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This Wikisource Legal Tool is a rough draft.

  • 8/16/2010 - error for slow wp/ws api connections; error if cannot open html file
  • 8/15/2010 - cleaned up various functions
  • 8/14/2010 - documentation; buildPage(); buildTalkPage()
  • 8/13/2010 - more documentation
  • 8/1/2010 - trim whitespace from the front of lines
  • 7/28/2010 - accepts multiple | separated files; handles foot notes with letters; removes some whitespace; checks if the page already exists on wikisource, and then disambiguates with the citation.
  • 6/15/2010 - determines case name in a new way; saves to a flat file, general updates to formatted output
  • 6/7/2010 - (1) footnotes now use the {{ref}} template instead of the cite extension, footnotes in concurrences/dissents are handeld properly; (2) WikifyCite Tool does citation formatting; (3) cleaned up whitespace, wikification errors, etc; (4) fixed the Wikify for bot function
  • 6/2/2010 - Identifies and separates many dissents and concurrences. Does NOT properly handle footnotes at the moment.
  • 5/27/2010 - Improved formatting the syllabus, identifies authors of dissents in syllabus
  • 5/26/2010 - Identifies "per curiam" decisions, improved ability to identify author
  • 5/25/2010 - Identifies the author of the opinion of the court. Uses array to determine the full name of the author (e.g. "Justice WARREN" becomes "Earl Warren") to comply with standard format for Supreme court author. Uses year to choose between two authors with the same last name (e.g." Justice LAMAR" in 1890 is "Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar" and "Justice LAMAR" in 1913 is "Joseph Rucker Lamar")
  • 5/24/2010 - Output for a human or Pywikipediabot xml file.



# This is a tool for batch processing United States Supreme Court
# cases
# Last updated 8/16/2010


* Check if a wikipediaor wikisource article exists for a given page title
* @param $title string Title of the page you want to check
* @param $wiki string Either "wikipedia" 
* @return string If exists, {{subst:BASEPAGENAME}}, otherwise no
function wikiCheckPageExistence($title, $wiki){
	$title = str_replace(" ","_",$title);
	switch($wiki) {
		case "wikipedia":
			$url = "".$title."&format=php";
		case "wikisource":
			$url = "".$title."&format=php";
	$ch = curl_init();
	$timeout = 2;
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'User-Agent: wikiCheckPageExistence/1');
	if(curl_exec($ch)) {
		print "\nError: Unable to connect to ".$wiki."\n";
		$data = curl_exec($ch);
		$data = unserialize($data);
		$arr = array_keys($data["query"]["pages"]);
		if($arr[0] >= 1) {
			$page = "{{subst:BASEPAGENAME}}"; // want to set the wikipedia link to anything?
		} else {
			$page = "no";	
		return $page;

* Split a citation into volume, reporter, and page
* @param $fullCitation string Full citation
* @return array ["Volume"], ["Reporter"], ["Page"]
function explodeCaseName($fullCitation){
	global $reporter;
	$explodedCitation = explode(" ",$fullCitation);
	foreach($explodedCitation as $key => $citationPeice){
			$citation["Volume"] = $explodedCitation[$key-1];
			$citation["Reporter"] = $explodedCitation[$key];
			$citation["Page"] = $explodedCitation[$key+1];
	return $citation;

* Trim the left side of each line
* @param $txt string Text to be trimmed
* @return string Now you don't have to worry about wiki-indentations
function trimLine($txt){
	$lines = explode("\n",$txt);
	foreach($lines as $k=>$line){
		$lines[$k] = ltrim($line);
	return implode("\n",$lines);

* Check a case's year against the author's year on court
* Necessary to determine the author when you only know the last name and there 
* are multiple authors with the same last name
* @param $year string Year of the case
* @param $year string Name of the author
* @return string The true author
function multiAuthorName($year, $name){
		$upper = $name["1_end"];
		$lower = $name["1_start"];
		if($upper > $year && $lower < $year) {
			$caseAuthor = $name[1];
		} else {
			$caseAuthor = $name[0];
	} else {
 		$caseAuthor = $name;
	return $caseAuthor;

* Apply categories by matching words or phrases in the syllabus
* @param $txt string
* @param $list string 
* @return array Categories
function categoryGuess($txt, $list){

	$categories = array();

	foreach($list as $key => $cat) {
			if(!in_array($cat,$categories)) {
				$categories[] = $cat;
	if($categories == array()){
		$categories[] = "[[Category:Uncategorized United States Supreme Court decision]]";
	} else {
		$categories[] = "[[Category:Automated categorization]]";
	return $categories;

