Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1214

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is called a "rector." Wharton. See Pinder

v. Barr, 4 El. .1. B1. 115.

—Vlcar general. An ecclesiastical officer

Echo %SSI5LB the archbishop in the discharge of 15 0 Ce.

VICARAGE. In English eccleslastical law, the living or beneficc of a vicar, as a parsonage in of a parson. 1 Bl. Comm. 3S7, 388.

VICARIAL TITHES. Petty or small tithes payable to the vicar. 2 Steph. Comm. 681.

VICARIO, etc. An ancient writ for a spiritual person imprisoned, upon forfeiture out a recognizance, etc. Reg. Orig. 147.

Vicariuu non habat vicarium. A deputy has not [cannot have] a deputy. A delegated power cannot be again delegated. Broom, Max. S30.

VICE. A fault, defect, or imperfection. In the civil iatv. redhihitory vices are such faults or imperfections in the suhjeci:-matter of :1 sale as will give the purchaser the right in return the nrticie and demand back the price.

VICE. Lat In the place or stead. Vice men’, in my place. -—Vice-admiral. An officer in the (English) navy next in rank after tbe_admiral.—Vice- admiralty courts. In English law. Courts ESlHlJilSl.ll‘(1 in the king‘s possessions beyond the seas u ith jurisdiction over maritime causes. in- ' ng those relating to prize. 3 Stepih Comm. 4.;-J. '. Comm. 60.—Vieo-chnxnberlain. A grant officer under the lord L-hnmlieriain, who, in the absence of the lord chambcrlain, has the coulnli und command at the 0fll(‘l,'l‘S appertzumng to that part of the royal household which is caiied the "chamber." 0owell.—Viee-chanocl- 101-. See Ci-_mNcnLLOR.—Vica-comes. A title toimerly bestowed on the slwrilf of a county, when he was regard:-d as the deputy of the voount or earl. O0. Litt. 168.-—Vice-comitissn. ln old ]1ln_-.lish law. A viscountess. Spelman. —Vice commercial agent. In the consular service of the United States. this is the title of a consular officer who is substituted temporariiy to [ill the 1'>l;i('e of 11 commercial agent when thn latter is a nr or relieved from duty. Re». St. U. S. § 1 4 (U. S. Comp. St. 1i)U1. p. 11-1-9)—Vice—canstable of England. An ancient nilicer in the time of Eclward i\ Vice cansul. in the consuiar service of tile United States this term denotes a consular officer who is substitutcd temporarily to fill the place of n consui who is nhscut or relieved from duty. Rm St. U. S § 1 74 IU. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 11 : Sr-hunior v. iiusscli, b."3 Tax. -33. ‘IV: S. \\. 4°4 In international law generally the lCl"lI‘l rlrx---in-ates :1 rnmmcrciai agent who acts ln the place or stead of a consui or who has r-hm-;.p of I portion of his territory In old English law. it meant the deputy or substitute of an_ narl (cnmcs), who was anciently called "consni." answering to the more modern "vire- I‘!-1ll(!8.' Burrill.—Vica-dominns. A sherilf - Vice-dnminns episcupi. The viuar general or commissary of a bishop. Blnunt.—Vica- erent. A deputy or lieutenant.-—Vico.jndex. n on! Lombnrdic law. A deputy jud;;e.—Vica- marshal. .-\n officer who was appointed to cssist the earl rnnrshai.—Vice-president of the United States. The title of the second



offir-er, in point of rank, in the executive branch of the government of the United States.—Vice-

x-lncipal. _ See PRINCIPAL.—_Vice vex-sa. ‘onvcrseiy; in inverted order: in rsverse num- HEY.

VICE-COMES NON MISPP BREVE. The sherifl hath not sent the writ. The form of continuance on the record after issue and before trial. 7 Mod. 349; 11 Mod. 231

VIGEROY. A person clothed with authority to act in place of the king: hence, the usual title of the governor of a dependency.

VIGINAGIE. Neighborhood; near dwelling; vicinity. 2 Bl. Comm. 3S: Cowell. In modern usage, it means the county where a trial is had, a crime committed, etc See State v. Crlnklaw, 40 Neb. 759, 59 N. W 370: Conrers v. Railway 00., 18 Mich. 468: fax- ior v. Gardiner, 11 R. I. 184; Ex parte .\lc- Neeley, 36 W. Va. 84, 14 S. E. 436, 15 L. ll A. 226, 32 Am. St Rep. 831.

VICINETUM. nage; the venue.

The neighiuorhood: vici- C0. Litt. 1851).

Vzcinl viciniors. jrraasumnntnr sclra. 4 Inst. 173. Peisous living in the neighbor- hood are presumed to know the neighbor- hood.

VICIOUS INTROMISSION. In Scotch law. A meddiing with the movabies of I deceased, without confirmation or probate of his will or other titie. Wharton.

VICIS ET VENELLIS MUNDANDIS. An ancient writ against the mayor or bailiff of a town, etc., for the clean keeping of their streets and ianes. Reg. Oi-i::. 267.

VICOUNTIEL, or VICONTIEL. Any- thing that belongs to the shcriifs, as vicnntlel writs; i. e., such as are triahie in the sherilfs court As to rlconlioj rents, see St, 3 a. 4 Wm. IV. c. 0!). §§ 12, 13, which places them under the managcinent of the commissionexs of the woods and forests. Cowell. —Vicountiel jurisdiction. Tbut jurisdiction which beiungs to the officers of a county: as sheriffs, coruners. etc.

VICTUALLER. In English law. A person authorized by law to keep a house of entertainment for the public: a publican. 9 Adol. d: E. 4.'.'.'3.

VIGTUS. Lat. In the civil law. Sustenance; support; the means of iivlng.

VIDAMIE. In French feudal law. Orig- inniiy, an officer who represented the bishop. as the Viscount (lid the count. In process of time, these digalmries erected their offices into nets, and became fenrlni nobies. such as the m'dame of Chartres, Rheims. etc., continuing to bake their titles from the seat of the bishop