Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1070

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1032 COURTSHIP CREATION they dream in c 901 11 to c. and such fair oatents 901 21 Courtyard-when your c. twists . . . 107 8 Cousin-o'er every angry c 899 16" of the forest-green 263 6 Sleep, the C. of Death 719 19 your c., too, John Bull 850 6 Coute-premier pas qui c 65 19 Coutume-de leur pays 223 18 Covenant-a c. with death 715 18 between all and One 656 6 break the c. of bread 500 4 God's glowing c 655 15 have took the c 683 10 Covenants-subtle c, should be. . . 588 15 CoventGarden-fromC.G.toPeru810 17 Coventry-into everlasting G 650 10 Cover-large enough to c 864 20 leaves and flowers c . v 676 7 nothing c. Ins high fame 340 10 of an old book 230 14 thou him 179 20 to c. embers that still burn 580 4 to c. his mind decently 516 6 Covered-put them on c 228 14 Covereth-the world c 503 18 Coverings-of their mothscented c . 440 3 Coverlet-according to the c -645 18 grassy c. of Gocl spreads 179 4 legs according to his c 639 26 'neath c. downy and soft , .877 15 on the green c 350 4 Covers-between the two c. ..>... 49 2 black mantle c. all alike. ..... 554 22 civil habit c. a good man 346 18 himself with his head 344 16 of eternity 235 12 Covert-beneath this c. thou 826 6 what the c. yield 108 9 Covet-those who c. nothing 134 17 what is guarded 144 23 Coveting-those denied us 189 9 Covetous-I am not c. for gold . . . 144 26 of property 144 25 sordid feUow > 522 2 would have a chain 771 6 Covetousness-constant grief 135 3 see also Covetousness p. 144 Covets-less than misery 186 20 who c. more 134 16 Cow-an excellent c 126 24 for every three acres 18 14 it is as c. chews cud 874 11 Jack Whaley had a o 537 2 killed the parson's c 631 19 stomachs uke a c 212 2 three acres and a c 18 2 see also Cow p. 145 Coward-ac. in the fight 221 32 and a c. to boot 98 10 and the brave 170 24 a slanderous c 222 14 Conscience isaC 130 18 does it with a kiss 149 24 he lives a c 665 12 his c. lips did from 706 21 is a c. to the backbone 911 8 I was a c. on instinct 397 22 O c. conscience 131 20 Bhut their c. gates 249 13 Solelyac 104 3 stands aside 820 IS the c. that would not dare 587 5 vain for the c. to flee 180 3 see also Cowardice pp. 145, 146 Cowardice-can impel us to it 763 8 distrust is c 197 19 mutual c. keeps us in peace 589 4 see also Cowardice pp. 145, 146 Cowardly-is wickedness 868 13 the most seditious is o 673 6 Cowards-and one-half c 589 4 being all o. go on very well. . . . 589 4 brave always beating o 589 4 conscience doth make o 131 11 dare affront a woman 889 7 die many times 176 23 ennoble sots, or slaves, or o. . . . 25 3 hide your heads like o 143 22 may fear to die 143 11 mock the patriot's fate 586 1 suoh o. in reasoning 674 6 word that c. use 131 22 see also Cowardice pp. 145, 146 Cowl-I like a c 663 1 in Augustine's c 183 24 Cowled-night kneels on the 769 13 would I that c, churchman be. . 663 1 Cows-are in the corn 764 6 be well cared for 909 2 come home 145 3 kiss till the c. come home 416 17 Cowslip-and c. said sweet Mary.. 280 16 cup of c. wreaths 746 21 garland on her brow 501 18 in the c.'s bell I lie 254 8 pearl in every c.'s ear 194 2 the c, springB 281 14 throws the yellow c 501 10 with c.-braided locks 501 18 see also Cowslip p. 146 CowBlips-talk of tomorrow's c. . . 84 16 yellow c. paint the field 279 6 Coxcomb-a C. claims distinction. 286 25 my c. for a fool 284 4 Coxcombs-and some made c 2S4 10 vanish Berkeley with a grin . . .428 12 Coy-and hard to please 894 10 avow he would be c 403 17 courteous though c 888 7 when lips are c. to tell 278 8 Coz-my pretty little c 477 22 Cozenage-greatest c. man can put 550 20 Crab-cannot make c.walk straight 390 9 Crabbed-age and youth 924 6 not harsh and c. as dull fools . . 596 19 Crabrones-irritabis c 136 20 Crack-breakonewiUsurelycboth. 564 6 earth's foundations c 363 26 hear the mighty c 686 20 must c. the shell , 551 8 to c. of doom 191 16 without a c. or flaw 67 23 Crack-brained-bobolink courts. . . 75 13 Cracked-and never well mended. 