories ilain by the barbarians, as by the people of the provinces!

24. And Johnson feeing that the people were confafed, and that there was a great difcom- fiture; he caufed a retreat to be founded, and every man went to his own tent.

1 86 J men can Revoktion*


St. Leger attempts to terrify the Garrison in Fort Schuyler ( formerly Stanwix ) is unsuccessful — CoL Willet and Lieutenant Stockivel under- take to go the Camp at Still-V/aier — Ce7ieral Schuyler sends a detachment under Arnold^^ The Indians retreat with precipitation (occasi^ oned by a Stratagem of Arnold) and the Bri'* iish follozv their example.

Now 5/. Leger, the fervant of the king of Britam and captahi of the holt, call in his mind how he fliould get poifefiion of the hold; and he thought to have terriiied the men of war v/ho were therein.

2. And he font a herald* to the governor of the garrifon, to demand polleilion thereof, in the name of the king his mailer. He ex- ceedingly magnified his ov/nftrength, and

  • A flag.

American Revolution* 187

thought to make the hearts of the men of war to melt!

3. Howbeit they flood firm in their love to the great Sanhedrim, and hearkened not to the words of St, Leger.

4. Neverthelefs the governor of the garri- fon, privately fent two* valiant men while it was yet night; who put their lives in their hands, and they went forth, and palTed by the encampment of their enemies 1

5. Now their way lay acrofs the war path of the barbarians, whofe frightful yellings were heard upon the tops of the mountains 1 and refounded in the forefts! making the hearts of the hufbandmen to quake for fear I

6. And the two men pafled on, notwith- ftandingthe dangers that were in the way! The phantoms of imagination purfued them! the fear of their enemies added wings to their feet I

7. The wild bead of the foreft palTed by!

  • Col, Wiilet and Lieutenant Stock wei.

1 8 8 American Revolution.

a ruftling was heard among the trees! i^h! there ^they cried j is the fon of the murderer! the found of his feet is heard!

8. Again they hear the terrific yell! the hair of their fiefli flood up! they made rea- dy the inftruments of death! they prepared to meet the dreadful foe!

9. The lamps* of midnight marked out a path for their feet — they journeyed for- wards with fear! and the terrors of the night environed them round about!

10. They rejoiced at the dawning of the day! they had longed for it more than for hidden treafure! and when the fun arofe, they were an hungred.

11. A tablet was fpread for them in the wildernefs! the fruit of the bramble fuflain- ed them! until thty arrived in fafety to the encampaient of their brethren, befide Still* Water.l

  • The ftirs f They breakfaded on black berries.

X The proper name of the place.

American Revolution* 189

12. Now Philips was chief captain of the men of war who were at Still- Water; and when he was told that the garrifon in the hold were in a ilrait, he gathered together a band of men.

13, And Benedi^ offered to go before the men, and condud them to the hold, and Philip rejoiced thereat; inafmuch as he knew that Benedid was a valiant man, who turned not his back in the day of battle.

14. And there was a notable prifonerf with Philips and he was called a fpy (now a fpy was accounted an abominable thing in thofe days, they were not fuffered to live, but were hangred up before the hod, even as a dog i? hanged on a tree, and they knew their place no more! ^

15. And BenediEl fpake to the man, and faid, lo! now thy life is forfeited, neverthelefs if thou wilt go to the camp of our enemies

  • Generel Schuyler, f Jod Cuyler.

2 00 American Revolution.

and make them afraid, fo that they flee be- fore us; then thou wilt do well;

1 6. And thy life fliall be given thee for a prey; thy polfefTions fnall not be given to another, neither fnall a flranger poiTefs thine inheritance; but it fnall be thine ^H the days of thy life, and th.y children after thee! mnrf:ovcr the favor of the great Sanhedrim fnall refi; upon thee!

17. And it was fo, that the mefienc^er promifed to do all that Benedifl had bidden him. And he went forth towards the camp of the barbarians;

18. and when lie came to the camp, he re- ported the words that had proceeded out of the mouth of Benedicf, Moreover he told them. That fhe hoR of the people of the pro- vinces was {frong and mighty, even a very great mmltiiude.

19. And while he was yet fpeaking, lo! one of their own tribe alfo came into the

American Revolution*


camp, and rehearfed unto them the fame v;ords.

20. And when the barbarians had heaid the tidings; they were all difcomfited, and they all arofe as one man to flte away! for the fear of the hod of Columbia, and the fear of Benedid had fallen upon them!

21. Now when St* Leger heird thereof, he was fore vextd; and he fought to perluade them to tarry with him; but he could not prevail, although he offered them cf the flrong water of Barbadoes to drink; well knowing they loved it even as their own fouls!

22. Furthermore, they reproached him, m- aTmuch as he had told them that if they would follow after the hod of Britain, they fiiould not go forth to the batcle, but (bould be at peace and burn the fweet fcented plane* of the South country, and regale themfclves with the perfumes thereof! Only with their eyes

  • Tobacco.

302 American Revoluilcnl

they fhould behold the rebellious fons of Co- lumbia, fleeing before the ho ft of Britain, even as the ftricken hart fleeth before the hunters!

23. So the hoft fled, and left much fpoil; and the people of the provinces gathered there- of in great abundance.


General Bitrgoyne advances^ sends a detachment to seize the Jlores at Bennington; they are re^ pulsed with vigor ^ and a great part of the dc' tachment cut off.

y^ O W it came to pafs, in the feventeen hundred and feventy-feventh year of the great Foufjder of the Chriftian fed, that the armies of the North moved towards each other; even the army of Britain, under John, whofe fur- name was Biirgoyne; and the hoft of th. peo- ple of the Provinces, under Horatio * a chief captain and fervant to the great Sanhedrim.'

  • General Gates,

American Revolution, ^^^

2. Now 'when Burgoyne w^lS told that there were large (lores of corn and fine ilour at Ben- nington, coUeded for the foldiers of the Co- lumbian hod, he purpofed m his heart to de- prive the people of the Provinces thereof*

3. i\nd he prepared an army of valiant men, that they might go forth and take pofleiTiou of the (lores; for verily he needed thofe things, even the corn and the fine flour, for he was in a (Irange land, and had not abun^ dance of bread.

4. Howbeit he took counfel of a man whofc fur-name was Skine;* he was a fervant of the king, and an officer in the hoft of Britain : and he had poiTeflions in that country.

5. And the man, even Skine^ fpake after this manner, faying : lo! now thou purpof. eth in thy heart, to fend an army to feize the flores of the people of the Provinces, that arc collefted together at Bennington.

  • Colonel Skine.


^QA Ame7'ican RevolutioUu

6. Know thou of a truth, that my heart IS not with thy heart in this thing, for verily thy fervant knoweth, that the people who oc- cupy the country round about, are true men; they love the king, and are zealous to ob- ferve the laws of the realm of Britain :

, 7. Send therefore only a fmall company of the young men of the hoft, and let them go forth, and let the banners of Britain, even the royal enfign of the king, go before them 5 and verily thou fhalt behold the people ga- ther to it, like the gathering of the congre- gation before the doors of the fynagogue when alms are wont to be given.

8. And it was fo, that Burgoyne^ the chief captain hearkened to the voice of Skine^ and he fent a certain captain* with his company, who came from the German country, and five icore of the Barbarians of the wildernefs followed after them.

  • Col. Baum.

American Revolution^ ig^

9. And another captain with his company nlfo journeyed forwards, and thefe were com- manded to encamp at Battenkill, that they might be ready to help the foremoft company; and th« captain's name w^as Breyman.

10. Now there were a captain nigh unto Bennington : he was a fervant of the great Sanhedrim, and his name was Stark;* and there was with him a large number of the people of the Provinces,^ who were come out to withftand the fervants of the king.

11. And v/hsn the captain, even Stark^ was told that a company was coming towards the (lores, he fent forth a band of chofen men, and he appointed a valiant man whofc fur- name was Gregg^ to go before them.

12. And when they had journeyed a few furlongs, lo! they fav/ the Barbarians of the wildernefs approaching, and a company of the German foldiers were in the rear of the


  • General Stark.

igS American Revolution.

13. Then the people who were with Gregg^ fiCd and reported the tidings to Stark^ chief captain in that place.

14. And it was fo, that the captain gather- ed his army together, and he led the people

forth to the battle.

15. Now there were v/ith him, three other captains, namely •, Warner^ Williams; and a 2nan whofe fur-name was Brush : thefe were valiant men, and went forth before the men of war.

16. And it came to pafs, when they drew nigh to the fervants of the king of Britain, they put the battle in array, army againfl


1 7. Now when the German captain, whofe fur-nam.e v/as Baum, faw that the people of the provinces were ftrong, and that the in- habitants of the land did not come forth to the help of the king, as Skine had faid, he feat a meffenger unto Burgoyne the chief captain, and advertifed him thereof:

American Revolution^ tgj

28. Then was the captain who was encamp- ed at Battenkill, commanded to go forth with his company to the help of his brethren, and he did fo.

19. And the chief captain, even Burgoyne^ and all the people who were with him, jour- neyed along the borders of the river,* and they encamped nigh unto the plaint of Saratoga.

20. Now it came to pafs, that the people of the Provinces who follov^red after Starky fell upon the company who were with the German captain, and environed them round about; and the Barbarians were fmitten with fear and fled: neverthelefs three of their chief warriors were flain.

21. And it was about the third hour in the afternoon, when the people of the Provinces ruflicd in upon their enemies; and the breaking in of the men of war, was like the break-

  • Hudson River.

R 3

jgS American Revolution*

ing In of the waters upon the pailures of the hurDandnien, when the rivers are fwclled by the vehement driving of the eaft wind!

22. And the batde lafted about the fpace of two hours, and the noife of the deftroying engines was like the continued rumbling of thunder in the midfl of fummer!

23. And It was fo, that while the people of the Provinces were gathering the fpoil of their enemies, lo! the company from Batten- kill were nigh at hand, about fixteen fur- longs off.

24. Then were the people of the Provinces Hrengthened by another company,* and they moved towards their enemies, as to a certain Ticcory; and they met the fervants of the king; who were taken in an evil net, and three hundred of them were llain, and (eYen hundred were taken captive.

- 25. Now when the princes of the Provin- ces, even the great Sanhedrim, heard of

  • Ccl. Warner's ConiJncHtal Keg.

American Revolution. igg

thefe things, they rejoiced thereat; and they made a decree that the man, even Stark, fnould be made a chief captain* in the hod of Columbia.


The British army encamp on the heights and plains of Saratoga; and the American army at the Still-Water — a smart engagement ensues, wherein the Americans are successful. Gene- ral Clinton makes a diversion to relieve Bur* goyne, and attacks Fort Montgomery.

iN OW when tidings came to Burgoyne, the chief captain of the hofl of Britain, how that the fervants of the king were ilain and taken captive at Bennington, he was fore troubled; inafmuch as the fame thereof would damp the ardour of the warriors of Britain.

2. Neverthelefs be pitched his camp nigh ^ Brigadier General.

200 American Revohiion*

unto the hod of Columbia, even on the plains and high-lands of Saratoga; and the people of the Provinces were encamped at the Still- water : and the fpace between the two armies was about fixteen furlongs.

3. And it was fo, that as fome of the young men of the army of Britain went forth to view the camp of their enemies, they were met by fome of the people who followed af- ter Horatio, and they drove with each other in the way.

4. And v/hen the chief captains, Burgoyne and Horatio, heard the noife of the men of war, they put the battle in array, army againd army :

5. And when it was mid-day, the battle waxed hot : death invaded all ranks, and ma- ny valiant men were flain; and the drife of the warriors continued until the going down of the fun :

6. And there were flain, wounded, and ta- ken captive of the men of Britain, about five

American Revolution* 201

hundred perfons; and there fell of the peo- ple of the Provinces, three-fcore and four valiant men, who t-urned not their backs in the diy of battle!

7. Now the Barbarians who were yet re- maining with Burgoyne^ the chief captain, when they beheld the valiant adls of the peo- ple of the Provinces, they refufed to help the men of Britain, but went over to the hofl of Columbia; and ferved the king of Britain no more.

8. And the names of the tribes who went over to the hofl: of Columbia, were the Onei- das, the Tufcaroras, the Onondagas, and the Mohawks.

9. Now Hora/w, was occupied in llrength- ening the camp of the people of the Provinces round about; and there came to the help of Horatio, Lincoln, a valiant man, and two thou- fand men with him, prepared with inflruments for war.

10. And it v/as fo. that when tidin3:s came

202 American Revolution*

to Henry, whofe fur-name was CUnion, (he was chief captain of the king's forces in the city of New- York) how that the people of the Provinces prelTed hard upon the hoft of the king in the Northern Province;

Ti. And fearing left Burgoyne fhould be difcomfited, and the men who were with him, he privately fent a meflengcr with a written letter, thereby informing him that he purpo- fed at a convenient time, to fall upon a ftrong hold/ occupied by the great Sanhedrim.

12. For Henry thought to have diverted Horatio from his purpofe, and that he would certainly come and fave the hold; but Horatio was in one mind, and was not to be turned.

13 Now when joJm^ whofe fur-name was Burgoyne, had received the written letter, he was refrefhed and his fpirit revived.

14. Then he fent two valiant men who dif- guifed themfelves in fhepherd's apparel, and hefpake to them nearly on this wife " Go ♦ Fori Montgomery.

'American Revolution, 203

^^ yc now to the city of York, and tell Hen- " ry the chief captain concerning all things re-

  • ^ lating to the war, and that there is provcn-
  • ' der for the hoil until fuch a day, and that
    • the hod will abide here, in this place, un^.
  • ' til then."

15. And It was fo, that the men went forth from the camp, and journeyed through the wildernefs, and efcaped the perils that were in the way; and they went into the city and reported all the words of Jobn^ in the cars of Henry y whofe fur- name was Clinton.

16. Not many days after, there came more foldiers from the iiland of Britain, and the number of them, was about two thoufand fighting men; and Rohertson^ a chief captain and renowned vn war, came with the foldiers.

17. And ^hen the foldiers were landed from the fhips, and had refreO^ed themfelves; it came to pafs at a convenient feafon, that Henry numbered the men of war, and led theai forth to battle.

^204 ' American Revolution*

1 8. And they came agamfl the hold* that •was called by the name of the chief cap- tain, who was flain by Giiy^ the king's go- vernor.

19. And they befieged the hold round a- bout; and Henry fent a mefienger to the go- vernor of the garrifon, and demanded of him to deliver up the hold and ail that was therein,

-fio. Howbeit, the governor refuied to obey the fummons, and flrengthened himfeif a- gainfl: the men of Britain.

21. Neverthelefs, the army of Britain rufh- cd forwards, they bore down all oppofition; theyafcended the battlements of the enemy; they brake into their defenced places! How- belt, the governor and his brother, and two hundred men efcaped, and fled to the moun- tains; and the noife of the battle of the war. riors was as the found of many waters.

£2. And the ilain and wounded of the men

^ Fort MoBtgomery,

American Revolution*


of Britain, were about three hundred per- fons.

23. Then the people of the Provinces, feeing that the army of Britain was flrong, and that they could not (land before their ene- mies, they burned another hold, that was in the vicinity of the former j and two of the armed fhips of Columbia, left they fhould fall into the power of the enemy,

24. And about the fame time, Tryon^ who was one of the king's governors, lift up his hand againft the people of the Provinces; and to fliew a zeal for the king, he burned a town* whh fire, and all that was therein.

  • Continental Village,

to6 American Rcvolutkn.


fhe Britlih army distressed ajid nearly surround' id — their provision begins to grow scarce — en- deavour to extricate t be^ns elves , but are repul- sed with considerable lost. Intrepidity cfGene^ ral Arnold, General Frazier slain,

JN O W after Burgoyne the chief captain had •waited until the appointed time, and no help appeared, when provifions for the hod began to fail J then he drew forth about fifteen hun- dred chofen men, and went to view the hofl of the people of the Provinces.

2. And he hoped to have found out a way, whereby he might deliver himfelf from the danger that furrounded him : and two chief captains were with him, namely, Fhillips and Reidesel-

3. And as they were going towards the hofl of Columbia, lo! they w^ere met in the way by fome of the fervants of the great Sanhe- drim.

American Re^vohition.


4. And there were with the fervaiits of the king who went out to view the hofl, foinc of the deftroying engines, that were made of brafs, and the balls that iffued out of their mouths, weighed five hundred and feventy- fix (liekels, after the fhekel of the fanduary; and many of the fons of men were felled ta the earth therewith!

5. And when the fervants of the great San- hedrim appeared, lo! the brazen engines ut- tered their thunders, and the people were fain to fhelter themfelves behind the trees of the foreft, which were a fure defence againfl the balls that were Ihot from the brazen en- gines.

6. Neverthelefs when the people of the Pro-^ vincfs had taken courage, they ruflied forth upon the tall men* of Britain, but they could not prevail, becaufe they were as a wall of brafs and united together, and were like to a three folded chord, not eafily broken.

  • Grenaciers,

20 8 American Revoluim,

7. And the battle waxed hot^ and the great- er part of the holl of Britam, and the army of the people of the Provinces were engaged in fierce war.

8. And Bsnedid diftingulfhed himfelf that day, and gat great honor; inafmuch as he brake through the hoft of Britain, and enter- ed into their places of defence, and drave them before him as fheep are driven from one padure to another.

9. And it was fo, that while the men of war were driving for the vidlory, that a large company of the German foldiers fled, and re- turned not again to the battle; and the men of Britain imputed the lofs of the battle to them.*

10. ^nd the hod of Britain returned into the camp, and Burgoyne the chief captain was forely troubled; the perturbation of his thoughts were like a troubled fea : moreover tht famine prevailed in the camp, and the

  • Capt. Moony, in the lioufe of Commo.ris.

American Revolution, 509

^people whom he had defpifed, were ftronger than he.

11. Furthermore, theballs from the deflroy- Ing engines were Ihot into his camp; they came from the North and from the South, from the Eaft and from the Well; for the people of the Provinces occupied all the ave- nues that led to the camp, and there was no way to efcape.

12. And while the chief captain w^as rumi«  nating upon thefe things with Phillips and Reidesd by his fide, chief captains and his companions in the w^ar; lo 1 the dead body of his friend, with whom he ufed to take fweet counfel, whofe fur-name was Frazier, was borne upon the fhoulders of the fervants of his houfhold :

13. They were carrying him to the high place, called in the language of the men of Britain, the Great Redoubt, the burying- place he had chofen for himfelf,

S 2 *

uo American Revolution,

14. Now he had defired that the ufual cere- monies of the dead fhould be omitted, and that he might be privately buried by his own fervants; neverthelefs, the three captains, Burgoyne^ Phillips and Reidesel^ llruck with forrow and indignation at the mournful and humiliating fcene, and feeUng their affedions kindled, they could not refrain from paying the iafl office of love to their deceafed brother.

15. They followed the bier until they came to the burying-place, and lo! while the ob- fequies were performing, and the preacher was executing his office, and the people were attending upon this folemn occafion, they were ihot at by the fervants of the great Sanhedrim!

16. The balls from the deflroying engines raifed clouds of dud that covered the pried and the people; neverthelefs the preacher altered not his voice, neither did his counte- nance change, during the terrific and aweful fcene!

American Revolution, 211

17. The love of life was abforbed by the ardent affeQion that was felt for the departed warrior; they made an end of the fad folem- nity, and the fhade of the evening advanced and hid them from their enemies : but had Horatio known the occafion of the people's gathering together, they might have buried their dead in peace.

18. Now Jamesy^ armour-bearer to Bur* goyne the chief captain, and Breyman 2i Gsf" man captain, were flain 5 and Williams znd Ackland, two valiant men, were taken captive; and about two hundred of the foldiers of Bri- tain; and the people of the Provinces go!: great (tore of warlike fpoil.


T/je army commanded by General Burgoyne^ after several fruitless endeavors to escape, finally capitidate.

/jLND it was fo, that the hoft of Britain

  • Sir James Clark.

1 1 2 American RevolutiGn,

were In an evil cafe; their forrovvs were muN tiplied; the famine raged in the camp, and there was no way to efcape; and their enemies environed them round about.

2. For lo! when they allayed to go back again, there was the armed men of Colum- bia in the way; and when they attempted to pafs over the river, their enemies were on the other Tide thereof:

3. And if they abode in the camp, they were cut off by the balls of the deftroying en^ gines, and there was no remedy!

4. Then the chief captain, even Burgey)!^^ was fain to call the principal men of the hofl together, that they might counfel him what to do, and advife together touching all things relating to the war.

5. And as the counfel were deliberating to- gether, a ball from the deftroying engines pafled over the table, and they were afton- ifhed 'y and the fire of the warriors, even the haughty fpirit of man was quenched.

AmsrlcaJi Revolution*


6. Then they haflily conckidcd that the chief captain fhould fend a deputation to Ho' ratio^ chief captain of the hoft of Columbia, and that he fhould fend propofals of peace.

7' And it came to pafs, that the chief cap- tain fent a meifenger to Horatio^ and the mef- fenger v;as inftructed to obtain an anfwer from Horatio^ that would accord with the defire of the counfel.

8. Now when Horatio was told that amef- fengtr was coming from the hoft of Britain, and that the enfign* of peace was carried be- fore him, heordered the men of v/ar to bring him into his prefence :

9. And he entreated him Idndly, and he fent an anfwer of peace to Burgoytie the chief captain, and he fent certain propofals; and the fcribe of the hoft wrote the propofals on paper, and Horatio fealed the paper with his own fignet 5 and the meifenger departed,

^ r lap-.

214 American Revolution.

10. And when Jchit had opened the writ- ten paper, and had read the conditions, his anger was kindled; inafmuch as Horatio had demanded, that the foldiers of Britain (hould lay down their indruments of war, in their encampment, and become captives to the peo- ple of the Provinces.

11. Then the chief captain of the hoft of Britain, fent another melTengcr to Horatio with an epiftle; and it was written therein, ^- Sooner than this army will do as thou haft

  • ' defired, they will rufh into the midll of
  • • their enemies, determined to tak^ no quar-


12. Howbeit, after a certain time, Horatio agreed to the terms prcpofed by Bur*vyne the chief captain; for he was not careful to exa61: the uttermofl:, or wound too deeply the feel- ings of the unfortunate; neither was it a light matter to captivate an army of Britons, for fucha thing had not been heard of, fmceths years of many generations.

American Revoluikn. •> j r

13. And the writings were figned, and the fignets of the two chief captains were prefixed thereunto, in the feventeen hundred and fe- venty-feventh year of the Chriftian Hegina, in the tenth month, and on the thirteenth day of the month, were they executed.

14. And there were taken firll and lall, of the army of Britain, according to the written record of Ramsay the fcribe, ten thoufand men; and large flores of all kinds of imple- ments for war!

15. Thus the army of Britain, became cap- tives to the people of the Provinces.

16. O Britain, how is thy glory tarnifhed! thy warriors are becom.e weak! they are en- ervated! they have loft that noble fire that animated their fore- fathers! my foul is trou- bled for thy degenerate fons, whofe progeni- tors trod upon the necks of their enemie.% and had to fheath their fwords for lack of oppofi- tion!

17. Bear vninthjzHenrys, and ye Edwards.,

2l6 American Revohdton»

when ys led forth the hardy fons of Britain, againfl the embattled hofl; when one of her fons was an overmatch for hrice the number of the furious Gauls;* or call to mind, O Al- bion! the reign of thy virgin-queen, Eliza; who flood alone, and was profpcrous in all Jier wars!

1 8. When thy navy, arrayed in terrific fplendor, moved fublimely upon the face of the great deep, and furrounding nations trem- bled at thy power 1

19. What a humiliating contrafl is here! thy fons are now taken captive by a people unufed to war; whofe occupation is hufband- ry, and whofe greatefl fkill is in the ufe of the plow, the hoe, and the mattock.

20. Is not the wickednefs that aboundeth in thy borders, the caufe of thy misfortunes? for vice and luxury weaken the people, and the rulers caufeth them to err.

21. Thus ended the warfare of the north-

  • See Rap. Kill. Eng. bat. of Agencourt k Crefby,

American Revolution^ 217

ern army, and Horatio and Benedicl gat great honour; and an account of their valiant ads, were recorded in the books of the great San- hedrim.


Sir William Howe prepares to etnhark for En-* gland; is succeeded in command by Sir Heiirf Clinton^ Unsuccessful expedition of the Mar-^ quis la Fayette.

iNI O W the time drew nigh, when William, chief captain of all the armies of the king, in the land of Columbia, was to refign his captainfhip to another; and depart to the Illand of Britain, to give an account of his warfare to George^ the king j and to the great Council of the Kingdom.

2. And the captains of the hoil aflembled themfelvcs together, and prepared a great


2i8 American Revohuioru

feafl:; and fpent the night in vain fports and fhows, in honor to the chief captain.

