Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 1.djvu/679

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(,■».„<•/ 0/ .S(. Barlholomew among he "P,"cnT>ha. X'^,^ ^^.^^^ j^.fence of Jesvis stroi.g .sv n-

The' earliest alh.sion to it is '" « -/."^Jme.^U patly a"'! Practical belief in His divinity. Uepori..!

Recently scholars have brought to hghWr.fem^^^^^ ^.^^_y ^^ ^S^

of it in oUl Coptic Mbb. . Oiie o tht.e unu a. . ^_^^ ^^^_j ^,^^

heretical Uterature aloiigwiui uu, ...>-...... -^ ^ ^j^^j^ ,j(,d; enumerates "L , ' '^ .m'^c

ssSi .SSoS-r . "-r 3i~-.;™;rs: sr s,?:.-'T. StiSI &i=

K J?K. fitoli or "ilo.|jel of NKodeinus , j»

last in use ainong

which glorified the < wUor aUkirchlidum Lileratur (Frei burn, 190J\.l; ,"\JXi^h 1 1S97. II. -'. 19W; Zah« 

extra Biog. , the fragment

There exists

a nuerUe correspondence consisting of a Pjetended Jur ol Her J to r,tate and M'cr of P>/«(e «<>

Go»pel of St Ihonja. '•Y„\;:\;!'^^"fl'^„, (New York.

Sfv-miCoNKADv/artinrWofl^^^^^^ VarrafifC o, ^„.m^-,. .., - „.

Baumstark, /fcvuf "'"'i^'^T-Jlr'"' \„„,,\e^- KEVEii.i.orT. with Christ, ana uh m^^^iif, ,■,,•„ ,i,p \i;fi,lp \ees

tpal-u; 1905)11. 43 sqt... 156 Kjq.

(o) Pilate Lilevature and Other •4p'"^.W« J-an-

1, judging f nam. The

y- L. M"-;-^ winch remain. " The oldest of those pub- vTi lohMieso the twelfth century. The relation l^'nln f o son c Latin texts of the Acta Pilat. urn the t tic "Historia Josephi". It may be read

^^^r^;r^nirPi;^™n.ep;~torofitK.ea. |^:!rTx;n> X'v;nic;™rh; hi,;,.lf t.n^t^ Iven at Ihe cost of exaggeration atid amph catio . 'from he S>Tiac documents in the archives of ii^^:"t^«mi^;l:r^ruc(;l;::^/:^ i^aes.. the metropol. of .ast^m Syna. The two