The New York Times/1901/08/01/Canada and Reciprocity

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Montreal Paper Says the Dominion Does Not Want an Arrangement with the United States.

Special to The New York Times.

MONTREAL, July 31.—The Montreal Star devotes a long editorial to replying to the editorial in The New York Times of July 29, entitled "A Neglected Field."

The Star refers to the campaign con ducted in favor of unrestricted reciprocity by the Liberals in 1891, which resulted in their defeat, and says it is buried as a rallying cry just as thoroughly as is the silver question in the United States.

In regard to that portion of the article dealing with the transfer of American industries across the Canadian border, the Star says Canada is familiar with that argument and adds that the union of the spider and the fly developed the energies and industries of both parties.

"Canada," the paper says, has resolved firmly upon the policy of developing her home industries. Whatever party is in power will be obliged to recognize this as the wish of those who think on such subjects and influence people who do not. We have already done too much to build up the industries and advance the prosperity of our neighbors. We buy too much from them, and sell them too little, but there is grave danger that in any new deal our lot become worse instead of better.

The hope, the ambition, the dream of patriotic Canadians is to see Canada a country filled with an industrious, prosperous population, developing her marvelous natural resources, selling the world her finished product, and not the raw material to be used in furnishing skilled labor with means of livelihood in foreign countries. This end can be attained by a policy of protection of home industries, not as retaliation against our commercially inhospitable neighbors, but as the deliberately decided upon policy of Canadians of all parties.

"The condition, which protection has brought about of bringing industries and investors from the United States into Canada, is better for us than to be sending our raw material to be worked up on the other side of the line."