3. They made various reprefentations, marvellous to behold; they were the inventi- ons of cunning men : and fame, the goddefs of the heathens, was perfigured, holding a trumpet to her mouth, blowing out in letters of light, the praifes of their chief captain, in thefe words, " Thy laurels fhall never fade."

4. Now thefe men were like the prophets of Ahab, who always prophefied good unto the king; who fpake deceit, and flattery pro- ceeded out of their mouths.

5. If it was not even fo, then let the nati- ons judge 5 for the laurel is a fymbol of vic- tory; and what marvellous adl can be afcribed to ]¥illiam^ the chief captain.

6. Now I would willingly expoflulate with thee, O Willia?n! the opening of my lips, fhall be of right things; my tongue fliall fpeak the truth, for a lye is an abominable thing;

American Revolution. 2 19

yea, it is a deteftable thing : fuffer me there* fore to fpeak, for I wifli to justify thee.

7. True it is, thou failed from the Ifland of Britain, to the town of Bofton; from thence thou paffed to HalUfax; from Halli- fax, thou came to Long-Ifland; from thence, thou failed to the city of York; and iadly, thou came to the city of Philadelphia.

8. And when thou had fojourned in tha£ city, for a feafon, living in the gratificatloa of thy fenfual appetites; lo! thou failed to the Ifland of Britain; and left Henry^ to war with the people of the Provinces, who were as able to go forth to the battle, as when thou firll came amongfl them.

9. This is the fum of thy victories, and the honour thou had acquired thereby, no man will wifh to take away from thee.

10. Hadfi: thou flayed in the Ifland of Bri- tain, happy would it have been for thy fame, and the page of the hiflorian would not hare been fullied, with thofe excefTes that were

2 20 American Revolution^

committed during the exercife of thy power^ and which thou fhouldfl have prevented.

11. Now JVilliam, before his departure from the land of Columbia, fent fome of the armed fnips to dedroy certain veffels that bel nged to the people of the Provinces, that

had ilea up the river.

12. And the armed flilps moved along upon the face of the water, and they pafled by the city of Burlington that ancient city!

13. It v/as built upon the borders of the ri- ver, even the great river Delaware, and James^* one of the princes of the Provinces dwelt ia the city : he was a notable counfel- lor, and expounded the law to the people.

14. The inhabitants of the city were kind- ly aiFeclionate to each other, the way-faring man partook of their bounty, and they fuffer- ed not the flranger to perllh in their ftreecs j

15. So that it became a proverbial faying

  • Jam^s Kinfey Efq. Tiieraber ofCongrefs,

American Revolution^ 221

in the land of Columbia, nearly on this wife: Lo! the inhabitants of Burlington are given to hofpitality.

1 6. The fcribe who recordeth thefe things^ IS a living witnefs to the truth thereof, and his record is true; for he was a ftranger from a far country in the days of his youth :

I J. And he came to the city of Burlington, and the inhabitants thereof entreated him kindly; and John^ who was by occupation a tanner, took him into his houfe, and he fojourned with him many days.

i8» Now this Jchn was one of the elders of the city, and an honourable man; he had many fons and daughters.

19. But alas! many of the elders are remo- ved, and know their places no more; their habitations are filled with ftrangers, and thofe who knew them not, occupy their plea- fant places.

T 2

tt2t Ayncrican RevQlutiGnl "'*

20 Now perhaps fome will fay. Why doth the fcribe tell us of thefe things? or, What is it to us, if all the inhabitants of that city are given to hofpitahty?

2 1. Be not offended, O ye fmiple ones! neither let envy take hold on your minds : it is the tribute of gratitude, and without gra- titudCj'What is man? is he not worfe than a brute? and the envious man is no better than he.

22. For envy biteth like the rattlefnakc that lieth concealed in the foreil, and their poifon is alike fatal; the one deftroyeth the body, and the other the noble virtues, that dignify and adorn the fons of men,

23. Such are the fruits of envy! it feedeth on the wormwood and the gall, and nothing is pleafant to the tafte; fhun therefore the leafl appearance thereof, left it deprive thee of the pleafant flowers that yet remain in the garden of life, to cheer the heart of man in his paf- fage through a thprny wildernefs, replete

American Revolution, 223

with numberlefs dangers and confuming woe.

24. And it came to pafs, that the armed fhips arrived where the veliels were anchored, that belonged to the people of the Provinces, even at Bordentown in the province of Jerfey; and the mariners burned the llcre-houfes and the velTeis, and afterwards they returned to Philadelphia, the great City!

25. Now certain fons of Belial from the province of Jerfey, went into the city, and told William the chief captain, that the people of the province of Jerfey, were gathered toge- ther under Joicpb* at the field of liaddon.

26. And that they were a lett to the huf- bandmen, inafmuch as they would not fuffer the fruits of the field to come to the city.

27. And IViUlam was wrath, when he heard thereof; and he fent hallily for Abir- cro?nbie. and faid unto him, Go now, and take the young menf whom thou leaded forth to the war, and go to the field of liaddon, and

J Col. Ellis. -J- Light Infar.try,

224 American Revolution. 3^^

flay thofe men who dare to rife up againft the king, and oppofe his fervants.

28. So will the huibandmen rejoice; and we will buy of them the fruits of the field, our gold and our filver will allure them to the city, for verily, they are weary of the money made by the great Sanhedrim, which is no better than filthy rags.

—"<•••<•"« '<'*-^f^^^'^^>^> ►••>•■>•*>*—


The light 'infantry land in the nighty nearOlouces-' ter^ on the "jersey shore, and proceed to Had^ donjield. The rmlitia^ commanded by Colonel Ellis ^ have notice of their coming — they nar* rowly escape.

Jl hen Abercro?fibie gdiXhcrcA his young men together, and they were put into the boats that waited for them; and they rowed down the river, about twenty-four furlongs from the city j and lauded in the province of Jer-

American Revolution, 225

f^y, nigh unto the town of Gloucsfler; the. place where Josej^b dwelc.

2. And it was in the firfl watch of the mght, when they landed; and they palled along the high'Way, that leadeth from the town of Glouceilcr to the field of Iladdon.

3. The found of their feet was not heard, as they journeyed along the way; for they had devifed in their hearts, to furprlfe the men who were v/ith yoseph^ in their fleep.

4. Howbeit, a ycung man of the province of Jsrfey, efpieJ them; and he haftcned and told Joseph, that mifchief was intended againft him, and the people who were with him.

5. And Joicpb called a council, and he com- muned with the chief men who were about him; and they all Vvith one voice, thought it moft expedienc to depart thence, for they knew not the ilrength of the eneny.

6. And it was fo, that v/hen the people of the province of Jerfey, who followed after

223 American Revolution^

Joseph, had gotten to the one end of the field of Haddon; that Abercrombie, and his com- pany, were at the other end thereof.

7. And Abercrombie divided his company into two bands 5 one band took their way, ilraight to the town; and the other conif.any took a circuit, and came round by the houfe of Samuel,* on Mount- pleafant.

8. And the two bands entered the town, that was bulk on the field of Haddon; and they brake the doors and windows, and terri- fied the inhabitants thereof.

9. They had drank of the flrong waters of Barbadoes, mixed wath the black duft, and it made them furious; they made a hideous Roife! they foamed at the mouth like the wild boars of the foreft, when they are cha- fed by the hunters! they were enraged becaufe Joseph and his men had efcaped.

10. The cries of the women and children

  • Samuel Chment Efq*

American Revolution, 227

v/ere heard afar off! the glittering of the in- ftruments of war, added to their terror; they defpaired of feeing the dawning of another day!

11. Neverthelefs, they were faved; and it ^ was a deliverance that (hould not be forgot- ten. And v/hen the fun arofe, the foldiers departed; and came to the houfe oi Samuel* that flood by the fide of the river, oppofite to the city : and the boats came to the fhore and took them all in.

12. And they took captive, WilUain^ whofc fur-name was Ellis; he was a ufeful man, and (killed in architefture; and afmall num- ber of the people of the province of Jerfey, who were with him, were alfo taken captive.

15. Thefe were fome of the laft ads of William, the chief captain : and it was fo, that he went mto one of the tall fhips of the king of Biitain, and the people of the provinces faw him no more : and Henry, whofe fur-

  • Cooper's Ferry.

228 A7nerican Revolution,

name was Clinton^ was made chief captain in his flead.


The nezvs off be army under General Bitrgoyne^ arrives in England; in consequence of which , the French Court acknowledge the Independence of the United States; and Dr. Franklin^ Silai Deane^ and Arthur Lee, Esqrs, are treated with^ as Commissioners, Lord North^s conciliatory bill passes both houses of Parlia^ ment; is sent to America^ and rejecled by Congress,

/\.ND It came to pafs, when tidings came to the king of Britain, and to the great Coun- cil of the kingdom; how that the Northern army was made captive by the people of the Provinces; their fpirits funk within them : aftonlfhment fiezed the enemies of Cohimbia, they looked upon one another, and wifl not what to fay!

American Revolution. 22C

2. The wifdom of the wife, was fealed up as in a bag; the eloquent orator, was like to a bottle filled with new wine, and had no vent; their vifages were marred, and cover- ed with wrinkles, and fierce wrath fiulhed from their eye-balls.

3. The tables were turned upon them, their joy departed like a mid that hovereth on ihc top of the mountains, before the fun arifeth I

4. And hope, the lad fupport of the wretch- ed, the ail-cheering companion of the child of woe, fpread her downy pinions, fcar'd at the frightful appearance of that monfter, known amongft the fons and daughters of difobedience, whofe name is dispalr, the hi- deous offspring of guilt.

5. Far other wife, were the tidings received in the kingdom of Gaul;* there was great rejoicing in the land; and the joy of thepeo-

  • FrancC; anciently fo called.


2 go American Revolution,

pie, exceeded the joy of the vine-drellers^ when the prcfles burfl out with n-^ w wme.

6. And the king fpake, and faid to his no- bles, and his counfellors : " Lo now Benja*

  • ' mhf^ Silas, and Arthur ^\ who were fcnt by
  • ' the great Sanhedrim, from the land of Co-
  • ' lumbia, are yet in our realm, and we have
  • ' not attended to their miffion.

7. " And now behold, the people of the

  • ' Provinces, have taken captive the North-

" ern army; and it plainly appeareth unto us, " that they are able to do their own work j

  • ^ neverthelefs, leH we offend them, and to
  • ' prevent the breach from being made up be-
  • ' tween the king of Britain, and the people
  • ' of the Provinces, v/e think it expedient
  • ' that the men be called into our prefence.

8. " And that we make a lading covenant

  • ' with thefe people, and that we bind them

^' to us in bands that cannot be" broken; fo

  • ' will our ancient enemies, the men of Bri«

■\ Dr. Franklin; Dean, and Lee^ E^rs.

American Revolution*


tain, be weakened, and their haughty fpU " rits be humbled."

9. And the fayings of the king pleafed the people; and Bsnjafmn^ Silas, and Arthur^ v/ere forthwith brought into the prelence of the king, and they did obeifance; and the king entreated them kindly, and they partook of his royal favor; and he made a covenant of peace with them, that was to continue to the end of many generations 5 and the cove- nant was figned, and the decree made knov/n, on the fixth day of the eighth month, in the feventeen hundred feventy and eighth year of the Chriftian Hegira.

10. But it came to pafs, that v^hen George the king, heard thereof, he vvas very wroth, and he made war upon the king of Gaul for this thing; becaufe he had taken part with the people of the Provinces.

ir. Now the chief counfellor of the realm of Britain, determined to try foft words; feeing thatthe people of the Provinces, regard*

23^ American Revolution.

ed not threatening fpeeches : but alas! it was too late, their confidence in the king and his chief fervants, was deflroyed.

12. Flowbeit, he brought certain written propofals into the great council, that feemed to fpeak peace and good-will to the people of theProvinces, and the great council approv- ed thereof; and they were fealed with the great fignet of the realm, and fent to the land of Columbia.

13. And certain men were appointed to carry the propofals, who were called Commissi^ oners; who, when they arrived on the coaft of Columbia, they fent the propofals to the great Sanhedrim.

14. And it was fo, that when the princes of the Provinces, had read all that was con- tained in the written paper, and had confulted together, it was rejeded by the whole alTem- bly; for they cared not to put their trufl in the king of Britain any more.

i:;. And the commifiloners feeing they

American Re-volution, o o o

were lightly efleemed by the great Sanhedrim, and their miflion fet at nought.

1 6. Then they denounced vengeance agahift the inhabitants of the land; they put forth a decree in their wrath, and menaced deftruc- tion, in their hot difpleafure.

17. Furthermore, they fpake and faid, Lo! " the people of the provinces have made af- " finity with Louisj king of Gaul, and have " rejected George, from being king over them; . " we will therefore make their country deso- " late, and lay waste their cities."

18. Neverthelcfs, the princes of the Pro- vinces, even the great Sanhedrim, were not moved to fear; well knowing that they had counted the cod, and were prepared to bear the portion of evil they could not Drevent,


234 American Revolution*


T/je French equip a fleet ^ for the purpose ofhlock-' ing up the English in the Delaware. Sir Henry Clinton^ being timely informed of their intentions^ escapes to 'Ncw-Tork; the lajid forces march through the Jerseys. Battle of Mon^ mouth.

jl\nD it came to pafs, after that the king of Gaul had made a covenant with Benjainin^ Silasy and Arthur :

2. That he commanded his fea-captalns, to make ready a navy of Ihips; and take large florc of the dcflroying engines, and other implements for war; and that they (hould make all fpeed, to fail for the land of Colum- bia, and help the people of the Provinces^ againfl their mighty adverfaries, the men of Britain.

3. Theu the fea-captains did according to

American Revolution, l>g^

all that the king comraanded them; and they made ready the fnips, and the mariners fpread their fails to the wind, and haftily departed j becaufe the king's command was urgent.

4. Now the fervants of the king of Gaul, hoped to have arrived on thecoaft of Colum- bia, before the fnips of the king of Britain fhould efcape out of the great river Delaware; and if it had been fo, verily the (hips and the hod of Britain, would have been in great jeo- pardy.

5. Howbeit, Henry, chief captain of the hoft of Britain, was told that the king of Gaul was meditating mifchief againfl: him; more- over, he was commanded by the king of Bri- tain to depart from Philadelphia, the chief city of the Provinces; left peradventure, the fervants of the king of Gaul, fhould come up- on them unawares.

6. Then Henry, chief captain of the hoft of Britain, privately commanded the chief men of the hoft to have all things in readinefs.

23'j> American Revolution.

to be gone on a certain day; but inafmuch as he defired to keep the thing from being known to George^ the chief captain, he kept the labourers at their work, as though he in- clined to keep the city.

7. And it came to pafs, in the fixth month, on the eighteenth day of the month, and m thefecond year* after the people of the Pro- vinces had throv/n off the yoke o^ George the king y that the holl of Britain departed out of the city.

8. And the (hips alfo moved do v/n the river; and the feci of the tories were aftoniihed out of meafure : inafmuch as they had hoped that their habitations in the city, and all their fluff would have been preferved, and the city poifefTed by the men of Britain, until George^ the king, fhould reign and rule as in days paft.

9. And the hofl of Britain pafled over the river into the province of Jerfey, and they

  • 2d. -^'tz.Y afcer the declaration of Independence,

American Revolution, 0Q7

journeyed onwards to the field of Haddon, and they encamped there that night,

10. And George chief captain of the armies of Columbia, and all the armed men came to Princeton, in the province of Jerfey, and there they pitched their tent.

11. And George queried with the chief men of the boil, faying, Shall we go forth and offer the men of Britain battle, or fhall we forbear.

12. And the men, even the captains of the hod, anfwered and faid, Not fo : never- thelefs let feme of the people go forth and ob- ferve the enemy and fall upon the hinder part of the hod.

13. And it was fo, that Scotly* a chief cap- tain, and a valiant man, and about one thou- fand m.en of the hod, went forth to view the arm.y of Britain, that was fpread over the pro- vince of Jerfey, even as the grafshoppers in the vale for abundance.

  • General Scott.

238 American Revolution.

14, Now the men of Britain journeyed to- vards the fea coafl, and they came to the town of Alien.*=

15. And when George the chief captain heard thereof, he fent a valiant man, whofe fur-name was Wayne, he was alfo a chief cap- tain; and Robert, who was of the order of the prieflhood, and who had received his or- dination from the bifhop of the city of Lud, expounded the law of Moses to the people; this man even Robert, journeyed with them and became their minifter; he was no Phari- fee, neither was he the fon of a Pharifee, but the fpirit of charity refiied upon him.

i6j And Fayett, the nobleman from the kingdom of Gaul, was alfo with them, and he commanded the foremoft company.

17. Now Les, who had revolted from the king of Britain, and who had joined himfelf to the people of the Provinces, had been new- ly relcafedfrora his captivity, for the men of

  • Allen's Town.

American Re'jolutm*


Britain had taken him captive; as it is writ- ten in the nine-teenth chapter of the Colum- bian Chronicle.

18. This man had been appointed to com- mand, and to lead the people forth againfl: the hod of Britain, but inafmuch as he was not like minded with George^ the chief captain, he inclined not to go forth.

19. But it came to pafs, when he faw that the people looked not towards him as in days paft, he changed his mind and went out be- fore the people.

20. And on the morning of the next day, he was commanded to affault the enemy, and give them battle.

21. And when Henry ^ chlsf captain of the hofc of Britain, was told that the people of the Provinces were coming towards him, he fent the f^ores, the baggage, and all the d-ufF that appertained to the hod, away; dnd Knephausen, chief captain of the German fol- dier?, had charge thereof.


American Revolution,

22. Now Henry was troubled v/hen he faw the people of the Provinces, inafmuch as he was perfuaded they defigned to fieze the {lores.

23. Therefore, he led forth the choice men of Britain, and fearing that there would be a fore conflicl, he fent for a large number of the foldiers that were with Kniphausen^ the German captain, befide a company of horfe- men, to ftrenghen his hoft.

24. Then he led forth the men of war, and they moved towards the people of the Provin- ces, who followed after Lee,

25. And it came to pafs, when Leehrv into the defign of the men of Britain, he fent a mcifenger to Scott, who had under him a large number of valiant men; and the words he put into the meflTenger's mouth, were nearly on this wife, faying :

26. When thou corned to Scott, fay thou unto him : thus faith Lee the captain, Tarry thou in yonder wood until I fend thee word.

American Re-cchtion. 24 1

'2j. And the meffenger departed: howbeit, Scott perceiving that part of the hofl were in motion, and not knowing the cause thereof, he thought it expedient to remove; and Ma'^* wcll^ a vahaur man, and a chief officer in the hod, followed after him 5 and the h oil of the people of the Provinces were confufed.

28. And the men of Britain purfued after them, until they came to a tovm in the pro- vince of Jerfey, and there ih^ people halted to refredi themfeives, for they were weary and faint with heat.

29. And the chief captain, George^ queried with Lee concerning the battle : now this Lee was a man of a haughty fpirit, and he was offended at the words that proceeded out of the mouth of George^ and he fpake unadvi- fedly with his lips.

30. But it was fo, that after the men of war, even the hofl of the people of the Pro-


242 American Revolution,

vlnces, were refrefhed, they took courage and alTaulted the men of Britain.

3 1 . And when the battle waxed hot, George fent tv;o captains* with their companies, on the right and on the left of thehoil of Britain.

32. But it cametopafs, before they could get to the appointed place, the night approach- ed, and the people betook themfelves to refl.

33. And G(?(?r^^ the chief captain, wrapped his cloak about him, and repofed himfelf un- der a tree; and the warriors of the great Sanhedrim lay on the ground, round about him.

34. Now there were fiain and taken captive of the men*of Britain, three hundred two fcoie and ten perfons, and two fcore and nineteen v/cre found dead on the field of bat- tle, on whofe bodies were no wounds, but they periihcd with the heat; for it was in the midfi: ol fummer.

  • Generals Poor> and Woouford.

American Revolution* 24 Q

^$, And Moncktoity a valiant man of the Iiofi: of Britain, fell in the battle ^ and the hofl mourned for him with a great mourning; inafmuch as he was prudent in ail matters re- lating to the war, and one of the chief war- riors.

%■ 36. And there were flain and wounded of the people of the Provinces, about two hun- dred two fcore and ten perfons.

2^y. Now it came to pafs, while it was yet night, that the hoil of Britain departed, and ftole away like men afliamed, and the people of the Provinces knew it not; and the hod: came to a certain place called Sandy-hook, which is nigh unto the fea-coad, and George purfued them not, for the people v.-ere very weary.

38. Now as the hofl: of Britain were palling through the province of Jerfey, there fell away from the hoft firfl: and laft, about eight hundred of the German foidiers.

39. Then after thefe things, Henry went

241 * American Revolution,

over to the city of York, and all the people followed after him.

40. And the people rejoiced, inafmuch as they had efcapedfrom the hoft of Columbia, for they had learned to fear; neither did they deride the fervants of the great Sanhe- drim as at the beginning.


The French fleet arrive at the Delaware^ and pursue the British fleet. Their design frustra- ted — disabled by a storm — rendezvous at Bos» io7i. Adion on Rhode Island.

And it was fo, that when the king of Gaul had fitted out a fleet of Ihips, he fent them to the land of Columbia to help the peo- ple of the Provinces, and to fight with the iliips of the king of Britain.

2, But it came to pafs, that the navy of the king of Britain efcaped out of the river.

Arnerican RevohcHon. 245

even the great river Delaware, a few days before the fleet of the king of Gaul arrived; and the fervants of the king were vexed becaufe of this thing.

3. For verily, had the fhips of the king of Britain remained until the arrival of their ene- mies, they would have been like unto a lion, when he is taken in the net of the hunters.

4. Howbeit, the fervants of the king of Gaul, purfued after the men of Britain, and the fhip3 came before the harbor wherein the navy of Britain had taken fhelter, even before the city of New-York.

5. And when the fervants of the king of Britain, even the mariners and all the vahant men, favv the fliips of their enemies, they beflirred themfelvesj and encouraged one another, and there was great ftrife amongft the men of war, ■ inafmueh as the whole mul- titude defired to go forth to the battle; it was the ftrife of honor, and was decided by lot.

W 2

24S American Revolution*

6. Neverthelefs the (hlpsof the king of Gaul were quiet, and remained eleven days with- out doing any thing againft the fhips of their enemies, and on the twelfth day they hoifted up their anchors, and fleered their courfe to the Ifland of Rhode.

7. Now there was on the Ifland, a garrifon offoldiers, fervants to the king of Britain; and it was determined by George^ the chief captain of all the armies of Columbia, to take the garrifon captives.

8. But theenterprife failed, and the caufe thereof was on this wife : for it came to pafs, that the chief captain of the fliips of the king of Britain, purfued after the fhips of the king of Gaul; and it was even fo, that as they were preparing for an alTault, lo! agreatflorm arofe and difperfed the fliips.

9. And the navy of Gaul was damaged, and fuffered much by the florm, fo that they were fain to flee to the town of Boflon, to repair the fliips that were hurt.

American Revolution. 247

10. Howbeit, there was a fliarp conflid between the people of the Provinces who were on the Ifland, and the foldiers of the garri- fon, and there fell down flain on each fide, be- tween two and three hundred men.


M^fjor General Grey^ with a party of the British^ surprise and put to death with their bayonets^ nearly a whole regiment of American dragoons commanded by CoL Baylor^ at Old Tap a an,

i\ OW there was a man in the hod of Bri- tain, whofe fur-name was Grey; he was a chief captain in the hoft, and he went forth tofeek forage; and certain of the vahant men followed after him, and they went into the open country.

2. And it was told a certain captain of the hod of the people of the Provinces, how that the men of Britain were gone forth to forage and to diftrefs the hulbandmen*

248 American Revolution.

3. Then he gathered together a band of men, and they were gathered together :

4. And the fur-name of the captain was Baylor; he comrnanded a company of horfe- men : and they took their way towards a cer- tain place, called in the vernacular tongue. Old Tapaan; and being weary with hard travelling, they tarried there.

5. And when ic was night, and the horfe- men were fallen afieep; lo! the men of Bri- tain, who followed after Grey^ fell fuddenly upon them, and Hew them with a great fiaughter.

6. Howbeli:, a certain captain of the men. of Britain, fpared about forty perfons, and they became captive to the men of Britain : he was not like unto Grey^ the captain, for his bowels yearned towards the people, whea they pleaded for their lives.

7. O mercy, how amiable art thou at ail times! and what is ti:ie warrior without thee! is he not a bfirbariau? a monfter fet loofe to

American Revolution, 249

fcourge the human race, on whom the cre- ator hath fet a mark, Hke he did on Cain^ that all men may fhun him as the dellroyer.