* Split the case name into the parties' names
* @param $unformattedName string Full name
* @return array [0] => full name, [1] => first party
* [2] => second party
function formatCaseName($unformattedName){
	$unformattedname = str_replace("Mc","MC",$unformattedName);
	$splitPartyName = explode("v.", $unformattedName);
	$party = $splitPartyName;
	$party[0] = trim(ucwords(strtolower(preg_replace("/[a-z]|\,|((!?[A-Z])[a-z])|\.|([A-Z]\.[A-Z]\.)|([A-Z]\.\s)/","",$splitPartyName[0]))));
	$party[1] = trim(ucwords(strtolower(preg_replace("/[a-z]|\,|((!?[A-Z])[a-z])|\.|([A-Z]\.[A-Z]\.)|([A-Z]\.\s)/","",$splitPartyName[1]))));
	$party[0] = trim(str_replace("/","",$party[0]));
	$party[1] = trim(str_replace("/","",$party[1]));
	$party[1] = str_replace(">>","",$party[1]);
	$name = $party[0]."v.".$party[1];
	$name = str_replace("  "," ",$name);
	$name = rtrim($name);
	return array($name, $splitPartyName[0], $splitPartyName[1]);

function removeOddCharacters($txt){
	$txt = trim($txt);
	$txt = str_replace("Â	"," ",$txt);
	$txt = str_replace("§","§",$txt);
	$txt = str_replace("’","'",$txt);
	$txt = str_replace("“","\"",$txt);
	$txt = str_replace("â€","\"",$txt);
	$txt = str_replace("''","\"",$txt);
	$txt = str_replace("        ","",$txt);
	$txt = str_replace("—","-",$txt);
	$txt = str_replace("&#x2014;","-",$txt);
	return $txt;

function strstr_after($haystack, $needle, $case_insensitive = false) {
	$strpos = ($case_insensitive) ? 'stripos' : 'strpos';
	$pos = $strpos($haystack, $needle);
	if (is_int($pos)) {
		return substr($haystack, $pos + strlen($needle));
	return $pos;

* Match footnotes and return them as a string 
* @param $paragraph string A paragraph of text
* @param $arr array Footnotes
* @return string Group of footnotes

function opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr){
	if(!isset($footnoteGroup)) { $footnoteGroup = ""; }
	preg_match_all("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) \<ref\> ([0-9\*]+) \<\/ref\>/",$paragraph,$matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
		foreach($matches as $match){
			$foundFoot = $arr[$match[1]."_ref"][1];
			$footnoteGroup = $footnoteGroup . "\n" . $foundFoot;
	return $footnoteGroup;

* preg_replace to change to footnote template
function opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph){
	return preg_replace("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) \<ref\> (\<nowiki\>)*([0-9\*]+)(\<\/nowiki\>)* \<\/ref\>/","{{ref|$3}}",$paragraph);

* puts together the page for each opinion
function buildPage($Section, $caseName, $authorLastName, $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $body, $ParallelCites) {
	$USSCcaseNo = "2"; // ever page except syllabus uses {{USSCcase2}}
		case "Syllabus":
			$pageTitle = $caseName[0];
			$ParallelCiteString = $ParallelCites[0].$ParallelCites[1];
			$USSCcaseNo = ""; // no number for syllabus; otherwise, it's "2"
		case "Opinion of the Court":
			$pageTitle = $caseName[0]."/Opinion of the Court";
			* Prevents ParallelCite and Categories from being printed on
			* this subpage.
			$ParallelCiteString = "";
			$body["Cats"] = "";
		case "Dissent":
			$pageTitle = $caseName[0]."/Dissent ".$authorLastName;
			$ParallelCiteString = "";
			$body["Cats"] = "";
		case "Concurrence":
			$pageTitle = $caseName[0]."/Concurrence ".$authorLastName;
			$ParallelCiteString = "";
			$body["Cats"] = "";
			$pageTitle = $caseName[0]."/Opinion ".$authorLastName;
			$ParallelCiteString = "";
			$body["Cats"] = "";
	$page = "{{-start-}}
	| title    = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
	| author   = ".$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"]." 
	| section  = ".$Section." 
	| previous = [[wikisource:Supreme Court of the United States|United States Supreme Court]]
	| next     = 
	| notes    = 
	|percuriam                   = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["perCuriam"]."
	|concurrenceAuthor1         = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][0]." 
	|concurrenceAuthor2         = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][1]." 
	|concurrenceAuthor3         = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][2]." 
	|concurrenceAuthor4         = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][3]."  
	|concurrenceAuthor5         = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][4]."  
	|concurrenceAuthor6         = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][5]." 
	|concurrenceAuthor7         = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][6]." 
	|concurrenceAuthor8         = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][7]."  
	|concurrence-dissentAuthor1 =
	|concurrence-dissentAuthor2 =
	|concurrence-dissentAuthor3 =
	|concurrence-dissentAuthor4 =
	|dissentAuthor1             = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][0]."  
	|dissentAuthor2             = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][1]."   
	|dissentAuthor3             = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][2]."   
	|dissentAuthor4             = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][3]." 
	|separate_author1            =
	|separate_author2            =
	|separate_author3            =
	|separate_author4            =
	|linked_cases                = 
	|wikipedia					 = ".$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["wpiwl"]." 
	| court = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["court"]." 
	| volume = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["arrCite"]['Volume']." 
	| reporter = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["arrCite"]['Reporter']."  
	| page = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["arrCite"]['Page']." 
	| party1 = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["name"][1]." 
	| party2 = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["name"][2]."  
	| casename = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["name"][0]." 
	| lowercourt = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["courtbelow"]." 
	| argued = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["argdate"]." 
	| decided = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["decdate"]." 
	| case no = ".$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["docket"]." 
	<div class='courtopinion'>
	return $page;

