Wikisource:News/2007-05-01/Wikimedia report

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Wikisource News
Wikimedia report
by Pathoschild, 01 May 2007

This is a compilation of Wikimedia news covering January to May 2007. See also a similar compilation of Wikisource news and technical news.



New restrictions for users with access to nonpublic data


The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees has passed a resolution requiring that users with access to nonpublic data be of the age of majority and provide proof of identity. These restrictions were applied to Stewards in the second 2006 elections, but now apply to users with checkuser or oversight access, Foundation email response volunteers using OTRS, and developers with database access. This does not affect administrators and bureaucrats.

Affected users must provide the required information to Cary Bass, the volunteer coordinator, or lose their access.[1][2]

See also:

New Wikimedia licensing policy


The Wikimedia Board of Trustees has passed a resolution defining the licensing policy for its projects. The policy requires that content be released under a 'free license' as defined. It heavily restricts content under nonfree licenses such as fair use or noncommercial-only conditions. All content added after 23 March 2007 that violates the policy may be summarily deleted.[3]

Advisory board


The Board of Trustees announced the creation of an Advisory Board, described as "an international network of experts who have agreed to give the Foundation meaningful help on a regular basis in many different areas, including law, organizational development, technology, policy, and outreach."

The board is currently chaired by Angela Beesley, former member of the Board of Trustees, and includes wiki inventor Ward Cunningham and Nomic creator Peter Suber.

Board of Trustees reorganized

  • New members
    • Jan-Bart de Vreede (Vice Chair).[4]
    • Carolyn Doran (Chief Operations Officer). She was already working for Wikimedia on accounting matters, and the hiring made this permanent. She is responsible for administration, personnel, and day-to-day finances.[4]
    • Sandra Ordonez (Communications Manager). She has background in public relations, and will focus on press relations and other communications issues.[4]
  • Former members
    • Brad Patrick left his post as interim Executive Director and later resigned as General Counsel. Although he did not offer a reason in his public resignation as General Counsel, he later criticized the board's legitimacy in an interview: "I've said before that the board could just as soon have a pie-eating contest or flip a coin or Tiddly Wink to determine who the next board member would be and it would have the same legitimacy as an election."[5][6]



Board elections for June 2007


New board elections will be held in June 2007 to replace Erik Möller (Eloquence), Kat Walsh (mindspillage), and Oscar van Dillen (Oscar). A minor debate flared recently over revelations that live election results were released to the then-current board a week before the elections were closed. Tim Starling, the developer who coded the boardvote software, suggests the next elections be administered by an uninvolved third-party on external servers to prevent future conflicts of interest.

An elections committee is being set up to plan and run the elections process; interested users should see the announcement.[7][8]

Wikimania for August 2007


Wikimania, an annual international Wikimedia conference, will be held in Taipei, Taiwan from 03–05 August 2007. Online registration is open until 30 July 2007, with discounts for Wikimedia community members. You may also apply for accommodation at the conference center (for 31 July–05 August) and visa assistance for overseas travel. See the registration page for more information.

Related events include Hacking Days, a preconference for developers on 01 and 02 August 2007. Hacking Days Extra and Citizen Journalism Unconference will be held on 02 August.

Users interested in making presentations have until 15 May to submit their ideas. See the call for participation for more information.[9]


  1. "WMF resolution on access to non-public data passed" (Foundation-l, April 2007)
  2. Wikizine #69 (May 2007)
  3. Wikizine #66 (March 2007)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 "Foundation names advisory board, new hires" (Wikipedia Signpost, 29 January 2007)
  5. "Patrick and Wool resign in office shakeup" (Wikipedia Signpost, 26 March 2007)
  6. "Foundation organizational changes enacted" (Wikipedia Signpost, 05 February 2007)
  7. "Leak last year likely to produce changes for handling next board election" (Wikipedia Signpost, April 2007)
  8. "Election Notice" (Foundation-l, May 2007)
  9. "Wikimania 2007: Registration and Call for Participation" (Wikipedia Signpost, 12 March 2007)