8. The glory of Britain pafleth away like a fliadow; her degenerate fons confume her fame; Ihe is verily, like unto a harlot, whofe virtue has vaniihed, and whofe beauty is withered'

9. O Albion, thou wail once the defire of all nations! thou fat as a queen in the mid ft of Europe! the mildnefs of thy laws were the admiration and envy of thy neighbours, and thy fons were honored in foreign lands.

10. But now thou art lightly efleemed, and the people whom thou fcorneftare become mighty in power; yea, they fay within them- feh^es. The mighty are fallen! and by the (trength of our arms, we have brought down the pride of Britain 1 her haughty fpirit is humbled! the days of her triumphing is at an QV.d,

II, Say no more amongft yourfelves, We

250 American Revohiion.

will be avenged on fuch a nation; for lo! you could not ftand before this people.


The British forces are successful under General Frevofc^ mid colonel Campbell^ and eflahlifj ihewfehes in Savannah.

/xND it came to pafs, about the end of the year, that there was war in the Southern Provinces, even in Georgia.

2, And the men of Britain gathered them- felves together under a certain captain, whofe fur-name was, Campbell; he was from the country of Caledonia, and a fervant of the king cf Britain.

3. And. the people of the Provinces were gathered together under Robert^* who was a

chief captain under the great Sanhedrim.

  • General Pxobert Howe.

A7nerican Revolution.


4. And he went forth before the people, to oppofe the foidiers of Britam, and waited for them in the way.

5. And when Campbell heard thereof, he fent a mighty man of valor, whofe fur-name was Baird, and a company of foidiers v/ent along with him.

6. Now thefe men took a curcuit, and they had an Ethiopian for a guide; and when they had gotten to the place appointed them, then the men of Britain who were with Campbell the captain, ruOied upon the people who were gathered together under Robert.

7. And the people were difcomfited, inaf- much as the men of Britain environed them round about; and there were flain of the peo- ple of the Provinces, about one hundred men, and four hundred and fifteen v/ere made cap- tives.

8. Moreover, they took a ftrong hold, that w^as built upon the river, even the liver Savannah, and two fcore and eight deftroying


American Revolution^

engines, the flilps and the merchandize 5 fur- thermore, they took captive, one fcore and eighteen officers, and one fcore and three mortars, pari of which were madeofbrafs, and part of iron.

9. The chief town of the province, and a- bundance of fpoil, and large (lores of provi- fion for the hoft; all thefe things did the men of Britain take in the fpace of a few hours.

10. And after this, it came to pafs, that a chief captain, whofe fur-name was Frevost^ and a large company of the fervants of the king of Britain, joined the former company, and they became one band, and pitched their tents in that place.

11. Then the people of the Provinces who had efcaped from the battle, fled up the river and efcaped, and many of them went to their own habitations; for their fpirits were funk- en, becaufe of the men of Britain,

12. And there was peace throughout the

American Revolution.


|>rovince of Georgia j and the king's courts were fet up as in time pad; and there was reft and quietnefs in the land.


General Wayne^s successful expedition at Stcney Point — ibe forty after being in possession of the Americans a few days^ is evacuated^ and re* posted by the British^

JL HEN it came to pafs, in the one thou- fand feven hundred and feventy-ninth year of the Chriftian Hegira, in the feventh month, and on the fifteenth day of the month j a chief captain of the hod of Columbia, went againfl a flrorig held, called by the people of the Pro- vinces, Stoney Point.

2. The name of the captain, was Wayne, he was one of the worthies who followed af- ter George the chief captain, and his name was much fet by.


254 American Revolution,

3. Now the hold- was defended by valiant men, and no man could approach nigh there- to, but with great jeopardy : Howbeit Wayne put his life in his hand, and the men who ivere with him, were men of valour.

4. And It v/as about the eleventh hour of ihe night, when the people went againfl the hold to take it.

5. And two fmall companies, twenty in each company, with their captains, Gibbons and KnoKy went before the men of war j and thefe were called iht forlorn hope,

6. And it was fo, as they came nigh unto the hold, the men of Britain fliot at them from the walls, and feventeen of each com- pany were llain.

7. Neverthelefs, Wayne and the men who were with him, rufhed forwards, as a wide wafting ftream, and gat into the hold, and the garrifon beholding the valiant ads of the men of war, their fpirits funk within them.

8. Then they delivered up the hold and all

American Revolution,


that was therein, unto thechlef captain, Wayne^ v/ho took the garrifon captive.

9. And there were flain of the fervants of the king, about threefcorc and three perfons, and five hundred and twofcore and three men, were made captives.

10. And there fell of the people of the Pro- vinces, about fourfcore and eighteen valiant men.

I T. And the great Sanhedrim honored the captains : moreover, they gave to each of them a medal, whereon was engraved, a cu- rious device emblematical of their exploit.

12. To V/ayne^ they gave a medal of fine gold curioufly wrought; and to the other two captains,* to each of them a filver one, wrought in like manner.

1 3. Furthermore, they congratulated George^ the chief captain, inafmuch as he by his wif-

  • Lieut. Col. Flenry, and Mnj. Sccw.irt,

256 Atnerkan Revolutm^

dom, had projcded the enterprife^ and had the diredion of the undertaking.

14. And the armour-bearer of Wayne^ was promoted to be a captain : but the people fpared the garrifon, and did not put them to death, as the men of Britain had done.

15. And when tidings came to Henry, how that the ftrong hold was taken, he gathered together an army and came outto takeitagain, from the people of the Provinces.

1 5. But when George heard thereof, he thought it not convenient to defend the hold, inafinuch, as it would coft the lives of many men, and the hold was not fo defirable a pof- fefiion as to make it worth the life of one of the people.

17. So the people were commanded to de- part from thence, after they had deftroyed the works, and removed the implements of war, and all the fluff that was therein.

18, And Henry, who was the king's chief captain, took the hold on the third day after

American Revolution. 257

that the people of the Provinces had gotteu polTeiiion thereof.


Sj)ain declares zvar again :t Great Britain, FrO'* ceedings of the British in Carolina,

IN the fixth month, on thefixteenth day of the month, the king of Spain joined himfelf to the enemies of the king of Britain.

2. For the fervants Oi George the king had in a former war, taken a ftrong hold from, the Spanifli king, the name thereof was Gibraker.

3. It was fituated near the fea, and was a denrable place, inafmuch as no fiiip could pafs, without fird obtaining permifiion oftha governor of the garrifon.

4. Moreover it v/as built upon a rock, that

r. T r>

258 American Revolution.

looked towards the four corners of the earth, to the North and to the South to the Ead and to the Weft.

5. And the king of Spain beheld the hold with an envious eye, inafmuch as it was near unto his kingdom, and had been taken from him by the fervants of George the king, at un- awares.

6. So he brought a flrong army againfl: it, even a very great multitude, and he planted

batteries againfl it, and effayed to beat down the walls thereof, but he could not prevail; for the hold was very flrong, and valiant men defended the place, and fhot down the fer- vants of the king from the battlements thereof.

7. Moreover the fervants of the king of Gaul, even a mighty army came againfl the hold, and joined themfelves to the fervants of the king of Spain; the bellowing of the de- ftroying engines, was fuch as had not been known in the reign of George the king, nor in tlic reign of his father^, ucr his father's father#

American Revoluthn*


8. And the governor, 'whob:^ fur-name was Elliot, and all the foldiers in the hold, gat great honor; the fervants of the two kings, failed to accompliih their enterprife, but were cafl: down in their minds, as thou mayefl read In the book of Ramsay the fcribe, and alfo in the book of the fiege, written by an officer of the garrifon.

9. For the fcribe holdeth it not expedient at this time, to record the a6i:s of nations who were at war with the king of Britain, fave on- ly the people of the Provinces, with whom he hath fojourned from the days of his youth,

10. Know then, that the great Sanhedrim, being mindful of their brethren in the South- ern Provinces, appointed Lincoln to be chief captain, who was to order the batile againft the men of Britain, and to lead forth the peo- ple of the Provinces againft them.

11. He was a valiant man, and dwelt in the Southern province, called Carolina^ and

2 JO American Revolution*

the chief city of the province was named Charleftown.

1 2. This province was the Columbian Acel- dema:* rage and revenge twin- monfters from the infernal regions, ftalked from houfe to houfe! and from cottage to cottage!

13. Their voracious jaws diililled human gore! and their impious hands were befmear'd with the blood of thoufands!

14. Mercy! the darling offspring of hea- ven! the friend of man 1 beheld with a glid- ening eye their deflrudive progrefs, and dropt a tear for the madnefs and folly of man!

15. Difgufted with fcenes oi cruelty and bloodflied, the fiew to the bright courts of her father, where ^ac bewailed in fecret the dire effedls of deilruclive war!

1 6. Here thofe who were brethren, the fons of one mother, flrove together in the field! neighbour made war upon neighbour! and

  • The iidcl of blood.

American Revolution^ 261

thofe who had been united by the ftrong bands of friendfhip, flew each other! yea, they watched by the way-fide, as the panther watcheth for the fawn in the foreft!

17. Never thelefs, they called themfelves the difciples of the great Prophet and Foun- der of the Chriflian fed; who is called in the Latin tongue «' Jefu Chifli Salvator Homin- em;" and who faid to his followers, <' Refill not evil, and love your enemies."

18. " My foul, come not thou within their fecrets^ unto their affemblies, mine honor, be not thou united; fo (halt thou be at peace, and thy reward fliall befure/'

19. The ftorms-and tempefls that overtake the intemperate, Ihall not come near thee; thou Ihalt enjoy with rapture the feafl: of rea- {ov.^ if thy feet turn not afide from the paths of reditude.

20. Wifdom fhall dwell with thee, fhe Oiall make thee acquainted with thy divine o- rigin, fhe will fhew thee what a wonderful

^52 American Revolutions

thing is man! " How noble in reafon! how excellent in faculties! in form and moving, hov/ exprefs and admirable! in adlion, how like an angel! in apprehenfion, how like a God! The wonder of angels, the paragon of animals!**


Major Lee surprises the British garrison at Poivles Hook, Unsuccessful expedition against Penobscott,

IN O V7 there was a certain young man from Virginia, and his name was Lee,*

2. He was. a ftar of the firfl magnitude in the rifmg empire of Columbia, he was a chief among the warriors of the Provinces.

3. His rinng glory fhone forth like the beams of the fun, his valiant acls eclipfed the

  • J;noi; Lee.

American Revolution,


fame of his companions; they beheld in him the IVashington of a future day.

4. And it came to pafs, in the fame year, in the fixth month, on the nineteenth day of the month, that the young man, even the young man Lee^ went againft a garrifon of the men of Britain, atPowles Hook.

5. And there was but a fmall company with Lee^ neverthelefs they were valiant men, whofe hearts were true, and whofe Jove for the great Sanhedrim was perfect.

6. And thenumberof men who went again fl the garrifon, were about three hundred two fcorc and ten men.

7. And lo! when they came againfl the garrifon and affaulted it, the men of Britain fled; howbeit, one fcore and ttn perfons of the garrifon were flain, and eight fcore were taken captives.

8. This was one of the valiant a6ls of the young man Lee; and the princes of the Pro- vinces honored him with many honors.

54 American Revolutions

9. Moreover, they gave him a medal of pure gold, of tine carved work, wrought by the hands of a cunning workman, that his children and his children's children to many generations, might know of his valiant acts^ and emulate his fame.

10. But it came to pafs, after thefe things, that the men of Britain, even a fmall compa- ny of them, were profperous in another place, even at Penobfcot; where they built a ftrong hold, and placed a garrifon of foldiers there- in j and the name of the captain of the garri- fon, was Maclean ff^

11. And when the people of the town of Boflon, knew of a certainty that the men of Britain were ftrengthening themfelves at Pen- obfcot they were troubled.

12. And they fpake and faid. Come let us go agalnft the fervants of the king of Bri- tain, and chace them from our borders before thdy become too ftrong for us, (for the hold was not yet fmifhed.)

American Revohtion^ 265

13. And the men of war gathered them- felves together, and they prepared armed ihips, and Saiionstali* a mighty man of war, was captain of the (hips; Loveij a man of that country, went forth before the men of war,

14. And the people went forth willingly againfl: the men of Britain, for their wrath burned againft the king, even as the fireburn- eth upon the altar..

15. And when the captain of the garrifon was told that the people ol rhe Provinces were coming againft: him, he encouraged the men of thegarrifon to (Irengthen the hold.

16. Howbeit, it was not finifhed when the people of the Provinces came againfl it; ne- Yerfhelefs Maclejn- the ciptainof rhegarrifon, refuled to dehver the hold to the people of the Provinces.

17. And when they had fought againfl the hold for the fpace of fourteen d'ays, and were

  • Com oaicena Jl .|- General Lovel.


266 American Revolution*

weary becaiife the men of Britaia held it a- gainft them.

1 8. Then the chief men of war among ft the people, confulted together, what they ihould do, and they faid amongfl themfelves. Let us even now take the (Irong hold by force, and let the young men go forth in their might, and fcalc the walls thereof; fo will the gar- rifon be fmittcn with fear, and we will take them captives.

1 9. But it came to pafs, that while the peo- ple were affembled together about this thingj lo! the tall fhips* of the king of Britain, ap- peared nigh unto the hold.

20. Then were the people difmayed, inaf. much as they knew that the fliips were (Irong and mighty, and that the deftroying engines in the (hips were many in number.

21. And it was fo, that the mariners in she king's (hips, were too hard for the men

  • Comtninded by Sir George Collier.

American Revolution* 267

of Bodon, and they were fain to flee into the wildernefs, and leave the fliips a prey to the men of Britain.

22. And the people v/ent every man to hU own place, and the garrifon v^as faved,


Soiiihern expeditions ^General Frevoit marches towards Charlestown^ <^V.

1.^ OW the war raged In many places in the land of Columbia :

2. It is a mighty continent, and is bounded by the lands and feas near the Artie Pole, cu the North \ and by the Atlantic fea on the Eaft; and by the Southern ocean on the South; and by the Pacific ocean, v^hich di- vides it from Afia on the Wefl; the length thereof, being between eight and nine thou- fand miles, from North to South; and about three thoufand miles is the breadth thereof.

258 American Revolution^

3. It is a land which our fore- fathers knew not, even Solomon with all his wifdom was a flranger to it.

4. The country was called Columbia, in fimiiitude to the name of a famous fea cap- tain,* a native of Genoa, who through many perils arrived on the coaft thereof, in the iourtcen hundred and ninety- fecond year of the Chriftian Hegira, on the tenth month, on the feventeenth day of the month, was the land found out.

5. And it came to pafs, that the fervants of the king of Britain in the Southern pro- vince, even in Georgia, moved towards Port- roy;il in Carolina, and landed on the Ifiand to take poiTeiHon of it.

6. But it cam.e to pafs, that Moultrie, a mighry man of war, drove them off the Illaad; and a great part of the ofBcers a- mongft the men of Britain, were llain j the

^ CbriHopber Columbus,

American Revolution, 269

name of their captain was Gardiner"^; and the number of the men who foliowed after him, was about two hundred.

7. And there fell of the people of the Pro- vinces, eight perfons, and the wounded were one fcore and two men. Now one of the per- fons who was flain, v.^ 2i% Wilkin s'y he had charge of the deftroying engines, and was beloved by the people 5 he was the father offeverai children, and was the firft ofncerin the pro- vince, that was flain in the war with the mea of Britan.

8. Then the fervants of the king of Bri- tain pitched their tents at Ebenezer, and they fent mclTengers amongft the fed of the tories, and faid : If now ye are the king's friends, why then do ye delay to fhew yourfelves men of truth, when the enemies of the king are yet in your borders? Thus did the men ©f

  • Major Gardiner.

y 2

2 JO American Revolution.

Britain Rir up the fe£i: of the tones to fight againfi: their brethren.

9. And when the tories had heard all the words of the mlTv^ngers, they came out of their lurking places and armed themfelves, and fet out to (Ireagthen the men of Britain.

10. And as they pafTed through the coun- try, they plundered the inhabitants and fpoil- ed their goods.

li. "Wherupon the people being enraged, they gathered themfelves together and purfu- ed after them, and a certain man whofe fur- name was Pickens^^ wetit before them.

12. And they overtook the fed of the to- nes at a brook of water, called Kettle Creek; and they flew two fcore of them, and recov- ered the fpoil, and their chief man was ilain, whofe name was Boyd,]'

X3. And the refidue were difcomfitcd and ficd to their own houfes, and the people of

  • Ccl. Pickins, f ^^h Boyd.

American RevoliUicn* 27 1

the Provinces hanged five of them on a tree, even as a shepherd hangeth a dog for worrying the sheep.

14. Now the fervants of the king of Britain were encamped on one fide of the river Savannah, and the people of the Provinces under Lincoln, a chief captain, were on the other fide thereof, even at the Black Swamp oppofite to Augufta.

15. And Lincoln fent a chief captain whofe aame was A^h,* and fifteen hundred of the fervants of the great Sanhedrim, paffed over the river, and they encamped at Briar Creek.

16. But It came to pafs that Prevost, cap- tain of the fervants of the king of Britain, came upon them at unawares, and many of them fltd; and feven fcore and fifty of the people were flain, and one hundred and fix- ty-two were taken captive.

1 7. And Moultrie^ knowing of a certainty

  • General Ash.

272 Artttrican Revolution.

that the men of Britain were /Irong and ma- ny, he retired from them.

3 8. Then Lincoln the chief captain, fcnt three hundred of the men who followed after him, to help the people who were with Moultrie,

19. But the greater part of the people fol- lowed after Lincoln^ who was minded to go to the chief town of the Province of Gorgia.

20. But when he was told that Prevosi the chief captain of the king's fervants, was on his way to the chief town*' in the province of the South, then he purfued after him, even to Charleilown.

2 1 . Now the men of Britain took the high- way along the fea-coafl, and Moultrie and the men who were with him, retired from the fervants of the king.

22. And the men of Britain went on their way and the inhabitants of the town made

  • Churlff-aowR.

American Revolution^ 273

haH-e to (Irengthen themfelves, and they buUc battlements round about, and planted the deftroying engines thereon.

23. And there were gathered tosiether In the town, three thoufand and three hundred men; who were all true men and ftr;ant8 t© the great Sanhedrim.


General Prcvo^t before Charlestown — Simdrf Pr po^it'oyis rcjccled by the British; who hi' ing informed of the approach of the Americans^ jikd off tovjards the Islands near the sea.

/\ND as Prevost the chief captain, came nijjh unto the town, the inhabitants and the me.'i of war confuked anionad themfelves, in wh It nimner they fliould receive the men of


1. Ani they fent meflengers to Prevosf, and offered la the naai^ of che iahabitauts of

274 American Revclution,

the province, to remain quiet,?.nd wait the iflue of the war between the king of Britain, and the people of the Provinces.

3. And they fpake and fald : Jf the king of Britain fhould prove too flrongfor the peo- ple of the Provinces, then we will be fubjed to the king; but if the people of the Provin- ces fnould prove too flrong for the king of Britain, then we will ferve the great Sanhe- drim, and be as the refl of iho. Provinces.

4. Howbeit, Frcvost T\'ould hearken to pone of thcfe thincrs, but commanded that the men in the town fhould deliver themfelves captives to the fervants of the king of Bri- tain.

5. Notwithdanding, when Prevost was told i\i2ii Lincoln was nigh at hand, and a lagre company with him, he departed from the tc'vvn CO the fea-coaft, not ^^xy far from the town.

6. And there they pitched their tents; and i\it people of the Provinces, under Lincoln ^

American Revolidion.


alfo pitched their tents nigh unto the men of Britain.

7. And it came to pafs, in the fixth monthj on the twentieth day of the month; that a^ bout twelve hundred of the people of the PrO'. vinces, attacked about feven hundred of the

men of Britain at Stono Ferry.

8. And the men of Britain were veryflrong^ for thty had cad up banks to fecure them- felves againil their enemies; and the battle continued for the fpace of one and twenty minutes, and there were llain and wounded of the people of the Provinces, feven fcore and ten perfons.

9. And Roberts * a mighty man of valor, was llain; he was from the country of Albion, and helped the people againil the fervants of the king; he had been a warrior in the land of his nativity, in the days of his youth.

10. Then many of the people were difcom-

  • Col. Roberts.

27S American Revolution^

fited snd grew weary of the war, and went to their own houfes, and followed after Lin" €oln the chief captain no more.

11. And the men of Britain, they alfo de- parf^ed, and hahed not until they came co Port- Royal, where they left agarrifon; and the captain of the garrifon was named MuiU land]

12. The refidue journeyed on their way until ihcy came to Savaimah, the placeof thwir encampment.

13. Now they plundered the inhabitants, and gat much fpoil; howbeit, it was not much CO their honour, and the people ^f the land e)'£d them with an evil eye.

Gol. Maitlan4.

American Revolution* 277


Count B^Esiaing arrives on the toast — Unsuccess. full atpedltlon of the French and Americans against Savannah.

^S OW it came to pafs, that D'Esiaing^ chief captain of the navy of the king of Gaul, came with the king's fhips into the river Sa- vannah, to help the people of the Provinces to drive the men of Britain from the fouth* crn province, even from Georgia.

2. And the fliips call anchor in the river, nigh unto the flrong hold which the men of Britain occupied; moreover, they blocked up the harbour fo that no fhip could pafs in or out, except thofe to whom the chief cap- tain gave permiffion.

3. Now there were in the river, four (hips*

  • I Fifty-gun /hip, and 3 Frigates.


228 American Revolutm*

that belonged to the king of Britain; azid ^amei* a famous, fea-captain and fervant to the king of Britain^ was the commander of the fhips.

4. /.nd it was fo, that the (hips and ali their tackling, fell a prey into the hands of

5. And when the people of the Provinces^ lieard that D^Esiaing had come into the river with a large company of loldiers and niiirinerSp, to fight againfl the gairifon and to take it,

6. Then they rejoiced with an exceeding great joy, and they faid amongfl themfelvtSp Verily the men of Britain arc enrrapt, and "we will take them even as partriges are taken in a net.

7. For will they not be enclofed round a- bout, even by the waters of the river, Pi.d the king's (hips, on the ore Mt^ and by a mighty army on the other fide; fo we will enter into their flrong places, and •jdQ hearts

» s

Sir Jntn-s Wallac?,

American R^olufhn* 279

of their valiant men v/iil melt like wax, v^hea k is fpread bt^fore the fire.

8. Then there will be reft in our land, and e^-ery man fnall fet under the (hade of his o-vvn fored, as in days pad, and the diouting of the warrior fhall be turned into melody, and fongs of gladnefs fliall be heard in the groves.

9. The affrighted virgins fhall return to their cottages, they fhall gather together at the clofe of the day, when they red from their labour, and tell to each other the vali- ant ads of their beloveds.

10. Thus did the people encourage each other; for they looked on the men of Bri- tain, even as the eagle looketh upon the fawn that fleepeth upon the fides of the mountains of Alleghany.

11. They came forth in troops, and join- ed themfelves to the fervants of the king ©f Gaul, they efteemed it but a light thing to fores their ilrong holds, inafmuch as their

28o American Revolution.

courage was revived by the arrival of the


12. Now when D*Estaing was before the hold, and before the people of the Province^ under Lincoln had arrived, he commanded Prcvost^ the captain of the garrifon, to de- liver up the hold to the king his mafter.

1 3 . Now Prevost anfwered D^Estaing wari- ly, and the v/ords that he fpa)^e were words of fubtiity and D'Estaing was beguiled thereby.

14. For Prevost fpake after this manner, faying : Speak clearly now to thy iervant and plain, that I may underftand; fo will I fend an anfwer back to thee, touching all thofe things, whereof thou hail fignified thy pleafure.

15. Then D'Estaing anfwered and faid : It IS not for me O ye men of Britain! it is not for me to propofe terms to you. Is it not the part of the befieged to propofe fuch matters?

American Revolution* 28 1

fenc? therefore In time, before the deftroyinr^ engines begin to call forth their thunders.

16. Now Prevcst wanted only to gain time, for he expected to be ftrengthened by a large cc*,.tpanyof the foldiers of Britain, from Beau- fort, who were conimaned by a valiant manj whofe fur- name was Maiiland.

17. Then Prevcst the captain of the gar- rifonf, fpake fcnooth words unto D'Estaing^ and faid : Suffer thy fervant, I pray thee, to have time to confider of a fuitable anfwer to fend, and that I may confult with the men of war about this matter, and let the deftroying engines ceafeto utter their thunders; for ve- rily thou knoweft, that the thoughts of the heart are confufed thereby.

