The Art of Bookbinding/Index

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The Art of Bookbinding
by Joseph William Zaehnsdorf
868230The Art of Bookbinding — Index.Joseph William Zaehnsdorf

Acids, effect of, on leather, 133.

Advantage, comparative, of paste and glue, 93.
—— of flexible binding, 28.
—— of giaining calf, 144.
—— of vinegar over paste water when finishing, 127.

Albumen, 171.

Antique finishing, 122.
—— tools, method of working, 122.

Arming press, 117.

Artificial heat, 46.

Artists' vellum, 147.

Athenæum letter on trimming, 43.

Azuré tools, 113.

Back, calf, polishing a, 140.
—— finishing a (cut), 130.
—— full gilt, 129.
—— mitred, 129-139.
—— run up, 129-140.

Backs, flat, 48.
—— suitable for calf work (cut), 138.

Backing, 48.
—— (cut), 49.
—— boards (cut), 48, 50.
—— flexible work, 50.
—— hammer (cut), 49.
—— machines, 50.

Band nippers (cut), 93.

Bands, putting on, 88.

Bar roll, 133.

Bath, effect upon stains of wrong, 158.

Beating, 9.
—— hammer (cut), 9.
—— gold books, 10.

Beating stone, 9.

Bibles, etc, edges of, 122.
—— end papers for, 33.
—— finishing of, 122.

Bindings, monastic, 111.

Blind finishing, 122.
—— beauty of, 125.
—— colour of, 122.

Blocking, 149.
—— calf, 153.
—— cloth, 153.
—— in gold, 153.
—— morocco, 153.
—— old method of, 116.
—— press, 150.
—— sides, 151.
—— silk, 146.
—— velvet, 146.

Blocks, 151.

Blood stains, removing, 163.

Board, backing, 48.
—— cutting, 54.
—— trimming, 41.

Boards, cutting in, 64.
—— cutting out of, 64.
—— made, 55.
—— for photographs, 170.

Bolt knife (cut), 61.

Books, enemies of, 166.

Book-worms, 167.
—— to keep away, 168.

Brass type, 129.

Bread, cleaning with, 161.

Bronze end paper, 34.

Brush, finder, 68.
—— sprinkling, 68.

Burnishers, 79.
—— edge (cuts), 81.

Burnishing edges, 81.
—— marbled paper, 73.

Burnt documents, deciphering, 166.

Burr on knife, 79.

Calf, back polishing, 137.
—— blocking, 153.

Cambridge, 104.
—— colouring, 100.
—— colouring, preparing for, 102.
—— colouring, black, 101.
—— colouring, brown, 102.
—— colouring, yellow, 102.
—— covering in, 94.
—— dabbing, 106.
—— effect of glue on, 89.
—— extra, 142.
—— finishing, 135.
—— graining, 144.
—— graining, advantage of, 144.
—— green and light, 139-141.
—— handling, 94.
—— lettering, 140.
—— marbling, 105.
—— marbling, preparing for, 104.
—— neat, 137.
—— pasting down, 99.
—— sides, finishing, 141.
—— sides, polishing, 142.
—— work, backs suitable for (cut), 138.
—— sprinkling, 103.
—— sprinkling, emblematic, 103.
—— sprinkling, preparing for 103.

Cambridge calf, 104.

Capping up edges, 82.

Cat's paw, 106.

Charcoal fire for finishing, 121.

Chemical colouring of leather, 133.

Chloride of lime solution, 159.

Chlorine, restoring writing effaced by, 165.

Cleaning, 157.
—— off stick, 58-59.
—— removing single leaf for, 162.

Cleaning silver mountings, 172.
—— sponges, 172.
—— with india-rubber, 161.
—— with bread, 161.

Cloth blocking, 153.
—— covering with, 95.
—— joints, 38.
—— smooth, 95.

Cobb paper, 33.

Collating, 13.

Colour of blind work, 122.

Colours for books, suggested, 96.
—— for marbling, 69.
—— for sprinkling, 68.

Coloured edges, fancy, 69.
—— paste paper, 35.
—— plates, 17.

Colouring calf, 100.
—— calf preparing for, 102.
—— calf, black, 101.
—— calf, brown, 102.
—— yellow, 102.

