Page:Life in Java Volume 2.djvu/119

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the ladder then placed it before the first lamp, and his companion put the light on the top step. Now, thought I, they will certainly proceed with the business in hand. But no; more yet remained to be done. Turning their faces to the empty chair, they knelt, bowed, and elevated their hands. One of them finally ascended the ladder, which was held for him by the other, and, while actually trinuning the lamp, repeated the same forms Avliich had l)een already more than once observed. On descending, they went through a similar series of genufiexions, &c., before removing the ladder and light to the next lamp. These obeisances, with all the mechanical patience of automatons, they re- ])eated until the tedious work was done, when they retired Itackwards, saluting the unconscious monarcli.

As no iiiaii except the Stdtan Is j)ennitted with- in the ])reciiicts of the seraglio, I will here insert a descrij)tion from the j)en of my wife, who, by the

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