The Practical Designer for Women's and Misses' Underwear/Woman's Combination Chemise, Front Part

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Lesson No. 422

To begin the front part for the combination chemise draw outlines on the same principle as for the back or exactly the same as for the front pajamas. From 1 to 2 is 7 inches back depth; 1 to 3, 15½ inches waist length and 3 to 4 is 18 inches rise. Then draw lines from 1 to 6, 2 to 7, 3 to 8 and 4 to 9 and continue the front part the same way as for the one-piece pajamas with the exception of making the armhole according to the deepness of 3 inches between 2 and 22 and make a curve from 1 to 22 for the front armhole. Then draw a line down from 9 to 91 and measure there 8 inches and draw a straight line across from 91 to 21 and extend from 4 to 20, 1 inch. Now draw a straight line from 22 against 3 down towards 20 and 21.

Now allow for button-stand 1 inch from 15 down towards 16 to 17 in the same manner as for the one-piece pajamas. If full length buttoning is wanted to the crutch continue the buttoning to 18. Then continue the curve of the crutch from 18 to 9 as usual.

As a low neck is wanted for the combination chemise measure from 14 to C, 3 inches and divide from 15 to 16 making D and curve from C to D for a low neck, as shown on the diagram. Otherwise, this front part of the combination chemise is completed with all necessary seams allowed. For cutting out follow the heavy lines of this diagram.