Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/539

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Furiosus solo furore punitur. A madman is punished by his madness alone; that is, he is not answerable or perishable for his actions. Co. Litt. 2171); 4 Bl. Comm. 24, 396; Broom, Max. 15.

Furiosua ntipularu non potest nee aliquid negotinm age:-e, qni non intelligit quid ngit. 4 Coke. 126. A madman who knows not what he docs cannot make a bargall], nor transact any business.

FURLINGUS. one-eighth part of a mile long.

A ful'ioug, or a furrow Co. Litt. 5b.

FURLONG. A measure of length. being forty poies, or one-eighth of a mile.

FURLOUGH. Leave of absence; especlally. leave given to a military or naval officer, or soidjer or seaman, to be absent from service for a certain time. Also the docu- ment granting leave of absence.

FURNAGE. See Fomuoruu; Form.

FURNISH. To supply; provide: pro- vide for use. Deip v. Brewing Co., 123 Pa. -:2. 15 At]. 371; Wyatt v. Inrimer & W. Irr. (‘o., 1 Coin. App. 480. 29 Par. 90& As used in the llquor laws. "furnish" means to pro- vide in any way, and includes giving as well as selilng. State v. Freeman. 27 Vt. 520; State v. Tague, 76 Vt. 118, 56 At]. 535.

FIJRNTTURE. This term includes that which furnishes, or with which anything is furnished or supplied; whatever must be supplied to a house, a room, or the like, to mnke it habitahic. convenient, or agreeable; goods. vesseis. ntensiis, and other append- ages necessary or convenient for housekeeping; whatever is added to the interior or a house or apartment for use or convenience. Beii v. Golding. 27 Ind. 173.

The term "furniture" emhraces everything about the house that has h_eon usunily cnioycd lll "euitix. including: plate, imen. cilin'|, and picturcs. Fndicotl v. Endicott, 41 N J Eq 96. 3 Ati. 157.

The word "furniture" made use of in the disposition of the law, or in the conventions or acts of persons. cmuprchends only sudx furni- (lire as is intended for use and oin-unwut of apartments, but not lillrnrics which hnppun to be there. nor pinte. Civ. Codc La. art. 477. —!‘nrniture of a. ship. This _term includes I-rm-vthing with which a ship requires to be turnished or equipped to make her soaworthy: ' ccrnprchends all articles furnisllcd by F" p- chunrlisrs, which are aimost i[l|'|Il|TI£‘l‘i\l.llP TVen- rcr v. The S C. Uwcns. 1 "'a|l Jr. 36!). Fed. f‘.-1:. No. 17.3l0.—]-‘Iouselufld furniture. This term. in a will. includes nll personal chuttols that may cnntrihute to :2 usr or con\en- ll’Il('e of the householder, or the ornament of the house:. ns Tllflft‘. linen, china. both useful and ornamental, and pictures. But goods in trade, books, and wines will not pass by a he- quest of honsehnid furniture. 1 Rap. Leg. 203.

1‘URNI'VAI..’S INN. Formerly an in of chancery. See Irma or CHANCEEY.

Furor cnntrahi ninit, qnia. cansensn opus est.

matrimonium non. Insanity

prevents marriage from being contracted. because consent is needed. Dig. 23, 2. 16, 2; 1 Ves. & B. 1-110; 1 Bl. Comm. 439; Wight- mnn v. Wightnlan, 4 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 343, 345.

FURST AND FONDUNG. In old English law. Time to advise or take counsel, Jacob.

FURTHER. In most of its uses in law. this term means additional, though occas- .~u-u.|Il_\ it may mean am, future, or othr‘ See London 8: S. F. Bani: v. Parrott. 12.) Cal. 472. 58 Pac. 1621. 73 Am. St. Rep. (34; Hitchiugs v. Van Brunt. 38 N. Y. 3118: Fifty Associates v. Ilowiand. 5 Cush. (Mass) 213: O'F:lll0ll v. Nichoison, 56 Mo. 238; Pennsyl- vania Co. v. Loughlin, 139 Pa. 612, 21 Atl. 163.

—Further advance. A second or aubscquent loan of money to a mortgagor by a mortzuzcc. either upon the same security as the nriginai ioan was advanced upon, or an additional security. Dquity considers the arrears of interest on a mortgage security convcrtcd into pricnipal, by agreement between the parties, as a further advance. V\"harton.—I‘ur1:i1ex- assum- anee. covenant for. See ('0VEl\‘ANT.—I‘ul‘l:be1‘ consideration. In English practice. upon a motion for judgment or application for a new triai, the court may, if it shall be of opinion that it has not sufiinient materials before it to enable it to give judgment, direct the motinn to stand over for further cailaidolutian, and di- rect such issues or questions to be tried or detcrmincd, and such accounts and inquiries to be taken and made, as it may think Lit. Ruies Sup. Ct. xi. 10.—I‘nrther directions. ‘Vixen a master ordinary in chuncery made 21 report in pursuance of a decree or dc-cretai order, the cause was again set down bcfore the jud-re who made the decree or ortier, to bc proceeded with. Vlfhcre :1 master made a separate repnlt, or one not in pursuance of a decree or dvrrr-tal nrler, B petition for consequential directions had to be presentcti. since the muse could not he set down for furthcr directions under such circum- stances. Son 2 Dunicll. h. Pr. (firh Fd.) 1243. notc —Fnr-ther hearing. In practice. Hourin'_' nt unotllcr timc.—Furtber maintenance of action, plea. to. A plea ground-‘d upon some fact or facts which have 'u‘isr3n since the commencement of the suit, and which the defendant puts forward for the purpose of shouing that the piuintih‘ should not further maintain his action. 1’.rown.

FURTHERANCE. In criminal law, turthcring, hciplng forward, promotion, or ad- vancement of a criminal project or conspir-

acy. Powers v. Comm., 114 Ky. 237, 70 S. W'. 652.

FURTIVE. In old English law. Stealth- iiy: by stcalth. Fleta. iib. 1, c. 39, § 3.

I‘UR'1'UlVL Int. Theft. The fraudulent appropriation to one's seif of the property of another, with an intention to commit theft without the consent of the owner. Fieta. L 1, c. 36: Bract. foi. 150; 3 Inst. 107.

The thing which has been stolen. Bract. fol. 151.

—Furtum conceptnm. in Roman law. The theft which was disclosed where, upon search-