18. Then D'^Esialnz anfwered and faid : Speak now to me, and fay how long wilt thou, that I wait for thy anfwer?

19. Then faid Pr^'uw/, the captain of the •king's garrifon : If thou wile graut to thy fsr-*


232 American Revolution*

vants twenty and four hours, then will v/e return an anfwer to all that thou had propofed.

20. And D^Esta'nig hearkened unto the words of Prevost^ for he knew not that he fpake the words of fubtilty; and he grant- ed the petition of the garrifon.

11 s And it came to pafs, that before the end of the given time, that Maiiland^ and the foldiers of the king of Britain, gat fafe into the hold; and the men of war ihouted with a great fiiout,

22. And on the evening of the fame day, the army of the people of the Provinces, un- der Lincoln, and the army of the king of Gaul, were joined together, and became one band.

23. And they befieged the hold, and raifed banks agalnil: it, and they planted the de- flroying engines on the banks which they had call up.

24» And the men of the garrifon fcrength-

American Revolution. 283

ened the hold, and feveral hundred of Ethi- opians were employed to work day and night under the direftion of a man well fkilled in fuch matters, whofe fur-name was Mcncrief.*

25. Now when the deflroying engines be- gan to utter their thunders, Frevcsi the fer- vant of the king of Britain, and chief captain of thegarrifon, fent out a meffenger torequeft perrniirion for all the women and children to have hberty to go out of the hold.

26. Ilowbeit, the chief captains, D'Es^ iaing and Lincoln, refufed to grant his requefl, inafmnch as they fufpedted that Prevosi only intended to deceive them, as he had (hewn himfelf to be a crafty man at the beginning.

27. Moreover, they expelled the hold would be given up in a ihorter time, if the women and children were confined therein, and that the captain made a fhew of pity, to leng^^hea out the fiege.

f Major Moncrief,

. ] ] American Revoluiicn.

2S. Bui it came to pafs, that the chief en- gineers were confulted about the events of the fisge; who reported to the chief captains, that the hold was too firing to be taken in that way, but with great lofs of time.

2 9. It was therefore concluded, to fcale the walls thereof, and to Rorm the battlementSo


30. And on the ninth day of the tenth month, in the onethoufand feven hundred and eighty - ninth year of the Chriftian Hegira, was the

v/o armies gathered together; even the artny of the king of Gaul, and the hofl of the peo- ple of the Provinces.

3 1 . The fokliers of the king of Gaul were in number three thoufand five hundred fighting men; and of the fervants of the great San- hedrim, fix hundred valiant men, and three hundred ^wo fcorc and ten perfons from Charlestown, who went willingly to the battle.

32. They went on towards the hold like iions, and like fierce lions they rulhed on their enemies I

American Revohitkn* ^g^

33. But It came to pafs, that the Pxien ia the hold flood ready > erery man with his wea- pons of war; and the deftroying engines belched out their thunders, and cafl down many to the earth!

34. And the men of war were fain to give ground, and fled from the fury of the deflroying engines; and the men of the garrifon got great honor.

2^z, And there were flain and wounded of t\^^ ferv?jiis of the king of Gaul, fix hun- dred one fcore and feventeen men; and of the people of the Provinces, two hundred. Pj- laski^ a notable warrior, was wounded even unto death.

2^6, Now the number of the men in the gar- rifon, v/as about three thoufand, who were mighty men of valor; and not many of them were fiain, inafmuch as they were in a place cf defence, and fecure from the aiTaults of thtir enemies.

<b86 American Revolutlom

C H A P. XLVill.

Suh:eq'ueni cperailons to the Southward, Gens^ ral Clinton besieges Charlestown, General Lincoln capitulates^ i^c,

i\ OW when it was told to Cli?7ton, chief captain of the men of Britain, who were war- ring with the people of the Provinces in th^ hiid of Colambia, that D'Estning was beat- en in battle, and had left the coaft.

^. Then he prepared logo to the Southern Provinces, and renew the war in thofe parts : for he thiriled after honor, and the renown of the warrior was precious in his fight.

3 Therefore he gathered together a choice compniiy, and put them into the (liips of the king his mader j and Arhulhnct was captain of the fliips.

4. And he lefi: Kniphansen to be captain in \iv^ (lead, in the city of Me?/-York*

Atnerkan Renjolutm^ oQ-t

5, Then the {hips, with the armed menj and great llore of implements for war, launch- ed forth into the great deep.

G* Now the voyage was perilous and thej were in great danger, and the horfes dtiigned for I he -N^'ar were loir, snd many of the de- itroying engines j neverthelefs, the men got fafc to lando

7. In the year one thoufand feven hundred and tighty, in the fecond month, on the ele^ yenth day of the month, did i\\Q men of Bri- tain huid; and the place where they landed, was about two hundred and forty furlongs from <"harlcstown, the chief city of the South province, called Carolina.

8. And they pitched their tents on John'g Ifiaiid, at 8tono ferry; and riot maisy days afterwards, they gctintd polff iTion of Jaines* Ifiand, and a certain j'hce called in the ian«» giicigi^of that couniry, Wappoo Cut,

9. Then they pitched their tents on the

288 American Revolution^

banks of the rirer, even Afhlej river, oppo- fite to the city.

ID. Now the governor of the province, whofe name was Rutkdge^ commanded all the people to come forth againfl: their mighty adverfaries, the men of Britain.

11. Howbeit, they were not mindful to obey the governor; for the fpirits of the peo- ple were quenched, they remembered the battle at Savannah, and fear took hold of their minds.

12. Neverthelefs, the people who were in the town, behaved themfelves valiantly, and toiled hard to ftrengthen the town 5 and Lin* coin was over the men of war.

13. And the men of Britain were ftrength- ened by twelve hundred men from Savannah, and they befieged the city round about.

14. And they caft up banks againft the ci- ty, and prepared to batter the walls thereof j and the town's men alfo made ready for the battle.

American Revolution* 289

15. And the fhlps of the king moved up the riverj and as they paffed by the Iflaad of Sul- livan^ Pinckncy^ a captain and a valiant man, fhot at the fliips and they were marred.

36. And it came to pafs, in the fourth month, on the twentieth day of the month; that Clinton^ the king's captain, was ftrength- ened by three thoufand men, from the city of York.

17. Therefore, on the morning of the next day, the men of war, even the chief men in the town confuUed together, and fent a mef- fenger to Clinton tht king's captain, with cer- tain propofais.

18. But he would not hearken to the words of the meffenger, for he fupnofed that he fhould (hortly take the city and all that was

I therein.

19. Then the people who were with Liti" coin fought valiantly, and fhot at the men of Britain from the battlements, and from the

A a

2go American Revolution^

walls of the city; and moreover they hoped that their brethren in the ProvinceSj would come to their help.

20. But when all hopes were fled, and the men of Britain were preparing to affault the town; the men of war who were therein, judged it to be mofl expedient to hearken to the words of Clinton the king's captain, for they could not long withftand the force of the deftroying engines, which cad out of their inouths fearful things, and horrible to name!

21. They were called bombs, and were made of iron; they fell into the town, they burd afunder, and the broken pieces thereof Hew about the flreets of the city : and woe unto that man that was fmitten by them! Yea verily, for they marred v/hatfoever they touched, and refpecled not the perfon of any. 1

22. And in the fifth month, on the eleventh day of ths month, the city was delivered up 13 the men of Britain j and the men of war

American Rcvclution. ^ 2QI

that were therein, became captives to the men of Britain.

23. And on the morning of the next day, Leslie^ a captain and fervant of the king of Britain, cook poiTeilion of the town.

24. Now the flainand wounded of the men o[ Britain, were two hundred three fcore and five perfons; and of the people of the Provin- ces, about the fame number.

25. And the number of the captives taken in the town, were five thoufand men; howbe- it^ the foldiers of the garrifon were only two thoufand five hundred : and amongil: the cap- tives, were a large number of the chief men of the Province; and four hundred of the dc- flroying engines were taken.

zgi American Revohtion^


Subsequent operations in South Carolina^ 1780.

/ilND it came to pafs, in the fifth month, on the twenty-fecond day of the month, that C Union fent forth a decree throughout all the Southern provinces.

2. And the writing of the decree was made known to all the people; and the fubflance of the decree was on this wife :

3. That inafmuch as the fervants of the great king, the king of Britain, have over- come all thofe who rofe up againfl: him;

4. Therefore, be it known unto all peo- ple, unto whom this decree iliall come as well the inhabitants of the cities as of the for- ells,

5. That from and after the date hereof, if any one ihall be found to difobey the com-

American Revolution, 253

mands of the king, or oppofe his princely power, either m word or deed;

6. Their houfes fhall betaken from them, then- lands and their flocks fliall become a prey to the fervants of the king; and they Ihail be accounted as aliens and enemies to his royal houfe, and be deprived from beholding the finiles of his benign countenance.

7. Furthermore, if there are any yet re- maining in thefe Provinces, who have com- mitted grievous fms againfl: the perfon or laws of this great king5whofe power is unbounded, and whofe mercy is great towards the difobe* dient;

8. Let them inilantly come into our pre- fence and confefs their crimes, and the royal fceptre {liali be extended towards them, and their rebellion iliali be blotted out of the king's book,

9. And they fliali be, called theking's friends^^

A a 2

291 American 'Revolution*

and be promoted to honor; yeaj they (hali have a name amongll his chief fervants.

10. Now the men of Britain were lifted up in their minds, for they fuppofed that the fpirit of rebellion was quenched in the South- ern Provinces, and that the people were fub- dued.

11. Howbeit, fearing left their brethren from the other provinces, would come and flir them up to rebel, they placed garrifons of foldiers in many places in the province.

12. Then Clinton the king's captain, left the province, and went back again to the city of York, and great part of the hod v^ent with him; howbeit, he left four thoufand valiant men, to keep the Southern province; and

Coniwallis was chief captain over the men of


13. Now, though the inhabitants were humbled, and the fear of the men of Bri- tain weighed down their fpirits, neverthelefs, they fecretly defired their overthrow*

American Revolution^ 295

14. And they communed together in fecret, and encouraged one another to hope that they were not forgotten by the great Sanhe- drim; ^

15. Now there was a valiant man of that country, v»^ho had not fubmitted to the fer- vants of the king; he was as a thorn in the fides of the men of war, and his name was

16. Marion, ah^o was next unto him, and was valiant in battle : thefe two men were like hornets; they let the men of Britain have no refl all the while they remained in the pro- vince.

17. They frequently came upon them at unawares, and furprifed them in their places of defence.

18. Succeeding generations v/ill hear of their fame, and rejoice, and their valiant ads will be known in difrant kingdomit; flran-

  • ■ Col, Sumpter»

2g5 Amtricart R.evolution»

gers iliall pralf^ them ia the {Ireets of the ci- ty; their names fhall be mentioned amongft the valiant of the earth; even as the worthies of Davfd, are mentioned in the Book of ths Chronicles of the kings oflfrael.

C H A P. L.

The Battle of Camden successful on the -pari of the British, 1780,

iN OW the princes of the Provinces, even the great Sanhedrim, v/ere troubled at the tidings from the Southern province.

2. And they confulted together, how they fhould help their brethren who were oppreff- ed by thefervants of the king of Britain.

3. And it came to pafs. that they cafe their eyes on Horatio * remembering his valiant a£ls, and how he took captive the Northern £.rniy.

  • Genera) Gates,

ATTierican RevohUicn* 2QJ

4. And when a convenient time was come, they appointed Horatio to lead forth an army to oppofe the men of Britain in the Southern province, even in Carolina.

5. And Horatio and the men who followed after him, journeyed forwards, and came to a place, the nam.e thereof was Clermont; and he publifhed a decree in the name of the great Sanhedrim, wherein he invited the peo- ple of the province to join themfelves to the bod of Columbia, who were come to drive the fervants of the king from their borders.

6. And it was fo, that a great multitude flocked to the banners of the great Sanhedrim; and the number of the people who were with Horatio, was about four thoufand men.

7. Neverthelefs, there were amongfl them only nine hundred fighting men, and three fcore ani ten horfenien; the refidue of the hod were called militia, who were not to be depended upon in the day of battle.

8. And Vy/hen Ccr/;ic^///V knew of a certain-

298 American Revolution.

ty that Horatio was coming to ofFer hhn battle, he hafiened to meet him, and about one thou- fand and feven hundred footmen, and three hundred horfemen followed after him.

9. And they came to Camden^ nigh where Horatio was encamped, in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month; and whea the fan was fet, the army of Bricain went forth to fall upon the people of the Provin- ces, in their camp at Clermont,

10. On the fame night did Horatio go forth, and the hofh of the people followed after him; and it came to pafs, that they were met by thefervantsof the king of Britain, imd Jrmand^ a chief captain of the army, and who led the horfemen, was alfaulted by the horfemen of Britain, and the men v/ho Vv^ere with Arniand were difcomfited and fled.

1 1 . Then were the men of war confufed, £nd wift not what they fliould do : howbeit,

  • Col. Arm and.

American Revolution,


the people were brought into right order and kept their places; neverthelefs, a valiant man, in whom Horatio put great confidence, was {lain.

12. And when the dawning of the next day appeared, there was a very fierce battle; and it came to pafs, that the men from Vir- ginia, even the miUtia of that province were terrified, and fled from the men of Bri- tain, who ruflied upon them as thehorfe rafh- eth into the battle.

13. The militia alfo from the province of North Carolina, they fled from the men of Britain : howbeit, the people of the Provinces who were fighting on the right* of the hoil, behaved valiantly.

14. Neverthelefs, they were fain to give place to the foldiers of Britain, who drave them from ofl?" the field of battle, and purfued them upon fwift horfes, and the captain of the horfemen was named Tarleton,

  • Sight \\ ing.

ooo American Revolution^

15. Now there was a foreigner who had joined himfelf to the people of the Provinces, and was fkilful in war; he was next to Hora^ ilo, he was (liled a Baron, and his name was Kalb; this man was fore wounded and taken captive, and the next day he died, for his wounds were grievous; and the princes of the Provinces ordered a monument to be erec- ted to commemorate his worthy a£ls.

16. And the men of Britain took from Ha^ ratioy eight of the deftroying engines, and of carriages,* two hundred, and great ftore of goods and fluff for the hofl.

17. And many men were wounded and flain in the battle: and after thefe things, many of thi people of the Provinces fell away to the men of Britain, for they were reftrain- ed by fear from helping their brethren any more.

18. Now ,when tidings came to the king's chief counfellors, that the people of the Pro-

  • Waggons

American Revolution.


vinces were fmitten before the fervants of the king, they were very joyful, and they praifed CornwaUis the captain; and they prepared to flrengthcn themfelves yet more and more.

19. Verily they were like unto men who are in danger of drowning in deep waters, who feeing the fmall branches of the willow floating upon the furface, they haftily grafp them, and their hopes perifli.


Major Fergwon of the y i{)i. Regiment^ an ac- tive partisan^ stimulates the disaffe6led to take up arms in support of the British government—^ a great number of this dexription embodies^ and after an obstinate resistance are defeated—^ Ferguson is slain^ and the residue made pris' oners,

A HERE was a man in the army of Britain^ who was zealous to fcrve the king, and he B b


American Revolution*

was a valiant man; he flirred up the people to join the men of Britain againft the people, even againfl the fervants of the great San- hedrim.

2. And he went to the dwelling places of the fe£t of the tories, and encouraged them to fight under the banner of George the king, and to make war upon their brethren.

3. And there were gathered together, a large company of the fed: of the tories, under Ferguson^ and they were encamped on King's Mountain, and they were encouraged by the fervants of the king of Britain.

4. And it came to pafs, that when it was known unto the people of the Provinces, that the fed of the tories were encamped on King's Mountain, and that they were encou- raged by the fervants of the king of Britain :

5. Then was the wrath of the five chief men kindled againfl the fed of the tories, and againft the fervants of the king, was their wrath kindled.

American Revolution*


6, And they gathered together an army of men, who went forth againfl the fe£l of the tcries, who were encamped on King's Mount ^ and the names of the five chief men, were Campbell^ Cleveland^ Shelby^ Servier^ and McDowell; the fir ft was from the province of North Carolina, and the reft were from the province of Virginia, where the fweet fcented plant groweth, even as the cowflips groweth on the paftures of Albion, for abun- dance.

7, And the fe£l of the toiies were environ- ed round about; and as the people of the Provinces afcended the mountain, they were driven back again by the fed of the tories : hovv^beit, they remained near the mountain, and (hot at the people on the mountain, and Ferguson was ilain,

8, Then was the feci of the tories fore a- mazed, and their fpirits failed within them when they faw their champion was fiain, and they let fall their weapons of war, and they were all taken captive.

go^ American Revolution*

9. And the number of the [q^ of the torie«  who were taken captive, was about eight hundred men.

10. And the flain and wounded were three hundred perfons, and of the people of the Provinces there were not many flain.

11. Howbeit, a valiant man whofe fur- name was Williams^ was flain; he was an e- nemy to the king, and fought to oppofe to the utmoft, the defigns of the chief coun- fellor of the realm of Britain.

12. And it was ^o^ that when the fed of the tories had fubmitted, the people of the Provinces hanged ten men of them by the neck, and they were flrangled with ropes made of the hempen weed, until they were dead.

ly. And when it wasmade known to Corn* ivallis that FergmonwdiS flain, he was troubled; and leaving a few men at Camden, he fled to Wennsborough. Then the people in the

American Revoltdlon. <3o/t

Southern province who loved not the king, and who defired to change;

14. They took courage, and gathered themielves together under Sumpter, who was made a chief captain* by the great Sanhe- drim,

15. He concealed himfelf and his men, near the rivers, even the Broad river, the Tiger river, and the river Evorce.

16. And they came out of their lurking places, and they fell upon the men of Bri- tain at unawares : now this man, even Sump-^ ier, was as a thorn in the fides of the fervants of the king of Britain, and they feared tQ go forth in fmall companies.

  • General.

B b 2

goS American Revolution,


General Arnold's treachery discovered. Andre taken and executed*

/xND it came to pafs, in the one thoufand feven hundred and eightieth year of the Chrif- tian Hegira, in the ninth month, on the twen- ty-firft day of the month, that Satan entered the heart of Beifedid.

2. And he tempted him to deliver up the ftrong hold,* of which George the chief cap- tain, had made him governor, (even to the fervants of the king of Britain;) for Henry the chief captain, had offered him large (tore of gold, and of filver; moreover, he pro- mifed he (liould be a chief captain in the army of Britain.

3. And Henry fent a young man whom he loved to manage this bufmefs with Benedict,

  • Weft Point.

American Revolution* ^oj

and the young man's name was Andre; he was beloved by the hod of Britain, and his name was much fee by; he was a chief man* in the hod, and vahant in war, and where the brave were, there was he.

4. And the young man, Andre ^ went Into one of the fmall armed vefTcls, of the king of Britain, and the veflel moved up the North river, not many furlongs from the hold.

5. And when the evening was far fpent, Benedid fent a boat to the veffel, to bring the young man, Andre^ to land.

6. And when he was come fafe to land, he confulted with Benedid: concerning all things whereof he had written to Henry, And the dawning of the day appeared, when they had ended their bufmefs.

7. And when the young man would have . gone back again to the velTel, lo! the had moved down the river 5 for the people of the

  • Adjutant General.

go 8 American Revolution*

Provinces had annoyed the veffel with fome of the deltroying engines; and the boatmen feared to row the boat to the velTel.

. 8. And BenediB fpake to Andre ^ nearly on this wife : Behold! now the veiTel in which thou camefi: is removed, and fear hath taken hold of the boatmen; therefore, it will be better for thee to tarry with me this night, and on the morrow, verily, thou (halt go on thy way, and fome of the young men fhali condu6i: thee to the city,

9. So the young man, even Andre^ tarried with Benedid; and fearing lefi fome of the people of the Provinces fhould take him for a fervant of the king of Britain, he put off his foldier's apparel, and arrayed himfelf iii plain clothing, and changed his name.

10. And when a convenient time was come, he took his leave of Benedlcl who gave him a written paper, called by the people in thofe daySj a pafs \ and it v/as fo, when any of the people were fhewn the written paperp they

American Revolution^ oog

fulTered the man to hold on his way in peace.

II. Then went Andre forth, and journeyed towards the city, even the city of New York* And as he was mufing upon thofe things, about which Henry had fent him, lo! three men were a lett to him in the way.

12. And the young man called out to the men, and queried with them, faying : From what part of the country are ye, and where is the place of your reft?

13. And the men anfwered and faid : We are dwellers and inhabitants in the country before thee,- and we are fervants to the king of Britain. Ilowbeit, they fpake in the fub- tilty of their hearts.

14. Then the young man rejoiced, and fhe wed not his pafs, but faid : Even as you are, fo am I; my bufmefs is great, and requires hade, therefore (lay me not for I am an offi- cer of the king, and the chief captain hath need of me.


American Revolution,

15. Now Andre wift not that the men were enemies : howbeit, they laid hold on him, and took him to their captain; and they found written papers in the hand writing of Benedid and the plot was found out.

16. Then the captain* of the band, fent the written papers that were found upon the young man, by a meifenger, to George^ the chief captain; and the young man, even the young man Andre, he alfo fent a letter to the chief captain; for he was a ready writer, and his words were enticing : the found thereof, was as the found of a well-tuFicd initrument.

17. And /!ndre alfo fent a written letter to Benedid, and informed him that he was taken captive, and his journey fruftrated.

18. Audi \^\iti\ Bene did read the letter, his iips quivered, and he was fore amazed, and he hailily called for his young men who were faithful to him, and he gat into a boat, and

  • Col. JaraeEon.

American RevoIuiioTQ


the men rowed the boat to the armed veffel m which Andre had failed from the city.

19. Now when George^ the chief captain, had received the letters, he was aftonifhed; inafmuch, as he had furely believed, that Benedict was a true man, and immoveable as the rock on the fea-fliore 1 For had not the princes of the Provinces dignified him with great honor? inafmuch as he had fhewn him- felf a valiant man in battle.

20. And George the chief captain, appoint* ed a council of his chief men, even the chief captains of the hoft; and the young man, even Andre^ was brought before the council.

21. And when the council queried with him, concerning thofe things whereof he flood accufed, heanfwered with dignity, com- pofure, and truth; his magnanimity did not for fake him, in the hour of extremity.

22. His Judges, charmed with his accom- plifhments, were willing to forget the foe, in the youthful warrior \ they would gladly have


American Revohtien*

found fome other objed, to facrifice upon the altar of juflice, and public opinion!

23. They regretted the fatal neceffity of cutting off from fociety, in the prime of life, a youth, whofe engaging behaviour had cap- tivated their affedlions! A Ihining model of ^11 that was excellent! A ChriiliaUj a gentle- man, a fcholar, a hero!

24. Here the fcribe would willingly draw a veil over the clofmg fccne! fufficc it to fay, that he died regretted by a hoft of foes; not pcrfonally fo, but to the caufe for which he fell.

25. Even the hardy veteran, whofe nerv- ous arm, had dealt death and dcftrudion in the well fought field, felt the force of hu- manity; and the tear of fenfibiUty trickled down his fun-burnt cheek!

26. Even the fcribe, at this late hour, hath caught the foft contagion; and is not afhamcd to acknowledge, that the fate oi^Andr^^ en- tered deep into his foul.

American Revolution* 313

22. Ye fair daughters of Albion 1 lay afide your ornaments, your filk and fcarlet appa- rel; and put on mourning for dndre! The accomplifhed Mdre is no more!

23. But in the midfl of your forrow, let this be your confolation : Andre died not as the fool dieth! Superior to the terrors of death, he beheld his laft moments approach with decent fortitude, and a ferene and pltafing countenance! Thoufands and tens of thou- fands lament his early fall!

24. This was the fatal fruit of treachery! O Benedid, how art thou fallen! The de- mons of deflrudion laugh at thy defedioHj and enjoy with malicious pleafure, the co% fequences of thy fall!

25. The monuments of thy vlclory on the plains of Saratoga, ferve only to biaze forth the death of thy fame.

16. Thy namemall no more be mentioned C c

3i4 American Rcvo!uiicn»

in the fongs of the virgins, nor jQiall the crown of honour encircle thy temples.

27. Will not every one that meets thee, point with the finger, and fay : Lo! there goeth the man who facrificed his honour on the altar of mammon, and bartered away his good name for the fake of filthy lucre?


General Green is appointed to the command of thi Southern arniy^ in the room of General Gates* Successful expedition of Lieutenant CoL Wash' ington^ i^c.

1 N the year of the Chriftian Hegira^ one thoufand feven hundred and eighty, in the fixth month, on the fixteenth day of the month, the refidue of thefflRtiy of Columbia in the Southern province, colleded together at a certain place called Hilllborough,

American Revolution. j^i^

2. On the il^me day did Nathaniel* take upon hlni the office of chief captain : for it came to pafs, that when the great Sanhedrim had heard that Horatiof and the Southern ar- my, had been beaten by Cornzvallis, the king's captain, and that the warriors of Columbia couhi not (land before the men of Britain 3 ihey were fore difpleafed.