function buildTalkPage($Section, $name, $authorLastName, $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite) {
	switch($Section) {
		case "Syllabus":
			$talkpageTitle = "Talk:".$name[0];
		case "Opinion of the Court":
			$talkpageTitle = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Opinion of the Court";
		case "Dissent":
			$talkpageTitle = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Dissent ".$authorLastName;
		case "Concurrence":
			$talkpageTitle = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Concurrence ".$authorLastName;
			$talkpageTitle = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Opinion ".$authorLastName;

	$talkpage = "{{-start-}}
	{{Template:WikiProject USSC}}
	| edition      = ''".$name[0]."'', ".$decdate."  .
	| source       = ''".$name[0]." '' from".$arrCite['Volume']." 
	| contributors = ".$contributor."
	| progress     = Text being edited [[Image:25%.png]]
	| notes        = Gathered and wikified using an automated tool. See this [[user:slaporte/slaw|documentation]] for more information.
	| proofreaders = 
	return $talkpage;

* Main function
* @param $url string URL of the case to process
function batchWikify($url) {
	global $contributor, $xpathCourt, $xpathTitle, $xpathName, $xpathAuthor, $xpathCasecite, $xpathCite2, $xpathCite3, $xpathCourtbelow, $xpathDate1, $xpathDate2, $xpathDocket, $xpathParty1, $xpathParty2, $xpathFoots, $xpathParagraph, $xpathSyllabus, $namesVol, $dupList, $reporter, $authorByName, $catlist;
	$dissent = 0;
	$dissentNo = 1;
	$dissentAuthor = array();
	$concurrenceAuthor = array();
	$perCuriam = false;
	$Syllabus = $OpinionOfCourt = $missing = $notices = $courtbelow = $arr = "";
	$concurrenceCount = false;
	$dissentCount = false;
	$ConcurText = array();
	$lastNameArray = $lastNamed = "";
	$SyllabusNotes = $Syllabus = "";
	$Con = $Con2 = $Con3 = $Con4 = $Con5 = $Con6 = $Con7 = $Con8 = false;
	$Dis = $Dis2 = $Dis3 = $Dis4 = false;
	$date1 = $date2 = $docket = false;
	$OpinionOfCourt_Notes = $DisNotes = $Dis2Notes = $Dis3Notes = $Dis4Notes = "";
	$ConNotes = $Con2Notes = $Con3Notes = $Con3Notes = $Con4Notes = $Con5Notes = $Con6Notes = $Con7Notes = $Con8Notes = "";
	$missingDissent = $missingConcurrence = "";
	* array of justices with their full name, and years for those justices that share their last name
	$citebank = array();
	$target_url = $url;
	$URLserAgent = '';
	* make the cURL request to $target_url
	$ch = curl_init();
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $URLserAgent);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$target_url);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 100);
	if(curl_exec($ch) == false){
		print "\nError: unable to open ".$url."\n";
		$html= curl_exec($ch);
		if (!$html) {
			print "<br />cURL error number:" .curl_errno($ch);
			print "<br />cURL error:" . curl_error($ch);
	* Make adjustment to html
	$html = removeOddCharacters($html);
	$html = preg_replace('/<a class="footnote" href="([^"]*)" [^>]*>([0-9a-z\*]+)<\/a>/',' $1 &lt;ref&gt; $2 &lt;/ref&gt;',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/<a class="footnote" href="([^"]*)">([0-9a-z\*]+)<\/a>/',' $1 &lt;ref&gt; $2 &lt;/ref&gt;',$html);
	$html = str_replace('<p>',"\n",$html);
	$html = str_replace('<p class="indent">',"<p class='indent'> \n",$html);
	$html = str_replace('It is so ordered.',"It is so ordered. \n",$html);
	$html = str_replace('U. S. C.','U.S.C.',$html);
	$html = str_replace('U. S.','U.S.',$html);
	$html = str_replace('ordered. 
	</i>   Justice ','ordered.</i></p></div><div class="num"><p class="indent">Justice ',$html);
	//$html = preg_replace("/<i>(.*)<\/i>/","''$1''",$html);
	$html = str_replace("<i>","''",$html);
	$html = str_replace("</i>","''",$html);
	* parse the html into DOMDocument
	$caseDOM = new DOMDocument();
	$xpath = new DOMXPath($caseDOM);
	$pg_title = $xpath->query($xpathTitle)->item(0)->nodeValue;
	*	gather info from xpath