Colouring edges, 67.
—— of leather, chemical, 133.
—— plain, for edges, 69.

Comb marble, 72.

Cord, sizes of, 22.

Cords, lay, 23.

Cotton wool, 120.

Covers, cutting leather, 90.

Covering, 90.
—— half bound work, 96.
—— preparing for, 87.
—— with calf, 94.
—— with cloth, 95.
—— with morocco, 90.
—— with parchment, 94.
—— with roan, do.
—— with russia, 94.
—— with satin, 95.
—— with silk, 95.
—— with vellum, 94.
—— with velvet, 95.

Cut against, 54.
—— true, to tell if boards are, 56.
—— to tell if book is, 64.

Cushion, gold, 78.

Cutting, 59.

Cutting in boards, 64.
—— out of boards, 64.
—— board, 54.
—— foredge, 62.
—— gold leaf, 80.
—— head, 61.
—— leather covers, 90.
—— machines (cuts), 65, 66.
—— mill-board, 52.
—— press and plough (cut), 60.
—— tail, 62.

Dabbing calf, 106.

Damp stains, 162.
—— repairing books damaged by, 162.

Deciphering burnt documents, 166.

Dentelle border, 132.

Derome tools (cuts), 115.

Dibdin, Dr, 95.

Disadvantage of backing machines, 51.
—— flat backs, 48.
—— lettering pieces, 136.
—— wire sewing, 30.

Dishes for washing, 159.

Documents, deciphering burnt, 166.

Double, 132.

Down, pasting, 97.

Dragon, gum, 70.

Drawing in, 57.

Drawings, fixing, 165.
—— preserving, 165.

Dry preparation, 145.
—— making, 145.

Drying, artificial heat in, 46.

Duplicate sheets, 19.

Dust, removing, 161.

Dutch marble paper, 34.

Edge burnishers (cuts), 81.

Edges of bibles and religious books, 122.
—— of boards, finishing, 132.
—— burnishing, 81.
—— capping up, 82.
—— coloured, fancy, 69.
—— coloured, plain, 69.
—— colouring, 67.
—— gilding, 80.
—— gilt, 78.
—— gilt, dull, 81.
—— gilt, painted, 82.
—— gilt, on red, 82.
—— gilt, in the round, 81.
—— gilt, solid, 81.
—— gilt, tooled, 82.
—— marbled, 69.
—— marbled, paper, transfer ring to, 74-75.
—— marbling, 73.
—— marbled, on gilt, 78.
—— marbled, under gilt, 78.
—— sprinkled, 67.
—— sprinkled marble, 67.
—— transferring marbled paper to, 74-75.
—— uncut, 41.

Effaced by chlorine, restoring writing, 165.
—— by oxymuriatic acid, restoring writing, 165.

Emblematic sprinkling, 103.
—— tooling, 117.

End papers, 33.
—— papers, bronze, 34.
—— papers, cobb, 33.
—— papers, coloured paste, 35.
—— papers, making, 35.
—— papers, marbled, 33.
—— papers, printed and fancy, 34.
—— papers, putting on, 38.
—— papers, surface, 33.
—— papers, for bibles, etc. , 33.
—— papers, for school and public library books, 41.

Ends, sewing (cut), 40.

Enemies of books, 166.

Extra, calf, 142.

Faded MSS. , restoring, 165.
—— writing, restoring, 165.

Fat stains, removing, 164.

Fillet (cut), 118.

Filling up, 137.
—— up, saw cuts, 89.

Finger brush, 68.

Finger-marks, 163.
—— removing, 163.

Finishing, 111.
—— ancient, 117.
—— a back (cut), 130.
—— a back, calf, 135.
—— a back, full gilt, 137.
—— a back, run up, 139.
—— blind, antique or monastic, 122.
—— blind, tools for, 122.
—— calf sides, 141
—— charcoal fire for, 121.
—— edges of boards, 132.
—— extra calf sides, 142.
—— flexible work, 124.
—— gold, 125.
—— gold, tools for, 122.
—— half morocco book, 127.
—— inside of a book, 132-141.
—— medium, 126.
—— medium, importance of proper, 126.
—— morocco sides, 131.
—— morocco imitation, 133.
—— paper, 144.
—— press (cuts), 121-122.
—— religious books, 122.
—— roan, 133.
—— russia, 145.
—— sides calf, 135.
—— sides calf extra, 142.
—— sides morocco, 131.
—— sides, morocco imitation, 133.
—— silk, 146.
—— stove (cuts), 120.
—— taste in, 117.
—— tools, 118-122.
—— tools, heat for, 128.
—— vellum, 147.
—— velvet, 146.
—— with dry preparation, 145.

