Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 1.djvu/606

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ANNE 540 ANNIBALE saint have been added in later times to the treasures of this shrine. In 1892 Cardinal Taschereau pre- sented the Great Relif; to the basilica, the wrist-bone of St. Anne. It measures four inches in length, and was brought from Home by Mgr. Marquis, P.A. PiLcuiM.VGE. — The pilgrimage to Beaupr6 has not always had the unportance which it has gained in our time. Only in the last (juarter of the nineteenth centurj' did it attain to the growth, organization, and fame which now render it comparable with the great pilgrimage to Lourdes. Until 1875 the yearly num- ber of pilgrims did not exceed 12,000, but to judge by the heap of crutches left at the saint's feet, there must always have been many marvellous cures wrought at Beaupr^. More favourable conditions have made possible the truly wonderful growth of these pilgrimages of late years. The strong impulse given by Cardinal Taschereau and his suffragans; the zeal of the Canadian clergy in organizing parish and confraternity pilgrimages; the many new rail- ways, and, particularly, the line between Quebec and Beaupr6 (21 miles); the "Annales de la Bonne Sainte Anne", more than 40,000 copies of which are published every month — all these have combined to favour the trend of pilgrimage to the shrine of Beau- pr6. Moreoer, devotion to St. Anne is to-day more than ever the devotion of the Canadians. The following figures will give an idea of the growth of the pilgrimages during the last twenty- five years: — In 1880, 36,000 pilgrims visited the shrine; in 1890, 105,000; in 1900, 135,000; in 1905, 168,000. Annates de In bonne Sainte Anne de Beaupri (1905); Pi/- arinis' and Visitors' Guide to the Good Sainte Anne (published by a Redemptorist Father, in French and English, 1904). C. Leclerc. Anne of Jesus, Venerablk. See Cahmelites.

Annecy (Anneciensis), Diocese of, comprises the Department of Haute-Savoie in France, with the exception of several parishes in the cantons of Alby and Rumilly, which belong to the Diocese of Chambéry, and in addition, the canton of Ugenes (Department of Savoie). It is suffragan to the Archdiocese of Chambéry. From 1535 to 1801 the bishops of Geneva, exiled by the Reformation from Geneva, lived at Annecy. St. Francis de Sales was Bishop of Annecy from 1602 to 1622. From 1801 to 1822, Annecy belonged to the Diocese of Chambéry and Geneva, but was made an episcopal see 15 February, 1822, by the bull "Sollicita catholici gregis." The memory of St. Bernard of Menthon, founder of the hospice of the Grand St. Bernard, is still honoured in the Diocese of Annecy. St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane Frances de Chantal founded the Congregation of the Visitation at Annecy in 1610; at the death of its foundress the convents belonging to this order numbered 87. The relics of these saints are preserved in the Church of the Visitation at Annecy. The ancient Benedictine abbey of Talloires, near the Lac d'Annecy, lends a certain picturesqueness to the scene. The Diocese of Annecy comprised (end of 1905) 267,496 inhabitants, 29 first class parishes, 270 second class parishes, and 167 vicariates, formerly with state subventions.

Mercier, Souvenirs hist. d'Annecy (Annecy, 1878); Pettex, Statistique hist. du dioc. d'Annecy; Mem. de l'acad. Sales (1880), II, 119–154; Poucet, La cathédrale d'Annecy et ses tombeaux (Annecy, 1876); Ducis, Etude sur l'origine d'Annecy (Annecy, 1863).

Georges Goyau

Annegam, Joseph, Catholic theologian and popu- lar writer, b. 13 Octol:)er, 1794, at Ostbevern in Westphalia; (I, 8 July, 1843, at the Lyceum Ilosianum, Hraunsberg, ICast Prussia, where he was professor of church history. lie rendered great service to Calholic literature and to the of the Church in Germany by his "Universal History", written primarily for Catholic youth, and published in eight volumes in 1827-29. His purpose was frankly Catholic; the style is often brilliant, always pleasing, and well suited to youthful readers and to the general public. The selection from the mass of materials and the arrangement are judicious. Excellent features of the History are the numerous character sketches of great historical personages and the chronological tables. Succeeding editors have kept it abreast with the advance of historical research, and it remains a standard work in Catholic families in Germany, where it has taken the place of anti- Catholic popular histories. Annegarn was also the author of " Handbuch der Patrologie " (1839). (See Buchberger Kirchliches Handlexicon, s. v.). Annegarn, Allgemeine W eltgeschichte (Munster, 1899), 8- vols., 8th ed.; Compendium (1898), 3 vols., 2d ed. B. Guldner. Annibaldi, Annibale d', theologian, b. of a Roman senatorial family early in the thirteenth century; d. at Rome, 1 September, 1271. He joined the Dominican Order at an early age and was sent to Paris to complete his studies. Here he formed an intimate friendship with St. Thomas Aquinas and succeeded him as regent of studies at the Convent of St. Jacques. After teaching in Paris for some years, he was called to Rome in 1246 by Innocent IV to fill the post of Master of the Sacred Palace. He served in this capacity under Alexander IV and Urban IV, the latter of whom created him Cardinal in 1262. When Clement IV, in 1265, hantletl over the kingdom of the Two Sicilies to Charles I of Anjou, Annibale was put at the head of the commission empowered to treat with the monarch and register his agreement to the papal .stipulations. The King received the insignia of investiture at Rome from the hands of the Cardinal. On 6 January, 1266, Annibale anointed and sol- emnly crowned Charles I in the Lateran Church at Rome, the Pope being detained at Perugia. During the vacancy succeeding the death of Clement IV, Annibale received and treated with Philip III of France and Charles I at Viterbo (1270). During a papal mission at Orvieto, the Cardinal died, and, by his own request, was buried in the Church of San Domenico. He was held in great esteem during life for his learning and virtues. St. Thomas Aqui- nas dedicated his "Catena Aurea" to him. Anni- bale, besides .several small theological treatises now- lost, wrote a commentary on the "Sentences" and "tjuodlibeta", which hasbeenascribed to St. Thomas, and published with his works even as recently as the Paris edition of 1889, by J>ette. A manuscript in the Carmelite monastery in Paris calls Annibale a Carmelite who later became a Cistercian abbot. But Echard shows that no man of that name belonged to either order in the twelfth or thirteenth century. QuiTiF AND Echard, SS. Ord. Pra-d., I, 261; Tot'RoN, Hommes ilhtstres de I'ordre de Saint Dominique, I, 2(52-1*09; EuBEL, llierarckia Calholica, I, 8; Cattalani, De Magislro Sacri Palatii Apostolici (Rome, 1751), 57-59; Duchesne, Histoire de toujt les cardinaui jran^ais de naissance (Paris. 1699), II, 277, 278; Masetti, Monumenta Ordinis Frmlicatorum Antiqua (Rome, 1864), I, 301; Feret, La faculli de theologie de Paris au moyen dge, II, 550, 553. Thos. M. Schwertner. Annibale, Giuseppe d', Cardinal, a theologian, b. at Borbona in the Diocese of Rieti, 22 September, 1815; d. at the same place, 18 July, 1892. He was appointed i)rofessor in the Seminary of Rieti and later vicar-general of the diocese. He was preconized Titular Bishop of Caryste by Leo XIII, 12 Aug., 1881, wiis created Cardinal-Priest of Sts. Boniface and .lcxis, 11 Feb., 1SS9, and became Prefect of the Congregation of Iiuliilgcnccs. His treatise on moral tluMildgy is entitled "Sunnnula theologiie moralis", (Milan, 1881-83). -Vnother work, a commentary on