	isset($xpath->query($xpathCourt)->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $court = $xpath->query($xpathCourt)->item(0)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathName)->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $name = $xpath->query($xpathName)->item(0)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathAuthor)->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $author = $xpath->query($xpathAuthor)->item(0)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathCasecite)->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $casecite = $xpath->query($xpathCasecite)->item(0)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathCourtbelow)->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $courtbelow = $xpath->query($xpathCourtbelow)->item(0)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathDate1)->item(1)->nodeValue) ? $date1 = $xpath->query($xpathDate1)->item(1)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathDate2)->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $date2 = $xpath->query($xpathDate2)->item(0)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathDocket)->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $docket = $xpath->query($xpathDocket)->item(0)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathParty1)->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $party1 = $xpath->query($xpathParty1)->item(0)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathParty2)->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $party2 = $xpath->query($xpathParty2)->item(0)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathCite2)->item(1)->nodeValue) ? $casecite2 = $xpath->query($xpathCite2)->item(1)->nodeValue : "";
	isset($xpath->query($xpathCite3)->item(2)->nodeValue) ? $casecite3 = $xpath->query($xpathCite3)->item(2)->nodeValue : "";
	$decdate = strstr_after($date1, "ed");
		$decdate = "";
	$argdate = strstr_after($date2, "ed");
		$argdate = "";
	* year?
	$year = str_replace(".","",trim(strstr($date2,","),", "));
		$year = trim(strstr($date1,","),", ");
	$arrCite = explodeCaseName($casecite);
	*  determine file name
	if(preg_match("/([0-9]{3})\.html/",$url,$match)) {
		$caseno = preg_replace("/(^000)|(^00)|(^0)|/","",$match[1]);
		$caseno = $caseno - 1;
		$caseno = false;
	* Get the case name
	*  - By default, the case is named according to caseName() 
	*  - If available, it will take a case name from a formatted list:
	*      --Save an array of case names with citations as ./input/[volume number].php 
	*      --Name the (case) input files sequentially
	*      --If the file number and citation match, it will use the name from the list
	*     This is useful for importing volumes at a time, especially if you want to check
	*     the case names against a list.
		if($caseno == false){
			$name = formatCaseName($name);
		} else {
			$casearray = $namesVol[$arrCite['Volume']."-".$caseno];
			if($casearray[1] == $arrCite['Volume']." ".$arrCite['Reporter']." ".$arrCite['Page']." "){
				$name = $casearray;
				$name[3] = $name[1];
				$splitCaseName = explode("v.", $name[0]);
				$name[1] = $splitCaseName[0];
				$name[2] = $splitCaseName[1];
			} else {
				$name = formatCaseName($name);
	} else {
		$name = formatCaseName($name);
	*  check if a case with that name is already up
	if(wikiCheckPageExistence($name[0], "wikisource") == true){
	$name[0] = $name[0]." (".$arrCite['Volume']." ".$arrCite['Reporter']."*** ".$arrCite['Page'].")";
	$dupList[] = $name[0]." (".$arrCite['Volume']." ".$arrCite['Reporter']."*** ".$arrCite['Page'].")";
	*  gather the footnote text
	foreach ($xpath->query($xpathFoots) as $foot){
		if(trim($foot->nodeValue) != "Notes:"){
			if(preg_match ("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) \<ref\> ([0-9a-z\*]+) \<\/ref\>/",$foot->nodeValue,$match)) {
				if(!isset($arr["$match[1]"])) { 
					$arr["$match[1]"] = array($match[2], ltrim(preg_replace("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) \<ref\> ([0-9a-z\*]+) \<\/ref\>[\n\t]*/","\n{{note|$2|$2}}",$foot->nodeValue)));
	if($arrCite["Reporter"] == "U.S.") {
		$court = "United States Supreme Court";
	* 	gather syllabus
	$txts = $xpath->query($xpathSyllabus);
	foreach ($txts as $txt) {
		$syll = trim($txt->nodeValue);
		$p1 = $name[1];
		$p2 = $name[2];
			preg_match("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) Ref ([0-9\*]+) Ref/",$p1,$matches);
				$name[1][0] = trim(preg_replace("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) Ref ([0-9a-z\*]+) Ref/","\n{{note|$2|$2}}",$p1));
				$offset = $matches[1]."_ref";
					$foundFoot = $arr[$offset][1];
					$SyllabusNotes = $SyllabusNotes . "\n" . ltrim($foundFoot);
			preg_match("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) Ref ([0-9a-z\*]+) Ref/",$p2,$matches);
				$name[1][1] = trim(preg_replace("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) Ref ([0-9a-z\*]+) Ref/","\n{{note|$2|$2}}",$p2));
					$offset = $matches[1]."_ref";
						$foundFoot = $arr[$matches[1]."_ref"][1];