3. And their countenances fell, and they, even the princes of the Provinces, fecretly reproached Horatio; for it grieved them, that the army was fmiiten before the men of Britain.

4. And they communed with George the chief captain, afcer thi^ manner, faying : Knoweft thou not, that Cornwallis the king'.s captain, hath beaten Horatio in battle, and that our brethren have fled from the fervants of the kiiTg?

5. And G^^r^Jaid, yea verily, I know it : then the princes of the provinces, further-


  • Gcner,.! Green. f General Gates.

,^l5 American Revolution^


more fpake and faid : It is expedient that we fend another captain in the room of Ho- ratio, that he may go forth before the men of war; fo will the fpirits of the people revive, and peradventure they will fland before their enemies. Speak therefore, all that is in thine heart, and fay if thou knowefl any man in tile hod of the people, that will anfwer the cxpe£lations and deHre of the princes of the Provinces.

6. Then anfwered George the chief captain, and faid : there is a man in the army of Co- lumbia, in whom is the fpirit of v/ifdom and underftanding, his name is Nathaniel; pru- dence walketh on his right hand, and inte- grity and perfcverance are his conllant com- panions.

7. And the princes of the Provinces heark- ened to the voice of the chief captain for they had determined beforehand, to remove Hora^ fiQ; inafmuch as he had fled from the fer- vants of the king, and his former fervices were not regarded. ^^^

American Revohiion* 317

8. Kowbelt, Horatio was not cafl: down for thefe things; for the fpirit of a man was in him, and wifdom fortified his mind againft: the evils that were allotted to him.

9. Ke remembered that the celebrated Bard* of Albion faid : " This is the (late of " man : — To-day he puts forth the tender "leaves of hope, to-morrow bloilbms, and

  • • bears his bluililng honours thick upon him;

" the third day comes a froil, a killing frod j " and when he thinks, good eafy man, full " furely his greacnefs is a ripening — ^nips his " root, . and then he falls V

10. And it came to pafs, that Nathaniel was appointed chief captain of the Southern army; and he fet out on his journey, and came to Hiillioorough on the day of the month before-mentioned,

11. Now the. heart of Nathaniel was not ^^ lifted up becaufe of this thing; inafmuch as

,j * Shakefpeare,

C c 2

3l8 American Revoluilon,

Horatio, his brother in the war, was abafed in the eyes of the people; .moreover he knew that Hcraiio was a valiant man, and he treat- ed him with ths refpecl due to an elder bro- ther.

12. Furthermore, he juilified him in all companies; and in his letters to the princes of the Provinces, the members of the great Sanhedrim, he fpake in praife of Horatio; and to them he faid : In no part of his conduct, has Horatio been to blame, he has done his duty as chief captain, and verily no man can enfure to himfelf fuccefs; for victory is not at the command of the fons of men.

13, And it was fo, that not m.any hours after that I<!aihaniel had aiiumed the command of the army, that a meiTenger cam.e and brought tidings, that one of the Lieutenants* from the Columbian army, had'been out with a number of m^en to feek forage for the hoit,

54. And it came to pafs, that as they jour-

  • Lieat. Col. Wa0nrs'c::.

American Revolution^ 319

neyed along the way, they came nigh unto Clermont, the dwelling place of one of the fed of the tones who had joined himfelf to the king's fervants, and was made a captain* in the array of Britain.

15. Now there were about five fcore of the feci of the tories colleded at the houfe, and they had flrengthened themfelves within and without; and they had made a place of defence called a Block-houfe, and a ditch en- clofed it round about; fo that it was very firong.

16. Notwithftanding, the lieutenant being a cunning man, and well knowing he could not get at the houfe except ke had fome of the dellroying engines with him, therefore he went about to devife a cunning device.

17. He went into the forefl of pines, and hewed down one of the tall trees thereof, and he fafhioned it v/ith the axe of the workman \intil hs brought it to the likenefs of one of

  • Col. Rigely.

Q20 American Rtvolution^

the dedroying engine?, that were ufed to bat- ter down the walls of ftrofiig holds, and the men flood ready, as they were wont to do when the engine is ready to vomit out its thunders.

1 8. And when the feci of the tories beheld the wooden engine, their countenances fell; for they knew the force of the engines, and that they could not withdand their enemies if they (liot at the houfe, therefore they deliver- ed themfelves to be captives, at the firfl fum- nions.

19. And the foldiers, even the army of the people of the Provinces under Nathaniel^ re- joiced, inafmuch as they judged it a fign of future fuccefs.

20. Now the number of men v/ho followed after Nathaniel^ were about two thoufand, and they were in diftrefs; for the men of Britain occupied the country round about, and Natha?2iei kntw not how he Ihould conti- nue to fupply the army with food.

American Revolution*


21. For the army of the people of the Pro- vinces, had no money, except the money of the great Sanhedrim, which was made of fil- thy rags, and the hulband men loathed to fee it.

22. The gold and the filver, which the fer- vants of the king had in abundance; this it was that allured them! for this they fold the choice 1 imbs from the flock, the bullocks and the fatted calves from the flails, the princi- pal wheat and the fine flour; yea, they ven- tured their lives in purfuit thereof.


General Green divides his force. The division under General Morgan goes to the Westsrn ex- treniiiy of South Carolina , defeats Tarleton at the Cozvpens,

jTiND after thefe things it came to pafs, that Nathaniel divided the hofl into two bands, one band v/as commanded by himfelf; and

g2 2^ American Revolution,

Morgan^^ a valiant man from the Southern province, v/ent before tht other band j and they journeyed We ft ward.

2. And. Nathaniel, with the refidueof the hcfc, ah'b journeyed forwards until he came to the river, even the river Pedee, and he encamped on the North border thereof.

3. And Morgan and the men who were v;ith him, arrived at the diilrid of Ninety.fix, 'where they pitched their tents.

4. And when it v/as told to CornwalUs^ that the people of the Provinces had made an e- ruption in that quarter, he fent Tarleton^ a man in whom he placed great confidence, to drive the people of the Provinces from thence.

fj. And about eleven hundred of the choice warriors of Britain, followed after Tarleton^ and two of the deilroying engines were with them.

6. And the two armies came in fight of

  • Gen. Morgan.

A'intrican RevoIuUon,^^ 2 23

g;ach other at the Cowpens, znd they put the battle in array, army againfl army.

7. Nov/ farleion defpifed all thoughts of delay, and the maxims of prudence he treat- ed with contempt; but ruihed forwards as to an affured vi£lory, and at the firft onfet drave his enemies before him, for they could not with {land the firil charge,

8. But it came to pafs, that two captains,* renowned for warlike atchievements, encour- aged the men to turn about and face their en- emies; and he uho had taken the tories at the houfe, with the appearance of a wooden engine, this man turned the fortune of the day, by furioufly charging a Britifh captain, whofe fur-name was Ogihie^ whom he caufe J to flee before him.

9. And about the fame time, avaiiant manf who was renowned in war, animated the men to turn about, who rufhed upon the men of Britain and difcomfited them.

♦ Cole. Pickens and Wafliington f Col. Howard,

g24 Avierican Revolution*

f o. So the warriors of Britain fled, even the horfemen thereof, and the deftroying en- gines were taken; three hundred of the ferv- ants of the king were llain and wounded, and five hundred made captives, five fcore of warlike horfes, carriages for the ufe of the hoft, one fcore and fifteen. Thefe were all taken by the people of the Provinces, in the fpace of a few hours.

11. And the refidue of the men of Britain who went out againft Morgan the captain, fled to Cornwallis, and reported all the news of the Battle.

12. Then was CornwaUis exceeding wroth, inafqjuch as he expeded no fuch thing from a people whom he had defpifed, and had fo lately vanquilhed.

13. Then he haflilycolledled his army toge- ther and went in purfuit of the people of the Provinces, under Morgan^ for he hoped to regain the captives.

14. And when it was told Nathaniel^ that

American Revolution.


the men of Britaia were purfuiijg after the people, he left the place where he v/as encamp- ed, and put the men or war under the guid- ance of a captain whofe fur-name was Huger; but himfelf fet out to join the army under the captain, Morgan.

15. And it was fo, that the army of Bri- tain haded to purfue after the people of the

^ ■ Provinces, and fo hot was the purfuit, that tiie men of Britain came to the borders of the river Catawba, on the evening of the fame day that the people of the Provinces had croff- ed over.

16. Now it came to pafs, that when it was night, there was a fiorm, and the rains de-i fcended in great abundance, and the river was iacreafed to a mighty flream; and the men, even the army of the people of the Pro- vinces rejoiced, and confidered the falling rain as the interpofition of the Supreme Be- ing,

D d

525 .American Revolution*

17. And when the waters of the river were fallen, Cornwallis flill continued to purfue after the people, and came to the river Yad- kin, and at this place alfo he was fain to en- camp, as the rain defcended and fwelled the river fo that the army could not pafs; how- beit, the hoft of Columbia had crofled the river, for it had not rifen with the rain when they palTed over.

18. Now while the men of Britain were detained on the other fide of the river, lo! the two bands of the hofl were united j thus the people of the provinces became one army, as at the fird; howbeit they were not yet able to withfland the men of Britain.

19. Then the people of the Provinces who followed after Nathaniel^ moved forv;ards and eroded over the river Dan into the pro- vince of Virginia, and the men of Britain fol- lowed hard after them.

20. And Cornwallis the king's chief cap- tain, encourged the people of the province

American Revolution. 327

to come forth to the help of the king, and he caufed the royal flandard to be fet up, that the people might flock to it, but they were


21. He'alfo fent Tarleton^ in whom he greatly confided, to aifernble the fed of the tories v/ho dwelt on the borders of the Deep river,

22. And when KathanUl heard thereof, he fent two chofen men, whofefirnames were Pickens and Lee* in purfuit of Tarleton^ and the men of Britain who were with him.

23. And it came to pafs, as they were paffing along, that they were met by about three hundred and fifty of the fed of the to- nes, and a man whofe firname was Pyles\ went before them.

24. And the tcries taking thefe men for fervants of the king of Britain, fainted them

  • Gee. Pkkens, and Col. Lee.


328 American Revolution*

as friends; but they were foon llain by the horfeinen under Lee and Pickens, and there was a great difgomfiture; and the tories were fore amazed, inafmuch as they regarded not their words, and flew them when they cried out " God fave the king/' And when Tarle- ion heard thereof, he fled back again to the main army, and on the way he flew feveral of the tories, whom he took to be friends to the great Sanhedrim.


A reinforcement from Virginia, stimulates Gene, ral Green to make a stand, against CornwalUs ~/j defeated, and retires to Spsedivell Iron ivorks,

-O-ND it came to pafs, that four hundred men, whofe hearts were warmed with the love of liberty, came from the province of Virginia, and from the adjoining province, even from North Carolina.

American Revolution* q 2 Q

2. And they were led by two mighty men of valour : and alfo two whole brigades of militia. Thefe came to the help oi Nathaniel^ againfl: Cornwallis and the men of Britain.

3. Then Nathaniel gathered together his army, and it was gathered together; and they pafled over the river, even the river Dan. Now the number of the men who went forth to fight with the men of Britain, Wire about four thoufand four hundred j ne- verthefs, many of thefe were hufbandmen, and were unacquainted with battles, and had never feen the (Irife of the warriors.

4. And Cornwallis rejoiced when he faw the people of the Provinces coming againft him, for hetrufled in the valiant men of Bri- tain, and to his {kill in battle. Now the number of the fighting men with Cornwallis^ were two thoufand four hundred; thefe were all men of valour and {killed in war.

5. And when they had put the battle In ar*

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33 3 ^nierican Revc!utiof!»

ray, the men of Britain ruflied forwards in three columns, and the foremoft company* gave v/ay; for it came to pafs, that when the men of Bricaiii were advancing, that a captain called out to another captain, faying : Take care left the men of Britain furround thee!

6. And when the foremoft company heard the words of the captain, they fainted in their minds and fled.

7* But all did not flee, as the firft compa- ny did; but there vv-ere many fought with the men of Britain, even the men from Virginia, a country renowned for hofpitality; thefe ftood their ground and behaved themfelves valiantly; they w^ere led by a man on whom fear made no imprefTion, his firname was Slepbens^'f who notwithftanding he was fore wounded, ftaid on the held of battle.

8. And the battle waxed hot, and continu- ed for the fpace of one hour and thiny mln-

  • Front Line. f Gen. StcphcES.

American Revolution. 33 1

uteSj according to the great dial of Colum- bia, which is- equal to the ancient dial of A- haz, king o^ifrael.

9. liowbelt, the men of Britain gained the vidory, but not without the lofs of many valiant men who were 11 ain in the battle; they had alfo to mourn for the lofs of two valiant captains,* moreover a chief captainf was wounded.

10. And there were flain and wounded of the people of the Provinces, about four hun- dred perfons, and a valiant captain was flain, whofe firname was Anderson, \

11. And the fervants of the king took from Nathaniel^ four of the deftroying en- gines.

12. And Nathaniel colleded the remnant of the hoil, and fled to Speedwell, about eif^hty furlongs off, and there he pitched his tents.

  • Cols. Webster and Stuart.

t Gen. O^Karra % ^^^' A^^^erson,

232 American Revolution*

13. Now Cornivallis boafted of the vidory that he had gained, and fent forth a written paper, wherein he invited the inhabitants to join the fervants of the king, promifmg par- don and favour to fuch as had revolted from the king, if they had made their fubmilTion before the twentieth day of the next month; being the fourth month, in the year of the Chriflian Hegira, one thoufand feven hun- dred and eighty-one.

14. Notwithftanding Cornivallis and the men of Britain, had gotten the vidory of Nathaniel and the people of the Provinces; yet he was not eafy, but was troubled in his mind.

15. Now there was an officer, and a fervant of the king of Britain, who fojourned in Wilmington, a town in the Northern pro- vince, even in Carolina: this man uas to have fupplicd and affiiled Cornivallis and the men of Britain, but the fear of the armed men of Columbia fell upon him, and prevent- ed him.

Avierican Revolution,


i5. So the army or Britain, were fain to depart, for they Aood in need of thofe things that were at Wilmington : and the meri of Britain journeyed forwards.

1 7. And when Nathaniel heard thereof^ he gathered together the men of war, and pur- Taed after the hod of Britain, until they had arrived at Ramfay's mill on the Deep river, and there the people of the Provinces halted.

18. And when the people were refrefiiedj^.t^^. the army of Britain took ihcir way acrofs the ^a- country from Wilmington to Peterfburg, In Virginia.

1 9. And Nathaniel believing it would be moH: expedient, and v/ithal, greatly to the benefit of the peoples to pafs on direftly for the Southern province;* therefore being fully perfuaded in his own mind, he ordered the men of war to dired their courfe to that pro- vince.

20. Hov/beit, he fent a captaint and horfe-

  • Suuili Carolina, f Col. Lee,


American Revolution.

men to the chief captain at Marion, whofe camp was on ihc baijks of the river Santee : and the horleiren took their way to the camp ok Marion; howbeit, it was a difficult way, and the journey was long and perilous; not- withftanding, they arrived at the camp on the Santee, in the fpace of eight days, and re- ported the words of the chief captain to Ma^


21. Then Nathaniel departed from the Deep river, to go on his way to Camden in the Southern province.

22. And it was fo, that while Nathaniel was going on his way to the Southern pro- lince, that Marion and Lee with their com- panics, befieged a (Irong hold, occupied by the men of Britain.

23. And they ereded a bank againd it, and fliot at the men who were therein, fo that they feared to (liew their faces; for the men who were with Marion and Lee would fhoot to a hair's breadth, they were chofen

American Revclution*


men of valour, and where the valiant were^ there were they. And the men in the hold were taken captive-


General Green ^ with the American Southern arniy^ encamp ivithin a mile cf Camden, Lord Rawdon^ with nine hundred men^ are in Camden — They make a sally upon the Ameri'> can army^ and gain the vi6lory,

iNl OW it came to pafs, that while Corn' wallis was endeavouring to eflablifh the king's friends and his laws, in the Province of Vir- ginia, that Nathaniel came with the hoft of the people of the Provinces, and encamped about eight furlongs from Camden.

2. And Rawdon, a lord of the realm of Bri- tain, was in the town of Camden; and there were with him in the town, nine hundred of the choice warriors of Britain.



American Revchtlon*

%. And there were with Nathaniel^ about twelve hundred men; howbeit, three hundred of chefe ^ere huroandmen, called militia.

4. And it was fo, that a? Nathaniel was waiting for the men of Britain to come out of the tov'n, (for his fingers itched to be dealing with them) lo 1 according to his de- fire, a meflenger came and faid : Yq men of Columbia, arm yourfelves, for your enemies are at hand!

5. Then the men of war made themfelves ready, and Nathaniel animated with his voice the men of war.

6. And it c^me to pafs, that the men of Britain c^^me on like, the young lions of rhe fored! rhey tarried not, but rufhed into the battle, and there was a fierce encounter, and the fervants of the king prevailed. •

7- For when the armies joined battle, two companies of the people of the Provinces lied,

American RevolutiGn* 007

and the reiidue were confafed becaufe of this thing, and they fled alfo.

8. Ho\^beit, Nathaniel {n^QXtd. not his fpi- rits tofailj but he colleded together the refi- due of the hoft, and encamped about forty furlongs off.

9. And the men of Britain went back again into Camden. Now the people of the Provin- ces that fell in the battle, and were taken captive, were in number about two hundred and fifty perfons.

10. Now Nathaniel C2.\xkd eight m.en to be hanged up by the neck, becaufe they had fdt the army; now thefe men were called defer t- ers;

11. x^nd Rawdon, the lord of the realm of Britain, not inclining to tarry any longer at Camden, he left it, and journeyed to the river Santee : howbeit he firfl burned the prilon, the mill for grinding the corn, and a number of the houfes in the town,

E e

333 American Revolution*

12. Now the enemies of the king of Britain, even the people of the Provinces, mightily increafed in the Southern province; and they were fain to call in their men of war, who were in fundry ftrong holds in the province.

13. The hold, called by the people of the Provinces, Fort Mott, furrendered to the chief captain, Sumpter : next unto that, was Fort Granby; this was a flrong hold, and defended by three hundred, two fccre and twelve men, who gave themfelves up to be captives to the valiant captain, Lee; and there was alfo with the captain, a young man frofn the province of Jerfey, his name was James^ he was like the wild colt of Arabia, and fear v^as a flranger to his heart.

14. Thus the men of Britain loll: their pods and llrcng holds, in the fpace of a few days.

1 5. And there was another flrong hold call- ed Silver Bluff: and the garrison were taken captive by the young men who followed after

American Revchuion, ggg

the captain, Lee; howbeit, Rudolph, a man of valour, led forth the lad company,

1 6. And there was yet another flrong hold,* called by the name of the Britiili captain, this alfo fell to the people of the Provinces, under the captains Lee and Pkkefis; and the cap- tives that were taken, were in number three hundred men, chiefly of the fed: of the tories.

17. Thus were the men of Britain driven from one place to another, until they came to the Eiitaw Springs, where they halted; and Natbaniel and the army of Columbia, they al- fo encamped near the men of Britain.

18. And Nathaniel numbered the men of Columbia, even the hod of the people that followed after him, and the number of the men were two thoufand fighting men.

19. And it came to pafs, that as fome of the young men went forth from the hod, to- wards the army of Britain, they were met in

  • Fort Cornwallis.

g^o American Revolution.

the way by two companies of the men of Bri- tain 5 and the din of Battle was heard!

20. The found of the warriors reached the camD; the valiant rufhed to the battle! The hods were engaged, and fierce was the ftrife ©f the warriors!

2 i . The men of the provinces of Virginia and Maryland, were foremoil in the rough front of the battle; their captains, Williams and Campbell^ led them to glc-ry and vidory 1 The renowned warriors of Britain fled, who were once fo terrible in war!

22. Five hundred of the fervants of the king, were taken captives; their bonds were made eafy, for they were taken by a generous foe 1 But Campbell was flain! he died m the bed of honor, and his name Ihall not perifh!

23. Nathaniel beheld v/ith joy, the rifmg fame of Columbia; he purfued after the men of Britain, but he could not overtake the fwift- footed warriors of the king.

American Revolution^ 34 1

24. The flam and wounded, and the cap- tives of the men of Britain, were in number, eleven hundred; and there fell in the battle, of the people of the Provinces, five hundred valiant men.

25. The way. faring man, as he paffeth by the field where the vaHant fought, will feel the rifmg figh! The darting tear will come, when he remembers the friend of his early days, who fell in the battle 1

26. The mother will often, with flow and forrowful fleps, vifit the fatal fpot! and mourn the lofs of the beloved of her youth, the partner of her cares! The children will hear the fad tale, and their wrath will rife at the name of Britain 1 O Albion! furely thy wife men v/ere infatuated, they ihut their eyes to their true intered, and became fools I

E e 2

342 American Revolution.

— < ^••♦^ .< 4.<^^=a& <^'^ ^»..>.^. >..>-— .


Cornwallis is strengthened by the royal forces ^ under Phillips and Arnold — Traverses the country — Is feebly opposed by the Americans,

rSlOW Cornwallis, the king's chief cap- tain in the Southern Provinces, was Hfted up in his heart; for he had it in contempla- tion to fubdue the whole land, and eftablifh his name amongft the fons of men, as a war- rior of the firft degree.

2. He fent forth the foldiers of Britain in troops, throughout the province of Virginia, who difperfed and put to flight the men of Co- lumbia; for they were too few to fland be- fore him.

3. For it came to pafs, that Benedit^ znd FhillipSy with about fifteen hundred of the fervants of the king, came in the tall fhips of the liland of Britain, and flrengthened his army.

American Revolution.


4. Then was Fayette^ the young nobleman from the Kingdom of Gaul, fent by the great Sanhedrim, to oppofe the men of Britain; and about three thoufand of the men of Co- lumbia, was with Fayette,

5. And Cor7iwallis led forth the valiant men of Britain, and journeyed from Peterfburg to James' river; and when the men of war were all palTed over the river, they journeyed through the county of Hanover, and came to the river Pamunky, fo cajled by the Barbari- ans, the native inhabitants of the land.

6. Nov/ the army of Columbia was too weak to fight with the fervants of the king; ne- ver thelefs, they folio v/ed clofe after them, and watched their Heps.

7. Now the princes* of the province, were met together about the affairs of the province; and Ccrn-zval/is fent Tarleton to the place where they were affembled together, even to Char- iotteville.

  • AUembly.

24 1 American Revolution,

8. And when the alTembly of the princes heard thereof, they rofe up and fled ^ howbe- it, ievexi of them were taken captive.

9. And Simcoe, a chief fervant of the king, and a captain in the hofl:; he alfo was fent to deftroy the (lores, that were colleded at a certain place,* but the people had removed them; neverthelefs, the men of Britain de- ft royed the property of the inhabitants in thofe parts.

10. And Fayette gained the love of all the people; inafmuch, as his goings forth before the people, was with wifdom and prudence.

1 1. And it came to pafs not long after, that the chief captain, WaynCy came to the help of Fayette; and there were with Wayne the chief captain, eight hundred valiant men.

12. Now CornwalUs had gotten between the army of the people of the Provinces and their (tores, and he deemed it a thing impofTible,

  • ?oJBtof.Fork.

American Revolution^ 34 r

for the people who were with Fayette to get at the (lores.

13. Howbeit, Fayette, when it was night, led his men by an unfrequented way, and gained the (lores that were at Albemarle; and when Cornwallis heard thereof, he was adon-. i(hed and fore troubled.

14. Then the men of Britain feeing their intentions were difcovered, journeyed back again to Richmond.

1 5. And the army of the people of the Pro.

vinces, who were with Fayette^ was again (Irengthened, by \^^z warriors of the Baron Steuben : and Fayeiie drew forth the men of war, and magnified the number of the people who v/ere with him.

16. And Cornwallis being told that the army of the people of the Provinces was (Irong, even a very great multitude, he fled to Wil- liamilburgh; where the rear of the hofl was aifaulted by fome of the warriors of Colum-

Q^6 American Revolution,

bia, under a mighty man of valor, v/hofe name v/as Butler.^

17. Now about this time, Henry ^ chief cap- tain of all the armies of the king, in the land of Columbia, let in a fear that he was not fafe in the city of York; inafmuch as he had heard, that it was in the heart of George the chief captain, to come againll the town; and that the ferrants of the king of Gaul, were to be joined with the hoft of the people of the Provinces, in aflaulting the town.

18. And he fent melfengers to CornwaUisy to advcrtife him of his danger, that he might fend to the city of York, feme of the valiant men who were with him.

