The New International Encyclopædia/Aue, Hartmann von

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Edition of 1905. See also Hartmann von Aue on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

771987The New International Encyclopædia — Aue, Hartmann von

AUE, ou'e. Hartmann von (c.1170-1210). A German minnesinger. He was the retainer of a Swabian knight, and is said to have had an exceptional education for a layman. He took part in the crusade of 1190, and is celebrated in the Tristan und Isolde of Gottfried von Strassburg and in the Krone by Türlin. His earliest poem seems to have been Erec (about 1190). Among his other productions are: Gregorius vom Steine; Der arme Heinrich (his most popular work); Iwein, oder der Ritter mit dem Löwen.