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Book of Common Prayer



Book of Common Prayer (1987)
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/Title page
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Preface
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/Concerning the Service of the Church
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/Of Ceremonies
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/Rules to Order the Service
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Order how the Psalter is appointed to be read
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Order how the rest of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/A Table of Proper Lessons and Psalms
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Revised Tables of Lessons Measure, 1922
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Revised Tables of Lessons
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/Tables and Rules for the Feasts and Fasts through the whole Year
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Order for Morning and Evening Prayer
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Order for Morning Prayer
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Order for Evening Prayer
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/At Morning Prayer
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Litany
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/Prayers and Thanksgivings
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Solemnization of Matrimony
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/The Burial of the Dead
Book of Common Prayer (1987)/Articles of Religion