Fixing drawings, 165.

Flat backs, 48.

Flexible binding, advantages of, 28.
—— how to tell, 29.
—— not to show, 29, 89.

Flexible work, backing, 50.

Flexible work, cleaning off, 59.
—— work, covering, preparing for, 89.
—— work, finishing, 124.
—— work, gluing up, 45.
—— work, marking up, 20.
—— work, mock, 90.
—— work, sewing, 23.
—— work, sewing (cut), 27.

Folding, 3.
—— stick, 4.
—— machine (cut), 7.
—— maps, 15.

Folio, 4.

Foredge, cutting, 62.

Forwarding, 33.

Fox-marks, 163.
—— marks, removing, 163.

French, dab, 106.
—— method of pressing, 19.
—— method of trimming, 42.
—— paring knife (cut), 90.
—— paring knife, method of using (cut), 91.

Full gilt back, finishing, 137.

Gall, ox, for marbling, 71.

Gascon, 115.
—— tools (cuts), 114.

Gathering, 8.
—— machine, 8.

German, method of gluing up, 45.
—— paring knife (cut), 91.
—— paring knife, method of using (cut), 91.

Giggering, 124.

Gilding edges, 80.

Gilt back, full, 129.
—— edges, 78.
—— edges, dull, 81.
—— edges, painted, 82.
—— edges, solid, 81.
—— edges, tooled, 82.
—— in the round, 81.
—— marbling on, 78.
—— marbling under, 78.
—— on red, 82.
—— top, 41.

Glaire, 119.
—— how to make, 119.
—— water, 79.

Glue, 169.
—— comparative advantages of paste and, 93.
—— effect on calf of, 89.
—— rice, 169.
—— to tell good, 169.

Gluing up, 45.
—— up flexible work, 45.
—— up, German method of, 45.

Gold, blocking in, 153.
—— cushion, 78.
—— finishing, 125.
—— finishing, tools for, 128.
—— knife, 79.
—— leaf, 79-119.
—— leaf, cutting, 80.

Grain, treatment of straight, 92.
—— treatment of leather with no, 92.

Graining calf, 144.
—— advantage of, 144.

Graining up, 92.

Grolier tools (cuts), 113.

Groove, 7.

Guarding plates, etc., 15.

Guards, object of, 16.

Gum Tragacanth (Gum Dragon), 70.

Half binding, 96.
—— binding, covering, 96.
—— binding, lining for, 53.
—— binding, pasting down, 100.

Hammer, beating (cut), 9.

Hand finishing, 116.
—— letters, 118.

Handling calf, 94.

Head band, setting, 93.
—— bands, stuck on, 80.
—— banding, 83.
—— banding (cut), 84.
—— banding on old books, 84.
—— of book cutting, 61.

Heat, artificial, 46.
—— for finishing tools, 128.
—— for polishing tools, 140.

Henry III., bindings of, 114.

Holes in back, filling up, 89.

Hollow backs, 87.

Imitation morocco, finishing, 133.

Importance of proper finishing medium, 126.

Incombustible, to render paper, 166.

India rubber, 119.
—— rubber, how to use, 161.

Ink stains, removing, 163.
—— stains, marking, 164.

Inlaid work, 133.

Inlaying, 134.
—— Viennese method of, 135.

Insects, 166.
—— poison for, 168.

Inside of book, finishing, 132-141.

Interleaving, 18.

Iron, knocking-down (cut), 6.
—— polishing (cut), 119.

Joint, 7.

Joints, cloth, 38-99.
—— morocco, 98.

Kettle stitch, 25-28.

