The Practical Designer for Women's and Misses' Underwear/Woman's Bloomers or Knickerbockers, Back Part

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Lesson No 412

To begin the back part of the bloomers have the complete draft or pattern of the front part, as shown on the previous diagram on the opposite page, and then continue as follows:

To begin to draft draw the waist line out from R and L to A and P and measure from L to A ¼ of waist measurement amounting to 6¼ inches, according to 25 inches waist and from A to P allow 3 inches for fullness or darts. Then allow from B to U also 3 inches for fullness and at the bottom from 1 to 2 allow 1½ inches.

Now finish the back crutch part. Raise the back from L to R with 3 inches and connect a straight line from R to J, where the curve of the front crutch begins and curve from K to J and I out to M. From I to H is 1-12 of hip measurement and from H to M is 1 inch allowed for seams which altogether amounts to from I and M, 2⅞ inches allowed for the under part. Then allow from 3 to 4, 1½ inches for seams and fullness. This will complete the back part of the bloomers with gathers around the waist and knee.

If a fitted waist is wanted make a dart on top of the back part as shown as follows: Divide from P to R, making O and draw a line down from O to T, which is 4½ inches. Take out from each side of O to V and W, 1 inch and make curves from V to T and W to T. This will complete the bloomers with all seams allowed.

If buttoning is wanted for bloomers at the front part make the opening for such buttoning at the front from R to J. If buttoning is wanted at the side make the opening as described at the back side seam from P to U. If back-buttoning is wanted make the opening at the back from K to J. According to this method convenient opening for buttoning will be obtained.