The Child's Own Music Book/Upon a Lowly Manger

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M. Atwood
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \key g \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \tempo "Andante" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative d' { \stemUp
  d4^\p | <d b>2^\(^\< b'4\! | c2^\> b4\!\) |
  b2.^\( a2\) e4 | g2^\(^\< fis4\! | g2^\> a4\!\) |
  d,2. ~ d2 d4 | <d b>2^\(^\cresc b'4\! |
  c2 b4\) | e2^\( d4 | <c a e>2 a4\) |
  <g d>2^\(^\dim b4\! | b2 a4\) | g2. ~ g4 r \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative d' { \stemDown
  s4 s2. <d gis> <cis g'> ~ q |
  s2.*5 <d gis>2. <e gis> s s fis } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { Up -- on a low -- ly man -- ger, Our Lord was laid, they say. __ While an -- gel voi -- ces sang his praise from Heav -- en far a -- way __ }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major 
  s4 | <g, g>2. <e, e> | a,4 cis( e g! fis e ) |
  <d c'!>2. ~ q | <g b>2 <gis b>4( | <a c'> d) r |
  <g, g>2. <e, e> | b,2( b4) | a( c cis) |
  d( b d') ~ d' cis'( <d c'>) |
  <g b>( <a c'> <fis a> | <g b>) r }