
The New International Encyclopædia/Brandt, Marianne

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Edition of 1905. See also Marianne Brandt (contralto) on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

820827The New International Encyclopædia — Brandt, Marianne

BRANDT, Marianne, family name Marie Bischof (1842— ). A German operatic singer. She was born in Vienna, and was educated at the conservatory in that city. She first attracted attention as Recha in La Juive, and soon afterwards accepted an engagement in Gratz. After 1868 she was associated for many years with the Royal Opera in Berlin. In 1882 she went to New York, where she sang for several seasons in grand opera. Gifted with a rich contralto voice of extraordinary compass, and possessing exceptional histrionic gifts, Marianne Brandt was regarded, in her prime, as one of the greatest German contraltos of the century. As an admirable interpreter of Wagnerian roles, she contributed largely to the success of the music festivals held in Bayreuth in 1876 and 1882.