
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Koenigsberger, Leo

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Edition of 1920. See also Leo Königsberger on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

947902The Encyclopedia Americana — Koenigsberger, Leo

KOENIGSBERGER, kė'nĭks-bĕr'gėr, Leo, German mathematician: b. Posen, 15 Oct. 1837. He was educated at Posen and Berlin, and taught mathematics and physics at Berlin (1860-64). He was appointed assistant professor at Greifswald (1864-66) and professor (1866-69), and successively at Heidelberg (1869-75), Dresden (1875-77) and Vienna (1877-84), after which he was active at Heidelberg. He wrote the biographies of Hermann von Helmholtz and C. G. J. Jacobi, besides many articles comributed to mathematical periodicals.