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An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations


By Adam Smith, 1776

The Wealth of Nations/Introduction and plan of the work
Book I
Of the Causes of Improvement in the productive Powers of Labour, and of the Order according to which its Produce is naturally distributed among the different Ranks of the People
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 1
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 2
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 3
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 4
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 5
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 6
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 7
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 8
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 9
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 10
The Wealth of Nations/Book I/Chapter 11
Book II
Of the Nature, Accumulation, and Employment of Stock
The Wealth of Nations/Book II/Chapter 1
The Wealth of Nations/Book II/Chapter 2
The Wealth of Nations/Book II/Chapter 3
The Wealth of Nations/Book II/Chapter 4
The Wealth of Nations/Book II/Chapter 5
Book III
Of the different Progress of Opulence in different Nations
The Wealth of Nations/Book III/Chapter 1
The Wealth of Nations/Book III/Chapter 2
The Wealth of Nations/Book III/Chapter 3
The Wealth of Nations/Book III/Chapter 4
Book IV
Of Systems of political Economy
The Wealth of Nations/Book IV/Chapter 1
The Wealth of Nations/Book IV/Chapter 2
The Wealth of Nations/Book IV/Chapter 3
The Wealth of Nations/Book IV/Chapter 4
The Wealth of Nations/Book IV/Chapter 5
The Wealth of Nations/Book IV/Chapter 6
The Wealth of Nations/Book IV/Chapter 7
The Wealth of Nations/Book IV/Chapter 8
The Wealth of Nations/Book IV/Chapter 9
Book V
Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth
The Wealth of Nations/Book V/Chapter 1
The Wealth of Nations/Book V/Chapter 2
The Wealth of Nations/Book V/Chapter 3