Keys (sewing), 23,

Knife, bolt (cut), 61.
—— burr on, 79.
—— gold, 79.
—— paring, French (cut), 90.
—— paring, method of holding, (cut), 91.
—— paring, German (cut), 91.
—— paring, German, method of holding (cut), 92.
—— sliding (cut), 60.
—— trimming, 42.

Knocking down iron (cut), 6.

Lard, 124.

Lay cords, 23.

Lead type, 129.

Leaf, gold, 79.
—— gold, cutting, 80.
—— gold, thickness of, 80.
—— removing single, 162.

Leather covers, cutting, 90.
—— kinds of, 90.
—— non-porous, 126.
—— porous, 126. Leaves, re-sizing, 162.

Lettering, 117.
—— calf, 140.
—— pieces, 136.
—— pieces, disadvantages of, 136.
—— pieces, for vellum books, 148.
—— pieces, substitute for, 136.

Letters, hand, 129.

Lining boards, 55.
—— boards, half binding, 55.
—— boards, whole binding, 55.
—— paper for, 88.
—— up, 87.

Machine, backing, 50.
—— cutting (cuts), 65, 66.
—— folding (cut), 7.
—— gathering, 8.
—— mill-board cutting (cuts), 54.
—— mill-board cutting, steam, (cut), 54.
—— rolling (cut), 11.
—— rounding, (cut), 47.
—— sawing in (cut), 22.
—— sewing (cut), 31.
—— sewing, 32.
—— sewing wire, 32.

Machines, to prevent, rusting, 171.

Making end papers, 35.

Maps, mounting (cut), 14.
—— throwing out, 13.

Marble comb, 72.
—— edges, sprinkled, 67.
—— nonpareil, 72.
—— shell, 72.
—— Spanish, 72.
—— spot, 72.
—— tree, 105.

Marbled edges, 69.
—— paper, 33.
—— paper, burnishing, 73.
—— paper, old Dutch, 34.

Marbled paper, transferring to
—— edges,.74-75.

Marblers, mechanical (cuts), 75.

Marbling, 34-71.
—— ancient instructions for, 76.
—— calf, 105.
—— colours for, 69.
—— edges, 73.
—— edges, on gilt, 78.
—— edges, under gilt, 78.
—— ox gall for, 71.
—— paper, 73.
—— preparing for, 104.
—— requisites for, 69.
—— set, 77.
—— size for, 70.
—— trough (cut), 70.

Margins, 3-43.

Marking ink stains, removing, 164.
—— up, 20.

Mechanical marblers (cuts), 75.

Medium for fnishing, 126.
—— importance of proper, 126.

Mill-board, cutting, 52.
—— cutting machine (cut), 53.
—— cutting machine, steam, (cut), 54.
—— shears, 52.

Mill-boards, 51.
—— made, 55.
—— name of, 51.
—— sizes of, 52.
—— price of, 51.

Missing sheets, 19.

Mitre piece (cut), 131.

Mitred back, 129.

Mock flexible binding, 90.

Monastic, bindings. 111.
—— finishing, 122.
—— tools (cuts), 112.

Morocco, blocking, 153.
—— imitation, finishing, 133.
—— joints, 98.
—— pasting down, 97.
—— sides, finishing, 141.

Mosaic work, 133.

Mounting, maps, 15.
—— photographs, 171.

Mountings, cleaning silver, 172.

MSS., preserving, 165.
—— restoring faded, 165.

Mull, 89.

Mud stains, 162.
—— removing, 162.

Neat, calf, 137.

Nippers, band (cut), 93.

Nitric acid, effect upon leather, 133.

Nonpareil marble, 72.

Non-porous leathers, 126.

Object of guards, 16.
—— of trimming, 42.

Old books, beating, 10.
—— head-banding in, 84.
—— sewing, 25.

Old writing, reviving, 164.

Opening books, care in, 169.

Overcasting, 18.

Oversewing, 18.

Ox gall for marbling, 71.

Oxford vellum, 147.

Oxymuriatic acid, restoring writing effaced by, 165.

Painting covers, 133.

Pallet (cut), 118.
—— using the, 123.

