
The New International Encyclopædia/Hagenbach, Karl Rudolf

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Edition of 1905. See also Karl Rudolf Hagenbach on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1348045The New International Encyclopædia — Hagenbach, Karl Rudolf

HAGENBACH, hä'gen-bäG, Karl Rudolf (1801-74). A German theologian. He was born March 4, 1801, at Basel, where his father was professor of anatomy and botany. After being professor extraordinary at Basel (1824), he became full professor in 1828. He lectured to public audiences, and afterwards published several courses of lectures on the nature and history of the Reformation, on the early history of the Church, and on the Church history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, which were gathered into a collected edition (1869-72), and after his death edited by F. Nippold (Leipzig, 1885-87). The portion relating to the history of the Reformation in Germany and Switzerland was translated by E. Moore (Edinburgh, 1878-79), and that on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by J. F. Hurst (New York, 1869). Two other of his popular yet scholarly works have been translated — A Text-Book of the History of Doctrine (orig. Leipzig, 1840; 6th ed. by Benrath, 1888; trans. from the 5th ed., Edinburgh, 1880); and his Theological Encyclopædia and Methodology (orig. Leipzig, 1833; 12th ed. by Reischle, 1889; worked over by Crooks and Hurst, New York, 1884; new ed. 1891). He was an admired preacher (Predigten, Basel, 1858-75), and a poet (Gedichte, Basel, 1846). He edited the Kirchenblatt für die reformierte Schweiz (from 1845 to 1868); also the valuable series of biographies of the reformers of the Reformed Church, with selections from their writings (Leben und Schriften der Väter und Begründer der reformierten Kirche, Elberfeld, 1857-62, 10 vols.), to which he contributed the lives of Œcolampadius and Myconius (1859). He died in Basel, June 7, 1874. Consult his brief autobiography in Erinnerungen an K. R. Hagenbach (Basel, 1874); and the fuller sketch by Eppler (Gütersloh, 1875).