The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Bhagykal, Raja of; Sri Nath Roy

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1572303The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Bhagykal, Raja of; Sri Nath RoyC. Hayavadana Rao

Bhagykal, Raja of; Sri Nath Roy; Born. 1841; educated at the Dacca College, and the Presidency College. Calcutta. Belongs to the Kundu family noted for its works of munificence; among many philanthrophic institutions founded by the present chief, may be noted, the Eye Infirmary at Dacca, and the Water Works at Chittagong; worked for the establishment of the East Bengal Saraswat Samaj, and for the promotion of Sanskrit Literature; Is a Banker and Zemindar, Trustee of the Economic Museum, Life-Member of the Calcutta Zoological Gardens Committee, etc. Raja, 1891. Address: Dacca, Bengal, India.