					$SyllabusNotes = $SyllabusNotes . "\n" . ltrim($foundFoot);
		preg_match_all("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) \<ref\> ([0-9a-z\*]+) \<\/ref\>/",$syll,$matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
		foreach($matches as $match){
			$foundFoot = $arr[$match[1]."_ref"][1];
			$syll = trim(preg_replace("/([#-_a-z0-9]*) \<ref\> ([0-9a-z\*]+) \<\/ref\>/","{{ref|$2}}",$syll));
			$SyllabusNotes = $SyllabusNotes . "\n" . ltrim($foundFoot);
		$Syllabus = $Syllabus . $syll;
	foreach(categoryGuess($Syllabus,$catlist) as $cat) {
			$Cats = "";
		$Cats = $Cats . $cat . " ";
	$txts = $xpath->query($xpathParagraph);
	$cite_list = array();
	* 	gather opinions
	* Opinions are split into the Opinion of the Court, Dissents, and Concurrences
	* according to regular expressions. The phrases are pretty consistent, but
	* unfortunately not all the same.
	*  Concurrences:
	*   ^justice ([a-z']+)\, concurring
	*   ^justice ([a-z']+)\, with .* concurring( in the judgment)*
	*  Dissents:
	*   ^mr\. justice ([a-z]+), with .* dissenting
	*   ^justice ([a-z']+)\, dissenting\.
	*   ^justice ([a-z']+),* with .* dissenting\.
	*   ^justice ([a-z]+)\, joined .* dissenting\.$
	foreach ($txts as $txt) {
		$paragraph = $txt->nodeValue;
		* get rid of paragraph numbers
		$paragraph = preg_replace("/[0-9]+\n/","",$paragraph);
		$paragraph = preg_replace("/[0-9]+\n\n/","",$paragraph);
		$paragraphlower = strtolower($paragraph);
		$paragraphLowerCase = strtolower($paragraph);
		* clean up potential miswikification
		$paragraph = preg_replace('/[\n]*\*/','<nowiki>*</nowiki>',$paragraph);
		* Count each concurrence by matching the start of each line against
		* an expression in $concurrenceExpressionArray
		* in a nine person court, there may be up to eight concurrences...
		$concurrenceExpressionsArray = array(
			"/^justice ([a-z']+)\, concurring/",
			"/^justice ([a-z']+)\, with .* concurring( in the judgment)*/"
		foreach($concurrenceExpressionsArray as $concurrenceExpression){
				foreach($matchedNames as $lastName){
						$lastNameArray[] = $lastName;  
				$concurrenceCount = $concurrenceCount +1;
		* When no concurrence or dissent is counted, the paragraph
		* belongs to the opinion
		if($concurrenceCount == 0&&$dissentCount == 0) {
			$OpinionOfCourt_Notes = $OpinionOfCourt_Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);	
			$OpinionOfCourt = $OpinionOfCourt ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));		
		* add each paragraph to the proper concurrence
			case 1:
				$ConNotes = $ConNotes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Con = $Con ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$ConAuthorFullName = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNameArray[0])]);
			case 2:
				$Con2Notes = $Con2Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Con2 = $Con2 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Con2AuthorFullName = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNameArray[1])]);
			case 3:
				$Con3Notes = $Con3Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Con3 = $Con3 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Con3AuthorFullName = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNameArray[2])]);
			case 4:
				$Con4Notes = $Con4Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Con4 = $Con4 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Con4AuthorFullName = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNameArray[3])]);
			case 5:
				$Con5Notes = $Con5Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Con5 = $Con5 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Con5AuthorFullName = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNameArray[4])]);
			case 6:
				$Con6Notes = $Con6Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Con6 = $Con6 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Con6AuthorFullName = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNameArray[5])]);
			case 7:
				$Con7Notes = $Con7Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Con7 = $Con7 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Con7AuthorFullName = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNameArray[6])]);
			case 8:
				$Con8Notes = $Con8Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Con8 = $Con8 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Con8AuthorFullName = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNameArray[7])]);

