Page:Life in Java Volume 2.djvu/131

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undertaking, and the young girl promised to bring two krisses one for him, and the other for her- self.

Silently, but -with a heart full of joy, the cap- tive broke asunder the now slender link of his chain, and the fragments fell to the ground with a crash which made him tremble lest he had been too precipitate. But the sound died away, and the unbroken silence of night succeeded. When he felt once more secure, he fell at the feet of his deliverer and poured forth his gratitude fur her generous aid; bnt she, knowing the necessity for haste, bade him be sik'Ut, and taking his hand, prepared to leave the spot. Iler anxiety for his safety, however, made her st()[) suddenly at the rustling of some branches behind them; hut hei' feai's were s(joii allayed by the siglit of a mot^'^ang Of wild cat running j)ast them, an object wiiich the girl, in her superstitious fancy, regarded as a good omen. Hastening by circuitous routes and

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