Washington Historical Quarterly/Volume 15/Books on the Pacific Northwest for Small Libraries review

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Washington Historical Quarterly, Volume 15
Books on the Pacific Northwest for Small Libraries review by Charles W. Smith
3843526Washington Historical Quarterly, Volume 15 — Books on the Pacific Northwest for Small Libraries reviewCharles W. Smith

Books on the Pacific Northwest for Small Libraries. By Eleanor Ruth Rockwood. (New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1923. Pp. 55. 75 cents.)

As indicated by the title, this list of books on the Pacific Northwest has been prepared for the small library. It contains some 225 entries of the most useful and accessible books. Its chief value lies in the careful selection that has been made from the large number of titles in this field. It gives moreover useful annotations to all items and furnishes trade information, including an estimate of prices on the out-of-print books. Although intended primarily for the small library, it will be serviceable to all libraries and will prove to be of very great usefulness to private collectors of Pacific Northwest Americana.

The work is arranged by subject under some twenty main heads. A table of contents and an author index is furnished. It is well printed and may serve as a model for future publications of its kind. The Pacific Northwest Library Association is responsible for the publication of this admirable book list, but chief credit is due to the compiler whose bibliographic judgment is based on many years of successful work as reference librarian in the Library Association of Portland.