		* Count each dissent by matching the start of each line against
		* an expression in $dissentExpressionArray
		* there are only four possible dissents.
		$dissentExpressionsArray = array(
			"/^mr\. justice ([a-z]+), with .* dissenting/",
			"/^justice ([a-z']+)\, dissenting\./",
			"/^justice ([a-z']+),* with .* dissenting\./",
			"/^chief justice ([a-z']+)[,]* with .* dissenting\./",
			"/^justice ([a-z]+)\, joined .* dissenting\.$/"
		foreach($dissentExpressionsArray as $dissentExpression){
				foreach($match as $E){
						$lastNamed[] = $E; 
				$dissentCount = $dissentCount +1;	
				$concurrenceCount = 0;
			case 1:
				$DisNotes = $DisNotes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Dis = $Dis ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$DissentAuthor = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNamed[0])]);
			case 2:
				$Dis2Notes = $Dis2Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Dis2 = $Dis2 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Dissent2Author = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNamed[1])]);
			case 3:
				$Dis3Notes = $Dis3Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Dis3 = $Dis3 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Dissent3Author = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNamed[2])]);
			case 4:
				$Dis4Notes = $Dis4Notes . opinionFootnotesFormat($paragraph,$arr);
				$Dis4 = $Dis4 ."\n\n". trim(opinionParagraphRefs($paragraph));
				$Dissent4Author = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($lastNamed[3])]);
	$OpName = $name[0];
	* wpiwl: Wikipedia Interwiki Link
	$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["wpiwl"] = wikiCheckPageExistence($OpName, "wikipedia");	
	* attempt to determine the author of each opinion
	$lowersyll = strtolower($Syllabus);
	* use $caseAuthorExpressionArray/$dissentAuthorExpressionArray/
	* $concurrenceAuthorExpressionArray to match an author in the
	* syllabus
	$caseAuthorExpressionArray = array(
		"/[j]ustice ([a-z]+) delivered/",
		"/([A-Z']+), J., delivered the opinion/"
	foreach($caseAuthorExpressionArray as $caseAuthorExpression){
		if(isset($match[1])) {
			$CaseAuthorFullName = multiAuthorName($year,$authorByName[strtolower($match[1])]);
	if(!isset($CaseAuthorFullName)) { $CaseAuthorFullName = ""; }
	$dissentAuthorExpressionArray = array(
		"/([a-z']+), j., filed a dissenting/",
		"/([a-z]+), c.j., filed a dissenting/"
	foreach($dissentAuthorExpressionArray as $dissentAuthorExpression){
		foreach($authorArray[1] as $author){
			$dissentAuthor[] = ucfirst(strtolower(trim($author)));
			$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][] = ucfirst(strtolower(trim($author)));
	$concurrenceAuthorExpressionArray = array(
		"/([A-Za-z']+), J., filed a concurring/",
		"/([A-Za-z']+), J., filed an opinion concurring/"
	foreach($concurrenceAuthorExpressionArray as $concurrenceAuthorExpression){
		foreach($authorArray[1] as $author){
			$concurrenceAuthor[] = ucfirst(strtolower(trim($author)));
			$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][] = ucfirst(strtolower(trim($author)));
	if(preg_match("/per curiam/",strtolower($syll))&&!isset($CaseAuthorFullName)){
		$perCuriam = "yes";
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["perCuriam"] = "yes";
		$perCuriam = "";
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["perCuriam"] = "";
	* if we found an opinion but couldn't determine the author from the syllabus,
	* determine the author from the first line of the opinion.
	if($Dis != ""&&!isset($dissentAuthor[0])){
		$missingDissent = 1;
		$dissentAuthor[0] = strstr($DissentAuthor," ");
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][0] = $dissentAuthor[0];
	}elseif($Dis == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][0] = "";
	if($Dis2 != ""&&!isset($dissentAuthor[1])){
		$missingDissent = 1;
		$dissentAuthor[1] = strstr($Dissent2Author," ");
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][1] = $dissentAuthor[1];
	}elseif($Dis2 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][1] = "";
	if($Dis3 != ""&&!isset($dissentAuthor[2])){
		$missingDissent = 1;
		$dissentAuthor[2] = strstr($Dissent3Author," ");
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][2] = $dissentAuthor[2];
	}elseif($Dis3 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][2] = "";
	if($Dis4 != ""&&!isset($dissentAuthor[3])){
		$missingDissent = 1;
		$dissentAuthor[3] = strstr($Dis4Author," ");
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][3] = $dissentAuthor[3];
	}elseif($Dis4 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["dissentAuthorLastName"][3] = "";
	if($Con != ""&&!isset($concurrenceAuthor[0])){
		$concurrenceAuthor[0] = ucfirst(strtolower($lastNameArray[0]));
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][0] = $concurrenceAuthor[0];
	}elseif($Con == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][0] = "";
	if($Con2 != ""&&!isset($concurrenceAuthor[1])){
		$concurrenceAuthor[1] = ucfirst(strtolower($lastNameArray[1]));
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][1] = $concurrenceAuthor[1];
	}elseif($Con2 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][1] = "";
	if($Con3 != ""&&!isset($concurrenceAuthor[2])){
		$concurrenceAuthor[2] = ucfirst(strstr($Con3Author," "));
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][2] = $concurrenceAuthor[2];
	}elseif($Con3 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][2] = "";
	if($Con4 != ""&&!isset($concurrenceAuthor[3])){
		$missingConcurrence = 1;
		$concurrenceAuthor[3] = ucfirst(strstr($Con4Author," "));
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][3] = $concurrenceAuthor[3];
	}elseif($Con4 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][3] = "";
	if($Con5 != ""&&!isset($concurrenceAuthor[4])){
		$missingConcurrence = 1;
		$concurrenceAuthor[4] = ucfirst(strstr($Con5Author," "));
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][4] = $concurrenceAuthor[4];
	}elseif($Con5 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][4] = "";
	if($Con6 != ""&&!isset($concurrenceAuthor[5])){
		$missingConcurrence = 1;
		$concurrenceAuthor[5] = ucfirst(strstr($Con6Author," "));
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][5] = $concurrenceAuthor[5];
	}elseif($Con6 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][5] = "";
	if($Con7 != ""&&!isset($concurrenceAuthor[6])){
		$missingConcurrence = 1;
		$concurrenceAuthor[6] = ucfirst(strstr($Con7Author," "));
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][6] = $concurrenceAuthor[6];
	}elseif($Con7 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][6] = "";
	if($Con8 != ""&&!isset($concurrenceAuthor[7])){
		$missingConcurrence = 1;
		$concurrenceAuthor[7] = ucfirst(strstr($Con8Author," "));
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][7] = $concurrenceAuthor[7];
	}elseif($Con8 == ""){
		$TemplateUSSCcaseValues["concurrenceAuthorLastName"][7] = "";