19. And Cornzvallisj deeming it expedient to obey the command of Henry, and confidering that his army would be weakened there- by, he made ready to pafs over the river to a more fecure place, even to Portfmouth.

20. And it was fo, that as the army of

  • Col. Butler.

American Revolution, 347

Britain was preparing to paCs over the river, that the chief captain, Wayne^ v/as informed that the greater part of the army was pafTcd over, he took with him the men whom he led forth to battle, who were eight hundred in number, that they might alTault the rear of the hod.

21. And lo! when he came to the river, Cornzvallis^ with a great part of the hofl were drawn up in battle array, to fight with him.

22. Then was Wayne the chief captain, ailonifhed : howbeit, he was a man that was not eafily difcomfited; he therefore fell upon the men of Britain, and when a convenient time was come, he led away his men from the field of battle.

23. And CornwalJis thinking that it was a fnare to divert him from the purpofes of his heart, he purfued not after the people of the Provinces^ and they efcaped,

24. 1 hen the men of Britain pafTed over

the river; 2.nA shout this time, Cornwallis

248 American RevaluliGn,

received a letter from Henry, and it was writ- ten in the letter, that Cornwallis might keep the foldiers he had with him, for the fer- vice of the king in thofe parts; and he was alfo advifed in the letter, to occupy fome con- venient place, where the fhips of the king, and the hofl of Britain might be fecure.

25. And it was fo, that after the chief men had confulted together; the town of York, and the Point of Gloucefter were chofen, and there the hoft encamped j and they flrength- ened themfelves there, and it became a place of defence.

American Revolution* 3 19


General Washington puts the American army in motion; and in conjiinflion with the French forces^ marches to Tork-town. Count de Grasse arrives with the French fleet ^ at the Chesa- peak, The British under Cornwallis, are closely invested^ and finally capitulate.

iSi O W when George the captain, of all the armies of Columbia, was told that Cornwall^ was (trengthening himfelfin the town of York, in the province of Virginia; he gathered to- gether all the valiant men, even a great mul- titude : and the fervants of the king of Gaul were alfo gathered together, under Rocham^ beau, a chief captain of the King of Gaul.

2. And they journeyed along the high way of the country, and the hulbandmen rejoiced, inafmuch as they were not fpoiled by the arm- ed men, in their pafsing along the way. F f


American RevohMwn.

3. And the hoft of Columbia drew nigh unto the town, where the men of Britain were encamped, and they haftened, that they might come to the end of their journey; in- afmuch, as they counted it a thing that was certain, that the men in the town would fall a prey to the people of the Provinces.

4. For it came to pafs, that the flrong arm- ed (hips of the king of Gaul, appeared in the mouth of the river; and the mariners cafl: forth the anchors, and the Ihips were fail- ened by frrong cables, fo that they were a lett to the fhips of the king of Britain, that pafTed that way. »

5. Now Cornwallis was enfnared, inafmuch as his enemies furrounded him on every fide, and he was filled with indignation, becaufe of thefe things; yea, he was like the fierce lion, when he is purfued by the hunter : he fliakes his mane in anger, his active powers are ilimulated by fierce wrath! he foams at

American Revolution. 351

the mouth, and fuddenly fprings upon the daring foe!

6. Such was the wrath of CornwaUis the chief captain; accuftomed ro victory, hefcorn- ed to be hemmed within the narrow enclofures of the town, but often broke forth upon the men of war, like a mighty torrent!

7. The deftroying engines from the ram- parts of the town, declared his difpieafure! they call out their thunders with ten-fold fury! the earth trembled at the found there- of, and great was the ail:oni{liment of the neighbouring hufoandmen.

8. Neverthelefs, George the chief captain, and the vaHant men of Columbia, regarded them not; they were in one mind, and were not eafily turned : they Ihot into the town, and brake down the walls thereof! the choice warriors of Britain were fmitten to the earth! they were difcomfited, for there was no hope!

g5« American Revolution*

9. They walked to and fro, as men who had lofl their way in the defart! they ftarted afide at the noife of the deflrcying engines! they gat into their clofe places of defence! they had no red! The valiant men were dif. mayed! their fmews were relaxed, becaufe of the deftrudlon both wiihin and without.

10. Now after the fpace of nine days, when the defenced places of the men of Britain were deflroyed, by the deflroying engine?, and many of the men of war were deceafed, and many of the chief warriors were flain 5 then it was, that Cornwallis endeavoured to efcape from the town.

1 1. And he caufed the boats to be in readi- nefs, and when it was night, many of the arm- ed men were put into the boats, and paHed over the river.

1 2. But it came to pafs, that a great florm arofe and difperfed the boats, and fruflrated the defigns of the chief captain.

13. And when the morning of the next day

American Revolution* g^g

appeared, the men who had pafled over the river, returned back again to the town; then

was Cornwailis difcomfited, and his thoughts were troubled.

14. Howbeit, feeing no remedy, he fent a written letter to G^or^i? the chief captain, where- in he propofed that the deflroying engines lliould ceafe to utter thunders, for the fpace, of twenty-four hours.

15. And alfo, that fuitable men, called Commiffioners, fhould be appointed to fettle the bufmefs of the fiege, and write down the agreement between the two chief captains.

1 6. Then George the chief captain, did as Cornwailis had defired him; he caufed the deilroying engines to ceafe from uttering their thunders, and fiience pervaded the whole camp.

17. And on the nineteenth day of the tenth month, in the one thoufand feven bun-

F f 2

254 Amerkan Revolution*

dred and eighty.firft year of the Chrillian He- gira, was the town given up to the people of the Provinces; and all the armed men were made captives, and the inftruments of war, and the treafures of the king of Britain were taken.

1 8. Now when the report thereof, was fpread abroad into all lands, it was caufe of aftonifhment; inafmuch as it was a ftrange thing to hear of an army of the king of Bri- tain, going into captivity; furthermore, it was known that Corniiallis was a mighty man of valor, and the men of Britain who were with him, were all valiant men.

19. The fed of the toiies, believed it not 5 they were confounded I they fhut their ears at the report thereof: they faid one to another, lo! now the fons of Belial, even the led of the whigs, fcigneth this thing out of their own mouths, that the king's friends may be difcouraged.

American RevQiuiion* g^g


The news of the capture of CornwaUls arrlvss in EtJgland — Debates in Parliament,

iN OW when tidings came to the king of Britain, and the great council of the king- dom, that the Southern army was taken cap- tive; they gazed upon each other as men who had loll their wits!

2. They eOayed to fpeak, but their tongues clave to the roof of their mouths! they were filent through grief, for a feafon! Howbeit, their enemies caufed them to fpeak, and there was a great wrath amongfl the counfeliors!

3. And one /pake after this manner, and another after that manner, and there was great confufion amongfl them! for they took it greatly to heart, that the fame of the war- riors of Britain was fallen.

25 5 American P,evoluiton*

4. Now it came to pafs, in the fourth month, in the next year after that Cornwallis was taken captive; that there was a great battle on the waters of the mighty ocean, be- tween the fhips of the king of Britain; and the fPiips of the king of Gaul : on the twelfth day of the month was the battle fought.

5. LvA the navy of Britain triumphed over the (liips of the king of Gaul, and there was a great flaughter; and de Grajfe the great fea-captain, was taken captive; and many of the fnips of the king of Gaul, were deilroyed by Rodney^ chief captain of the na- vy of Britain.

6. Tremendous was the noife of the de- flroying engines, the feamonllers fled at the report thereof! they hid themfelves under the rocks! at the bottom of the mountains, they were gathered together! fear and amaze- ment feized ihem, they trembled even in their ancient habitations!

7. Was man created for thefe things? Was

American Revoluimu 357

Jt defigned by the great Creator, that the nobleft workmanihip of his hands fhould de- flroy each other? Nay verily! Was it not rather his intention, that they (hould love as brethren, and be continually exercifed in aQs of benevolence and mercy? Were thefe virtues more generally cultivated in the hearts of the people, the whole creation would again enjoy its fabbath, and the earth would be re* pleni(}:ied wiih joy and gladnefs.


The Inde bender, ce of the thirteen Urn fed States p acknowledged in Europe, Peace is declared.

IN O W the nations and kings, who were warring together, grew weary thereof, and defired peace inafinuch as the fword devour- ed many of their valiant men, and they were

35 8 American Revolutkn.

not a whit the better for it : what they gained in one place, they often lod as much in ano- ther.

2. Neverthelefs, it went to the heart of the king of Britain, that he rniiO: lofe his pof- fefiions in the land of Columbia; howbeit, there was no remedy, for his treafure was expended, and the people were weary of the war.

3. Then he confented that there fhould be peace, and that the people of the Provinces fhould be governed by their own People, in- dependent of the kingdom of Britain \ and he refigned unto them his power and kingly authority.

4. And the Provinces in the land of Co- lumbia, were called by a new name,* and they became one people, and the great San- hedrim ruled over them.

5. And on the twentieth day of the fecond

  • United States of North America.

American Revolution. 359

month, in the one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-fecond year of the Chriftian Fle- glra, was peace proclaimed : and the men of Britain, departed from the land of Columbia.

6. And each man of the hofl of the people of the Provinces, went to his own houfe 5 and there was joy and gladnefs throughout the whole land,

7. May it be a prelude to that peace, men- tioned in the bock of the Prophet Ifaiah : " When the mountain of the Lord's houfe Ihall be eftablifhed upon the tops of the moun- tains, and be exalted above the hills, and all nations fnall flow unto it!'*

8. " And they fhall beat their fwords into plow-fbares, and thdr fpears into pruning- hooks! Nation fhall not lift up fword againil nation, neither fhall they learn war any m.ore!

9. The wiidernefs and the foiitary place fhall be glad, and the defart fhall rejoice, and bloifom as the rofe!"

  • j5o American Revolution)

lo. The mind of the fcribe, ftrongly im- prefled with this idea, and animated with the profptdt of the dawning of that glorious mcrn^ fhall henceforth feek the fhade of retirement, and lepofe himfelf under the canopy of peace, regardlefs of cenfure or praile; well know- ing, that when a few more funs have rolled their cares away, he will be perfedcly infenfi" ble both to the one and the other.



Columbiati i







pointed by W. PECHIN, iVo. lo, Second-street*


THE Author of the Jhlloiving nxork, having for several years desired and expected to see the great e'vents that brought about the American Revolution, i?i a poetical dress, but disappointed in his hopes, he ventured to make the attempt himself; — and if this short essay should prove a stimulousto some one more favoured of the Muses, ivho will undertake the arduous task, and carry it ihro-dgb upon a more extensive scale, he shall think himself so far fortiamte, that his labor has not been in vain. With this introduction (and as far as he knov^s his own heart J divested of cdi vanity as an Author, Poet, or Historian, or whaever you may please to call him~Hc offers this epitome on the AMERICAN WA-R to the candid public, and ushers it into the world as an orphan, without any other patronage than its own merit.



X HAT chief I fing : Golnmbid's fav'rite fon, His ads record, and glorious conquefls v/on I Say, heav'nl7 mufe! v/hcnce firft his fame be^an,, What the iirfl: glories of this matchlefs man! In early life he foug-ht the prize of fame; «' His foul impeil'd him to the martial plain." Monengahela's rapid ftreains can tell How thr war rag'd, what haplefs heroes fell! 'I'WrtS there bold Braddock led the Britifli band, Far from fair Albion, their native land : Feariefs they raarch'd, clofe form'd in dread array j And through the fored cut their rugged way : The foe at hand, difputes the dreadful pafs, Unfeen they war, from trees and tangled grafs. Behind thick fhades impervious to the eye. They lift the tube and leaden deaths let fiy. Fierce to the charge the BritiHi troops advance, Diflodge the tawny foe and fons oi France. To thefe dark forefts form a fafe retreat, From thence they war, and Albion's fons df feat.

Ah! what avails the vi£\or's boafted might? This hour vicvorlous, next a fhameful flight.

4 CO LU MB I AD. r^

Brave Braddock^ firft of all the martial train, Prffs'dthe celd earth, and bit th'enfanguin'd plain 1 A criinfon flood fwift ifjued from his breaft, His armour ftain'd, and drench'd his fcarlet vcft I Then dire difmay opprefs'd each warriors foul, And chilling fear and dread, unman'd the whole.

Till JVashington I — a name forever dear I Hevlv'd their ardor, and difpell'd their fear. Dauntlsfs he fac'd the late infulting foe, And fet them bounds, o'er which they feard to go j Snatch'd the ftorn laurels from the tawny race, Kedeem'd the day, and dignlfy'd — difgrace. A hofi acclaim him with deferv'd applaufe, His country's chaiijpion in fair freedom's caufe. High in the lin of warring-chiefs he ftands. The dread of France, and all the Indian bands.

When peace at length refum'd her gentle fwayj And dresdiul heroes threw their arms away i No more his conc.'ring fword flam'd round the land, Then agriculture fmil'd beneath his hand. The arts of peace Avere open to his view;— The friend fincere, and to his country true. i3omertric cares his leifue hours employ, And the chaile Anna, fnares in all his joy.

Were it my lot, 'midfl fuch lov'd fcenes to dwell, Joyful I'd bid th' ambitious world farewell; But fate has fixVl to man eternal bounds, And fiernly barr'd the high and fpacious mounds. Yet will I fing amidft the dorms of life, And bravely combat in the glorious ftrife. Nor ineanly bow to fortune's gilded flirine, While time n:!all lall:, and honeii virtue's mine. The fxkle goddcfs hates the whining wretch. Who meanlytruckles to be great or rich;

C O L U M B I A D.

She hurls him headlong from.iiis fancied height. His virions vanifli, %nd he finks in night.

Columbia's fons now freed from Avars' alarni, More peaceful fcenes their manly bofoms warm i Ceres and Pan, delighted, both furvey The blifsful fcenes, and mix in fpor'clve play; And when the fun withdraNVS his fervid rays, Divinely fmg beneath the fpreading bays; Where manly youth?, and fairefl maids are feen. In jocund mirth upon the level green.— Sure this is blifs, that to the heart imparts Raptures divine, beyond the reach of arts.

Years rclPd on years in this delightful drain, No foe to dread, no harmlefs infants (lain. 1'he tranquil fwsin went whirling on his way. And cheerful, labour'd till the clofe of day; Nor anxious thoughs of fearful woes to come, Purfu'd his footPieps to his cheerful heme. Around his fire the liitle group repair, — Here fat his wife, — his friend and children — there : Lord of his hut, — he fagely reads the news, With look important, as poor parfon Hewes; Decides with eafe the fate of mighty kings :— Himfelf more mighty, as he reads — or fings.* Sure fcenes like thefc will never know alloy,

  • The author thinks it necefTaiy, and a duty he owes to the rifing;

generation, thus publicly to caution fchcol-mnllers (in country places efpecially") to pay a more ft ridt attention to the children under th.eir care: to keep them from that dctcflab'e method of tuning their lef- fons over, at their feats. Tlius they acquire a bad habit, which they may never fhakeoff; occafioned principally from the inattention or ft-upidityof teuchers. Children (ho uld by all means be taught to read with the natural inflexions of the voice, as in fpeaking.

f I have often fpent part of a Winter evening by the fire lide, and in the company of thofe ufeful citizens, fneering'y tcrm'd by the pam- per'd fons of luxury, clovms and tujlics; and have difcovered through the clouds of obfcurity, the feeds of genius; that v^'ith proper cuUiva-

G g 2


This fure is Inppinerrf and petfe£l joy.

Thus have I ieen upon the clofe«'day, Soft gentle ::-pliyrs on the ocean pray, Pleas'd with the profped, fondly have I gaz'd, And the great archited of nature prais'd : But, chang'd hov/ foon! to what it was before— 'I'he v/inds liowl dreadful, and the billows roar; They lift their foaming tops in dread array— The fons of Neptune hail the Dawning day. The day, al is! no cheering comfort brings, The tumult thickens, and the death-bell rings. Some climb the fl;rouds, the tatter'd fails to reeve. Others apart — in filent anniifb grieve; The pilot's Aiiil evades the broken v.'aves, The bark fecures, the fearful crew he fares; Safe into port condufls them all at laO, Fleas'd they carefs, for joy at dangers pafl-.

So far'd Columbians generous race of men,

Nor knew what Itorms were gath'ring thick on theifl.

Such direful ftorms no bard did. ever fing,

Rais'd by gre-at George, fam*d Albion's fcepter'd king.

By want opprefs'd, by fycophants amus'd,

A.nd by his venal fervants long abus'd.—

Kis eiTipty ccifers call forth all the fkill,

Of the fage North^ prime-minirter at will;

tion, like the diamond from the hands of the lapidary, would fbine with dillinguiilieJ luilre; and here perhaps, ray readers v/ill not be ■ olfcaJcd if I quote a few lines from Gay's beautifu' elegy, written in a country church yard,?.s it is not R'cry foreign to the purpofe.

  • ' Perha'f-s in this neglected fpot is laid,

<' Some heart once pregnant with ^eitjal fire;

« Han^ls, that th;; rod ^f em. ire niight have fway'd,

'f Or wak'd to exla y the living lyre.

" Some vil'age Hampden, who with dauntle'is trea/l,

<' The little tyrant of his fie'ds withftood;

"!* Some mute inglorious Milton here may reft,

'* Some Cromwell, guiltlefs of his counijy's blocd/*


Who fear d no adverfe ftorms, or vile difgrace, While; he poiTcfs'^d his royal matter's grace. Yet v/ile to bar again it all future blame. Alone he ne'er would play a defp'rate game. The Peers and Commons in full Parllanient, Murt leal his plans, and give their full conCent.

Pleas 'd with this thought, he moves the king to f( His writs imperial, to eachtiuity friend: The royal mandate goes through all the land, The peers alTemble at the king's command; — Then North appear 'd in all the pomp of pow'r, And Ihew'd a bait mo ft tempting to devour. To tax Columbia's fons, the darling theme;— Eaiy and fafe both lords and commons deem; But ah 1 v/hat w^oes 1 how many Britons fell For this one caufe I — be mine the talk to tell.

— -4^ .«..<•.<*t•'«^♦l^'^♦'|^•^►• >->->'•>—-


li^OON as Columbia heard the Hern decree, She fighing, faid, my fors (hall yet be free. With eiger hafte, to Albion's fliore fhe moves. To feel: Britannia in her native groves : — Nor in the groves, nor at the court was Tne, But on the margin of the rolling' fea! Propp'd on a rock — beneath the willow's fbade. All bath'd in tears — iht found the lovely maid,

  • ' Such tears ss patriots Thed, v^htn o'er the land.

Stern 'defpotlfm fl!ak.^s-]|Ar iixon hand."

Al! hialL Britannia?~thus Columbia va'd : — .* 1)! why this forrow : — are thy offspring dead? ^ I woo-ildthey v/ere, Britannia quick reply'd — They're dead Lo — to baienefi: clofs ally'd :


Thy fons, thy happy fons, fiiall yet be free^

And in their land enioyblell Liberty.

The heavenly plant uprooted in this ifle,

Shall on the banks of the Potowniac iraile :

There dwells a Son, to freedom ever dear.

Shall guard its trunk, its tender branches rear.

Where it (liall I'orni abroad and fpaclous Uiade,

Till every tyrant's head is lowly laid :

Each foH of liberty {liall thence repair.

And find repoie and perfect fafety— there.*

Thus f^Dake the maid — and ilowly wavM her hand,

Then pensive,— mov'd along the furf-beat (Irand.

Her fading fplendor and departing fame,

Columbia (i^w, and felt an honell pain.

Her own bleft fhores, then ciaim'd her guardian care^

Her Tons to rouze, and guide the ihreat'ning war.

The chiefs of Boflon caught the facred fire — Firft felt the force of Briton's vengeful ire : Their port Oiut up — by foreign troops poileis'd — Their commerce ruin'd, and by foes opprefs'd. Brave, they fullain the furious wrath of Gage, Ailert their rights, and boldly fhew their rage : Deltroy the weed, deep charg'd with future v.'oe, And in the deep the baneful plant they throw. For this, the king burn'd with revengeful ire, North fann'd the fiunie and fpread the raging fire.

Sudden, the troops depart from Albion's coaft. And proudly vain, their martial prowefs boalt. Dreaming of conqueil, vainly they repeat, Battles unfough I, and future foes defeat; Till rich with fpoils, and fatcd^ with applaufe, Home they return — brave champions of the laws. Thus, they with pleafing thoughts the hours beguile, And fondly deem'dto fee their native iile. Vainboall, vain hope! their native plains no more Thofe eyes Ihall fee — clos'd on a foreign Oioie :

C O L U M B I A D.

In death's eternal deep forever bound, Breathlefs, they lie extended on the ground. Kor wife, nor child, nor faithful friend was near. To clofe their eyes, or drop the parting tear : Widows and orphans flock around the coaft, — Thefe mourn their hulbands, thofe their fathers loft; Am] m the violence of grief they fwear, The king and North (hall all their lofs repair.

Deluded fouls! nor prayers nor tears prevail. North guides the ftortn, and proudly rules the gale. His heart no moving plaint did ever move. Or felt, I ween, the foft delights of love. Nurs'd in the fchool of tyranny and ftrife. Far from the fcenes of Iweet domeftic life; Son of ambition, tool of royal pow'r — Britannia trembled on his natal hour: Thick louring clouds hung threat'ning o*er the land. Prophetic figns of dreadful woes at hand; Commotions dire, that threaten'd inltant death- Such as when Cromwe/iclvcAf his lateft breath; When the fierce winds flew howling o'er the ifle. That death, well pleas'd, aif^am'd a horrid fmile. Thus nature oft, in dreadful form appears, To prove our virtue, or alarm^ our fears.


_L H E thundering cannon now v,ere heard afar, Deep-throated engines, threat'ning dreadful war : The dreaming meteors* glide along the fl<y, The fnepherds gaze with terror in each eye : — The village teacher looks profoundly wise. And fcares the crowd with frightful prophefies,

  • The Ai-T ira Horealls, by many of the country people efieem-J

as ce tain figr-s of divine difpleafure, foretelling bloody wars and diead- ful convuifions n'gh'ai hand.


Confas'd and (Iruck with fear, smaz'd the>- fland, Brood o'er the woes denounc'd againft the land i Sign cf fierce wrath, and future woes to men! Trognoftics dire in every cloud is feen! They finite their breads while tears of forrow flow, Then home return, with penfive fteps— and flow.

O bled f fimplicity 1 much- envied lot! Short are thy pains, thy forrows foon forgot; The breath of morn difpels each wayward fear. Jocund and free, to chafe the bounding deer : ^ The echoing horn refounds from hill to hill. The nimble (tag eludes the hunter's flvili; At length grown weary in the dangerous chafe. His head declines, unequal in his pace. When lo 1— the weli-kLown cry alfails each ear. The flag is down — the end of hopes and fear. Convivial mirth foon ends the cheerlul day, And each contented, homeward, bends his way.

Such rural Iports no more the mufe fhall fmg, War, dreadful war 1 fhall tune each founding llring.

Divine Urania i all my foul inlpire I

Teach me to fmg with true poetic fire; From all obdruftions purge the vifual ray, Andburd upon me in a flood of day;

■f It has long teen my opir.Ion, th;;t a larger (hare of real happinefs is to be found in the co.tige of the farmer, and that he enjoys a more exquifite relifn or the comforts of li'e, than is to be found in the ftudy of the philofophcr, or in the pa aces of rhe great; his dciires are natu- rally wi'.h n a rm.di conipafs and cafry gratified. On the contrary, the man of fcnfitiity, wiio poirenTcs an uncommnn fhare of under- ftanding, improved by edu:aticn, is more; feelingly alive to the woes incident CO humanity : true i' is, he has alfo a more elevated notioa of thingr,, and can enjoy the feaft of reafon in a fuperioi manner; yet even this he'ps to embitter the cup already la-gc>/ impregnated with the w -imwoDd and the gall, the draught prfpand f.r a 1 mankind : and which, I tbinic, bettor ii'iiftri'ted by Pope, in the foiiowing lines :

" Painful pre-eminence! you.fe'f to view,

" Above life s weaknsfs, and its com'orts too."


