The last speech of Alicia Lisle

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The last speech of Alicia Lisle (1787)
by Alice Lisle

Source: Mark Noble, G. G. J. and J. Robinson (Paternoster-Row, London, England) Memoirs of the protectoral-house of Cromwell;: deduced from an early period, and continued down to the present time ... collected chiefly from original papers and records ... together with an appendix ... Embellished with elegant engravings, Volume I, printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1787 pp. 374,275

484297The last speech of Alicia Lisle1787Alice Lisle

Gentlemen, Friends and Neighbours, it may be expected that I should say something at my death, and in order thereunto I shall acquaint you, that my birth and education was both near this place, and that my parents instructed me in the fear of God, and I now dye of the reformed protestant religion; that if ever popery should return into this nation, it would be a very great and severe judgment, that I dye in expectation of the pardon of all my sins, and of acceptance with God the Father, by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, he being the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believes; I thank God through Jesus Christ, that I do depart under the blood of sprinkling, which speaketh better things than that of Abel; God having made this chastisement an ordinance to my soul. I did once as little expect to come to this place on this occasion as any person in this place or nation; therefore let all learn not to be high-minded, but fear. The Lord is a sovereign, and will take what way he fees best to glorifie himself, in and by his poor creatures; and I do humbly desire to submit to his will, praying to him, That I may posses my soul in patience. The crime that was laid to my charge, was for entertaining a nonconformist minister and others in my house; the said minister being sworn to have been in the late duke of Monmouth's army; but I have been told, that if I had denied them, it would not at all have affected me; I have no excuse, but surprize and fear, which I believe my jury must make use of to excuse their verdict to the world. I have been also told, that the court did use to be of counsel for the prisoner; but instead of advice, I had evidence against me from thence; which though it were only by hear-say might possibly affect my jury; my defence being but such, as might be expected from a weak woman, bur such as it was I did not hear it repeated again to the jury which, as I have been informed, is usual in such cases. However, I forgive all the world, and therein all those that have done me wrong; and, in particular, I forgive col. Penruddock, although he told me, that he could have taken these men before they came to my house. And I do likewise forgive him, who desired to be taken away from the grand jury to the petty jury, that he might be the more nearly concerned in a my death. As to what may be objected in reference to my conviction, that I gave it under my hand, that I had discoursed with Nelthorp; that could be no evidence against me, being after my conviction and sentence; I do acknowledge his majesty's favour in revoking my sentence. I pray God to preserve him, that he may long reign in mercy, as well as justice; and that he may reign in peace; and that the protestant religion may flourish under him; I also return thanks to God and the reverend clergy, that assisted me in my imprisonment.

New martyrology, or bloody assizes.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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