	* clean up openjurist cites
	$decdate = str_replace("Decided ","",$decdate);
	$decdate = str_replace(".","",$decdate);
	$docket = str_replace("No. ","",$docket);
	$docket = str_replace(".","",$docket);
	$court = str_replace(".","",$court);
	* let's see if there is a cite in the title
	$cite = strstr($pg_title,",");
		$s = explode(" ",$cite);
		if ($s[1]!=""){
			$ctvol = $s[1];
			$ctrep = $s[2];
			$ctpg = $s[3];
	* what is missing from the metadata?
	if(!isset($court)){$missing=$missing . "<li>court</li>";}
	if(!isset($arrCite["Volume"])){$missing=$missing . "<li>volume</li>";}
	if(!isset($arrCite["Reporter"])){$missing=$missing . "<li>reporter</li>";}
	if(!isset($arrCite["Page"])){$missing=$missing . "<li>page</li>";}
	if(!isset($name)){$missing=$missing . "<li>case name</li>";}
	if(!isset($courtbelow)){$missing=$missing . "<li>lower court</li>";}
	if(!isset($argdate)){$missing=$missing . "<li>date argued</li>";}
	if(!isset($decdate)){$missing=$missing . "<li>date decided</li>";}
	if(!isset($docket)){$missing=$missing . "<li>docket</li>";}
	if(!isset($CaseAuthorFullName)&&$perCuriam==false){$missing=$missing . "<li>author of the opinion of the court</li>";}
	// if(!isset($arr)){$missing=$missing . "<li>no footnotes?</li>";}
	if(isset($idhunter)){$missing=$missing . "<li>Identified some id. links. Note: This can only figure out links referring to citations in the same paragraph.</li>";}
	if(!isset($concurrenceCount)){$missing=$missing . "<li>No dissent/concurrence?</li>";}
	if($dissent == 1) {$notices = $notices."<li>The syllabus mentions a dissenting opinion</li>";}
	if($perCuriam == 1) {$notices = $notices."<li>The opinion of the court was decided per curiam</li>";}
	if($missingDissent == true) {$notices = $notices."<li>Unknown Dissent Author; is there a dissent mentioned in the syllabus?</li>";}
	if($missingConcurrence == true) {$notices = $notices."<li>Unknown Dissent Author; is there a concurrence mentioned in the syllabus?</li>";}
	$name = str_replace("/>","",$name);
	$name = str_replace("v."," v. ",$name);
	$arrCite['Volume'] = str_replace("[[","",$arrCite['Volume']);
	$arrCite['Page'] = str_replace("]]","",$arrCite['Page']);
	$articlesList[] = $OpName;
	$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$OpName;
	$articlesList[] = $OpName."/Opinion of the Court";
	$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$OpName."/Opinion of the Court";
		$ParallelCites[0] = "{{Parallel reporter|".$casecite2."}}\n";
		$ParallelCites[1] = "{{Parallel reporter|".$casecite3."}}\n";
	* we will say the case author is the author the syllabus
	$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"] = $CaseAuthorFullName;
	* none of the values in $TemplateCaseCaptionValues will change between the opinion, concurrence
	* or dissent
	$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["court"] = $court;
	$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["arrCite"] = $arrCite;
	$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["court"] = $name;
	$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["name"] = $name;
	$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["courtbelow"] = $courtbelow;
	$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["argdate"] = $argdate;
	$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["decdate"] = $decdate;
	$TemplateCaseCaptionValues["docket"] = $docket;
	$SyllabusBody["mainText"] = $Syllabus;
	$SyllabusBody["notes"] = $SyllabusNotes;
	$SyllabusBody["Cats"] = $Cats;
	$fullText[] = buildPage("Syllabus",$name, null, $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $SyllabusBody, $ParallelCites);
	$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Syllabus", $name, null, $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	$CourtOpinionBody["mainText"] = $OpinionOfCourt;
	$CourtOpinionBody["notes"] = $OpinionOfCourt_Notes;
	$fullText[] = buildPage("Opinion of the Court",$name, null, $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $CourtOpinionBody, $ParallelCites);
	$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Opinion of the Court", $name, null, $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Con != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[0];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[0];
		$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"] = $ConAuthorFullName;
		$ConBody["mainText"] = $Con;
		$ConBody["notes"] = $ConNotes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Concurrence",$name, $concurrenceAuthor[0], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $ConBody, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Concurrence", $name, $concurrenceAuthor[0], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Con2 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[1];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[1];
		$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"] = $Con2AuthorFullName;
		$Con2Body["mainText"] = $Con2;
		$Con2Body["notes"] = $Con2Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Concurrence",$name, $concurrenceAuthor[1], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Con2Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Concurrence", $name, $concurrenceAuthor[1], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Con3 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[2];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[2];
		$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"] = $Con3AuthorFullName;
		$Con3Body["mainText"] = $Con3;
		$Con3Body["notes"] = $Con3Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Concurrence",$name, $concurrenceAuthor[2], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Con3Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Concurrence", $name, $concurrenceAuthor[2], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Con4 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[3];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[3];
		$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"] = $Con4AuthorFullName;
		$Con4Body["mainText"] = $Con4;
		$Con4Body["notes"] = $Con4Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Concurrence",$name, $concurrenceAuthor[3], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Con4Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Concurrence", $name, $concurrenceAuthor[3], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Con5 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[4];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[4];
		$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"] = $Con5AuthorFullName;
		$Con5Body["mainText"] = $Con5;
		$Con5Body["notes"] = $Con5Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Concurrence",$name, $concurrenceAuthor[4], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Con35Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Concurrence", $name, $concurrenceAuthor[4], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);