Then through the fields of poefy I'll (leer, Regardlefsof the taunting critics fneer. Columbia now, her hardy ious engage. To iiem the torrent of Great Britain's rage; From whofe dread navy, moor'd in Eodon-bay, Her fons pour forth, in terrible array. From the fhip-fides the troops in hafte defcend. And on the ftrand each meets a long-loft friend : Parade snd martial (hew, their fears beguile; Pleas'd they carcfs, and hope afTumes a fmile. While the loud cannon roar'd from fliore to (hore The tyrant's voice! iirH argument — -«  There (lands a mount, well known to modern fame, Unfung by bards — and Bunker's-hill the name : Thither Columbia's fons in hafte repair, Firfl plant theftandard of true freedom there; Thence, from the ramparts ihot into the town — 'Twas there brare Warren gain'd the matyr's crown. Cage faw and flood amaz'd, and inly gricv'd To find his fanguine hopes lb much deceiv'd, Ke vainly thought the fhining glare of arms. Would daunt the foe, unus'd to war's alarms. Then thus to HowCy his brother in the war. Scornful he fpake, to hide his inward fear :—

See, how rebellion lifts its hated form — Fafl bound by fate to perifh in the (term i Take thoM thefemen, in battle often tryM, , And drive thofe rebels to the fwellingtide; There let the fifh devour their vile remains. So end their treafon — (uch their only gains. Obedient to command, the troops march forth, H':'vt; leads the van, proud of lr= fancy'd v/orlh; To the i^\r\ d mount arri v'd, brave they afccnd, Columbia's fons as valiantly defend;


Th* important poll: both armies drive to gain.

One to pollefs— the other to maintain :

Long time in even fcales the conteil hung,

Fierce to the laft, as when it firil begun.

Brave Warren like the god of war blaz'd forth,

For freedom fought, impell'd by innate v/orth;

Boldly he charg'd the fierce impetuous foe.

Then nobly fell beneath a fatal blow.

His grateful country long (hall mourn his fate^

And future fons his virtues emulate. —

Confufionnow, and wild uproar took place.

The falling Britons fillM each vacant place :

They faw their valiant fons in battle loll —

Twelve hundred lay upon th' enfanguin'd coafl-,

?'ref]i Britifli troops then pourM from all the town^

Cage ftood aloof, and anfwered groan for groan.

Columbia's fons betray 'd no figns of fear,

Each brandi fn'd in his hand a fhining fpear :

Juft then Minerva c^xne^ a heavenly form ,

And warn'd them, quick to fnun the threatening dorm

Her powerful voice the victors* all obey,

And left the mount before the clcfe of day :

Slow their defcent, no foe hung on the rear,

And Britifh troops were taught at laft to fear.

Long time within the town the Britons (laid. To fight reludant, of their foes afraid. To Nova-Scctia they at length repnir. There feek repofe from all the toils of war; And patient, ^vait a freOi fupplv of arms, Securely hous'd, and Icreen'd from v/ar's alarms.

  • The Americans in th's battle, might juft'y be termed the vfcHiori,

as they reaped a 1 the cdv;int,:ge!5 incid-nt to a viflory The minds of the Britifh Wf-rr im^TcfTwi wiih a formidable iJea of their courage, and it had an infiiience upon their future operstions; inafmuch as they confidered them ao au enemy, with whom, if they gained any advan- tages, they muil pay dearly for the pofTelTjon.


Th' expeared fuccoiirs fafe arrive in port, FhII fraught with implements of deadly fort : The brazen tubes with loud difplodcd roar, Bcllow'd tremendous on the hodile fhore : Dread harbinger of fate! the voice of war! The tyrant's thunder, threatening from afar.


-I HE Congrefs now, in folemn council fate, Revolv'd each fcheme, and urg'd the clofe debate. Franklin in politics grown old and fage-^ Whofe name adorns the pbiiofophic page! The main-fpring he, to great Columbia's caufe, Mature in svifdom, w^on th' world's applaufe! Randolph harangu'd, and charm'd th'- admiring throng, ^' Gcod fenfe and truth ilow'd from his tuneful tongue. Waihington, for noblefi deeds by heaven delign'd, Ponder'd each fcheme in his capacious mind; Clad in bright arms, he rufh'd into the field, Againft the foe his conquering fword to wield. Jefferson, who pefl'd the glorious plan, Of Independence and the Rights of Man. Adavis, the Cato of our modern days, Perfuafive fpoke, and gain'd deferved praife, Dickinson was fmooth, his thoughts were mucli for peaces Like Lucias fpoke, and wiih'd the war to ceafe : Yet he was prompt at freedom's powerful call, Refolv'd with her to rife, or nobly fall. Kinssyy formodell worth we all revere, — Gadsden the prince of eloquence was there, hivingst{i7iy for pointed wit and jefts fevere i And Qlark^ for biting farcalms we fear, H h

14 COL U MB! AD.

Thefe \^ere the chiefs, and others we coaldname^ Who firft oppos'd great Albion's lawiefs claim; Juflice they fought in every varied form, Then feiz'd the hehn, and boldly rul'd the (lorni_, Awful thefcene! the waves inceilant roar, Doubts now torment, and dangers Ralkbefore; riung'd in a lab'rinth of perplexing cares, Death iTiakes his dart! — deltrnftion wildly flares I Thefe high-foul'd chiefs were yet unaw'd by fear, !No point they vary {rom thecourfe they fleer; Freedom the port, the end of all their pain, Hcrculian labours muft the prize obtain j The blood of thoufands ratify the deed,— The parent's fins ihall make the children bleed : Then from their aflr&s gentle peace fhall rife, As fragrant incenfc : — grateful to the (Idcs.

— .< .<-.<-< ■<*J*=C3"t*'^^'^i-*" *■■*■ >■>•■"

C A N r V.

J. ]p Abram's plains where IV o'f zud MGntc.ilm bled, A hardy band the brave Montgomery led : O cruel fates! — Ah! why did ye fore-door.i A chief fo worthy, to an early tomb! Ll'i-:i>h:n'jn too, and Chcci^manwoX'A^ fqifl—. The Northern raven cyoak'd their tun'r^fl knell. Impetuous Arr.dh ^yCiV, his ccuntrv's praTfe, High in thcfrciifjlns r.unly voice he rals'd! — /-/c^u'^/'/j-'for foci?.! ^■irtues fam'd idV.r, Shone in the- rani:?, and urg;'d the dreadf.;! war \ liis graceful form cxpr.'Cs'd a njoble mind, The ioul of honour! — friend of .human kind 1 — A I ear be had for tra2,ic tales of v/o'-* : The woi'.nded fc Idler felt hds pity ilow.

Gov, Krwclk of Nj^v Ter??v,


Plis heart, his purfe, to thefe are open {IHl, Their cares he Ibftens, and their wants fulfil. Ye heavenly powers! lach virtue be jour care. Your choicell bleiTings let this patriot fliare! Others there were whom we forbear to name, Whole deeds fiiine glorious in the lilts of fame. ^ Thefe daring chiefs whom naught could e'er dip.riay^ Through hoiisoi foes and dangers cut their' way.

On liigh defignseach leader's thoughts were bent, Eold was their plan, but fatal th' event :— Behold them now before the fatal town, Where JVoIf was {lain, fupporting Britain's crown. CarUton the Britiai chief, beheld from far,— This band of heroes^ threat'ning dreadful war : — Cautious to guard, and fave the town from harms, The troops he muflers, and each chief he v/arns, Montgomsry now divides his little holl, Each valiant leader eyes the dang'rcus pofi! Intrepid Ar?yJd led one veteran banei, Who bravely march 'd along the neighb'ring ftrand; 'Till to the tovv'n's extremed verge they came, O'erleap'd the walls, and won eternal fame : — • Drave i» the foe from all the outer pofts. Nor knew he yet of brave Mo/iigomsry lou! — That d Tiring chief, in flam 'd with martial lire! Rufii'd on the foe, and made them quick retire 1 Lo! on the rampart"? brandifliinghis fpear. The hero (lood — difdaininf. flight or.fear : In that dread moment, as he gain'd the walls. Thus to his friends the gallant leader ca^-ls :— This hour be men, exert your utmofl: might, I/ike th' fierce tiger — terrible in fight! See yon gay troops already iniit with fear, When on their walls but few of us appear; Kow will they fhudder when our martial band. In dread array — rufh in from yonder ftrand!


Thus fpoke the chief, with martial ardour fir'd. His brave example all his friends infpir'd. Juft as he fpoke, a ball like lightning fped — He now lies numbered with the mighty dead! —

  • The valiant Cheefe7?tan too, in death's embrace,

PrefsM the cold earth, in one fad hour and place! Thou too, Macpherfon! — honour'd with thy fall The hoftile ground, and hard unfeeling wall! To your remains, due rites great Cadston paid. And in the clay-cold bed your afhes laid 1 7>.e ftarting tear Hood ready in his eye,

As the dead heroes paft in filence by!

Montgomery flain! — then Carleto?i turn'd to meet ■Arnold's brave troops, who made a good retreat : War, ficknefs, famine, hence the hofl: annov, Mock their great hopes, and all their plans deftroy.

The Britifh chief* now fought the fickly train, Reilor'd their health, and fent them home again : Save a finall remnant, who efcap'd by flight, And fav'd themfeives by dint of mortal might; Explor'd the defart-wiid with ardent eye, Brav'd the cold winds, and fnows mountaneous high! Til' infultingfoe hung on their broken rear, Til'yx^yW/ wheel'd round, and chill'd their fouls with fear^ Like as the lionefs her young befriends. From danger guards them and from fnares defends; So from the Diitons iYlaxivell wheel'd and turn'd, While fierce refentment in his bofom burn'd; Then laftiy, lodg'd them in the well-known poft-j-, Weary and faint — the gleanings of a hofl:!

  • General Carleton's humanity to the pri Toners, is generally ac-

knowledged : had all the Biitifii ufficers beliavei in the fame planner, they would be jiiftly entitled to that envied pre-ctij'mence which their fore-fathe £ acquired throughout the world, for thtir humane and ge- nerous treatnnent of p.ifoners.

f Ticonderoga,




N the Long Tfle, where lofty forefts grow, Where the fall -tide in mighty torrents flow; There Britain's navy formM in proud array. The troops pour forth, in tinfel trappings gay; 'Twas then Columbia's chief prepar'd to meet Th' powerful force, emerging from the fleet. On his fole arm his country's fate did ftand. The ruler he, and leader of each band : Belov'd by all — rever'd throughout the hofl, The foldier's pride, Columbia's greateft boafl:!— His name founds dreadful to vmdidive North, Who hates the man, but dill reveres his worth.

From rank to rank the hero movd along; Here gallant Hu?nphreys charm'd the lift'ning throHg! Sweetly he fung amidl'i the clang of arms — His numbers fmooth, replete with winning charms! In him there (hone a great and god-like mind! — The poet's wreath around the laurel twin'd. Sterling in fearch of fame, in arms appear'd, And Sullivan in even balance fleer'd : IVajfie, like a comet blaz'd along the field. With ardour fought — unknowing hov/ to y\dd 1

Each army now, in firm battalia flood. Eager to baihe their hands in hoflile blood!— - The caufe they fight for, animates them high; Thole war for honour, thefefor liberty. Dread preparation of approaching vv^ar. As the loud thunder threatens from afar! Creation trembles at the dreadful found, And men and ftceds fail prollrate on the ground! The guilty wretch, fwift flies before the florm; Makes hafty vows his condud to reform;

H h 2


But all too late! — nor flielter is there nigh, That can refill th' artillery of the fny! — Onward it moves, in fearful terrors bounci, Th' imprifjn'd winds increafe the awful foand; Thus they colleded, all at once difcharge Their tenfold fury, on the world at large ' — The Brit) ih troops were feen at firil to move, Then march'd in fecret to the heights above; By artifice they feiz'd th' important pod .• Wdshingtdii oeheld, and faw the day was loll. Then as a lioa, from the hunter's aim. Slowly he (talks — but fuddcn turns again 1 The .^xcilful markfman feels a chilling fear^, Nor dares to trull the dart or flying fpear. So mov'd the chief, and moll divinely brave! Himfelf expos'd, the weary'd troops to fave! — Yet there werellain, on this difaft'rous day, Some noble youths,* who fcorn'd to run away.

And now the chiefs in council were conven'd. To leave the Idc, the wifefl courfe was deem'd. Lo '. t-o the rivers utmoll verge they come. Then panic ftruck, anticipate their doom 1 Af^hall they Rand — :he v^inds obftracl their way, Tiie wayes roar dreadful in the diftant bay! — Then W a^hinglon s great foul was clofely proved, When on the margin of the flood he flood : TuH fa look'd Mofes on the Egyptian coall, Flesiuo- beiore the mighty Pharaoh's hoft! Before liim roarM the deep and raging flood; Behind was Pharoah, thirfting for his blood! h dire dilemma 1 — no mortal arm could fave! Behind was death,— before the fearful wave! The troubled deep, then felt the potent rod, And fwift retired, before th> omnifcient God!—

  • Maryland Line,

C O L U i\I B I A D.

The hoft in fefely, pad the fpacioiis breach : Thas^ doubLing mortals heaven delcends to teach.

In that dread moment, as Columbia's bands. Devoutly raised to heaven their iuppFant hands; Thick clouds of mill the weary hoft cnclofe — Favor'd ot heaven, and fhielded from their foes : With grateful rapture they beheld the (ign : Prolhate they fell — and osvn'd the hsnd divine! Again, was heaven's omnipotence reveal'd, And on each mind, its awful fiat feal'd. The winds, obedient to th' omnific power, Veer'd quick about^ and gently waft them o'er — Miifiin brought off the laft remaining few, 'Ere the wann fun had drank the morning dew! The river pafs'd, the clouds difpers'd away. And Sol tranfcendant, beam'd tranfparent day.

From pad: events let erring mortals trufl, — Heaven guards with tender care, the good and jud. The Britifli chiefs aftoaifii'd, fain would know, What mighty miracle had favVl the foe! — Some faid enchantments hung about the Ifle! Or heaven pro'pititious, on their caufe did fmile. Then HawSf deep pond'ring in his mighty min4 Each battle's iflue, was to peace inclined : His delegated powers he then reveal'd — An herald brought them to th' tented field : To IVashingtcny firfl chief of all the hoft. In vain he came — his labour all was loft. The rubicon was paft, and peace no more. Unites proud Albion with Columbia's fhore; All friendly intercourfe muft now fubfide, — The fad effecls of tyranny and pride! 'Till Independence reigns throughout the land^ Free from the fiiackles of each foreign band.




HE Southern States now claim the mufe's care, Fierce Britij(h wrath, alike extended there. Parker and Clinton^ cloih'd in terror came, — But Le: and Moultrie won the prize of fame I The Britons flee, the fiiipsin hafle depart : The chiefs adonifhvl ns'd their utmofl: art. Surpriz'd they favv Columbia's fons engage Old Veteran troops, with more than martial rage! Then join'd the host, where Bqwc in powr fupreme, Still talk'd of riches, andofconqueft dream'd, But ah, what woes! what thirfi: for human gore. Now fierce prevail'd along the Southern (hore! — There whi^s and tories, Ruror by deadly hate. On murtherbend — ra(hM blindly on their fate I By the high ways, beneath a fpreading tree, Man watch'd for man, as for an enemy 1 Demonic rage fird fpurr'd the tories on : The wltiiis revesige, and thus their woes prolong. Widows and orphans, multiply amain; Thofe mocrn rheir hui^^ands, thefe their fathers flain!- Such curfed wrath man's dignity degrades — Such cruel murthers, ftain the Gallic page! — Death's meaore jaws with terrible uproar, Clatter'd around, befmear'd with human gore 1 His laceraied limbs his pains beguile — The fpouting blood diffus'd a horrid fmile! Then as a vulture, feafting on his pray,

He tore the flcQi, and bore his prize away! •

Oh! thar fome G^raph from the climes above, Would fwift defcend, and teach the law of love : That men in peace, their flicrten'd lives might fpcnd^ And guardiar angels all rheir fteps defend! Drive curd anbition to his native hell. That man no more his maker's laws rebel :


And dove-lite peace, with wide extended wings. Brood o»er the land and change th' hearts of kings 5 That wars may ceafe— the earth its fabbathknow, And pure delights from heavenly fountains flow. That deathful Itrife and bloody crimes may ceafe, The whole creation wrapt in boundiefs peace; The vital fpirit purify 'd by love, With ardent tiigV'ts fhali pierce the heights above, Proud of its dignity and heavenly birth : Afpiring, foar, and iparn this planet earth! — —

On other fcenes the mufe, alas— mufl: dwell, Hatch'd by the furies, in the depths of hell 1 For other profpefts kindling fierce defire. Inflames their minds, and fcts their fouls on fire : A dreadful paufe enlu'd, when o'er the flood, Columbia's hoft in firm batalia flood. The Britilh chief, aill lur'd by third of fame, And bent on plunder, from the Ifland* came; Then pour d his thouf^nds on the neighbouring fhorf^ Rapine and murther flalk'd along before! — Flufti'd with faccefs, they ftrut along the ground. And the fa;m'd Fort triuniphanrly furround : With moving tears the foldiersbegg'd their lives : Vain th* attempt! — by ruthlels foes furpriz'd. Cowards and tyrants ne'er forgive a oe. Nor from their principles a jot will go.

Columbia's chief beheld, with tearful eyes The favage butchery, and dread farprifa! — The fjrtrefs leized, the troops difpers'd :iway, And left the chief, to mourn that'haplefs day! To the White- Plains reluctant he retir'd. His brave example a hnall band infpir'd, Hoiue follosv'd dole, and to the field he led A numerous hofl, to warlike acUcns bred :

  • Lent Island.


Fall Toon the battle join'd, with jarring Tound, Men, fleeds, and arms, lay mingled on the ground! Tlius a fmall remnant, like the rugged oak, vSudain'd the (torm, nor from their leader broke. See them retiring from the haughty foe — With hearts opprefs'd, and ftung with gen'rous v/oe; They turn their eyes upon the vklor hoil, And frown tremendous — as the Briton's boad : Thea brave, rcfolve to rufii amidft the foe, And end vbeir forrows by a defperate blow.

■' Thus they awhile, by jarring psflions tofs'd — Now they defend, and next defert their poll : Tortur'd with doubts, and harrafs'd cvu with care. To heaven's high court preferr'd this ardent pray'r^ O thou, whofe eyedifcerns our iamod thoughts; "Who's rod in mercy — fcourges man for faults! If thou had feen Columbia's fonsremifs, Thyfelf chaftlfe them, when they do amifs :— On thee we call, tby powerful aid invoke. On thee rely and dejirecate thy (Iroke! Infpire each patriot with thy facred fire, Inform their minds, and grant our juft defire. Teach L'rltain's king the law of right and VyTong : Oh, f^ve Columbia! and her race; Nurtibers in vain oppofe thy dread decree. If thou srt for us, we will yet be free.

Thus pray'd the men, inur'd to every florm; Whom death oft threaten M, in each frightful lorm. ' They now retreat before fuperior might : Wifdom commands to fiian th' unequal fight. Through the rich plains, where Ceres loves to dsvell; V/here beauteous maids their am'rous ditties tell j (New Jeifey call'd) the fcatter'd remnant flics, Tl>e foe purfues, ft,he draggling culprit dies! And now to Delaware's majedic dream, This band of herpes in the evening came;


In rpacious boats they crcfs the rapid tide. And o'er the deep in circling eddies ride. Germanic troops, then quarterVl in the town * Whoboalt their prowefs and their hic^h renown, Great IVashhigtoL' deiph\[, and the brave holt. Next roundly Iwore Cokiuibia's caule was loft. Then to the farms, in troops they poft away, Their friends th^y plunder in the 0:?en da v. Egregious fools, ungraieml tools of power; Beafts, wanting reafon, ne'er their triends devour. Was it for this you left yoar native Ciore, To lirip the pedfant and indudrious |>pt)r? To force the virgin toyour loathnl ernbVace, The father dab, before his daughter's faee? What winged vengeance waits the hofnd deed? "What chofencwrfe has heaven in wrath decreed. For the vile wrerch who fpilt the parents blood. Seeking to lave his child — his beftbelovd? * In vain he pled, in vuin the virtrin crv'd liie maid was ruin'd, and the father dy'd.

Again the chief prepares to fave il:e land, , His Well-Known voice is he^rd along the itrand; The vaHant remnant mniler'd at the call; Kefolv'd v/ith iiim to conquer or to fali : Above all pain, all pa{lio»,and all pride, Kis courage rifes as the flowing tide; Stu'jg by reproach, by love of country lir'd,. His brave example otner chiefs infplr'd The f^cred unaion f^^read thronghoat the hod; ') To anns.they iiy, then feize tii' envied poir, V

The Henians droop and give the rown for loih S Ko obltacles could (lop their bold career, Nodaii'?:?rs daunt or clilll their hearts with fear ' On-'. -, rafh, — regardleisor tJicir fate,

Ana :?: L- r c t: -■: :':e foe poilei^^d of 'ate :

  • Trentcn,


The German troops fo terrible in name, Submiffive yield, and mourn their ravifli'd fame. Difgrace and fliame opprefs'd the Britiih chief; Loud broken murmurs Ipoke his poignant grief.

The captive foe, a motley numerous band, Then crofs'd the tide to wait the chief's command : Who followed foon, and xrith his gallant band, Confuks new mcafurcs to redeem the land. Cormuallis now encamp'd witiiin the town, Haughty and proad, and thirlting for renown j He the chief leader of the Britifh van, Scorning the foe, the battle tirit began : The winding Sandpink the tierce iiofts divide. The bridge to ftonrj and gain rbe other fide. Was the great objedt of each warring hoft. And all prepare to leize the dangerous poft. The jerfry troops full in the front of war. Wait the (Irong torrent threatening iVom afar. Columbia's chieF, to mighty cares rt-fjgn'd, Kis labouring foul to noble afts inclined; Each pod he vifits with paternal care, Examines cool, the drcadrul icenes of war!

Here valiant Huvg* in dreadful thunder toft, Khe whirling balls among the Britifli hoft :t Eiili f in arms long try»d beheld 'the io^i Impatient Wair=; to give iiie fatal blow! His voice like dirtanr thuntler rolls along, Like ml2,hty Ajax m greai Homer's long. The Britons bear, and •lairi in wild affright. They wheel, they turn, then fave themfelves in flight. The Heilian troops clof^ tiirin'd in dread array, Fearlefs came on, and wedg\l the narrow way :

  • Iv'-ijor Samuel Hu^S, of the artillery,

t Major General Eilis, of the miiitia — State of New-Jerfcy;

C O L U M B I A D,

A death-like filence, and a dread fufpenfe. For one fmall moment chain'd the ad:ive fenp3! Then quick as lightning the ioud cannons roar, And death and ik lighter (lalk'd along the fhorc : " Viflors and vanquifii'd join promilcuous cries, Rend the wide arch, and pierce the vaulted ikies."

Thus man with man in horrid {Irife engage, Their vifageglocmy — terrible their rage! Great Washington beheld the glorious (Irife, And nobly (hew'd a brave contempt of life: Sol now retir'd behind the weftern main. The vanquifh'd Britons mourn their heroes flain! One noble chief Columbia loft that day. In Freedom's caufe he bore fuperior ^vfi^y : In him there (hone a bright and manly flame. The grateful mufe records this patriot's fame I 'Ingenious, open — generous, brave and free, Thele virtues Mcrris-' all afribe to thee!



O! now frefli honors wait Columbia's hoH:^ The incautious Britons lofe another poft; The Britifh rear in Princeton idly fought Inglorious eafe, whilfi: others nobly fought; Thej unfufpicious, faunter round thtf town.

Col. Anthony Morris of Philadelphia, I i


Fearlefs of danger, or great TVashhigton, To take them by furprife the chief prepares;^ Each leader anxious, in the danger fiiares : Jud as Aurora ting'd the eullern fky, Columbia's hoft and matchkfs chief drew nigh; In terrors clad, theyrufh'd into the field : Succefs attends—the haughty Britons yield! —

Delufive hope had luU'd the Britifli chief. His foul indir^nant, fcorn'd to yield beliei: Thus far out-witted by an abler hand : lie flariip'd, he ravM, and madden'd round thclaiid He vainly thought the foe an eafy prey; And -watch'd impatient for the break of day : The nightly fires the Britifh hoft deceives. They fure of conqueft, took their wonted eafe : Vainly fecure, and fcorning all furprife. Supine repofe, and clofe their weary eyes. Delufive dreams, weak phantoms of the night, Prefc-nts the foe in wild diforder'd flight! And now furrounded by their puiffint bands, Before therabcnd, and raife their fuppliant hands.

Tbi^s vificns oft the fons of men deceive. And pleafmg dreams the troubled fouls relieve : Bnt no vv when morning rofe, amaz'd they found The foe they fought decamp'd from off the ground! PerpleyJd with doubts, alive tc every fear. Intent they flo^d — and trembled for the rear. Nor Hood thciy long, to camp n foldier came, Vvlihhsiir erect 1 and blazM Columbia's fame.

C O L U M B I A D.

