Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1764

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e cy appropna on err services appropna n or ing M

as counsel of International Joint lands of- ..... -... .......... 467, 946 — Commhsion- ..... - ...... - ...,. 864 for pgment to, from tribal fund; of ¥“’,.»,,.’“t"°,.,,.,..""’ ’}“,.,...'*‘ Si?,.,.h’-· N me { “‘°"°‘.§‘.i*‘*"iE.":f‘;,"‘ °‘ "*“‘·· 2%% 3% ou n , . ., nom aocru in --...,- ..... , Mappropriationn Jer maintenance, etc., Ukiah, Calif., , _ . .»¤f,--¤..-a..-..--- ..... -- ..... .. 472, 951 appropriatum for expenses,,.~Interna· Tur4;;g:;ee&_Alo., wd _ U·wmi;1Konsli0b5rsrvatory»at- ..... 362, 1213 we ·a¤n T U ‘ WNW Wn · V ° · road ’Company over eterans’ appropriation Ofor support, etc., of In- Bureau hospital grounds at .... - 790 dians at ..,,............... 474, 954 Tuskegee Railroad Company v I n Umatilla I Prqiect, Oreg., i granted easement over lands of Vet- appropriation for maintenance, etc., of; w _, . . ., . A _ sums uc rom ..... - T de. $z.'$,‘?“Ar%"’°i$‘“a·“° “`“°"°‘°°· ‘“‘· 7*** ` d‘£°"€:§i°° ‘*83· 222 ·appropBiaptg>n giving, Taylor to 1304 suspension of specified construction 646 Hf .. ....- ---···--···· 1. .... ..5- ........ --..--..- Twelfth Street N E., D. G., Umpqua Harbor and River, Oreg., appropriation for etc., Rhode improvement of, authorised .......... · 1014 Island Avenue to onroe Street; Umpqua, Oreg., from fund-.--- .... 1305 preliminary examination, etc., of Har- Twolfth Street W., D. C., bor and River to be made ..... 1021 appropriation for widening and repav· Uncovapahgre Irrigation Project, Utah, - infroadway, E Street to Penn- appropriation for maintenance, etc; sy vania Avenue; from gasoline of ................ - ........ 480, 958 taxfund .......... - .......... 1307 investigation of feasibili3• of dis- Twelfth Strut SW., D. C., _ continuing operation portion appropriation for paving E to Water of, and removing water users - Streets; from gesolirmetaxfund- 1305 elsewhere .............. - ..... 480 dedeiency ayépropriation for resurfac- sums deducted from total cost of .... 646 ing,E treetto Maryland Avenue 847 suspension of speciiied construction permission granted Washington Market ’ . charges ...................... 646 Company to lay a refrigeration Uneompahgre Ute Indiana, Utah, conduitacross and under ...... 698 appropriation for inigating allotted Twenty-eight Hour Law, Animal Trane- . landsof ..........,.. e ..... 467, 946 portation, . _ for payment to, from tribal funds of T appropriation for ........ 505, 982 Confedei:itsd of Utes-

 Stroet ., . . romaecru inres .......... ,

appropriation for grading, D. Street to Undarsecretary of Slate, mutherly park driveway, to W a propriation for ................ 330, 1179 Street- ........... - .......... 425 Ungersecretary of the Treasury, ~ !'n:enty-fourth Strod N W.,,D. C. appropriation for ............ .,--- 136, 1027 appropriation for paving, M to N Uniforss State Laws, National Conference Streets; from ?801lI18¤tBX fund- 426 of Cannniseioneru on, Tagmgynimh Street N _ Dag'., ‘_ Uappropriition for support, etc .-... 424, 1304 e cienc a pro on or paving, ni omg, nn i T #ood'lgy t0gslévcrt Street. 166 oii-ter ulsgziiilxigyof agoenggted ugon wsnty-e r — ., . . . . ge, or ’ appropriation for paving, llionroe 60 use .--...--...-...... 891 Otis Streets ..... '••·—-J--••-v- .... 1304 Uniforms, Army and Navy, for paving, Otis to Qusneg Streets; sale of exterior articles of, authorised to from gasolineytax fun ...-. -- - 1307 ° honorably separated members of Twine and {ying Devices, Postal Sernos, 6 ---.-.... - -.--...-. 1096 T:6;;p a or .... ..t·. ......... ~ 1601051 provxsigns for 11.-:1691 wearing thereof 1097 ., I ·- n ----.-......-..-- preliminar’ examination, etc., of, to be disposal of money from ......-..--. 1097 maria"-, ..........-.-.---·-· 1018 Union and Confederate Armies, Typewritiétg M (ucc GG¤¢l‘&1 Supply appropgiatioz} fortecompgeting oomplla- 257 . _ s mmi . ion o ros r e ., o ..---..-. Typhus Fever. , _ Union Station Plaza, C'., sppmp:-iiatipn for prevention of erilig 1038 appropriatiopufor operating, etc., fougg 1329 euuc.- --·- - ------ ·— ---—--- 1 . --.. ................ ,

Kingdorri (eee Great Britain)

( n ' ’ U of f aging! b banks tc 628 ‘ use ,as nessname, y ,e ., . or en .-....-............. Uintah Q’U·TG¥ A¤¢¤¢1l, Uhh. exception; r Government establish- appropnation or support, etc., of In- ments, scc ,____.-_---,,--,,-- 628 diana at .......-------- ---- 474, 954 United States Court for China, \¤!0'm* ¤P§1i°*·1i1° to 8**1*5 E¥P°¤· ` ·· ap ropriation for loss by exchange- 332, 1181 mental arm lsl1·R6l0!’V&t10n - 474, 954 ibr transportation and subsistence, Ugmah Coun"', Uhh, ohwrs of --.-- - ---..------ 334, 1183 ~ appropriation for aid to public schools for salaries and expenses .-...-.. 341, 1192 in, from Indian funds ...-- --- 471, 951 deficiency appropriation for -----.---. 189