Page:Montesquieu - The spirit of laws.djvu/435

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Book XVII.
Chap. 5.
the conqueros. This is at this day plainly seen in that vast country called Chinese Tartary, which is governed by the emperor with a power almost as despotic as that of China itself, and which he every day extends by his conquests.

We may likewise see in the history of China, that the emperors[1] sent Chinese colonies into Tartary. These Chinese are become Tartars, and the mortal enemies of China; but this does not prevent their carrying into Tartary, the spirit of the Chinese government.

A part of the Tartars who have conquered, have very often been themselves driven out; when they have carried into their deserts that servile spirit which they had acquired in the climate of slavery. The history of China furnishes us with great examples of this, as does also our ancient[2] history.

From hence it proceeds that the genius of the Getic or Tartarian nation, has always resembled that of the empires of Asia. The people in these are governed by the cudgel; the people in Tartary by long whips. The spirit of Europe has always been contrary to these manners; and in all ages what the people of Asia have called punishment, the people of Europe have called the most outragious abuse[3].

The Tartars who destroyed the Grecian empire, established in the conquered countries, slavery and despotic power; the Goths conquering the Roman

  1. As Voury V. emperor of the fifth Dynasty.
  2. The Scythians three times conquered Asia, and were three times driven from thence. Justin, 1. 2.
  3. This is no way contrary to what I shall say in the 28th book chap. 23. concerning the manner of thinking among the German nations, in respect to the cudgel; let the instrument be what it will, the power or action of beating, was always considered by them as an affront.