Told ho^7tbe field v/as (Irew'd v/iili Britori3 flain, And ibat three hundred wore the vigors chain! Fartcne chang'd fides on that aufpicious day; The haughty Britons lullen ftalk'd away. A hairy march toBrunfwick fav'dthefoe, Their towering hopes of conqueft now laid low: Onboard their fliips in wild confufion ran, And hail with joy the fricrxdly fetting-fur.; The navy grcanM beneath the guilty load, Launch'd from the Hiore where late it proudly rode; TheTi fought inglorious, fome more peaceful fhorc, Rapine and murder ftalk'd along before! InmyTfic daninefs, //■o-yj^'j defigns were bound, Wrapt upinfliades— a myftery— profound!

At length the clouds and mifts difperfi away, As the taU fliips appear'diti Ches*pcak bay; 'Ins irrr.:)r.saU land .-—a formidable hofr, Ar-d march in halle along the fertile coaft. Their objea now to <^vQxy man v;as known : The dazzling prize, Pcnn's rich and fpacious to^vn t Philadelphia call'd, where Congrefs held iheir feaf, Where men from foreign climes vvere us'd to meet; Here merchants wealihy as Peruvian Dons, Send to the camp their brave and gallant fens; And beauteous virgins, for the public weal, ]oin'd with the matrons at ihefpinninp; wheel 1 And for avime difdain'd to wear tlfe cloth, Ey Britons'wove, and fcorn'd ignoble lloth; Made ha':!ghty Albion fcoopbeneatli their power, And iloodthe teftof many ^ peril ouihovir!


Some mourn'd a brother or a lover flain, • '-^

By the fierce tyrants of the roaring main! Who nowapproach'd the town in dread array, And ell the dreadful pomp of war difplay : E'en Wiish'rugtonm vain opposed their power. And foaaht their legions till the ev'ninghour. Then o'crihc plain, as faraseye could kifn, the warm blood in ftrcams from dying men : The broken colamns with confus'd difmay, To the thick ccpt^Vce leg'd their weary way.

Tke mighty chief unknowing how to yield, Reluctant left rhe foe, and well fought field .• While the fierce blood-h lunds in the Britifh pay, Snuir'd the dread carnagi:^ and purfu'd their prey. Cover'd v/ith duO: and blrod befprinkled o'er, Columbia's fons indignant marched before. Fierce was the fight, and terrible the foe, Six hundred Briions fought the /liades below; And twice, that number of Columbia's hoft; Fell! — bravely fell — before the day was loll.— Then ihou fweet Liberty — dear lovely maid! Uifpell'd each fear, and thus divinely faid :

O tried in arms! by ftern afTli\rEion prov'd, Thus heaven in mercy, proves the wife and good! But know the day, the glorious day draws near, Thefe haughty Britons in their turn fhall fear; Shall leave your coaft, and feek their native fhore, Then arts and peace your lolTes Ihall reflore.

Thusfpoke the maid, and cliear'd each drooping foul, The kindling warmth foonfpread throughout the whole;

C O L U M B I A D.

Dirpair no more impalr'd their wonted might. But fled and mingled with the fliades of night. Then Howe in all the pomp of martial pride. Before the hoil like Hndibrafs did ride; Seiz'dthe fair town in diilant climes renown'd. Well pleas'd he heard his martial fame refound. The din of war* again allails his ears; The roaring cannon raisM tumultuous fears; Sudden he flarts; to arms — to arms! — he cri'd, Ap.i\ with frefli courage to the field he fled. BL-.t e'er he reach'd the fierce contending hofts,

His flying fqadrons fiiew'd the battle loft j Bat animated by his well-known fame, The flying troops returned to charge again; The ccntefl then with tenfold fury rofe;

Ho-JJ-fs mighty force Columbia's Ions oppofe;

Long they fullain'd the great unequal fight,

At length retire before fupcrior might.

Six hundred of the fons of Freedom flain.

Or taken captive on the adjacent plain;

Britain too lotl as many valiant men.

The refidue fled to the town again.

But now far greater toils their care employ, And checks the torrent of licentious joy .* The well llow'd fhips below the town appear, Tvlad-Fort now flops their fierce and boldrareer. .-\2'^iiirt their ndes the florm of battle fell, ilii-ir atmoil efforts the mud^^valls repel :

•'^ Battle of Gcrmantowa, 1 i 3


ConfusVl tbey ftood in filent dread fa rpriie, Their fenfes doubt the goodnefs of their eyes. Loud broken Tnarmurs then were heard afar, And this the language of each Britifti tar :

'^ What f are we foil'd by this finali feeble force? A paltry fort retards cur headlong courfe I A £eet well niann'd, with heavy metal Itor'd, Our admiral a famous Britifh lord? Yon feveniy- fours the terror of the main, Now keep aloof;, — regardlefs of their fame! Thefe Hcvjes have got the- name of fij^hiing fellows, Mere wind and pulF — juit lil:e our cook's old bellows! Where's now the fpirit of immortal Drake? Who made the Spanifii forts and caftles fnake? Forts far fuperior in firength and fize To this old hen-coop! — a mere trap for flies!

Thus grumbled they withhoneft anguifli torn. While down the ti^'-e the HiatteredM fliips were borne : At length grown weary of the dangerous poll, The gallant few regain the Jerfey coait : But not till perils of gigantic fize, Of llrength fuperior, ftruck their wond'ring eyes; I Then gallant Si'uth* by all his foes admir'd, ^ The guns difmantled, and the buildinos fir'd, V Then with his little band fecure retir'd. )


j7^ OW while great Waihif!gto?j with watchful care. Conducted all the dreadful fcenes of wars

  • Cen. Smith of Maryland.


Burgoync with liaily ftrides aiul proud array,

Through Canada purlu'd his haplefs way.

Led on by thirft of fame, and martial hear,

Scornlnf^farprife, nor dreaming of defeat :

To Sitratoya's plains the warrior canie,

There loii; his army, and there died his fame;

Esch Briton too a deadly wound received;

Their pride was piqu'd, and all their hopes deceiv'd.

An army captur'd 1 — A Britifh army too I—

Iir;polIib!e!— but is it really true?

True as the Gofpel! — Terrible to tell

Ilo-r/ the fain'd lion of Great Britain fell I

ButO, forbear, and fpare her ancient fame,

And clofe the lips at JVolj'i immortal name!

Search all the records of devouring time.

Each dry hiftorian, and each book of rhyme j

Nor will you find that Britons ever wore,

Since Cefir's time, a foreign yoke before.

That day wasfiital to her boundlefs fway,

No more her laws Columbia's fons obey 1

On Freedom's broad eternal bafe they {land.

Nor own the guidance of a foreign land!

The fair inheritance her fons fnall fhare,

And Washington ihall be their polar (lar;

Like him refiltlefs crufli the invading foe.

Or wife in peace, contemn parade and fhow!

Now fay, O niufe 1 what other worthies fonght, And for their country glorious honors bought? Who ilem'dthe torrent of Burgoyne^i career. Who taught the haughty foe at laltto fear!


Vv/hofe future Tons fiiall raife the grateful pile. And make the marble builhoroic fmile?

As when brave JVayns retiring from the war, Saiil'd at his wounds, and viewed e^ich dreadful fear! Was it not G^:tes to victor/ led the way. His th^ chief rule on that eventful day I Eold ArncldtQOj v/ithmartial frenzy lir'd, Siorni'd the ftrong vvorks— the foe amaz'd retir'd. As the Tea rolls, impeil'd by furious blafts, O'erflows the vales^ and laysthe country v^-aHe, No mortal hand can check its bold career, The fwain furpris'd retreats with fudden fear! 'io roU'd the battle 'gainft the Britifli hoii:. And pour'd renlllefs o'er their (Irongefc polls : FreeJom^s brave ions hard prefs the mighty chief, Shut up each avenue,-*-aud itop'd relief: Irazhr the braveil of the warrior train, A noble chieftain, was among the flain. Bravely he fell; and with his lated breath, Infpir'd the Brirons to revenge his death. The kindling flame with creeping vigor ran, Cours'd thro' their veins, and fpread from man to man But they impotent, all their courage fled, Mutter'd faint threats, then moanrd the hero dead i Weakeii'd by famine, by fierce foes opprels'd, Diipair now urg'd, and pride the thought reprefs'd : Bur itill as each returning morn aopear'd. The profpec't darkeuM, and far worfc appeared. in one f^a hour death play'd a dreadful game.


Refclv'd alldoubis, and rcitivcrplrits tame; Biirgoyns appall'd with fcencs of mighry woe, A herald Tent the terras cf pe^ce to know : Gatci evcr-generous — and truly brave, Kis foul heroic — 'RifiiM the foe to fave; Ananfwer fent, clotb'v? hi the garb of pcscc j i?«r^c J;-'^ well pka^*d, conlcnts the w»r faall cenfc. The captive foe from fir3: to kfl v. ere fouud, Ten tho'ifaad fouls, upan »,he hoil^le ground. Thus funk Great Bruaiu's formklabW name, Foreverrazed "^lonithe book ofFaiue.


O TERN Wirter now in n.y fetters bound i The rapid ftreanis, and pav'd tte fertile ground j The chief til-jswar-.'il fjme hteiter to prepare, For the brave hofl, — his fird prevailing care. At Valley-Forge he trac'd a f^acious cairp; ^Twasrifing ground, aloof frcni noifome damp; In uncouth liuts, form'd from the Deighb'rhig woods They fearlefs Hept, and brav'd the v.hitry floods. Fierce norihern blafls blew howling all around; The fnovvs defcend and whiten all the ground.

Thus far'd the ni^n, the bulwarks of the land, Nor on2 that murnvjr'dr.t their chief's command i Chearful their leader's call they all obey; Secure each pais, and toil from day to day. 'Twas here the invigorating ildings came, Kgw royal Lewis back'd Columbia's claim I


Thejoyfal news foon fpread througliout the ho.l:, That friendly fleets were cruilingoft the coall : Charg'd with commifnon to block up the fee,

  • ^nd crufh the Eriilili by one fingle blow!

Ncrmifs'd it much — few days had feal'd their doom. Had they cot left the fpacioux town fo foon. But CHnhn fearful of fome dangerous fcheme, Pafsvd o'er the river, and to Jerfcy came, Cliuion v/ss chief, and held furprenic comir:raid; Since IhiDc inglorious fought his native laiid : ^ o the fea-il:ore the army took its way; The Terfey troops retard ihelr furious w^y. By hoFjor rojs'd, by love of cowAcry fi;':^, The youtbiul Daz>e?ip:rt*h\?i friends inipir'd; Gay without piide, from affeclation free. True tc hi5 tri'.fl, an hone '^l inan wai he.

Qplumbia's hcitnoTT pT^i:; inr S,I:Uh re^r. Drive in their fcouts, and iill their fouls with fear. On MonmouthV, plairiS, where Les in duty faii'd. The EritiiTi force and difcipliae prevaii'd 1 IS^ighi's fable curtain lent her powerful aidj Under her ample covering they parade; Then fwiftly msrch; fear lends her nimble 'xviugs j The jr.orn arrives, the joyful Briton fings. Lo! t???ips appear as groves of trees; Supi: g to eacii gentle breeze :

V7ith CiC'aicriiagfhoutF the woods re-echo round, The ihores reverberate the joyful found! Eight liundrcd Hellians weary of the war, Foriakeihe hoft^olunibia's gifts to Hiare.

» Fra:;k]ii: Dsver.port Efq. of tke ftatc of Ncvi-Jcrfey;


C A N r XI.

'\ HAT faid great North when nevrsto Albion came Of Biirgoy7i: captur'd, and brave Frazicr flain? Amaz'd heftcod— as one that loft his wit. And felt the terrors of a maniac nr. Stiil flattering hope diifus'd a checrifigray. As the \yarm fun-beams on a vvinttr's d-.y.

Cornwalih faithful to his maker's caufe, Infouthcrn ftates rcdor'd Great Britain's laws, in faniM Savannah Frsoosi bore the Avay, His the fo!e honor of one glorious day! D'Esta:/jg and Lbicohi with a mighty hofi:^ Unite their (Irengtb to drive him from his pofr. Each leader flciiful in the art of war, For the dread confiict hailily prepare : As the grim lion in his lonely dcn^ Turns furious round, befet by dogs and aien; His glaring optics dart pernicious fire, Hisrihng inane denotes his burlllng ire : So look'd each Briton as the foe appear*d. So ihreaten'd they, for battle well prepar'd. Deep-thrcated cannon belch'd treracn Ion's lire, Fierce warriors fough't, and fh(?w'd their vengeful ire; La rg< hollow fhips with ter fold iury pent, Shottbeir red thunders, and thick lightnings fent I Vain terrors all — the Briton^ fafe in hold, Seturely fought, and iiiew'd the:nfe]ves mrH: bold; A.wiul the fceni^! f.trcr- hoiror O.ali,'.' -, Six hundred French lay gafpihg on iht ground :


Of Freedom's Tons, two hundred bravely ilain, And fiefce Poulask'i bit the enran^uinM plain : Then dread difpair black as the fnades of nighty Chas'd the poor var.r^uiniM fropi the dreadful fight. The} thus repuls'd, the fiege was inllant rais'd j PfYVQs i 2ind Maitiand g^Lin'd deferved praife. Kuhi and rout fuccecd : thefcatter'd bands Seek their own homes, their neids and fylvan Jan Yet Tome there v/ere, whole hearts yet firm acd true, Kover'd around, — and many Britainsflew; Sumptsr and M<siria?i warm'd with martial lieat, Now bravely war — then prudently retreat : Th'efe gallant leaders of a chofen band, The brave defenders of their native land j Karrafs'd the foe, and check'd their bold career^ Dauntlcfs in danger, ilr angers to all fear! Thus they the force of Britain longfullain'd, And'oft they conquer'd, and bright laurels gained :

^j|rill Gates arriv'd, with larger force at hand.

On Camden's plains afTumM the chief command.

This knew Cornwallis, and with martial pride, Mov'd with fpread banners and gigantic ftiide; And as a ftream made rapid by the rain, Ke rufh'd impetuous to the emoattl'd plain. Then hofi contending, met in horrid fray, And fome* too fearful, threw their arms av/ay. Freedom's brave Tons long held the doubtful rght, But lafl were vanquilli'd by fupcrior might: Thus Britifh valor with freHi ludre fhone;



Here Gates^ improvident, was overthro%vn. Fortune chang'fl fides on that eventful day, And from the vidor ftole the prize away : The fickle goddefs loves to fliew her pranks, Ilegardlefs of entreaties, or of thanks i Soon may (lie cbang,e and in a lucky hour Lay low in dud the pride of Eritini power.

Say mufe, vrhen Gates had rr.n his martial race. What chief fu'pply'd that fallen heroe's plnce \ Who was the man, who his name could tell, For much depends on knowing men full well? That tafic was thine, great lVas!:i;tgton\dxQxr\, The chosen hero was the valiant Greene, Fearkfs in danger — dreadful to the foe,. Brave, but nctrafl-;, and void of empty fnow! The hero march'd to fave the fouthern dates, To heal the wounds fudain'd by honed Gates : To win fome laurels from the haughty foe, Or fend them howling to the fiiades below. His brave colleague, the valiant Morgan fought The prize of honour, and with Tarleton fought; The capering warrior deem'd the conqued won, And to the battle with mad fury run; But dop'dfull fhart, wedg'd in the narrow way Of warring heroes, form'd in grim array : Fichens and B'lorganiKie fierce war maintained; Tarleton was routed, and his troops detain'd. Three hmidred Britons felt the ftroke of death, And fell nroniifcuous on the parched heath!

K k

33 C O L U M B I A D.

Five handrecl captives wore the vidor's chain, The reft with Tarlston fcour'd acrofsthe plain.

Morgan s brave band thcnmarch'd without delay. And through the foreft chofe their rugged way; To Yadkin's ftreams arriv'd with joy they found. The valliant Grct7ic encamp'd upon the ground: There too was Lee ^ Virginia's boafted pride. With other heroes marching by his fide. To them Corneal lis came with mighty forc«?, And vow'd revenge for lofs o^Tarlcton^s horfe : Two thonfand veterans to the field he led. In war's dread ftratagems completelv bred; In Freedom's caufe four tlioufand now were feen To oppofe the foe, and follow after Greene, Numbers in vain mix in the field of fight. Where order rules not, and where fears affright. The foe cams on with banners wide difplay'd. Sonorous mulic fwell'd the grand parade! The new rais'd troops beheld their bold career, Aphaft they ftood — the flaves to cov.-ard fear! Their ftay Vvas (hoit — too careful of their lives. Sprung from the field to feek their puling wives. O'er burning fands, a long and weary way, They pafsM inglorious many a lultry day; Bafe fears pufu'd them as they pafs'd along, They heard, or thought they heard the martial fong; With hair erecfl, they caught each ruftling found, Still fearM the foe cncompafs'd them around! How many deaths the coward pafles through? His fears how many, and his joys how few \

C O L U M B I A D. :9

Lo 1 now the battle clos'd with clreadful found, And men and arms promifcuous flrew'd the ground : Dreadful the fight when two fuch hofts appear! The day was Britain's, but It coil them dear. The valiant Gresn then meafurM back the plain^, ^ By forced marches to fair Camden came; >

To Gates once fatal, and to him the fame. 3



.AWDON a Dritifli peer beheld from far. The valliant Green prepar'd for dreadful war; And as the hod with martial front drew nigh, Great Raivdon mark'd him with a piercing eye; And feiz'd the moment when th' unwary foe Was lead prepar'd for any fudden blow : Then rais'd his voice and thus his thoughts brol^e forth: Ye generous Britons! men of mighty worth! Thinlc on your fathers fame, and deeds of old; Like them be valiant, and like them be bold : Grafp well your arms, and play the men this day, For the man dies that dares to runaway!— Rufh on the foe, and with delerminM force Drive oppofiiion from its headlong courfe.

Then on Columbia's hofl they furious ran. The new- rais'd troops a (liameful flight began: Yet long the arduous fight brave Green maintain d, A dear bought victory the Britons gain'd! Licentious joys fucceed, and wild uproar. The haughty victors plunder rich anf poor :


Ill boafttal terms prcclalrii their martial feat, Yet fear to ftay^ and found a glad retreat. Thus have I feen fo;r.e bally of the town, Trumpet his fame, and throv/ hh v/eak'"r down; At length the boafter met a llrongcr foe, Who at one (Ircke laid his vile ftrufture low : Then as the owl who Hiunn theli^bt of day, The vanqailli'd hero meanly ilunk away; The peaceful circle prals'd the friendly hand, That riiird the tongue they never could command.

Twelve fcorc and ten — the prime of all th2 hofl) In this laft battle was untimely lofl! The Britlfii now from Camden tied in hade. The dwellings burn'd, and laid the country wafte. Near filver Santee on whofe winding fliores, Weary and faint they fpread their ample ftores. Columbia's fons purfuethe warlike foe, Dcfpife foft eaie, and meaner joys forego : A well-known fort* by art fecurely form'd. The valiant Sinnplcr feiz'd and bravely ftorm'd 5 Heroic Leehy youthful ardor fir'd, Fort Granby took— this aftion ail admir'd : Fam'd Silver Bluff next prov'd the victor's might, This too was won by dint of mortal figiu; Here Cooper fought the prize of martial fame, In youthful ardor to the field he came. Les^s brave example all the troop", infpire, Thcfe fjns of freedom breatliM heroic fire j

  • Foi-t Mott.


Where'er he turn! they whecl'd wuliout delay, Or rufn'cl intrepid turo' each dangerous way.

Ccruvjaliis Of his onaited laurels fnorn, Coilecl^ hi", troops, and midway Rieets the florm; The g-Uani: troops attend their leader's call, Refolv'd r/irh hini to conquer or to fall : FhiU'ips and Arnold join'd the gallant troops, Revlv'd their ardour, and reaew'd their hopes : Arnoi.l once famous in fair Freedom's caufe. Now join'd his country's foes and tyrant laws; Of Britifli gold he pnrchas'd a large fhare; '• Oh! what a dreadful falling oil was there 1" Thus tiiey march'd on with pomp and martial fhe\r, Ravag'd the country as they us'd to do! Fayetts and ^^^v;.^ in vain oppos'd their force. Their numbers fni^U, and few their warlike horfe | Yet oft a noble {land thefe heroes made, And gall'd the Eritiili from each friendly fliade : Thus they would fight, retreat, and fight again \ E'en Britons trembled at the name of Wayns,

In York-Town now the BritiOi troops rcnde, Clofe by the walls appearM the ilowino; tide; A place for armsdefign'd tor all the hort:, The troops indurtrious ilrengthcn ev'ry pofh


XTJ.ETHINK3 I hear divine Columbia fay : Bear up, myfons, your valour (1111 difplay;


The day draws near when peace fliall bl^fs the land.

And JVash'tJigton fliall rule wiih equal har.d :

E'en now he comes, the conquering hero comes!

To drive the Britons to their native homes!

To him has heaven decreed the glorious boon,.

To end this war before another moon!

And as (he fpoke in her right hand ihere flione

A laurel crown enwrought with curious (lone;

The dazzling prize a glorious lufVre (lied,

Then fv.'ifc defcenried on the hero's head.

Now Rochambcau from France, a noble chief.

By Louis fent to Wash'uigfon's relief,

With his gay troops he joinM the patriot hoft;

With them furrounded every Brlti(hpoil :

Cornwaliis, furious as the mountain boar,

Then felt flrange fears he never felt before;

Within his breafl: a furious temped rng'd.

The gatheringftorm refus'd to be a(ruag'd;

Fierce angry frowns his troubled foul expreft;

Indignant murmurs fwell'd each foldier's breafl!

One common caufethe gallant troops infpire,

Their wounded fame now fers their fouls on fire,

And barbarous Memory in cruel fport,

Brings full in view the fields of Agincourt!

Stnngtothe quick, their fiery eye-balls roll —

Their leader fcarce their fwelling rage controul

Eager to rufhamld the hofl of foeG,

And wreak their vengeance with repeated blowr*.

Delufivehope now darts a cheering ray,

And now difpair the phantom fcares away :

C O L U M B I A D.

Defp-tl;roated tabes flircharge their pond'rous balls,

Down fall the battlements and {Irong-buiit walls!

Expos'd to view, and now a furer mark,

Thehaplefs Britons dread each latent fpark;

Worn down with toils and harrafs'd out with care^

Wiidum demands the gallant troops to fpare :

Sad facrince for Britifh pride to make!

The precious fruits of blundering North's miflakc.

Longtime they fought, and brave repulsed the foe^

Norfrom hispofta fmgleman would go. *

But now by thoufands prefs'd, by toil worn down,

Cornwallij laRconfents to yield the town :

The unwilling tear drop'd from his half-clos'd eye-,

Kis mighty foul oftheav'd a troubled figh;

The terms were fuch as Lincoln late received,

Wild beyond hope— the vanquifh'd Britons live!

The troops march'd forth opprefs'd with m.ighty woes^

And fallen murmur'd 'midil ten thoufand foes.

Now gentle Peace her downy pinions fpread. And fair Columbia rais'd her lofty head : Moor'd fafe in port, the bark of freedom rides. Firm at the helm great JVashhtgicn prefides; And as a rock deep rooted on the Ihore, Unmov'd he hears the fons of riot roar; Loud bawling patriots when they feek to rife, l^ut curs'd with power prove tyrants in difguife. May heaven in mercy to our infant ftate, Prolong his life, and (lop the courfe of fate 1 Gently then lead him down the vale of life. Free from corroding cares, and anxious (Irlfe j


For fare if man Vv^as e'er defign'd lo be Favour'd of heaven — then IVashingtofi is he! O for great Sidney's mufe! and melting fcrains. As when he fung the fam'd Arcadian plains; Irs verfe like his, how would Columbia fliiiie — What glowing thoughts appear in every line 1 — How would he paint in iir^ns fublinicly gay, The rinno- aloriesof oar nevir-born day! — A-nd in fweet numbers grateful to the ear. Sing the gay cliTirms of esch revolving year; The towering.foreits, and enchanting groves, Where the iierce Indian woes iiis tawny love; The confcious trees their biuilung honors died. And fcatters fragrance on the verdant bed; Majedic rivers, never known to fong, Wind ihrouah the vales, and boldly fvi^eep along; Upon wh.ofe banks cloth'd with eternal green, Large droves of herds, and fleecy flocks are fsen : Th' enchanting fubjea wifely Irefign, To bards more favoured of the mufe divine! Some future Huviphreys^ whofe tuneful breath Shall foothe the foul amidll the pangs of death. Then will Columbia o'er Europa fhine, And the grand landfcape fv.-ell inev'ry line! E'en now I fee the glowing picture rife, While dirtant nations hail our weltern flsies! Yet as I fmg, how great the taili appears! Warn\l by the mufe, I yield to prudent fears.


  1. Massachusetts
  2. Like Indians
  3. Congress
  4. Lord North.
  5. Dr. Franklin.
  6. General Gage,