The Washington Herald/In Memory of Pocahontas

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In Memory of Pocahontas

The Washington Herald article on June 23, 1907 about the casting of the Pokahuntas Bell.

188916In Memory of Pocahontas

Memorial Window to Be Placed in Church at Gravesend

From the Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch

The destination of the Pokahuntas Bell has not been decided nor will it be announced before December 1. It was presented to the Ter-Centennial Exposition and will remain upon the grounds until this date. Mrs A. S. Green, who is president, says this, and she knows what she is talking about. On account of so many conflicting statements she thinks it is best to give the facts.

Mrs. Green says that the body of Pocahontas lies under and with the ashes of the burnt church at Gravesend, and already the Pokahuntas Bell Assocation has started a movement to place a memorial window to honor and mark the appreciative estimation in which this great Indian woman is held by her country women.

This association would be very grateful and pleased to know and receive help of those who realize the importance of this effort. All who are willing to join in paying this debt of honor and patriotism are invited to communication with Mrs. A. S. Green at 124 College Place, Norfolk.