Page:Memoir upon the negotiations between Spain and the United States of America which led to the treaty of 1819.djvu/110

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��as follow: the salary of the President is 25,000 dollars per annum; that of the Vice President, five thousand; of the Secretary of State, six thousand; and of the Secretaries of the Treasury, War and Navy, the same. All the officers, clerks and mes- sengers of the State Department, cost no more than 12,096 dollars a year. In the whole department of the Treasury and its branches, including the sa- lary of the minister and his clerks, the annual ex- pense is no more than 112,063 dollars. The War Department, w ith all its offices, clerks, accomptants, messengers, dependents, &c. costs annually 83,875 dollars. The Navy Department, with all that be- longs to it, costs 45,330; and the Post Office esta- blishment, with all its clerks and dependents, 34,595_-total 322,925 dollars. The Senators, with their Secretary, officers and clerks, 10,150 — the House of Representatives 16,600 dollars.^" All the tribunals of justice, magistrates, judges, attornies and dependents, paivl by the general go-

��* The author has made an enormousmistake in the ex- penses of Congress, into which he was, pet^aps, led, by the never ending cry of that body for economy. Don Onis, no doubt, thought it impossible, that these servaUs of the pub- lick, with the charge of extravagance continually in their mouths all other publick functionaries, sUuld them- selves receive a compensation, amounting to coi^jderably more than half the sum which he has stated as th^ annual expense of our government. T.


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