Page:Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.djvu/41

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O:kAYOkAYO08C04.xml 41 1 of the dollar amount limitations under subsection (a) by 2 aggregating the purchase prices of' all troubled assets held. 3 (c) JOINT RESOLUTION OF DISAPPROVAL.-- 4 (1) IN GENERAL. Notwithstanding any other 5 provision of this section, the Secreta?T may not exer- 6 cise any authority to make purchases under this Act 7 with regard to any amount in excess of 8 $350,000,000,000 previously obligated, as described 9 in this section if, within 15 calendar days after the 10 date on which Congress receives a report of the plan 11 of the SeercrafT described in subsection (a)(3), there 12 is enacted into law a joint resolution disapproving 13 the plan of the SeercrafT with respect to such addi- 14 riohal amount. 15 (2) CONTENTS OF JOINT RESOLUTION. For 16 the purpose of' this section, the term "joint resolu- 17 tion" means only a joint resolution-- 18 (A) that is introduced not later than 3 cal- l9 endar days after the date on which the report 20 of' the plan of' the Secreta?T referred to in sub- 21 section (a)(3) is received by Congress; 22 (B) which does not have a preamble; 23 (C) the title of which is as follows: "Joint 24 resolution relating to the disapproval of obliga-