Paper, bronze end, 34.
—— burnishing marbled, 73.
—— Cobb, 33.
—— finishing, 145.
—— for lining up, 88.
—— incombustible, to render, 166.
—— marbled, 33.
—— marbled, old Dutch, 34.
—— marbling, 73.
—— paste, .35.
—— printed and fancy end, 34.
—— surface, 33.
—— waterproof, to render, 165.

Papers, end, 33.
—— end, making, 35.

Parchment, 147.
—— covering with, 94.
—— vegetable, 147.

Paring, 91.
—— knife, French (cut), 90.
—— knife, French, method of using (cut), 91.
—— knife, German (cut), 91.
—— knife, German, method of using, 92.

Paste, 170.
—— and glue, comparative advantages, 93.
—— for white morocco, 94.
—— for paper, 35.
—— rice, 169,
—— to prevent, moulding and souring, 170.
—— water, effect upon leather, 127.

Pasting, 36.
—— calf, 99.
—— down, 97.
—— down half bindings, 100.
—— Russia, 99.
—— single sheets, 17.
—— up, 36.

Peel, 159.

Photographs, boards for, 170.
—— mounting, 171.
—— removing, 170.

Pieces, lettering, 136.
—— lettering, disadvantages of, 136.
—— lettering, substitute for, 136.

Plates, 14.
—— coloured, 17.
—— guarding, 15.

Plough, round, 42.

Polishing calf back, 140.
—— calf sides, 142.
—— heat for, 140.

Polishing iron (cut), 119.

Porous leathers, 126.

Preparation, dry, 145.

Preparing for covering, 87.
—— for covering flexible work, 89.
—— for covering flexible work, not to show, 89.
—— for covering mock flexible work, 90.

Preserving drawings, MSS., etc., 165.

Press, arming, 117.
—— blocking, 150.
—— cutting (cut), 60.
—— finishing (cut), 121-122.
—— lying, 7, 37.
—— sewing (cut), 24.
—— standing, 18.
—— standing, American (cut), 19.

Pressing, 58, 143.
—— Parisian, mode of, 19.
—— various sized books, 58.

Proof, 57.

Public library books, 41.

Pulling, 5.

Putting on bands, 88.
—— on end papers, 38.

Refolding, 5.

Register, 3.

Religious books, edges, 122.
—— books, end papers, 33.
—— books, finishing, 122.

Removing blood stains, 163.
—— damp stains, 162.
—— dust, 161.
—— fat stains, 164.
—— finger-marks, 163.
—— fox-marks, 163.
—— ink stains, 163.
—— marking ink stains, 164.
—— mud stains, 161.
—— single leaf for cleaning, 162,
—— photographs, 171.
—— water stains, 161.
—— writing, 163.

Repairing books damaged by damp, 162.

Re-sizing leaves, 162.

Restoring faded MSS., 165.
—— writing effaced by chlorine, 165.
—— writing effaced by oxymuriatic acid, 165.
—— writing effaced by sea water, 165.
—— writing faded by time, 165.

Reviving old writing, 164.

Rice glue or paste, 169.

Roan, covering with, 95.
—— finishing, 133.

Roll, bar, 133.

Rolling, 10.

Rolling machine (cut), 11.

Round plough, 42.

Rounding, 46.
—— machine, 47.

Roman vellum, 147.

Runner, 54.

Run up back, 129, 139.

Russia, finishing, 145.
—— imitation, 96.
—— pasting down, 99.
—— treatment of, 94.

Rusting, to prevent, tools, etc., 171.

Satin, covering with, 95.

Saw cuts, depth of, 22.
—— cuts, filling up, 89.
—— marks (cut), 21.
—— tennon, 21.

Sawing in, 21.
—— in machine (cut), 22.

School books, end papers for, 41.

Scrapers, 79.

Set, marbling, 77.

Set off, 12.

Setting head band, 93.

Sewing, 23.
—— disadvantage of wire, 30.
—— ends, mode of (cut), 40.
—— flexible (cut), 27.
—— flexible work, 23.
—— keys, 23.
—— machine, 32.
—— machine (cut), 31.
—— old books, 25.
—— ordinary (cuts), 26.
—— press (cut), 24.
—— thread, 27.
—— wire, 30.
—— machine, 32.

Shears, mill-board, 52.

