Page:Life in Java Volume 2.djvu/252

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articles are not unlike those we ourselves have adopted from the Romans.

By six o'clock next morning we were on our way to Banjoemas, a town in the Residency of the same name. The roads on this route were very heavy and hilly, in consequence of which buffaloes were again brought into requisition. When we arrived, we drove up to the house of the Regent, with whom we breakfasted. Radhen Adipatti Jakra Negara, for such was his name, spoke with great pride of the visit of Sir Stamford Raffles to his father, which he well remembered, his present house being then in course of completion. What struck his then boyish mind was the manner in which the active governor, in some mountain excursions they made, outstripped his suite of gentlemen and attendants.

We were informed by him that Banjoemas had recently been the scene of fearful inundations, in consequence of the river Serayu having overflowed