Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1049

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RIGHTS, PETITION OF. see Petition.

RIGOB. JURIS. Lat. Strictness of law. utcb. 150. Distinguished from urutia cu.- ritt, favor of the court.

RIGOR MORTIS. In medical jurisprudence. Czulaucric rigidity; a rigidity or stiffening or the inuscuinr tissue and Jointa of the body, which sets in at a greater or less interval after death, but usually within a few hours, and which is one or the recognized tests of death.

RING. A clique; an exclusive combination ut persons for illegitimate or selfish purpose as to control elections or political affairs. distribute offices, obtain contracts, con- lml the market or the stock-exchange. etc. Sthonlheig v. Walker, 132 Cal. 224, 6-1 Pac. 290.

RING-DROPPING. A trick variously praehced One mode is as follows, the cir- cumstances being taken from 2 Blast, P. G. 678: The prisoner, with accompiices, being with their victim, pretend to find a ring wrapped in paper, appearing to be a jewelers rcu-ipt for a "rich, brilliant diamond ring." They offer to leave the ring with the victim if he will deposit some money and his watch as :1 security. He lays down his watch and money, is beckoned out or the room by one of the confederates, while the others take away his watch. etc. This is a luceny.

EINGING THE CHANGE. In criminal law. A trick practised by a criminal, by which. on receiving a good piece of money in payment of an article, he pretends it is not good, and. changing it. returns to the buyer a spurious coin. See 2 Leach 786; Bouvier.

RINGING ‘UP. A custom among Commission merchants and brokers (not unlike the cieoriug-house system) by which they ex- change contracts for sale against contracts for purchase, or reciprocally cancel such Contracis, adjust differences of price between lheniselves, and surrender margins. See \\-'ard v. Vosbnrgh (C. C.) 31 Fed. I2; Wiliiar r. Irwin. 30 Fed Cas. 38: Pardridge v. Gut- ler. 68 Ill. App. 573: Samuels v. Oliver, 130 Ill. 73, 22 N. E. 499.

RINGS, GIVING. In English practice. A custom observed by aerjeants at law, on being called to that degree or order. The rings are given to the judges, and bear certain mottoes, selected by the serjeant about to take the degree. Brown.

11101‘. In criminal law. A tumultuous disturbance of the peace by three persons or more, assembling together of their own authority, with an intent mutually to assist each uther against any who shall oppose

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—66



them, in the exetution of some enterprise of a private nature, and afterwards actually exetnting the same in a violent and turbulent manner, to the terror of the people, whether the act intended were of itself lawful ur nu-

lawful. Hawh. P. C. c. 65. § 1. And see State v. Stalcup. 23 N. C. 30. Am. Dec. '; Dixon v. State. 105 Ga. TNT. 31 S. E.

750; State v. Brazil, Rice (S. C.) 260: Marshall v. Buffalo. 50 App. Div. 149. 0-1 N. Y. Supp. 411; Aron v. "', 98 Win. 592, 74 N. W. 354, 40 L. R. A. 733': LyComiJ.\s' F. Ins. Co. v. Schvrenlt, 95 Pa. 96, 40 Am. Rep. 629.

Vvhen three or more persons together, and in a violent or tumultuous manner, assemble together to do an unlawful act, or together do a lawful act in an unlawful, violent. or tumultuous manner, to the disturbance of others, they are guilty of a riot. Rev. Code Iowa ISSO, § 4067.

.-\ny use of force or violence. disturbing the public pea(e, or any threat to use such mice or violence, if accompanied by immediate power of execution, by two or more persons acting together, and without authority of law. is a riot. Pen. (lode Cal. 5 404. —It.iot not. A celebrated English statute, which provides that, If any twelve persons or more are unlawfully assembled and disturbing the peace, any sheriff, under-shcrilif. justice of the peace, or mayor may, by proclamation, com.- mand them to disperse, (which is familiarly call- ed "reading the riot act.") and that if they refuse to obe.\' and remain together for the space of one hour after such proclamation, they are allsguiity m itiony. The act is 1 Geo. I. St. 2. c. .

RIOTOSI-'1. L. Lat. Riotously. A form- al and essential word in old indictments for riots. 2 Strange, 834.

RIOTOUS ASSEMBLY. In English criminal law. The unlawful ussembiing of twelve persons or more. to the disturbance of the peace, and not dispersing upon procla- nmtiou. 4 Bl. Comm. 142; 4 steph. Comm. 273. And see liiadisouville v. Bishop. 113 Ky. 106. 67 S. \'V. 269. 57 L. R. A. 130.

RIOTOUSLY. A technical word, prop- erly used in indictments for riot. It of itself implies force and violence 2 Chit. Grim. Law, 439.

RIPA. lot. The banks of a river, or the place beyond which the waters do not in their naturai course overflow.

RIPARIA. A medieval Latin word. which Lord Coke takes to mean water running between two banks; in other places it is rendered "hank."

RIPARIAN. Belonging or relating to the bank of a river; of or on the bank. Land lying beyond the natural watershed of a stre H1] is not "riparian." B-1lli_:ate v. Ir- vine. 124$ Cal. 35. 58 Pac. 442. 77 Am. St. Itep. 158. The term is sometimes used as re-