Sheets, 3.
—— duplicate, 19.
—— missing, 19.

Shell marble, 72.

Sides, blocking, 151.
—— calf, finishing, 141.
—— calf, extra finishing, 142.
—— calf, polishing, 142.
—— morocco, finishing, 131.
—— siding, 142.
—— tooling, 125.

Sieve, sprinkling, 68.

Signatures, 4.

Silk blocking, 146.
—— covering with, 95.
—— finishing, 146.

Silver mountings, to clean, 172.

Single sheets, pasting, 17.

Size, 74-79, 160.
—— for marbling, 70.

Sizes of books, 4-5.
—— of cord, 22.
—— of mill-boards, 52.

Sizing, 74-159.

Siding sides, 142.

Sliding knife (cut), 60.

Smooth cloth, covering with, 95.

Spanish marble, 72.

Sponges, 119.
—— cleaning, 172.

Spot marble, 72.

Sprinkled edges, 67.
—— marble edges, 67.

Sprinkling brush, 68.
—— calf, 103.
—— calf, fancy, 103.
—— calf, preparing for, 103.
—— colours, 68.
—— sieve, 68.

Stains, blood, removing, 163.
—— damp, 162.
—— effect of wrong bath upon, 158.
—— fat, removing, 164.
—— ink, removing, 164.
—— mud, removing, 162.
—— removing, 158.
—— removing, different, 158.
—— water, how to tell, 161.
—— water, removing, 161.

Stamps, 151.

Standing press, 18.
—— press, American (cut), 19.

Steel-faced backing boards, 50.

Stick, folding, 4.
—— cleaning off, 58, 59.

Stone, beating, 9.

Stove, finishing (cut), 120.

Straight grain leather treatment, 92.

Stuck on head bands, 86.

Substitute for lettering pieces, 136.

Surface paper, 33.

Swelling, 27.

Tail, cutting, 62.

Taste in finishing, 117.

Tennon saw, 21.

Thread, sewing, 27.

Throw up backs, 89.

Throwing out maps (cut), 16.

Thumb marks, removing, 163.

Time, restoring writing faded by, 165.

Title, 128.

Tools, Derome, 115.
—— finishing, 118.
—— for antique finishing, 122.
—— for gold finishing, 122.
—— Grolier, 113.
—— Le Gascon, 114.
—— monastic, 112.
—— to prevent, rusting, 171.
—— Venetian (cuts), 113.

Tooled gilt edges, 82.

Tooling, emblematic, 117.
—— sides, 125.

Top, gilt, 41.

Tree marble, 105.

Trimming, 41.
—— board, 41.
—— French method of, 42.
—— knife, 42.
—— letter on, 43.
—— machine, 44.
—— machine (cut), 42.
—— object of, 42.

Trindles, 62.

Trough, marbling (cut), 70.
—— two sheets on, 29.

Type, 118-128.
—— brass, 129.

Type holder (cut), 118.
—— lead, 129.

Uncut edges, 41.

Unsized paper, to tell, 80.

Varnish, 120.

Varnishing, 143.
—— object of, 120.

Vegetable parchment, 147.

Vellum artists, 147.
—— binding, lettering pieces, 149.
—— binding, old, 94.
—— covering with, 94.
—— finishing, 147.
—— Oxford, 147.
—— Roman, 147.

Velvet, blocking, 146.
—— covering with, 95.
—— finishing, 146.

Venetian tools (cuts), 113.

Viennese method of inlaying, 135.

Vinegar, advantage of, 127.

Washing, 158.
—— dishes for, 159.
—— requisites for, 159.

Water, glaire, 79.
—— stains, how to tell, 161.
—— stains, removing, 161.

Waterproof, rendering paper, 165.

White morocco, paste for, 92.

Whole binding, lining boards for, 55.

Wire sewing, 30.
—— sewing, disadvantage of, 30.
—— sewing, machine, 32.

Writing effaced by chlorine, restoring, 165.
—— effaced by oxymuriatic acid, restoring, 165.
—— faded by sea water, reviving, 165.
—— faded by time, reviving, 165.
—— removing, 164.
—— reviving old, 164.

Wrong bath, effect upon stains of, 158.