Page:Life in Java Volume 2.djvu/102

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Avere many articles of curiosity and vertu, and the Malls Avere hung with Dutch, French, and English engravings.

A flight of steps on one side conducted us to a platform, leading into three small side-rooms, which are only made use of on the occasion of a wedding. The centre or principal one is appro- priated to any legitimate male or female child of the Munko-Xegoro on the bridal night, whilst the two smaller ones are for his children by bondays, or concubines, on similar occasions.

From this room we were conducted by a side door into a large garden, suiTOunded by two low ranges of houses, in which the women of the seraglio, with their children and attendants, live. We did not see any of these females, however, as they arc always kc])t in seclusion, only the one lawful wife being ever seen in public. I remarked in the garden one very fine Kamoony tree, the flower of which is white, and very fragi'ant.

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