The Documentary History of the State of New York/Volume I/Chapter III

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The Documentary History of the State of New York
by Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan
Chapter III: Papers relating to De Courcelles' and De Tracy's Expedition against the Mohawk Indians: 1665—1666.
122926The Documentary History of the State of New York — Chapter III: Papers relating to De Courcelles' and De Tracy's Expedition against the Mohawk Indians: 1665—1666.Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan

Contents of Chapter 3


Article 1 –

Article 2 –

  • [From Paris Doc. I.]
  • Acte of Possession, by Sieur Du Bois in the name of the King (of France) of the Forts taken from the Iroquois.
  • Gov. Nicolls to Chev. Tracy, at Quebec. [Lond. Doc. II.]
  • M. Talon to M. Colbert, 13 Nov. 1666. [Paris Doc. I]
  • M. Tracy to Gov. Nicolls. [Lond. Doc. I.]