640 5 golden ones and both e 645 16 whether it be c. or not 741 19 Cracker-is this same that deals. .778 10 Crackling-as the c. of thorns 428 22 of the gorse-flower 329 10 Cradle-and all. 54 3 and procreant c 497 7 and the tomb, alas so nigh . . . .450 13 bending by the c 34 18 between the c. and the grave . .444 14 curst from his c 441 5 fancy dies in the c 260 15 fling round my c 68 6 from the c. to the grave 923 8 hand that rocks the c 531 22 how in his c. first 147 19 if not changed in my c 93 21 is ... a vast space Ill 24 nurst from the c .917 16 of American liberty 439 15 of the western breeze 746 18 out of the c. endlessly 509 16 rooked in c. of the deep 568 11 rock the c. of reposing age. ... 15 19 stands in our grave 169 1 Cradled-calm as a c. child 568 3 like a c. creature lies 566 14 Cradles-rock us nearer to the. . . .455 11 Cradle-eong-familiar as a c 732 3 Craft-dulls the c. of rhetoric 700 21 heir of bis paternal c 183 7 his c. of will 809 2 queerest little e 54 9 suoh a smart little c 703 8 trade of the gentle 705 10 work of their c 913 10 Craftiness-wise in their own . . .879 23 Crag-castled c. of Drachenfels. . .673 7 clasps the c 209 10 low c. and ruin'd wall 372 18 Crags-the rattling 0. among 791 3" weather-beaten 0. retain 281 1 Craindre-dons d'un ennemi. .a 0.222 21 tout attendre et tout e 269 30 Crains-Je 0. Dieu et n'est point. .319 17 Craint-la vieillesse 14 22 ne 0. les menaces 166 18 Crainte-de souffrir 414 8 la c. fit les dieux 46 9 la 0. suit le crime 149 23 n'est point d'autre 319 17 tyrans d'etre en 825 11 Crank-seemed a c. machine 147 6 Crankiness-from all risk of c . . . . 86 19 Cranks-especially with c 660 18 Quips and C . .... 102 12 Cranmes-creepinc.whenhehides766 19 Cranny-in every c. but the right. 462 23 Crape-Saint in C 103 8 Crare-what coast thy sluggish c . . 505 25 Cras-fore c. ait melius 378 2 Crassa-quamvis c. queat 135 1 Crassness-sophisticated c 552 7 Crastina-adjiciant hodiernae c. . .826 16 quid c. volveret 306 3 Crastinum-ut possit polliceri . . . .808 2 ut possit sibi 798 20 Crastinus-aliquod c. dies 807 2 Crave-grassy turf is all I c 337 12 I'll c. the day 499 22 my minde forbids to c 513 22 not what they c 799 13 of thee a gift 792 21 Cravens-my weak hand 763 15 Craves-no other tribute 499 25 Craving-for sympathy 775 26 not ever c. for their food 77 6 Cravings-full of c. too 488 28 Crawl-beggar may c. at his side. .445 4 Death comes with a c 166 17 while I c. upon this planet 443 2 Crawlin'-ye c. ferlie 464 1 Crawling-coop'd we live and die. 714 2 the dust's f or c 738 i upon my startled 745 5 Crawls-how he c. up the walls. . .282 24 Crazes-run after newest of old c. .492 13 Creak-steady and solemn c 718 4 Creaking-of a country sign 777 17 Cream-gives me c 145 6 masquerades as c 35 11 skim c. of others' books 599 12 storm in a c. dowI 753 21 well-whip'd c. of courtly 631 5 Creams-and cordials 210 9 Creata-mutantur lege c 95 6 Create-a tangible spirit 788 17 each morning new c. thee 776 23 great peace 589 19 kindle and c. the whole.. .. ...557 2 phantoms that seem 694 8 st rains that might c. soul 357 16 tailor to new c. you 776 24 'tis Godlike to c 440 5 tumult, but not bliss, c 342 1 we are what we c 323 12 Created-allmenarec.equaL236 3,675 3 e'er c. solely for itself 548 11 evervthing c. is changed 95 6 fear'. . . c. the gods 269 24 half to rise and half to 491 9 lay as if new c 764 13 spark c. by his breath 488 26 to the end they were c 799 6 universe and all c. things 915 2 when the world He c 313 26 when thou wast c 568 5 world is but a small 792 11 world . . . parenthesis 237 17 Creates-fNature] c. a genius 308 16 preserves, destroys 455 16 what it fears c 268 13 Creating-a sweet climate 566 15 by its very growth 441 18 noble of Nature's c 560 7 Creation-a false c 34 16 all up and down de whole c 773 19 as c. s dawn beheld 566 8 bears of natural c 41 2 blot, c.'s blank 393 18 boast, amid its gay c 577 10 brain active in c 794 17 death, and love 263 21 demi-god come so near c 577 4 dost rival, her delicate c 387 18 drives ploughshare o'er c 688 4 essential vesture of c 895 6 galaxies of earth's c 281 10 golden steps 345 8 heir, the world 913 20 Lords of c. men we call 633 3 lords o* the c 41 17 mars C.'s plan 487 15 new c. rises to my sight 576 7 of king's c. you may be 492 15 of my tailor's 776 17 of thousand forests is in 489 fi