Page:Life in Java Volume 2.djvu/269

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huts belonging both to Javanese and Sundanese, the population along the whole road being much mixed. I could see no difference in physiognomy between these two races, thoufrh, as a general rule, the Sundanese are stouter built, and their muscles better developed.

The most prominent object in the view before us was the Tanko-ljcn-Prau, or the inverted boat, so called from its resemblance to a boat with its keel up- wards. When we reached Lembang, the mountain seemed quite close to us, though still fully five miles off. To our left, covered with a forest of thick trees, we saw the Bourang-rang, a mountain about the same lieight as the Tanko-ben-Prau, while to the east our eyes ran along the Samadung chain.

Having mounted the first ponies that were ready tor us, we were soon galloj)ing over a well-beaten path leading to the J*rau. We passed along under an a\eime of widL'-sprcading trees, upon the trunks and branches of which hung air plants, or orchids,

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