Page:20th annual meet- League of American Wheelmen, Aug. 14th to 19th '99, Boston, Massachusetts.djvu/62

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Major Taylor



On the Garfield Park Track at Chicago, August 3d, reduced the recently established One Mile Record to

1:22 2-5

5 3-5 seconds better than the previous record, this being the greatest reduction ever made in the mile record since the advent of the pneumatic tire.

The second quarter was ridden in 19 1-5 and the three quarters in 59 3-5 seconds.

STEARNS chain-driven bicycles have always been fast, and it is not surprising that the Stearns Sager Gear Chainless has so well demonstrated its superiority. E. C. STEARNS & COMPANY, Syracuse, N. Y.

The SAGER GEAR is a bicycle propelling mechanism that cannot be equaled. Sager Gears are pre-eminent in smooth and easy-running qualities—absolutely no vibration. Comparison in strength and wearing qualities invited. The SAGER GEAR COMPANY, Rochester, N. Y.