Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1222

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VOUCHER. A receipt, acquittance, or release, which may serve as evidence of payment or discharge of a debt, or to certify the correctness of accounts. An account-book containing the acquittances or receipts showing the accountant's discharge of his obligations. Whitwell v. Willard. 1 Metc. (Mass) 218.

The term "voucher." when used in connection with the disbursements of moneys, implies some written or printed instrument in the nature of a receipt, note, account, bill of particulars, or something of that character which shows on what account or by what authority a particular payment has been made, and winch may be kept or filed away by the party receiving it, for his own convenience or protection, or that of the public. People v. Swigert, 107 Ill. 504.

In old conveyancing. The person on whom the tenant calls to defend the title to the land, because be warranted the title to him at the time or the original purchase.

VOUCHER TO WARRANTY. The calling one who has warranted lands, by the party warranted, to come and defend the suit for him. Co. Litt. 101b.

Vox emmissa volat; litera scripta manet. The spoken word flies; the written letter remains. Broom, Max. 666.

VOX SIGNATA. In Scotch practice. An emphatic or essential word. 2 Alis. Crim. Pr. 280.

VOYAGE. In maritime law. The passing of a vessel by sea from one place, port, or country to another. The term is held to include the enterprise entered upon, and not merely the route. Friend v. Insurance Co., 113 Mass. 326.

—Foreign voyage. A voyage to some port or place within the territory of a foreign nation. The terminus of a voyage determines its character. If it be within the limits of a foreign jurisdiction, it is a foreign voyage, and not otherwise. Taber v. United States, 1 Story. 1, Fed. Cas. No. 13,722; The Three Brothers, 23 Fed. Cas. 1,162.—Voyage insured. In insurance law. A transit at sea from the terminus a quo to the terminus ad quem, in a prescribed course of navigation, which is never set out in any policy, but virtually forms parts of all policies, and is as binding on the parties thereto as though it were minutely detailed. 1 Arn. Ins. 333.—Voyage policy. See Policy of Insurance.

VRAIC. Seaweed. It is used to great quantities by the inhabitants of Jersey and Guernsey for manure, and also for fuel by the poorer classes.

VS. An abbreviation for versus, (against) constantly used in legal proceedings, and especially in entitling cases.

Vulgaris opinio est duplex, viz., orta inter graves et discretos, quæ multum veritatis habet, et opinio orta inter leves et vulgares homines absque specie veritatis. 4 Coke, 107. Common opinion is of two kinds, viz., that which arises among grave and discreet men, which has much truth in it, and that which arises among light and common men, without any appearance of truth.

VULGARIS PURGATIO. Lat. In old English law. Common purgation; a name given to the trial by ordeal, to distinguish it from the canonical purgation, which was by the oath of the party. 4 Bl. Comm. 342.

VUTLGO CONCEPTI. Lat. In the civil law. Spurious children; bastards.

VULGO QUÆSITI. Lat. In the civil law. Spurious children; literally, gotten from the people; the offspring of promiscuous cohabitation, who are considered as having no father. Inst. 3, 4, 3; Id. 3, 5, 4.