	if($Con6 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[5];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[5];
		$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"] = $Con6AuthorFullName;
		$Con6Body["mainText"] = $Con6;
		$Con6Body["notes"] = $Con6Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Concurrence",$name, $concurrenceAuthor[5], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Con6Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Concurrence", $name, $concurrenceAuthor[5], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Con7 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[6];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[6];
		$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"] = $Con7AuthorFullName;
		$Con7Body["mainText"] = $Con7;
		$Con7Body["notes"] = $Con7Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Concurrence",$name, $concurrenceAuthor[6], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Con7Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Concurrence", $name, $concurrenceAuthor[6], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Con8 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[7];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Concurrence ".$concurrenceAuthor[7];
		$TemplateHeaderValues["AuthorFullName"] = $Con8AuthorFullName;
		$Con8Body["mainText"] = $Con8;
		$Con8Body["notes"] = $Con8Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Concurrence",$name, $concurrenceAuthor[7], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Con8Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Concurrence", $name, $concurrenceAuthor[7], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Dis != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Dissent ".$dissentAuthor[0];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Dissent ".$dissentAuthor[0];
		$DisBody["mainText"] = $Dis;
		$DisBody["notes"] = $DisNotes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Dissent",$name, $dissentAuthor[0], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $DisBody, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Dissent", $name, $dissentAuthor[0], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Dis2 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Dissent ".$dissentAuthor[1];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Dissent ".$dissentAuthor[1];
		$Dis2Body["mainText"] = $Dis2;
		$Dis2Body["notes"] = $Dis2Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Dissent",$name, $dissentAuthor[1], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Dis2Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Dissent", $name, $dissentAuthor[1], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Dis3 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Dissent ".$dissentAuthor[2];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Dissent ".$dissentAuthor[2];
		$Dis3Body["mainText"] = $Dis3;
		$Dis3Body["notes"] = $Dis3Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Dissent",$name, $dissentAuthor[2], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Dis3Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Dissent", $name, $dissentAuthor[2], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	if($Dis4 != false) {
		$articlesList[] = $name[0]."/Dissent ".$dissentAuthor[3];
		$articlesList[] = "Talk:".$name[0]."/Dissent ".$dissentAuthor[3];
		$Dis4Body["mainText"] = $Dis4;
		$Dis4Body["notes"] = $Dis4Notes;
		$fullText[] = buildPage("Dissent",$name, $dissentAuthor[3], $TemplateHeaderValues, $TemplateUSSCcaseValues, $TemplateCaseCaptionValues, $Dis2Body, $ParallelCites);
		$fullText[] = buildTalkPage("Dissent", $name, $dissentAuthor[3], $contributor, $decdate, $arrCite);
	* run through wikifyCite
	$fullStr= implode("******",$fullText);
	$fullArray = wikifyCite($fullStr, 0);
	$fullArray = str_replace("U.S.***","U.S.",$fullArray); // so it is not mistaken as a citation
	$name[0] = str_replace("U.S.***","U.S.",$name[0]);
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	$fullText[] = "{{-start-}}
	'''".$arrCite['Volume']." ".$arrCite['Reporter']." ".$arrCite['Page']."'''
	#REDIRECT [[".$name[0]."]]
	* if there are additional cites to this case, make redirects
		$articlesList[] = $casecite2;
		$fullText[] = "{{-start-}}
		#REDIRECT [[".$name[0]."]]
		$articlesList[] = $casecite3;
		$fullText[] = "{{-start-}}
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return array($fullText, $articlesList);
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* URL specified by batch.php?us=[url]
* Multiple URLS can be specified by seperating with a |

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