
The New International Encyclopædia/Spiegel, Friedrich von

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Edition of 1905. See also Friedrich von Spiegel on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

657135The New International Encyclopædia, Volume XVIII — Spiegel, Friedrich von

SPIEGEL, spē′gel, Friedrich von (1820—). A German Orientalist, one of the pioneers in the field of Iranian philology. He was born in Kitzingen, studied at Erlangen, Leipzig, and Bonn, then spent five years in the libraries of Copenhagen, Paris, London, and Oxford, and from 1849 to 1890 was professor of Oriental languages in the University of Erlangen. His early studies on Pali and the publication of the Kammavâkya (1841) and the Ancedota Palica (1845) did much for the knowledge of southern Buddhism. They were quickly followed by his researches on Zoroastrianism and the Avesta. The edition of the greater part of the extant Avesta, together with the Pahlavi translation (1853-58), was followed by a German version (1852-63), and supplemented by a commentary (1865-69). He published a number of Persian works, as well as grammars of the Old Persian and Old Bactrian languages. Then came the valuable linguistic and archæological works, Die altpersischen Keilinschriften (1862), Erân (1863), Erânische Altertumskunde (1871-78), Vergleichende Grammatik der alterânischen Sprachen (1882), and Die arische Periode und ihre Zustände (1887). Mention should be made of a Chrestomathia Persica (1845), of the Grammatik der Parsisprache (1851), and of the Einleitung in die traditionellen Schriften der Parsen (1856-60).