United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/4th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 21

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March 3, 1797

Chap. XXI.An Act to authorize the adjustment and payment at the treasury, of the expenses of George Smith and John Robertson, for their ransom from captivity at Algiers.

Accounts of Smith and Robertson to be settled.Be it enacted, &c., That the accounting officers of the Treasury shall be, and they hereby are authorized to examine the claims and vouchers of George Smith and John Robertson, respectively, for the sums severally paid and expended by them, for their ransoms from captivity among the Algerines, and after deducting from the amount of such payments and expenditures, any sum or sums heretofore paid to the said George Smith or John Robertson, on the account of the United States, towards his respective claim, to allow the balance thereof, not exceeding eight hundred and seventy-four dollars to George Smith, and not exceeding two thousand two hundred and seventy-one dollars to the said John Robertson; and which balances shall be paid at the Treasury, out of any money not already appropriated.

Approved, March 3, 1797.