Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/414

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DYSPAREUNIA. In medical jurisprudence. Incapacity of a woman to sustain the act of sexual intercourse except with great difficulty and pain.

DYSPESIA. A state of the stomach in which its functions are disturbed, without the presence of other diseases, or when if other diseases are present, they are of minor importance. Dungl. Med. Dict.

DYVOUR. In Scotch law. A bankrupt

Dyvour's habit. In Scotch law. A habit which debtors who are set free on a cessio bonorum are obliged to wear, unless in the summons and process of cessio it be libeled, sustained, and proved that the bankruptcy proceeds from misfortune. And bankrupts are condemned to submit to the habit, even where no suspicion of fraud lies against them, if they have been dealers in an illicit trade. Ersk. Prin. 4, 3, 13.