Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/667

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be always such that the disposition may prevail.

ITA TE DEUS ADJUVET. Lat. So help you God. The old form of administering an oath in England, generally in connection with other words, thus: 1m to Deus adjm.-et, at sacrosavnc-ta Dei E-L-angelic, So help you God, and God‘s holy Evangellsts. [ta ta Dcus adjuret et amass so-ncti, So help you God and all the saints. Willes, 338.

Ita utere tun ut nlienum non lsedas. use vonr own prupelty and your own rights in such a any that you will not hurt your neighbor, or prevent him from enjoying his. Frequently written, "S412 utere tun," etc, (9. v-)

ITEM. Also: likewise; again. This word mus formerly used to mark the beginning of .1 new paragraph or divlsion utter the first, whence is derived the common application of It to denote a separate or distinct particular at an account or bill. See Horwitz v. Norris. 00 Pa. 252; Baldwin v. Morgan, 73 Miss.276. 13 South. 919.

The word is sometimes used as a verb. "The wimle [costs] in this case that was thus imncd to counse ." Bunh. p. 164, case 233.

ITER. Lat In the civil law. A way; :1 right of way belonging as a servitude to an estate in the country, (prtedium rusticum.) l‘he right of way was of three kinds: (1) ilrrr. a right to walk, or ride on horseback, or in a litter; (2) actus, a right to drive a beast or veh' ; (3) via. a full right of way, comprising right to walk or ride, or drive beast or carriage Heinec. § -108. Or, as some think, they were distinguished by the width of the objects which could be rightfully carried over the Way: 6. 0.. Ma. 8 feet: actus, 4 feet. etc. Mackelrl. Rum. Law, § 290: Bract. ('01. 232; 4 Bali, 1]. L. So. 390.

In old English law. A jomney, especially a circuit made by a justice in eyre, or itinerant justice, to try causes uccording to his own mission. Du Cange; Brnct. lib. 3, cc. 11, 12. 13.

In maritime law. A way or route. The route or direction of a voyage: the route or way that is taken to make the voyage assur» ed. Distinguished from the voyage itself.

Iter est jun eunfli, ambnlundi hominis; non etiam jnmentnm agendi vel vehiculum. A Way is the right of going or walking, and does not include the right of driving a beast of burden or a carriage. Co. Litl.

500; Inst. 2, 3, pr.; Mackeitl. Rom. Law. § 318.

ITERATIO. Lat. Repetition. In the

Roman law, a honitary on ner might liberate a slave, and the quiritary owner’s repetition (itemt-E0) of the process effected a compicte mnnnnllssion. Brown.

ITINERA. Eyres, or circuits. 1 Reeve, Eng. Law. 52.

ITINERANT. Wandering; traveling; applied to justices who make circuite. Also applied in various statutory and municipal laws (in the sense of traveling from place to place) to certain classes of merchants. traders, and salesmen. See Shlfl’ v. State, 84 Ala. 45-}, 4 South. 419; Twining v. Elfin, 38 Ill. App. 357: Rev. Laws Mass, 19%, p. 585, c. 05. § 1: West v. Mt. Sterling (Ky.) 65 S. ‘V. 122

IULE. In old English law. Christmas.